Medicare Requirements for Reporting Bad Debts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Medicare Requirements for Reporting Bad Debts


Do not wait until year end to compile bad debt ... covered services can be considered a bad debt. Accounts in collection agency are not considered uncollectible ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Medicare Requirements for Reporting Bad Debts

Medicare Requirements for Reporting Bad Debts
  • HomeTown Health, LLC
  • Medicare Webinar
  • 11-28-07

Medicares Bad Debt policy
  • Medicares policy regarding the reimbursement of
    uncollected Medicare deductible and coinsurance. 
    Medicare allows reimbursements for these amounts
    if the provider claims them and follows
    Medicares Regulations and Policy.  These
    Regulations and Policies are found at 42 CFR
    Section 413.89 and Provider Reimbursement Manual
    (PRM) 15-1, section 300

Changes in Medicares Bad Debt policy
  • Effective for fiscal years ending in 2007
    Medicare has clarified its interpretation of
    allowable bad debts.
  • Many bad debts will be disallowed!
  • Every i must be dotted and every t crossed in
    order to be reimbursed.

Medicares Bad Debt policy
  • Medicares policy regarding the reimbursement of
    uncollected Medicare deductible and coinsurance. 
    Medicare allows reimbursements for these amounts
    if the provider claims them and follows
    Medicares Regulations and Policy.  These
    Regulations and Policies are found at 42 CFR
    Section 413.89 and Provider Reimbursement Manual
    (PRM) 15-1, section 300

Medicares Bad Debt policy
  • Reimbursement for bad debts is done through the
    settlement of a providers cost report. 
  • Interim payments for bad debts are made on a
    pass-through basis for PPS providers. 
  • Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) receive payment
    as part of their overall Medicare claim interim

Non Allowable Bad Debts
  • Medicare Regulations and policy do not allow
    reimbursement for all bad debts and these bad
    debts should not be claimed on a providers cost

Non Allowable Bad Debts
  • The following are bad debts that cannot be
  • Services to enrollees of Medicare Advantage Plans
  • Services not covered by Medicare, including
    patient convenience items. (Non-covered services)
  • Services to non-Medicare beneficiaries
  • Services related to direct patient care by a
    physician or physician extender.
  • Services not related to deductible and/or
  • Services reimbursed on outpatient fee schedules
    such as
  • Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapy
  • Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies
  • Prosthetics and Orothoics
  • Ambulance Services
  • Screening Mammography
  • CRNA services not paid on a cost basis.   

Allowable Bad Debts
  • Medicare will to the extent of its regulations
    and policies reimburse for bad debts if all of
    the following criteria are met.  These bad debts
    are termed allowable bad debts.     

Allowable Bad Debts
  • The criteria for allowable bad debts are
  • The debt must be related to covered services and
    derived from deductible and coinsurance amounts.
  • The provider must be able to establish reasonable
    collection efforts were made to collect the bad
  • The debt was actually uncollectible when claimed
  • Sound business judgment established that there
    was no likelihood of recovery at any time in the

Further Discussion on Reasonable Collection
  • A provider must document a reasonable collection
    effort was made to collect the amounts owed by
    patients, unless the patient is
    Indigent/Medically Indigent or Charity Care. 
  • DOCUMENTATION There must be a written and
    approved collection policy consistently followed
    by provider collection staff.      

Reasonable Collection Efforts Were Made
  • Providers collection policy must
  • State the minimum dollar amount that will be
    pursued for collection.
  • State the minimum number of contacts made to
    collect the amount owed.
  • show evidence the provider is making a genuine
    effort to collect the amount owed.  
  • FI expects these efforts to be the same for all
    financial classes of patients.    

Reasonable Collection Efforts Were Made
  • A reasonable collection effort also requires a
    bill be sent to the Medicare beneficiary on or
    shortly after discharge. 
  • In a Medicare Secondary Payer situation, the
    liability may not be known until another
    contractor has processed the claim.  
  • As a general rule, we expect the provider to
    issue a bill to the Medicare beneficiary within
    its normal billing cycle once the Medicare
    beneficiarys liability is known.  

Reasonable Collection Efforts Were Made
  • Medicare policy requires a bill be sent to the
    estate of a deceased Medicare beneficiary. 
  • If extenuating circumstances do not allow billing
    within the provider's normal billing cycle, the
    FI expects documentation explaining the reason(s)
    why a bill could not be generated within the
    normal billing cycle.  

Reasonable Collection Efforts Were Made
  • In addition to these general documentation
    requirements, we as FI expect to find the
    following documentation in the individual
    patient's file.  This documentation supports a
    reasonable collection effort was made to collect
    the individually owed amount. 
  • Copies of bills sent to the patient.
  • Copies of letters sent to the patient.
  • Summary of phone contacts with patient.
  • Responses from the patient.
  • Other information relevant to the collecting of
    the amount owed

Further Discussion onCollection Agencies
  • Medicare regulations and policy allow providers
    to use collection agencies in lieu of or as part
    of the providers reasonable collection effort.
  • the provider must have a written, consistently
    followed policy concerning the use of collection
  • Written documentation between the provider and
    the collection agency outlining the activities
    and service levels between both parties must

Further Discussion onCollection Agencies
  • In addition to the above documentation, the
    provider must be able to document the following
  • The amounts referred to the collection agency are
    the same for all financial classes of patients.
  • The efforts made by the collection agency are
    genuine and the same for all financial classes of
  • Collection agency fees are an allowable cost, but
    must be reported in an Administrative and General
    cost center and not claimed as an allowable bad

Further Discussion on Bad Debts Uncollectible
When Claimed Worthless
  • No Likelihood of Recovery  
  • After a reasonable collect effort has been made,
    a provider may presume the uncollectability of
    the amount owed. 
  • At this point, the amount owed becomes a bad
    debt.  FI expects presumption to be made no
    sooner than 120 days from the date of the first
    bill for which the Medicare beneficiary liability
    is known.

Exceptions to the 120 Day Rule
  • Exceptions to the 120 day timeframe for
    indigent/medically indigent patients/charity
  • If other circumstances exist that allow
    presumption of uncollectibility before 120 days,
    those circumstances need to be documented in the
    Medicare beneficiary's file.  An example is when
    a deceased patient leaves no estate with assets
    to pay final bills. 
  • This documentation and decision regarding
    uncollectibility is subject to review acceptance
    by the Audit and Reimbursement staff.

Uncollectible When Claimed Worthless
  • If a provider uses a collection agency, the
    presumption of uncollectability cannot be made
    until the collection agency has ceased their
    efforts to collect and notified the provider. 
  • The provider should document this notice in the
    Medicare beneficiary's file.

Indigent/Medically Indigent/Charity Care
  • A provider may presume the uncollectability of a
    bad debt if the Medicare beneficiary is
    determined to be indigent/medically indigent. 
    This presumption allows the provider to claim the
    bad debt without waiting 120 days or making a
    reasonable collection effort.

Indigent/Charity Care/ Medicaid
  • Provider may categorically deem Medicare
    beneficiaries who qualify for Medicaid as
    indigent/medically indigent. 
  • Per CMS policy, providers must bill the States
    Medicaid program before claiming Bad Debts for
    Medicare Beneficiaries who are Medicaid
    eligible.  As a Medicare Contractor, we must
    ensure this billing has occurred before allowing
    the reimbursement of the Bad Debt.

Indigent/Charity Care/ Medicaid
  • In addition, the provider must document in the
    Medicare beneficiary's file the following to
    support reimbursement for Bad Debts of Medicare
    beneficiaries who are Medicaid eligible.  All
    documentation is subject to review and acceptance.

Indigent/Charity Care/ Medicaid
  • In addition, the provider must document in the
    Medicare beneficiary's file the following to
    support reimbursement for Bad Debts of Medicare
    beneficiaries who are Medicaid eligible. 
  • Evidence the Medicare beneficiary was eligible
    for Medicaid (usually a copy of Medicaid
    insurance card is sufficient).
  • Evidence the provider transmitted a valid bill to
    the Medicaid Fiscal Agent requesting payment for
    the amount of the Medicare beneficiary's
    liability. (See above must bill statement)
  • Evidence the Medicaid Fiscal Agent processed and
    did not pay any or all of the amount of the
    Medicare beneficiary's liability.  Such evidence
    is a Medicaid RA indicating if no payment or
    partial payment was made.

Indigent/Charity Care/ Medicaid
  • Medicare beneficiaries who do not qualify for
    Medicaid or qualify for Medicaid spend down
    amounts, may also be deemed indigent/medically
    indigent/charity care.  To do so, providers may
    apply their own indigent/charity care test. 
    Medicare does not dictate the specifics of these
    tests, but the tests must meet the following

Indigent/Charity Care/ Medicaid
  • Medicare does not dictate the specifics of these
    tests, but the tests must meet the following
  • Tests and indigent/charity care determinations
    must be applied uniformly to all financial
    classes of patients.
  • Determination of indigent/charity care must be
    made by provider, not patient.
  • Patients total resources, not just income should
    be part of indigent/charity care test, but,
    emphasis may be placed on liquid assets and
    living expenses.
  • Documentation of determination must be contained
    in patients file.

Indigent/Charity Care/ Medicaid
  • Some providers receive payments from foundations
    or community organizations on behalf of Medical
    Indigent/Indigent/Charity Care patients. 
  • If these payments are applied to individual
    patient liabilities, we as FI, expect the
    application of payments to be uniform for all
    financial classes of patients. 
  • Any payments applied to Medicare beneficiarys
    liability for deductible/ coinsurance cannot be
    claimed as a Medicare Bad Debt.

CMS Form 339
  • CMS Form 339 must be filed with a providers cost
    report.  Exhibit 5 of the CMS Form 339 supports
    the bad debts amount claimed on the cost report. 
  • Providers may file their own schedule(s) of bad
    debts in lieu of Exhibit 5 as long as the
    substituted schedules duplicate the required
    information.  Failure to file Exhibit 5 or
    providers substituted schedules may result in
    disallowing some or all of the bad debts claimed
    on the cost report. 
  • A provider's pass through payments or interim
    claim rate may be impacted by the failure to file
    Exhibit 5 or providers substituted schedules.

CMS Form 339
  • If Exhibit 5 is used, there are 10 columns. 
    Providers should complete each column as
    appropriate for the individual bad debts claimed
    on the cost report. 
  • Exhibit 5 or providers substituted schedules,
    serves as the basis for Audit and Reimbursement
    staff to review/audit bad debts claimed on the
    cost report.

Medicare Bad Debts
  • The Top Ten Issues You Need to Know!

Medicare Bad Debts - Top Ten List
  1. Only uncollectible deductibles and coinsurance
    for covered services can be considered a bad debt.
  1. Accounts in collection agency are not considered
    uncollectible until agency stops collection
    activity and notifies hospital.

Medicare Bad Debts - Top Ten List
  1. The date of writeoff is the date the account is
    written off of the general ledger accounts
  1. You must pursue reasonable collection efforts
    for at least 120 days, unless the account is
    considered indigent.

Medicare Bad Debts - Top Ten List
  • The 120 day count, according to Blue Cross of
    Ga., is 120 days from date of last payment.
  • If no activity then 120 days from the date
    of invoice
  1. You must seriously demand payment from the
    patient shortly after discharge and send
    subsequent requests if not paid.

Medicare Bad Debts - Top Ten List
  1. You must bill Medicaid on dual eligible patients,
    even if you know that Medicaid will not pay. You
    need the Medicaid denial (remittance) in order to
    claim as Medicare Bad Debt.
  1. You must prove indigent status of patient,
    through test of assets and income. At a minimum,
    test indigent status using the patients Social
    Security income. KEEP PROOF!

Medicare Bad Debts - Top Ten List
  1. ALL payer classes must be treated consistently
    regarding collection efforts. This includes
    internal and external collection activity.
  1. Do not wait until year end to compile bad debt

What do you need to do
  • Analyze and revise collection procedures.
  • Analyze what is in the collection agencies.
  • Develop new collection agency referral strategies.
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