Title: Michelle Ayres Occupational Therapist Tracey Barnfield Registered Clinical Psychologist
1Michelle AyresOccupational
TherapistTracey BarnfieldRegistered Clinical
- The Role of Clinical Psychologists and
Occupational Therapists in the Vocational
Rehabilitation Process
2Tracey Barnfield
- Was an academic at the University of Otago
- I specialise in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for
anxiety and depression in particular - Special interest in assessing and treating
psychological difficulties with comorbid medical
conditions - Neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation
- Work at the Massey Psychology Clinic in
3Michelle Ayres
- I work at TBI Health and in private practice
- My areas of expertise and interests include
- Prevocational and vocational assessment and
rehabilitation for clients with physical, mental
health and traumatic brain injury - Social rehabilitation
- Supporting the implementation of Cognitive
Behaviour Therapy treatment plans in the real
world setting, in conjunction with Clinical
- Clinical Psychology and Occupational Therapy
professions and what we do - Vocational rehabilitation processes
- Mental health diagnoses implications for
employment and New Zealand prevalence rates - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for depression and
anxiety - How Clinical Psychologists and Occupational
Therapists work together in vocational
rehabilitation plans - Case example
5Clinical Psychologists
- Have trained for around 6-7 years
- Registered health professionals under HPCA
legislation - Scopes of practice General, Educational,
Clinical - Adhere to a code of conduct
- Use a scientist-practitioner approach
- Are trained in assessment, diagnosis and
treatment of mental health disorders
6Clinical Psychologists
- Assess, diagnose and treat mental health
disorders using evidence-based therapies - Assess cognitive functioning via
neuropsychological assessments - Can assist clients to learn to manage stress and
worries about returning to employment - Work with Occupational Therapists on
pre-vocational and graduated return to work
programmes - Work with employers to facilitate a return to
7Occupational Therapists (OTs)
- Complete a 4 year degree course condensed into 3
years - Registered health professionals under HPCA
legislation - Practice in hospitals, community health services,
schools, workplaces, rest-homes, primary health
organisations and in private practice - Adhere to a code of conduct
- Use occupational, client-centred- enablement
approaches - Use a systems approach which includes
assessment, programme planning, intervention,
discharge, follow up and programme evaluation
8What OTs Can Do
- Occupational Therapy is a health profession
concerned with promoting health and wellbeing
through occupation. - Occupation refers to everything that people do
during the course of their life, including work.
9OT Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Development and Implementation of Rehabilitation
Plans - Workplace Assessment
- Graduated Return to Work Plans
- Weekly Monitoring
- Functional Capacity Evaluations
- Provision of Equipment
- We also do workstation screening, ergonomics
assessments, manual handling training, and back
and neck care
10Worksite Assessment
- Detailed on site assessment outlining
- Clients illness details
- Medical psychosocial details
- Current symptoms functional limitations and how
these impact on their ability to maintain their
engagement in work or return to work - The clients work situation position, purpose of
their position, hours, tenure, environment, work
tasks and task demands - Clients strengths and resources
- Limitations and barriers to return to work
11Worksite Assessment
- Options to address barriers and recommendations
- Modifications to work tasks and hours, graduated
return to work programme and weekly monitoring - Prescription of equipment or environmental
adaptations - Support needs and requirements
- Functional Capacity Evaluation
- Referrals to other health providers and services
12Graduated Return to Work Plans
- Graduated Return to Work Plans
- Are developed in collaboration with the client
and employer - Identifies if alternate duties are available if
the client is unable to return to their usual
duties - Outlines graduated hours increasing over a set
period of time - Gradually increases the demands of the work
tasks, tolerances and fitness - Assists to ensure safe, successful and
sustainable return to work processes
13Weekly Monitoring / Functional Capacity
- Weekly Monitoring
- Visit the client on site each week, liaise with
the employer, review progress, adjust plan if
necessary - Functional Capacity Evaluations
- Identifies what clients can do
- Identifies their capability to return to work
- Determines work tolerance and endurance
- Provides baselines measures for return to work
plans - Assesses clients safety to return to their job or
alternate positions
14Assessment, Development Implementation of
Rehabilitation Plans
- Assesses clients engagement in day to day
activities, that looks specifically at how they
move from their current de-conditioned state back
into their usual work and life routines - Gradually increases clients engagement in daily
activities and demanding tasks that approximate
their work day - Assists clients to manage and improve their
health, condition and symptoms, and social issues
required for successful return to work outcomes - Assists clients to maintain their attachment to
their workplace, if they are off work - Developed in conjunction with clinical
psychologists and psychiatrists when there are
mental health and brain injury diagnoses
15Social Rehabilitation
- Social Rehabilitation is an assessment of
- A clients capacity to function in a number of
areas - Identification of clients needs
- Identification of options to meet these needs
- How functional incapacity may impact on return to
work processes
16Supporting Early Return To Work
- Being out of work is often associated with
negative outcomes including - Loss of work fitness and tolerance
- Loss of work related habits and daily routines
- Loss of motivation confidence
- Psychological distress, anxiety and depression
- Social exclusion disengagement from workplace
social relationships - Loss of status and role as a worker
- Adoption of sick role
- Job security loss of pre illness or pre injury
17Supporting Early Return To Work
- Earlier return to work processes can assist to
- Promote physical activity
- Improve functional capacity
- Reduces risk of psychosocial issues and chronic
pain - Reduce recovery time
- Improve long-term rehabilitation outcomes
- Maintain normal routine and lifestyle
- It is important to provide appropriate treatment
for clients with mental health disorders to
address difficulties / barriers with sustaining
and returning to work after an income protection
18Disability RatesWorld Mental Health Survey
- 3 of population reported days completely out of
role in the last month due to mental health
problems (WMH WHO-DAS) - 7.8 8.2 reported partial role impairment due
to mental health problems - Global Burden of Disease study calculated DALYs
(disability adjusted life years) showing that
psychiatric conditions account for more than 10
of the worldwide sum of DALYs - Mood disorders are associated with more role
impairment than either substance use or anxiety
19Te Rau Hinengaro NZ Mental Health Survey
2006Rates of Mental Health Disorders
- 12 Month prevalence of any disorder
- Maori 29.5
- Non-Maori 19.3
- Prevalence of serious disorder
- Maori 8.7
- Non-Maori 4.1
- Percent with a mental health visit
- Maori 9.3
- Non-Maori 12.6
- 12 month prevalence rate of any substance use
disorder - Maori 9.1
- Non-Maori 6.0
20Common Mental Health Disorders that Complicate
- Depression and other mood disorders
- Panic disorder with or without agoraphobia
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder / Acute Stress
Disorder - Generalised Anxiety Disorder
- Adjustment Disorder
- Substance Use Disorders
- Sleep Disorders
21Less Common
- Bipolar Disorder
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Social Phobia
- Somatoform Disorders
- Eating Disorders
- Personality Disorders
- Predicted to be the 2nd greatest burden on health
by 2020 - Te Rau Hinengaro 7.9 any mood disorder in past
12 months - 12 month rates for Major Depressive Disorder
higher for females - 12 month rates for Dysthmyia and Bipolar Disorder
equal for males and females - Major Depressive Disorder most common diagnosis
(12 month prevalence 5.7) - Estimated that people with depression will have 4
lifetime episodes of 20 weeks duration each - 28.4 estimated lifetime risk of being diagnosed
with a mood disorder by age 75
23Te Rau HinengaroAnxiety Disorders
- Most common disorder in NZ in past 12 months
(14.8) - Rates for females higher than males for anxiety
disorders - Specific phobias most common (12 month
prevalence 7.3) - Social Phobia also relatively common (12 month
prevalence 5.1) - Rates for Agoraphobia without panic and OCD low
(12 month prevalence 0.6) - Estimated lifetime prevalence rates for any
anxiety disorder 24.9 - Estimated lifetime prevalence for any mental
health disorder 39.5 (aged 16 )
24Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
- Is a type of therapy consisting of both
behavioural strategies (e.g. changing unhelpful
behaviours, countering avoidance, increasing
helpful behaviours etc) and cognitive
interventions (e.g. changing unhelpful beliefs
and attitudes, modifying the way a situation or
individual is appraised, looking for evidence to
support beliefs, problem-solving etc) - Aims for changes to emotional distress and
unhelpful behaviour by directly evaluating and
changing thoughts and behaviours - Is a theoretical framework that guides
formulation and individualised treatment
- Is an evidence based therapy
- Is based on an ever evolving formulation
conceptualisation of the client his/her
problems in CBT terms - Requires a sound therapeutic alliance and active
participation by clients - Is goal oriented and problem focussed, aims to be
time limited, to relieve symptoms and return to
usual levels of functioning ASAP - Teaches people to be their own therapist
- Relapse prevention is emphasised
- Feelings are determined not by events but by
thoughts about events - Information processing biases lead to, or
maintain depressed / anxious affect behaviour - CBT does not contrast with biological approaches
- Thoughts, moods, behaviours, biology,
environmental developmental factors are all
considered - CBT does not come from a single unitary
psychological theory but draws on many aspects of
learning theory and cognitive psychology
27Christine Padeskys Five Part Model
28Efficacy Research
- The efficacy of CBT for depression in particular
and other disorders is well supported - The competence of the therapist matters
- There is over 40 years of efficacy research,
difficult to summarise the findings but some
general conclusions can be made - CBT is about as effective as medications, when
each is adequately implemented - Patients treated with CBT less likely to relapse
- CBT has an enduring effect that prevents relapse
in much the same way continuing with medications
does - CBT may cost more initially but is considered to
be more cost effective in the long term
- Marked depressed mood
- Loss of interest and enjoyment in usual
activities - Reduced self-esteem and confidence
- Guilt, worthlessness, pessimism about the future
- Changes to sleep, appetite, libido
- Lack of energy, fatigue, reduced activity
- Changes to concentration attention
- Difficulty making decisions
- Suicidal ideation and behaviour
- Negative view of self, other people, the world in
general and the future
30Treating Depression using CBT
- Behavioural interventions such as activity
monitoring and activity scheduling, increase
achievement and pleasurable activities,
problem solving, behavioural experiments,
stimulus control strategies for insomnia - The goal is to return to usual activities as soon
as possible - OTs support this by helping the client structure
meaningful and purposeful activities into their
day, help prompt and initiate activity, break
tasks into smaller components, practical support
for behavioural experiments etc
31Treating Depression using CBT
- Cognitive strategies such as learning to control
anxiety, identifying and evaluating distressing
thoughts and beliefs, learning new skills and
strategies, relapse prevention - OTs support this by prompting clients to
complete homework assignments, assisting them to
engage in activities to put the new skills into
practice, reminding them to use new skills and
strategies in stressful situations
32Anxiety Disorders
- Many different disorders but common features
- Specific and recurring fears physiological
symptoms - Responses can be broken down into 4 domains
- physiological (autonomic nervous system arousal)
- cognitive (perception of danger, threat, loss,
worry) - affective (nervousness, fear)
- behavioural (fight, flight or freeze)
- Anxiety may become a problem due to intensity,
duration, impairment or avoidance - Anxiety arises from misperception of situation
- Anxiety itself interpreted as threat in vicious
33Anxiety Disorders
- Clients with anxiety disorders
- Overestimate the probability of a feared event
- Overestimate the severity of a feared event
- Underestimate their own coping resources
- Underestimate likely rescue factors
- Maintaining factors
- Escape and avoidance maintain preoccupation with
threat and prevent unambiguous disconfirmation - Cognitive biases such as catastrophising
dichotomous thinking mental filtering and
personalisation - Safety-seeking behaviours may exacerbate bodily
symptoms contaminate social situations prevent
disconfirmation of beliefs
34Treating Anxiety using CBT
- Goals are to tolerate and control physical
symptoms of anxiety, address and test out
worrying thoughts (catastrophic predictions) - To return to usual activities as soon as possible
(drop avoidance and other safety-seeking
behaviours) - Uses education, strategies to address physical
symptoms, to identify and evaluate anxious
thoughts and beliefs, and to identify and modify
behavioural responses to anxiety
35Safety-Seeking Behaviours Avoidance
- Are strategies that are used minimise anxiety and
to cope in specific situations - Vary from client to client and disorder to
disorder - Can be either behaviours or thoughts / beliefs
- Can be anticipatory and or occur as a
post-mortem - Can be automatic, are viewed as helpful and can
be resistant to change BUT.... - Maintain anxiety dont get to learn that the
feared event doesnt occur or that you can cope - Reduce the likelihood of change, unless
identified and addressed
36Behavioural Experiments
- Key component of treating anxiety
- Examples include dropping safety-seeking
behaviours or avoidance - Are developed as part of an individual
conceptualisation - Test out predictions of danger, coping etc
- Usually involve combination of exposure and
disconfirmatory manoeuvres, aim to reduce
belief that the danger will occur to zero
37Occupational Therapists role
- To support the client to initiate and complete
behavioural experiments in the real world - To prompt them to drop safety-seeking behaviours,
to use helpful skills and strategies - To support the client to stop avoiding feared
situations - To help with a graduated return to regular
activities - To go into the workplace identify possible
barriers and problem-solve solutions - Facilitate communication between employer and
38Case Managers can assist by
- Referring to clinical psychologist early if
anxiety and depression are factors affecting a
return to work - Referring to an OT for a workplace assessment
early to cement the expectation clients will
return to their usual activities as soon as
possible - Encouraging clients to attend sessions
- Considering combining Clinical Psychology
referrals with referrals to an Occupational
Therapist - Facilitating professionals meetings to review
progress, coordinate treatment planning etc
39Case Example
- JD is a 45 year old Pakeha male architect
- Married with 2 children, aged 4 and 6 years
- Wife of 10 years currently pregnant and fulltime
parenting - Partner in a firm 2 other partners and 4
employees - Recently completed their dream home which went
over budget - Was working 70 hours a week, high levels of
stress and responsibility - Relationship issues
40Diagnosed with Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia
- 1 previous episode of mixed depression anxiety
when completing his final examinations - Low mood and anxiety symptoms gradually increased
over last 6 months - Had 1st panic attack with his car broke down on
the motorway - The panic attacks began occurring when he tried
to drive again, left the house alone, in other
situations where escape would be difficult - Depressive symptoms intensified over time
41Status at time of referral
- Had been off work for 3 months, medication helped
improve his mood - Unsuccessful attempt to return to work after 2.5
months - Panic attacks continued and when referred he
could not leave the house alone and could not go
into his office - Diminished daily activities, increased time in
bed, avoidance of social situations and usual
hobbies and interests, loss of confidence,
reduced contribution to household tasks including
parenting, zero contact with work
42Assessments completed
- OT home visit to assess engagement in
- Self care
- Leisure/ recreation
- Parenting
- Work and associated activities
- Clinical Psychologist Psychological Assessment
including - Diagnosis
- Formulation and conceptualisation
- Treatment recommendations
43Integrated Treatment
- Clinical Psychologist
- Education about anxiety depression
- Presented formulation
- Behaviour activation with OT assistance
- Learned to manage anxiety symptoms
- Identified and evaluated anxious thoughts /
beliefs - Behavioural experiments with OT assistance
- Dropped avoidance and safety-seeking behaviours
- Graduated exposure to situations that triggered
anxiety, with OT assistance - Began graduated return to work
- Problem solved and addressed barriers to return
to work - Relapse prevention
44Integrated Treatment
- Occupational therapist
- Assisted with behaviour activation and activity
scheduling in the early stages - Assisted with increasing daily activities as his
anxiety symptoms improved - Supported behaviour experiments in the real world
- Provided frequent mental state checks and
communicated with treating professionals - Refined treatment plan in collaboration with
clinical psychologist - Completed workplace assessment and developed a
graduated return to work plan - Monitored his progress on his return to work for
12 weeks
- Currently JD
- Is free from panic attacks (full limited
symptom) - Manages stress and mild anxiety appropriately
- Does not meet diagnostic criteria for depression
- Successfully returned to work over a 3 month
period - Is working full time but has established a work
life balance, so completes no more than 50 hours
per week - Has returned to usual leisure activities
- Is actively parenting
- Is addressing relationship issues with external