An Ecological Perspective (BIOL 346) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An Ecological Perspective (BIOL 346)


An Ecological Perspective (BIOL 346) Talk Five: Sustainable Agriculture Final Summary Sustainable Agriculture is: The practice of farming using principles of ecology ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: An Ecological Perspective (BIOL 346)

An Ecological Perspective (BIOL 346)
  • Talk Five
  • Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable Agriculture
  • The practice of farming using principles
    of ecology, the study of relationships between
    organisms and their environment.
  • It has been defined as "an integrated system of
    plant and animal production practices having a
    site-specific application that will last over the
    long term
  • Satisfy human food and fiber needs
  • Enhance environmental quality and the natural
    resource base upon which the agricultural economy
  • Make the most efficient use of non-renewable
    resources and on-farm resources and integrate,
    where appropriate, natural biological cycles and
  • Sustain the economic viability of farm operations
  • Enhance the quality of life for farmers and
    society as a whole.

Sustainable agriculture integrates three main
  • Environmental health
  • Economic profitability
  • Social and economic equity.

Environmental health
  • Sustainable Agriculture refers to agricultural
    production that can be maintained without harming
    the environment.
  • Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture should
  • Bearable
  • Equitable
  • viable for the farmer
  • AND - produce the best quality food for the
    consumer, nurture the environment preserve

Economic profitability
  • Ecological economics is
  • the interdependence of human economies and
    natural ecosystems.
  • It treats the economy and society as a subsystem
    of the ecosystem
  • with emphasis on preserving natural capital
  • recognizes
  • That social and economic systems cannot exist
    independently from the environment.

Social and economic equity
  • There is a natural market premium
  • If successful
  • Equity will be recognized by the farmer as
    beneficial for this commitment to quality food
  • In addition farmer may get
  • Government favorable interest rate financial
    incentives and solution support.

Sustainable agriculture
  • Sustainable agriculture in the United States was
    addressed by the 1990 farm bill.
  • More recently, as consumer and retail demand for
    sustainable products has risen, organizations
    such as Food Alliance and Protected Harvest have
    started to provide measurement standards and
    certification programs for what constitutes a
    sustainable grown crop

What is Sustainable Agriculture?
  • Agriculture has changed dramatically, especially
    since the end of World War II.
  • Food and fiber productivity soared due to new
    technologies, mechanization, increased chemical
    use, specialization and government policies that
    favored maximizing production.
  • These changes allowed fewer farmers with reduced
    labor demands to produce the majority of the food
    and fiber in the U.S.

What is Sustainable Agriculture?
  • Has had major social and ecological impacts,
    which have drawn intense praise and equally
    intense criticism.
  • In fact, many regions of the world peaked in food
    production in the period 1980 to 1995
  • Are presently in decline, since desertification
    and critical water supplies have become limiting
    factors in a number of world regions.

What is Sustainable Agriculture?
  • Although these changes have had many positive
    effects and reduced many risks in farming, there
    have also been significant costs.
  • Prominent among these are
  • Topsoil depletion,
  • groundwater contamination
  • decline of family farms,
  • continued neglect of the living and working
    conditions for farm laborers,
  • increasing costs of production
  • disintegration of economic and social conditions
    in rural communities.

What is Sustainable Agriculture?
  • A growing movement has emerged during the past
    two decades to question the role of the
    agricultural establishment in promoting practices
    that contribute to these social problems.
  • Today this movement for sustainable agriculture
    is garnering increasing support and acceptance
    within mainstream agriculture.
  • Not only does sustainable agriculture address
    many environmental and social concerns, but it
    offers innovative and economically viable
    opportunities for growers, laborers, consumers,
    policymakers and many others in the entire food

The Biosphere
  • The atmosphere sustains life and is sustained by
  • The Gaia hypothesis
  • The entire planet is a living breathing organism
    and will protect itself homeostasis of the
    whole planet!!!
  • The biosphere works in cycles
  • Nitrogen
  • Carbon
  • Water

  • Some greenhouse emissions related to agriculture
    are embedded in other sectors
  • fossil fuels to produce chemical fertilizers and
  • Processing
  • Packaging
  • Refrigeration
  • transport of food
  • land conversion from biodiverse ecosystems to
    giant, monoculture food plantations

Rodale Institute study
  • projects that the planets 3.5 billion tillable
    acres could sequester nearly 40 percent of
    current CO2 emissions if they were converted to
    regenerative organic agriculture practices
  • Remember
  • Via photosynthesis, over 100 billion metric tons
    of CO2 and H2O are converted into cellulose and
    other plant products

Many studies have drawn similar conclusions.
  • India
  • organic farming research shows increases in
    carbon absorption by up to 55 percent (even
    higher when agro-forestry is added into the mix),
    and water holding capacity is increased by 10
  • California
  • study of 20 commercial farms found that organic
    fields had 28 percent more carbon in the soil
    than industrial farms.

Water cycle
  • The resulting water vapor mixes with the
  • At high altitudes where the air is cold enough it
    condenses to form rain and snow
  • Falls back to Earth.

Water Cycle
  • Water evaporates from bodies of fresh water and
    the oceans
  • Much water is lost from the leaves of plants via
  • Also from respiration of almost all living

  • In some areas, sufficient rainfall is available
    for crop growth, but many other areas require
  • For irrigation systems to be sustainable they
    require proper management (to avoid salinization)
    and must not use more water from their source
    than is naturally replenished

taken from an article by Robert Service in
Science Magazine. Energy demands on water
Indicators for sustainable water resource
development are
  • Internal renewable water resources.
  • This is the average annual flow of rivers and
    groundwater generated from endogenous
  • Can be expressed in three different units
  • in absolute terms (km3/yr),
  • a measure of the humidity of the country (mm/yr)
  • as a function of population (m3/person per yr).
  • Global renewable water resources.
  • sum of internal renewable water resources and
    incoming flow originating outside the country.
  • can vary with time if upstream development
    reduces water availability at the border.

Indicators for sustainable water resource
development are
  • Dependency ratio.
  • This is the proportion of the global renewable
    water resources originating outside the country,
    expressed in percentage.
  • It is an expression of the level to which the
    water resources of a country depend on
    neighboring countries.
  • Water withdrawal.
  • When expressed in percentage of water resources,
    it shows the degree of pressure on water
  • A rough estimate shows that if water withdrawal
    exceeds a quarter of global renewable water
    resources of a country, water can be considered a
    limiting factor to development.
  • Therefore, the pressure on water resources can
    have a direct impact on all sectors, from
    agriculture to environment and fisheries.

The Soil
  • The biggest ecosystem on Earth!
  • Animals
  • micro-organisms mix soils as they
    form burrows and pores, allowing moisture and
    gases to move about. In the same way, plant roots
    open channels in soils.
  • Plants
  • deep taproots can penetrate many meters through
    the different soil layers to bring up nutrients
    from deeper in the profile.
  • fibrous roots that spread out near the soil
    surface have roots that are easily decomposed,
    adding organic matter.

The Soil
  • Micro-organisms
  • including fungi and bacteria, effect chemical
    exchanges between roots and soil and act as a
    reserve of nutrients.
  •  Humans
  • impact soil formation by removing vegetation
    cover with erosion as the result.
  • Also mix the different soil layers, restarting
    the soil formation process as less weathered
    material is mixed with the more developed upper

Soil Erosion
  • Fast becoming one of the worlds greatest
    problems. It is estimated that more than a
    thousand million tonnes of southern Africa's soil
    are eroded every year.
  • Experts predict that crop yields will be halved
    within thirty to fifty years if erosion continues
    at present rates.
  • Not unique to Africa but is occurring worldwide.
  • The phenomenon is being called Peak Soil as
    present large scale factory farming techniques
    are jeopardizing humanity's ability to grow food
    in the present and in the future.
  • Without efforts to improve soil management
    practices, the availability of arable soil will
    become increasingly problematic.

Soil Management techniques
  • No-till farming
  • soil is left intact and crop residue is left on
    the field.
  • soil layers, conserving organisms and layers in
    their natural state.
  • Keyline design 
  • maximizes beneficial use of water resources of a
    piece of land.
  • refers to a specific topographic feature linked
    to water flow
  • Growing wind breaks to hold the soil
  • Planting trees and hedges
  • Prevent wind from blowing away top soil

Soil Management techniques
  • Incorporating organic matter back into fields
  • Composting! Puts Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Water
    and microbes back into the soil!!! Can also add
    Urine honest!!
  • Stop using chemical fertilizers (contain salt)
  • Remember Algal Blooms? Also, the salt kills
    natural micro-organisms in soil contaminates
  • Protecting soil from water runoff
  • Careful placement of rocks and trees.
  • Soil Steaming
  •  sterilize soil with steam in open fields or
  • Destroys pathogens
  • Destroys weeds, but dead plant material is left
    in soil as compost

Nitrogen in the environment
  • Present in many forms
  • 78 of atmosphere is N2
  • Most of this is NOT available to living organisms
  • Getting N2 for the atmosphere requires breaking
    the triple bond between N2 gas to produce
  • Ammonia (NH3)
  • Nitrate (NO3-)
  • So, N2 has to be fixed from the atmosphere so
    plants can use it

Nitrogen in the environment
  • This occurs naturally by-Lightning
  • 8 splits H2O the free O and H attack N2
    forms HNO3 (nitric acid) which fall to ground
    with rain
  • Photochemical reactions
  • 2 photochemical reactions between NO gas and O3
    to give HNO3
  • Nitrogen fixation
  • 90 biological bacteria fix N2 to ammonium

Nitrogen in the environment
  • Once fixed in ammonium or nitrate -
  • N2 enters biochemical cycle
  • Passes through several organic or inorganic forms
    before it returns to molecular nitrogen
  • The ammonium (NH4) and nitrate (NO3-) ions
    generated via fixation are the object of fierce
    competition between plants and microorganisms
  • Plants have developed ways to get these from the
    soil as fast as possible

How do plants get their nitrogen?
  • Some plant species are Legumes.
  • Legumes seedlings germinate without any
    association to rhizobia
  • Under nitrogen limiting conditions, the plant and
    the bacteria seek each other out by an elaborate
    exchange of signals
  • The first stage of the association is the
    migration of the bacteria through the soil
    towards the host plant

How do plants get their nitrogen?
  • Nodule formation results a finely tuned
    interaction between the bacteria and the host
  • Involves the recognition of specific signals
    between the symbiotic bacteria and the host plant
  • The bacteria forms NH3 which can be used directly
    by the plant
  • The plant gives the bacteria organic nutrients.

Bottom line
  • Grow crops which are best suited to local
  • Have a plentiful, and renewable local water
  • Protect the soil
  • Good crop management techniques

Good crop management techniques
  • Grow a variety of crops.
  • spreads economic risk and are less susceptible to
    the radical price fluctuations associated with
    changes in supply and demand.
  • Crop rotation
  • used to suppress weeds, pathogens and insect

Good crop management techniques
  • Cover crops
  • stabilizing effects by holding soil and nutrients
    in place
  • conserving soil moisture with mowed or standing
    dead mulches, increasing the water infiltration
    rate and soil water holding capacity.
  • The use of vineyards can buffer the system
    against pest infestations by increasing
    beneficial arthropod populations and can
    therefore reduce the need for chemical inputs. 

Bottom line
  • Low cost and effective local storage of food
  • Low environmental impact transport system
  • Local market and a steady and growing customer

So what about backyard Agricultural
  • Grow only crops which mature within the local
    growing season.
  • Only grow crops selections which will work
    together in such a limited space.
  • Think about nutrient needs.
  • Think about water demands.
  • Think about long time storage of successful

Water barrel
  • Free (clean) water!!!!!!!
  • Rain barrel kit
  • Trash can
  • 40.00!!!
  • Set up next to garden. Fills up fast!
  • Melting snow will also fill it up.
  • Can connect many together.
  • Consider county, city, and state laws!

  • Turning kitchen waste into natural fertilizer
  • Any container will work
  • Need air holes
  • Can buy bacteria cultures to add to container.
  • Can add worms to increase efficiently
  • When setting up, layer soil and kitchen waste.
  • Takes approx. one year to get going from scratch.

Wood ash
Component Normal agar (ppm) Ash Agar (ppm)
Arsenic lt0.1 0.1
Barium lt0.1 3.3
Boron 0.1 2.2
Calcium 37.9 1409.9
Chlorine 2.1 2.1
Chromium lt0.1 0.1
Cobalt 0.1 0.1
Copper 0.1 2.2
Iron 0.5 27.4
Lead 0.1 0.2
Lithium lt0.1 0.2
Magnesium 11.6 107.6
Manganese 0.2 3.8
Molybdenum lt0.1 0.1
Nitrogen 21.5 21.5
Phosphorus 3.6 109.4
Potassium 35.6 552.1
Sodium 83.7 90.7
Sulfur 268.3 335.8
Tin 0.1 0.1
Zinc 0.1 1.1
  • In addition to composting, can use wood ash from
    a log burning fireplace.
  • Ash is full of the essential nutrients required
    for plant growth and development.
  • Even contains a higher of these nutrients than
    commercially available growth supplements.
  • Cheap, natural, and fantastic for the environment
    and soil health

  • So, you grew hundreds of tomatoes. What to do
    with them?
  • Great preservation technique.
  • Allows you to store food stuffs outside of the
    growing season
  • Can use them for cooking for the rest of the year
  • Better than just freezing food stuffs
  • Can store ANYTHING by this method.
  • Not a new technology, just a (mostly) forgotten
    one, which is making a comeback.

Final Summary
  • Sustainable Agriculture is
  • The practice of farming using principles
    of ecology, the study of relationships between
    organisms and their environment.
  • refers to agricultural production that can be
    maintained without harming the environment.
  • Not only does it address many environmental and
    social concerns, but it
  • offers innovative and economically viable
    opportunities for
  • growers
  • Laborers
  • Consumers
  • policymakers.

The End!
  • Any Questions?
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