1. Fluorescein (FA)
- Phases of normal angiogram
- Causes of dark appearance of fovea
- Causes of hyperfluorescence
- Causes of hypofluorescence
2. Indocyanine green (ICG)
- Phases of normal angiogram
2General principles of FA
- 85 bound to serum proteins
- 15 unbound free fluorescein
Inner blood-retinal barrier (retinal
- Impermeable to fluorescein
Outer blood-retinal barrier (zonula occludens)
- Impermeable to fluorescein
- Permeable only to free fluorescein
3Excitation and emission
5Photographic technique
1. Take red-free photograph
2. Inject rapidly 5 ml of 10 solution
3. Take photographs at 1 sec intervals
between 5-25 sec after injection
4. Take photographs after 10 min and 20
min, if appropriate
6Phases of normal FA
Early venous
Arteriovenous (capillary)
- Marked lamellar venous flow
- Very early lamellar
- venous flow
Late venous
- Progressively weaker fluorescence
- Almost complete
- venous filling
7Causes of dark appearance of fovea
Blockage of background choroidal fluorescence by
- Increased density of xanthophyll
- Large RPE cells with more
- melanin
8Causes of hyperfluorescence ( 1 )
RPE window defect
Pooling of dye
Under RPE (pigment epithelial detachment)
RPE atrophy (bulls eye maculopathy
Under sensory retina (central serous
9Causes of hyperfluorescence (2)
Prolonged dye retention ( staining )
Leakage of dye
Associated with drusen
From new vessels (choroidal neovascularization
Into sensory retina (cystoid macular
10Causes of hypofluorescence (1)
Blocked retinal or choroidal fluorescence
- Preretinal or intraretinal blood
- Blood under retinal pigment
- epithelium
11Causes of hypofluorescence (2)
Vascular occlusion
Loss of vascular tissue
Capillary non-perfusion (venous occlusion)
Choroideremia or high myopia
12General Principles of ICG Angiography
1. Binding
- Less leakage from choriocapillaris
2. Fluorescence
- Much less than fluorescein
3. Filters
- Infrared barrier and excitation
4. Safer than fluorescein
13Phases of normal ICG angiogram (1)
Early (20 sec)
Early middle (3 min)
- Filling of watershed zone
- Poor perfusion of vertical
- (watershed) zone near disc
- Fading of choroidal arterial filling
- Prominent filling of choroidal arteries
- Prominent filling of choroidal veins
- Early filling of choroidal veins
- Filling of retinal arteries but not veins
- Filling of retinal arteries and veins
14Phases of normal ICG angiogram (2)
Late (21 min)
Late middle (6 min)
- Reduced filling of choroidal vessels
- Large choroidal and retinal vessels are
- empty
- Diffuse hyperfluorescence due to
- diffusion of dye from choriocapillaris
- Diffuse background hyperfluorescence
- Persistent filling of retinal vessels