Title: Computer Vision
1Computer Vision
- Introduction to
- Intel OpenCV Library
?? ??? g9234_at_cs.nccu.edu.tw
- Whats Intel OpenCV Library
- Download files
- Start to use OpenCV library
- Documents and related links
- Q A
3Intel OpenCV Library
- Intel Open Source Computer Vision Library
- It implements some popular algorithms of Image
Processing and Computer Vision by C and C. - This library is mainly aimed at real time
computer vision. - Support
- Miscrosoft Visual Studio 6.0 (OpenCV beta 3)
- Miscrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 (OpenCV beta
3) - Borland C BuilderX (OpenCV beta 4)
4Intel OpenCV Library (cont.)
- Image creation and access Image arithmetic and
logic operations. - Image filtering.
- Image morphology.
- Color space conversion.
- Image histogram and thresholding.
- Geometric transformation
- zoom-decimate, rotate, mirror, shear, warp,
perspective transform, affine transform.
5Intel Image Processing Library
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Object Identification
- Segmentation and Recognition
- Face Recognition
- Gesture Recognition
- Motion Tracking
6Download OpenCV and related files
- OpenCV (beta4) http//sourceforge.net/projects/
opencvlibrary/ - IPL ( Image Processing Library )
- http//www.ee.und.ac.za/DataCDs/Intel/DESIGN/PERF
- http//www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/
7OpenCV program Demo
8Start to use OpenCV library
- Environment Setup
- Document and related links
- Example
9OpenCV Environment Setup in Visual C 6.0
- Include files (Tools gt options gt
Directories ) - C\ProgramFiles\opencv\cv\include
( OpenCV ) - C\ProgramFiles\opencv\otherlibs\highgui (
OpenCV ) - C\plsuite\include
(IPL) - C\DXSDK\Samples\C\Common\Include (DirectX
SDK) - C\DXSDK\Samples\C\DirectShow\BaseClasses
- (DirectX SDK)
10OpenCV Environment Setup in Visual C 6.0
- Library files (Tools gt options gt
Directories ) - C\ProgramFiles\OpenCV\lib (OpenCV)
- C\PLSUITE\lib\msvc
(IPL) - C\DXSDK\Lib (DirectX
SDK) - Library modules (Projects gt
settingsgtlinks) - ipl.lib
- cv.lib
- highgui.lib
11Environment test
- Open and compile the demo program
- C\Program Files\OpenCV\apps
- .dsw for Miscrosoft Visual Studio 6.0
- .sln for Miscrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
12Document and related links
- Document
- Related links
- http//
- A step-by-step guide to the use of the Intel
OpenCV library and the Microsoft DirectShow
technology - Yahoo OpenCV group
- http//groups.yahoo.com/group/OpenCV/
- Messages
- Files
- AviPlayer
Get source image (Capture or load a
picture file)
Image process
Show destination image
14Q A