Title: hour of prayer
1When you move to the next slide, the
presentation will automatically spend 1 minute on
each slide and then move to the next. You can
move through the prayers at your own pace by
setting the slideshow to advance manually. When
youre ready, go to the next slide to begin.
2the buildings we live in
we pray for
3the community we are part of
4the streets we walk
5the voices we hear
6the questions that are asked
7the answers God gives
8the power of Gods word
9our hearts
10our hands
11our eyes
12our ears
13our feet
14the clothes we hide behind
15the shoes we wear out
16huge thankfulness that Jesus came and walked
in our shoes
17whose shoes can we walk in today?
18whose shoes would we never wear?
19we pray for the broken people around us
20the graffiti on the playground
21the shattered glass on the pavement
22hearts longing to be mended
23voices needing to be heard
24questions unanswered
26the small shimmer of light thatbegins to blaze
and outshinesthe dark
27the beautiful fire of God
28the transformation God offers us all
29the relationships we have
30for Christ has no body but yours
31who can I love?
32who can I serve?
33what can I learn from someone who doesnt know
34for fresh expressions of church
35reachingthosewhofeeltheyarentgood enough
36feeding the poor
37nurturingthe needy
38helping the homeless
39caring for the carers
40touching the untouchable
41reachingthosewho areunsureof
42for acceptance of all new forms of church
45enthusiasm for all forms ofchurch working side
by side
46faithfulness -mine and Gods
50that we offer the same encouragement, grace
and compassion that God does
51the dark times
52anxiety and worry
53wisdom and guidance
54the grace to deal with change
55when I am afraid, I will trust in you (psalm
56thank you Father
57thankyou for allthathascome before
58thank you for all that is to come
59we pray for your hand
60to be upon every fresh expression of church
61so that more and more people come to know you
62Thank you for praying with us. To share anything
God has said to you during this time, please go
to freshexpressions.org.uk/prayer, visit the
Facebook event at bit.ly/285pray or use
285prayer on Twitter.