Interaction of nanostructured silicon with the living matter - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Interaction of nanostructured silicon with the living matter


A silicon microchips with a microreactor and a heater for oligonucleotide amplification by polymerase chain reaction ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Interaction of nanostructured silicon with the living matter

Interaction of nanostructured silicon with the
living matter
  • Irina Kleps
  • National Institute for Research in
    Microtechnologies, (IMT-Bucharest), P.O.Box
    38-160, Bucharest, Romania, fax 4021.4908238,
    tel 4021.4908412/33 e-mail

  • Institute of Microtechnics, Mainz, Germany
  • NMRC, Cork, Ireland
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry
  • Institute of Biochemistry, Bucharest
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology
    Institute Chemico-Pharmaceutical, Bucharest
  • DEXTERCOM.SRL, Bucharest

Our team Anca Angelescu, Mihaela Miu, Monica
Simion, Florea Craciunoiu, Teodora Ignat, Adina
Bragaru and Irina Kleps
Main results obtained in IMT-Bucharest
Laboratory of Nanotechnology
Nanoelectrode array - SEM details
Some advantages of these electrodes (i) this
kind of nanoelectrodes can be fabricated through
the common photolithographic technique -
ultraviolet light proximity and does not involve
other special lithographic techniques (ii)
these electrodes are never recessed (iii) the
array consists of a series of nanoelectrodes
separated by an insulating material with
sufficient spacing to avoid the overlapping of
the diffusion layers.
NE Biomedical applications eukaryote and
prokaryote cells
CHO cells on NE array
  • investigation of the electrochemical bacteria
  • study of the electron transfer from living
    cells to the electrode arrays by electrochemical
  • conduction measurement on living cell cultures

Nanostructured silicon reactor for cell
POROUS SILICON presents the advantage over other
bioactive materials because it is compatible with
silicon integrated circuit technology
The lab-on-a-chip with POROUS SILICON reactor
integrated with other electrical and optical Si
devices is an useful tool to investigate cells
answer to various stimuli such as drug solutions,
electric impulses, or change of the temperature
PS surface functionalisation can be achieved by
thermal, chemical and physico-chemical
treatments (i) thermal treatments in O2 (two
steps process) (ii) thin carbon, or silicon
carbide layer deposition (iii) surface
POROUS SILICON is a biocompatible and bioactive
substrate which facilitates the adhesion and
proliferation of various cell
CHO cells on 31 PS / Sip (100), with the
surface modified by a 30nm carbon (10x)
PS/pSi (100), 31 porosity, annealed in N2 and
cultivated with B16-F1 cells (20x)
Fluorescence images obtained for CHO cell lines
grown on PS surface after 1 and 3 days
Resorbable porous silicon nanocomposite
reservoirs for mineral or drug delivery
Fe(NO3)3 deposition as powder, followed by
melting at 470C
Spin-on of a mixing etoxyetanol and Fe(NO3)3
Samples with Fe / PS / Si n (cross section)
  • Fe release was investigated in SBF solution.
  • In the first days a strong Fe release was
    observed due to the dissolution of the iron salt
    from the PS pores
  • After that the iron release takes place in the
    same time with the degradation of the PS matrix
    in SBF solution.

DNA microchip
A silicon microchips with a microreactor and a
heater for oligonucleotide amplification by
polymerase chain reaction - PCR and rapid
analysis of the DNA samples
Functionalized reservoir with poly
(lysine).Fluorescent primer immobilisation, 10
pmols / µl
Microfluidic Biochip for Biomedical Application
Recent published papers
  • I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, M. Miu, M. Simion, A.
    Bragaru, M. Avram, Nanoelectrodes on silicon for
    electrochemical applications, in NATO ASI
    Synthesis, Functional Properties and Applications
    of Nanostructures, (2002)
  • I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, M. Miu, Materials Science
    Engineering C-Biomimetic and Supramolecular
    Systems 19219-223 (2002).
  • Irina Kleps, Anca Angelescu, Marioara Avram,
    Mihaela Miu, Monica Simion, Microelectronic
    Engineering 61-62 (2002) 675-680.
  • Irina Kleps, "Electrochemical nanoelectrodes", in
    "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology",
    H. S. Nalwa, (Ed.), American Scientific
    Publishers, 793-817, 2004.
  • A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, M. Miu, L. Zdrentu, S.
    Petrescu, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, T.
    Neghina,Nanostructured silicon from material to
    devices for biomedical applications
    Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 4, Heron Press,
    Sofia, 2004, pp 280-283
  • M. Miu, I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, T. Ignat, A.
    Bragaru, M. Simion, S. Petrescu, L. Zdrentu, N.
    Moldovan, M. Modreanu, P. Rosengrave, Porous
    silicon a nanostructured biomaterial,
    Nanoscience and Nanoengineering Vol., Series in
    Micro and Nanoengineering, Romanian Academy
    Editure, Bucuresti 2004.
  • A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, M. Miu, S. Petrescu, C.
    Paduraru, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, A.
    Raducanu,Thin carbon layers on nanostructured
    silicon -properties and applications, Frontiers
    of Multifunctional Integrated Nanosystems,
    Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, 197-204.
  • M. Miu, A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, M. Simion, A.
    Bragaru, T. Neghina, M. Modreanu, D. Iacopino,
    P. Roseingrave,Porous silicon matrix as mineral
    microreservoir, CAS 2003 Proceedings, vol. 1,
    26th edition, oct. 8-12, 2003, p. 99-105
  • A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, M. Miu, T. Neghina, M.
    Simion, A. Bragaru, M. Giurginca, Metal-porous
    silicon composite layers for biomedical
    applications, European Micro and Nanosystems
    2004 (EMN04), Paris, Franta, 20-21 octombrie,
  • Monica Simion, Oana Tatiana Nedelcu, Irina
    Kleps, Anca Angelescu, Mihaela Miu,Electro -
    Thermal Simulation For PCR Silicon Chips,
    Spring College on Science at Nanoscale , Trieste
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