Title: Steps to a Top-Notch Safety Program
1Steps to a Top-Notch Safety Program
- Presented by Michael Bell, Vice President
- Wallace Welch Willingham Inc.
- 300 First Avenue South 5th Floor
- St. Petersburg, FL 33701
- (727) 522-7777, ext. 116
- mbell_at_w3ins.com
2The Steps to Developing and Implementing a
Top-Notch Safety Program
- Using OSHAs
- Four-Point Plan
3An Act
- Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
- Enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of America
to assure safe and healthful working conditions
for men and women. - A few shocking statistics
- 1971 Today
- 56 Million Workers 105 Million
Workers - 3.5 Million Workplaces 6.9 Million Workplaces
- 14 Thousand Deaths 5 Thousand Deaths
4General Duty Clause
- Allows OSHA to make up the rules as they go
along! - Seems Very Simple But Covers Everything! A Catch
5 Voluntary Guideline
- Good Faith Effort
- Employers are responsible for the following steps
- Implement policies, procedures and practices
that protect employees from hazards.
7Guidelines - continued
- A good program means that you are identifying,
evaluating and preventing workplace hazards.
8Guidelines - continued
- Program must address all hazards, not just the
OSHA standards. (general duty clause) - You have to ask yourself the questions
- What are my hazards?
- How can my employees get hurt?
9Guidelines - continued
- A booklet is not a safety program
- OSHA is more concerned with what you are
doing about safety - than what your manual says you are doing!
10Management Commitment andEmployee Involvement
- Key ingredient to a Safety Program
11Management Commitment andEmployee Involvement -
- Safety often stalls in the boardroom because
ideas never get handed down or enforced. - Management MUST set examples for employees to
follow. - Managers need to be willing to allow the employee
to take the time needed to complete a task the
safe way. - Safety Committees are required to be a blend of
50 employer and at least 50 employee
12II. Worksite Analysis
- Hazard Identification
- You have to identify what your hazards are!
13II. Worksite Analysis Hazard Identification
- Two Methods
- Internal
- Proactive Inspections
- Reviewing Loss Runs
- JSAs
- Committees
- Ask Employees
- Walk Through
14Worksite Analysis Hazard Identification
- External
- Networking (talk to other safety people)
- Get to know the OSHA Regulations
- (e-tools at OSHAs website www.OSHA.gov)
- Check with State Partners
- (USF Safety)
- Magazines
- Insurance Carriers
- Local Police and Fire Department
- Seminars
15III. Hazard Prevention and Controls
- Hazard Abatement
- We have to either reduce or eliminate hazards
through abatement!
16Hazard Abatement - continued
- Safety should be involved in purchasing to help
control hazards - Engineering Controls Machine Guarding
- Administration Controls Training
- PPE Personal Protective Equipment
17IV. Safety and Health Training
- Training
- Bring to a personal level!
18IV. Safety and Health Training - continued
- Teach everybody their role in safety.
- Start with management and work your way down the
19IV. Safety and Health Training - continued
- Three Types of Training
- Initial
- Refresher
- As needed (usually one-on-one in the field)
20IV. Safety and Health Training - continued
- You must be able to prove in writing.
- Document! Document! Document!
- Encourage Employees Involvement for better
participation. - Employees are more likely to help administer and
police rules that they help to implement.
22How Safe Is Your Workplace?
- A safety program is a Living Program it is not
just a book or a piece of paper - Conducting Safety and Health Assessments
Parameter Walk-Through Inspection Audit
What Facility Departments Safety and Health Program
Who Safety Personnel Departmental Personnel Outside personnel
When Daily Routinely Non-Routinely
Why Identify and abate unsafe behaviors and conditions Compliance with safety policies and regulation Effectiveness and comprehensiveness of Safety and Health Program
23Job Safety Analysis
- JSA is an effective method of reviewing the steps
of a job to eliminate hazards -
24Job Safety Analysis
- Prioritizing the JSAs in your company
- Frequency rate of injuries
- High risk
- New or changed jobs
- Jobs that a lot of people do
- Most jobs can be written up in ten steps.
- The fewer the better.
25Hazard Report Form
- Employees must believe that management will take
them seriously
Needs to be a comfortable process!
26Hazard Prevention and Control
- Key Difference Between Unsafe Behavior and
Unsafe Conditions
Unsafe Conditions Pertains to the workplace conditions Cost more because it requires a change in the workplace conditions
Unsafe Behavior Pertains to attitudes, behavior and training issues This can be fixed with little to no out-of-pocket expense
27 What does it really take to motivate employees
to Think Safety and Act Safely?
- Understanding the Many Reasons Why Unsafe
Behavior Occurs - Lax safety culture
- Lack of understanding
- Environmental conditions
- Other reasons
- Lazy, Macho, Peer Pressure,
Competitiveness, Physical Limitations, Day
Dreaming, Not Paying Attention, Attitudes,
Horseplay, Complacency, Short Cuts, etc.., etc,