Literacy in the Lives of Infants and Toddlers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Literacy in the Lives of Infants and Toddlers


... Caregivers can give more details and facts about the picture after labeling it When reading predictable books, such as nursery rhymes, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Literacy in the Lives of Infants and Toddlers

Literacy in the Lives of Infants and Toddlers
  • TN State Improvement Grant
  • Preschool Literacy Training Project
  • East Tennessee State University

In This Session We Will
  • Define literacy for infants and toddlers
  • Discuss developmentally appropriate literacy
    strategies for caregivers and families
  • Discuss criteria for choosing books for infants
    and toddlers
  • Role play talking and reading with infants and
  • Receive a reference list of books for infants and

Defining Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers
  • Curriculum for infants and toddlers is what you
    do every day
  • It includes all routines and activities
  • It should be flexible and follow the childs lead
  • It is more individualized than preschool

But how can you teach literacy if they cant
even talk?
  • By understanding what roles literacy plays in the
    daily lives of infants and toddlers

How Does Literacy Fit In?
  • Receptive Language Talk to Them
  • Brain research shows that the first three years
    are a window of opportunity for language
  • By talking with infants and toddlers during daily
    routines and activities, caregivers expose them
    to new vocabulary and help wire their brain for

How Does Literacy Fit In?
  • Expressive Language Hear and Respond
  • The first time a newborn cries and has his/her
    needs met by a caregiver, the baby starts to
    learn that language is used to communicate with
  • When a caregiver recognizes the very young
    childs attempts to communicate verbally and
    responds, the child is more likely to continue
    the attempts, which increases expressive language

How Does Literacy Fit In?
  • Book Handling From Mouthing to Page Turning
  • Infants use all of their senses to explore books
    and make sense of what they can do with them
  • Caregivers model book handling by reading out
    loud to infants and toddlers and letting them
    help to turn pages
  • Older infants and toddlers will start to handle
    books in more conventional ways by turning pages
    back and forth as they look at pictures

How Does Literacy Fit In?
  • Reading Books A New Language
  • When caregivers read stories or say nursery
    rhymes, infants begin to hear a difference
    between conversational speech and book speech
  • When older infants and toddlers turn the pages of
    a book and babble/label pictures/tell a story,
    they are beginning to understand the function of

How Does Literacy Fit In?
  • Fine Motor Skills Practice Using the Hands
  • Infants and toddlers need opportunities
    throughout the day to explore with their hands
  • Caregivers who provide lots of hands-on
    exploration allow infants and toddlers to learn
    through their senses and develop the fine motor
    skills that will eventually be used in writing

How Does Literacy Fit In?
  • Daily Routines Language-Rich Environment
  • Caregivers who describe what they are doing
    during routines help infants and toddlers know
    what to expect and expose them to language
    throughout the day
  • Use of transition songs or rhymes during routines
    helps infants and toddlers discriminate book
    talk from conversation, and is a precursor to
    being able to listen to books read aloud
  • Caregivers who make favorite books available
    during diaper changes, naps, and other routines
    begin to instill the idea that reading is a
    source of enjoyment and should be a daily

  • To choose books for a baby or toddler, we need
    to know about what the child can do .
  • -Judith A. Schickedanz,
  • Much More Than the ABCs

Birth to 3 Months
  • Need head support when sitting on lap
  • Spend lots of time looking around
  • Vision is fuzzy
  • See best at 7-8 inches away from face
  • Notice patterns with large details
  • Prefer patterns with sharp contrast in colors
  • Grasping is a reflex, not voluntary
  • Respond to child-directed speech
  • First language is crying cooing is added by 3

Literacy Strategies
  • Basic needs take up most of the newborns daily
  • It is difficult to hold a book and support the
    infants head at the same time
  • Books can be displayed along the crib and on the
    floor where infants are active but do not
    overstimulate by surrounding the baby with books
  • Caregivers can introduce book speech by
    reciting nursery rhymes and chants from memory

Choosing Books for Infants Toddlers
  • Birth to 3 Months
  • Must be interesting visually
  • Large, simple pictures with a contrasting
    background (ex. Black and white patterning)
  • Books should stand up independently (cardboard)
  • Fold-out pages can be stretched out to make one
    long panel

4 to 6 Months
  • Able to reach and grasp, but thumb is not yet
  • Will mouth everything
  • Like to bang and wave objects very focused on
    using their hands
  • Usually start to sit up by 6 months
  • Add consonants to cooing
  • Make raspberry sounds
  • Can have conversations with caregivers by
    taking turns making sounds

Literacy Strategies
  • Caregivers can now easily hold the baby and the
  • Infants will explore the book with mouth and
    hands more often than visually
  • Caregivers can provide a toy for the infants
    mouth and hands to increase the time spent
    looking at the book
  • Caregivers can add actions to the familiar
    nursery rhymes and chants to make the process an
    interactive game (ex. This Little Piggy)

Choosing Books for Infants Toddlers
  • 4 to 6 Months
  • Cloth and vinyl books are most appropriate for
    this age because they are easy to grasp, can be
    mouthed, and are washable
  • Infants still enjoy simple pictures with
    contrasting backgrounds
  • Cloth books may fade during washing, so pick
    especially bright illustrations

7 to 9 Months
  • Now able to use both hands to manipulate an
  • Can turn pages of certain types of books
  • Very interested in what objects will do, leading
    to crushing, ripping, etc.

Literacy Strategies
  • Caregivers can now share a book with infants for
    longer time periods
  • Book reading is primarily labeling the pictures
  • Babies now enjoy books with rhythmic language
    books with a story and plot are not interesting
  • Infants may want to hold and explore the book
    during the reading
  • Caregivers should let the baby manipulate the
    book and continue to talk about the pictures,
    instead of trying to keep the book out of the
    babys hands
  • Caregivers should not try to force the infant to
    let them finish the book focus on the process of

Choosing Books for Infants Toddlers
  • 7 to 9 Months
  • Choose cardboard books more often than cloth or
    vinyl cardboard pages are easier for the infant
    to turn independently
  • Books with paper pages will most likely be torn,
    crumpled, and mouthed and should not be used
    independently caregivers can read them aloud and
    store in a safe place
  • Little Chunky books are designed for easy

9 to 12 Months
  • Fine motor skills become more developed
  • By 12 months can probably put large pegs in holes
    and pull pop beads apart
  • May start walking and/or utter first word
  • Receptive language is about 50 words expressive
    language is 1-2 words
  • May bring books and toys to caregiver to initiate
  • Starts teething

Literacy Strategies
  • Provide a teething ring to decrease book chewing
    for teething infants
  • Caregivers can follow a 4-step process to
    scaffold during the book reading
  • 1. Get the infants attention Look at that!
  • 2. Ask a labeling question What do you see?
  • 3. Wait for a response, or provide a response if
    the baby does not answer in some way
  • 4. Provide feedback expand on the babys

Choosing Books for Infants Toddlers
  • 9 to 12 Months
  • Infants are now more interested in the books
    contents than its physical properties
  • Choose books with pictures of objects and events
    that are familiar to the infants world
  • Cardboard books are still the most appropriate
    for the infants hands
  • Avoid stories for preschoolers replicated in
    cardboard form

12 to 18 Months
  • Expressive language increases greatly
  • Very interested in naming things
  • By 18 months may be using 2-word sentences
  • Uses holophrases one word to convey different
  • Starts using objects for pretend play

Literacy Strategies
  • Children of this age still like pictures to be
    named, and they will often repeat what the
    caregiver says
  • Caregivers can give more details and facts about
    the picture after labeling it
  • When reading predictable books, such as nursery
    rhymes, caregivers should slow down to give the
    child a chance to chime in
  • Caregivers should be flexible during the reading
    to allow the child to go find familiar objects
    that are in the book

Choosing Books for Infants Toddlers
  • 12 to 18 Months
  • Infants now enjoy books with familiar characters
    and familiar roles (mommies or daddies, other
    children, animals)
  • Since they are just beginning to sing, they may
    enjoy books with songs and musical books
  • By 18 months, toddlers may be interested in books
    with actual stories that relate to their own
  • Choose theme books with related pages and a few
    words, but no plot

19 to 30 Months
  • Talks in sentences more frequently
  • Is increasingly able to answer questions about
    recent events
  • Interest in how things work increases
  • Asks lots of why questions
  • Pretend play often happens in sequences
  • Often wants to be independent and dependent at
    the same time

Literacy Strategies
  • Caregivers can have extensive book conversations
    with older toddlers
  • These conversations should relate what is
    happening in the book to the childs own
  • Caregivers should ask questions that give the
    child opportunities to share thoughts and feelings

Choosing Books for Infants Toddlers
  • 19 to 30 Months
  • Toddlers now enjoy actual stories about things
    that might be happening in their own lives (ex.
    using the potty, separation anxiety, bed time,
    trying new foods)
  • Choose books with pictures on every page and a
    small amount of text
  • Choose books with text closely related to the
  • Choose predictable books so toddlers can guess
    what will happen next or chime in with repetitive

Role Playing Activity
  • Get into groups of 3-4
  • Send a group member to choose one book
  • In your group, decide which age group this book
    would be most suitable for and why
  • Discuss what literacy strategies you would use to
    share the book with a child in that age group
  • Model these strategies within your group
  • Volunteers share with the larger group

Imagination Library
  • Dolly Partons program to provide 1 free book
    each month from birth to age 5 in participating
  • Governor Bredesens Books From Birth Foundation
    has made it possible for all 95 Tennessee
    counties to participate
  • Parents/guardians fill out and return a
    registration brochure for their county
  • Visit http//
    m to find contact information for each county

About SIG
  • The Preschool Literacy Training Project is part
    of the TN State Improvement Grant (SIG), which
    provides wrap-around services for Reading First
    schools and preschools that feed into those
    schools across the state
  • The Preschool Literacy Training Project offers
    parent workshops, curriculum support, and
    professional development opportunities for
    participating teachers
  • For more information, please contact Alissa Ongie
    at 423-439-7841 or
  • http// - TN SIG web site

Sources Used
  • Schickedanz, J.A. (1999). Much More Than the
    ABCs The Early Stages of Reading and Writing.
    NAEYC, Washington, DC.
  • Dombro, A.L., Colker, L. J., Dodge, D.T.
    (1997). The Creative Curriculum for Infants
    Toddlers, revised ed. Teaching Strategies, Inc.,
    Washington, DC.
  • Neuman, S.B., Copple, C., Bredekamp, S. (2000).
    Learning to Read and Write Developmentally
    Appropriate Practices for Young Children. NAEYC,
    Washington, DC.
  • http// - Governors
    Books From Birth Foundation web site
  • http// - Dolly
    Partons Imagination Library web site
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