Title: ICOPS Minicourse on Plasma Processing Technology
1ICOPS Minicourseon Plasma Processing Technology
- Part 1 Vacuum Basics
- Jeff Hopwood
- Northeastern University
- To review basic vacuum technology
- Pressure, pumps, gauges
- To review gas flow and conductance
- To understand the flux of vapor phase material to
a substrate - To understand mean free path, l
3Vacuum (units)
4Rough Vacuum
- Mechanical Pumps typically create a base
pressure of 1-10 mTorr or 0.13-1.3 Pa
Warning Certain process gases are incompatible
with pump fluids and pose severe safety risks!
Rotary Vane Pump (Campbell)
5High Vacuum Pumping
- Cryopumps condense gases on cold surfaces to
produce vacuum - Typically there are three cold surfaces
- Inlet array condenses water and hydrocarbons
(60-100 Kelvin) - Condensing array pumps argon, nitrogen and most
other gases (10-20 K) - Adsorption is needed to trap helium, hydrogen and
neon in activated carbon at 10-12 K. These gases
are pumped very slowly!
Warning all pumped gases are trapped inside the
pump, so explosive, toxic and corrosive gases are
not recommended. No mech. pump is needed until
adapted from www.helixtechnology.com
6High Vacuum Pumping
Process chamber
Turbomolecular Pump High rotation speed turbine
imparts momentum to gas atoms Inlet pressures
lt10 mTorr Foreline pressure lt 1 Torr Requires a
rough pump Good choice for toxic and explosive
gases -gases are not trapped in pump All
gases are pumped at approx. the same rate Pumping
Speeds 20 2000 liters per sec
adapted from Lesker.com
7High Vacuum Pumping
Diffusion Pump The process gas is entrained by
the downward flow of vaporized
pumping fluid. Benefits Low cost, reliable, and
rugged. High pumping speed 2000
l/s Caution The process chamber will
be contaminated by pumping fluid. A cold trap
must be used between the diffusion pump and the
process chamber. Not recommended for clean
Process chamber
Water- cooled walls
Foreline -to mech pump
Heater/Pumping Fluid
adapted from Lesker.com
8Flow Rate
- Typically gas flows are cited in units of
standard cubic centimeters per minute (sccm) or
standard liters per minute (slm) - Standard refers to T273K, P 1 atm.
- Example
- Process gas flow of 50 sccm at 5 mTorr (_at_300k)
requires - 50 cm-3min-1(760Torr/5x10-3Torr)(300/273)(1min/60s
ec)(1/103) - 140 liters/sec of pumping speed at the
chamber pump port
9Conductance Limitation
50 sccm
Conductance depends on geometry and pressure (use
tabulated data)
5 mTorr
140 l/s
Q/(P1 P2) Fixed Throughput, Q Q 0.005
Torr x 140 l/s 0.7 Torr-l/s
gt 140 l/s since P2ltP1
Corifice ¼ (pa2)ltvgt l/s Ctube pa3
(2ltvgt/3L) if mean free path gtgt a, L (see Mahan,
10Pressure Measurement
RGA A simple mass spectrometer
Vacuum Gauge Selection adapted from Lesker.com
11Residual Gas Analysis
Low pressure systems are dominated by water vapor
as seen in this RGA of a chamber backfilled with
4x10-5 torr of argon Why? H2O is a polar molecule
that is difficult to pump from the walls --gt
bake-out the chamber
Source Pfeiffer vacuum products
12Gas Density (n)
- Ideal Gas Law
- PV NkT
- Gas density at 1 Pascal at room temp.
- N/V n P/kT
- (1 N/m2)/(1.3807x10-23J/K)(300 K)
- 1 (kg-m/s2)/m2/4.1x10-21 kg-m2/s2
- 2.4x1020 atoms per m3
- 2.4x1014 cm-3 at 1 Pa
- Rule of Thumb
- n(T) 3.2x1013 cm-3 x (300/T) at a pressure
of 1 mTorr
13Gas Kinetics
Maxwellian Distribution
Average speed of an atom
Flux of atoms to the x-y plane surface
Very important!
- A vacuum chamber has a base pressure of 10-6
Torr. Assuming that this is dominated by water
vapor, what is the flux of H2O to a substrate
placed in this chamber? - n 3.2x1013 cm-3/mTorr 10-3 mTorr 3.2x1010
cm-3 - ltvgt (8kT/pM)1/2 59200 cm/s
- Gz (¼)nltvgt 4.74x1014 molecules per cm2 per
sec! - This is approximately one monolayer of H2O every
second - at 10-6 Torr base pressure.
15Collisions and Mean Free Path
Gas Density n P/ kT
Cross-section s pd2
l 1/sn
16ICOPS Minicourseon Plasma Processing Technology
Part 2 Plasma Basics Jeff Hopwood Northeastern
17Plasma an ionized gas consisting of atoms,
electrons, ions, molecules, molecular fragments,
and electronically excited species (informal
18Plasma the fourth state of matter
solid (ice)
19DC Plasma (or AC Fluorescent Lampwhy AC?)
Argon Mercury _at_ 0.05 atm.
lamp endcap
20Paschen Curve
F. Paschen, Ann. Phys. Chem., Ser. 3 37, 69
21What do we need to know about plasma?
22Power Absorbed
electrons ne, Te
23Power Absorbed DC
- DC power
- General electrical mobility and conductivity
- Mobility me qlttgt/m q/nmme
- Where lttgt is the average time between collisions
- and nm is the collision frequency (collisions per
second) - Electron Conductivity sDC qneme q2ne/nmme
- DC power absorbed
24Power Absorbed RF
- RF/microwave power
- Ohmic Heating
- Generic electron-neutral collision frequency
- nm 5x10-8 ngasTe1/2 (s-1)
- ngas (cm-3),
Te(eV). - Example Find the pressure at which rf ohmic
heating becomes ineffective nm 0.1w, Te 2eV -
- w 13.56 MHz 2p 85.2Mrad/s
- ngas 0.185.2x106/5x10-8(2)1/2
1.2x1014 cm-3 3.7 mTorr
f13.56 MHz
An electron oscillates in a rf electric field
without gaining energy unless electron collisions
Hopwood and Mantei, JVST A21, S139 (2003)
25Stochastic Heatingan electron enters and exits a
region of high field for a fraction of an rf
cyclet0 ltlt 2p/w
Reflecting Boundary (plasma sheath)
E 0
vx(t0) gt vx(0)
The usual mechanism for heating electrons using
RF electric fields at low pressures
26Wave/Resonant Heating
F q(vxB)
Hopwood and Mantei, JVST A21, S139 (2003)
27Electron Collisions
electrons ne, Te
28Electron Collisions
- Elastic Collisions
- Ar e ? Ar e
- Gas heating energy is coupled from e to the gas
- Excitation Collisions
- Ar ehot ? Ar ecold, Ar ? Ar hn
- Responsible for the characteristic plasma glow
- EelectrongtEexc (11.55 eV for argon)
- Ionization Collisions
- Ar ehot ? Ar 2ecold
- Couples electrical energy into producing more e_
- Eelectron gt Eiz (15.76 eV for argon)
- Dissociation
- O2 ehot ? 2O ecold or O2 ehot ? O O
ecold - Creates reactive chemical species within the
plasma - Eelectron gt Ediss (5.12 eV for oxygen)
29Collision Cross Sections
- Unlike the hard sphere model, real collision
cross sections are a function of electron kinetic
energy s(E), or electron velocity s(v). - We must find the expected collision frequency by
averaging over all E or v.
f(E) or s(E)
Note the exponential tail of energetic electrons
is responsible for ionization
Electron energy, E
The RATE CONSTANT Kiz(Te) ? Kizoexp(-Eizo/Te)
curve fitting
Hot electrons more ionization
f(E) or s(E)
Note the exponential tail of energetic electrons
is responsible for ionization
Electron energy, E
The RATE CONSTANT Kiz(Te) ? Kizoexp(-Eizo/Te)
curve fitting
32Examples of Numerically Determined Rate Constants
(Lieberman, 2005)
33Generation Rate of Plasma Species by Electron
- y e ? x e
- dnx/dt Kxneny
- For example,
- Ar e ? Ar e e
- dne/dt Kiznengas
- is the number of electrons (and ions) generated
- per cm3 per second
34Electron-Ion Recombination
Three-Body Problem e Ar M ? Ar M the
third body is needed to conserve energy and
momentum in the recombination process
volume recombination
wall recombination
wall recombination dominates at low pressure
because three body collisions are rare
35Transport to Surfaces
electrons ne, Te
36Electron and Ion Loss to the Substrate and
Walls- the plasma sheath -
ne?ni r ? 0
electrons are much more mobile than ions me
qlttgt/me gtgt qlttigt/mi mi
37Electron and Ion Loss to the Substrate and
Walls- the plasma sheath -
low energy electrons are trapped within the
plasma, but ions are accelerated by the sheath
potential to the chamber walls and substrate
38Ion Flux
- The ion flux to a solid object is determined by
the Bohm velocity (or sound speed) of the ion - uB (kTe/mi)1/2 9.8x105 (Te/M)1/2 cm/s
- 9.8x105 (3 eV/40 amu)1/2 2.5x105 cm/s
- and the ion flux is given by Gi uBni
(cm-2s-1) - (this is the ion speed at the edge of the sheath)
39Electron Flux
- Only the most energetic electrons can overcome
the sheath potential, Vs. - Ge ¼ neltvegt exp (qVs/kTe)
flux to surface
Boltzmann factor
Electron energy, E
40Sheath Potential, Vs
- In the steady state, the electron and ion fluxes
to the chamber/substrate must be equal, if there
is no external current path - Ge Gi
- ¼ neltvegt exp (qVs/kTe) uBni (kTe/mi)1/2 ne
- giving
- Vs -Teln(mi/2pme) -5Te
- This is often called the floating potential
- Isolated surfaces have a negative potential
relative to the plasma.
41Ion Energy
Ex Assuming argon with Te 3 eV, the ion
energy at the cathode is Ei q(1 kV
4.7Te) 1014 eV ignoring ion-neutral collision
within s, and the ion energy at the anode is
Ei 4.7 Te 14 eV Ion mean free path li
1/ngassi 3/p (cm) for Ar where p is the
pressure in mTorr Here li 3/100 cm or 0.3 mm _at_
0.1 torr NOTE sgtgtli ? Ei ltlt 1014 eV!
42Particle Conservationand Electron Temperature
- A simple model for electron temperature can be
found for a steady state plasma - of ions created/sec of ions lost/sec
- KizngasneV uBniAeff
- Kiz/uB Kizoe-Eiz/kTe /(kTe/mi)1/2 Aeff/(V
ngas) - 1/deffngas
- (Vplasma volume, Aeff effective chamber area,
deff V/Aeff)
43- The electron temperature (Te) is a unique
function of - gas density, ngas (pressure)
- chamber size, deff V/Aeff
- gas type Kiz, Eiz
Example Two large parallel plates separated by 2
cm are used to sustain an argon plasma at 25
mTorr. Find Te. deff V/Aeff pR2d / (pR2
pR2) d/2 ngasdeff (253.2x1019m-3)(0.01m)
0.8e19 m-2 Te 3 eV (Note we have assume
that the plasma density is uniform)
44Power Conservation and Electron Density, ne
- Power Absorbed by the Plasma Power Lost from
the Plasma - Pabs qniuBEionq(¼neltvegteVs/kTe )EelecAeff
(PheatPlightPdiss) - qneuBAeff(Eion Eelec Ec)
- where EC is the collisional energy lost in
creating an electron-ion pair due to ionization,
light, dissociative collisions, and heat - EC nizEiz nexEex ndissEdiss
45Collisional Energy Loss
46Electron Density Example
- Continuing with the previous example
- A plasma is sustained in argon at 25 mTorr
between to parallel plates separated by 2 cm.
The radius of the plates is 20 cm and the power
absorbed by the plasma is 100 watts. Find ne. - 100 W qneuBAeff(Eion Eelec Ec)
- (1.6x10-19C)ne(2.5x105cm/s)(2px202 cm2) x
- (5Te 2Te 55 eV)
- ? ne 1.3x1010 cm-3
- Find ne if the gas is N2, assuming that Te 3 eV
- 100 W (1.6x10-19C)ne(2.5x105cm/s)(2px202
cm2)(5Te 2Te 400 eV) - ? ne 2.3 x 109 cm-3
47Example (contd)
- Repeat the previous example using argon, BUT
include an electrode voltage of 1000v that is
applied to one plate to sustain the plasma. - 100 W qneuBAeff(Eion Eelec Ec)
- (1.6x10-19C)ne(2.5x105cm/s)(px202 cm2) x
- (5Te 2Te 55 eV)(1000 eV5Te) 2Te 55
eV -
- ? ne 1.7x109 cm-3
48Secondary ElectronsGe gsec Gi , where
gsec0.1-10 and Ee qVs
electrons ne, Te
secondary electrons
secondary electrons
50Basic Plasma Technology
51Basic Plasma TechnologySputtering Magnetron
DC Pulsed RF
to pump
52Basic Plasma TechnologyCapacitively Coupled
0.4 60 MHz
Hopwood and Mantei, JVST A21, S139 (2003)
53Basic Plasma TechnologyElectron Cyclotron
Resonance Plasma
Hopwood and Mantei, JVST A21, S139 (2003)
54Basic Plasma TechnologyInductively Coupled Plasma
0.4 13.56 MHz
Hopwood and Mantei, JVST A21, S139 (2003)
55ICOPS Minicourseon Plasma Processing Technology
Part 3 Physical Vapor Deposition Jeff
Hopwood Northeastern University
- Evaporation
- Sputtering
- Ionized Physical Vapor Deposition
57Deposition by Evaporation
- Heating materials until the vapor pressure is
non-zero followed by condensation of the vapor on
a (relatively cold) substrate. - electron beam evaporation
- thermal evaporation
- molecular beam epitaxy
- laser ablation
- arc deposition
58Two Types of Evaporation
Quasi-equilibrium liquid-vapor equilibrium
within the cell
Non-equilibrium vapor is emitted into a low
pressure volume no liquid-vapor equilibrium
S.M. Rossnagel, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 21,
Sep-Oct 2003
59Typical e-beam evaporator
60Vapor Pressure vs. Temperature
Differing vapor pressures make evaporation of
alloys quite difficult Ex TiW Solutions Rod-f
ed evaporation Multiple evaporators
61Evaporative Flux and Conformality
62Sputtering Outline
- RF Diodes vs. Magnetrons
- electron and ion density
- Mechanism collision cascades
- sputter yield
- angular distribution
- Thomson distribution
- Reflected neutrals and ion-assisted dep.
- film morphology and film stress
- Sputtering Alloys
- Reactive sputtering
63Sputtering System
64Magnetron Sputtering
B-field traps secondary electrons near the target
P 0.1 5 mTorr B 200 G VTARGET 300 v Ee
300 eV ? 300 eV / (15.76 eV/ion) 19 ions
per secondary rce ve/wce 3 mm
ne 1012 cm-3
ne 109 cm-3
65(No Transcript)
66Physical Outcomes of Ion Bombardment
Surface Binding Energy, Usb
Collision Cascade
67Sputtering YieldY(E) number of ejected atoms
per incident ion
Empirical Yield Y(E) 6.4x10-3 mT g5/3
E1/4(1-Eth/E)3.5 where g 4mgmT / (mgmT) 2
Eth 4Usb/g
J. Bohdansky, J. Roth, and H.L. Bay, An
analytical formula and important parameters for
low-energy ion sputtering, J. Appl. Phys. 51(5)
2861- (1980). J.E. Mahan, Physical Vapor
Deposition of Thin Films, p. 207ff (Wiley, New
York, 2000).
68Angular Distribution of Sputtered Atoms
- Gs (E,q) Y(E) Gi (cos q)/p
69Thompson Distribution of Energies for Sputtered
Neutral Atoms
Most probable energy is half the surface binding
energy, Usb/2 There is a very broad high energy
tail, such that ltEsgt 10s eV
70Energetic DepositionEnhances adatom surface
mobility ? promotes dense films, film stress
71Sputtering of Alloys
- Alloys may be stoichiometrically sputtered, even
if the component materials have different sputter
yields, due to conservation of mass - The target surface must be conditioned by
pre-sputtering prior to actual deposition
conditioning makes the surface deficient in
element a
72Reactive Sputtering
N2, O2, (Ar)
Metal-nitrides and metal-oxides
73Reactive Sputtering
metal target, e.g. Ti
poisoned target, e.g. TiN
S.M. Rossnagel, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 21,
Sep-Oct 2003
74Ionized Physical Vapor DepositionIPVD
75IPVD Outline
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Motivations
- Example Application
- The physics of IPVD
- The evolution of IPVD technology
- Unbalanced magnetron
- geometric filtering of neutrals (collimated,
long-throw) - auxiliary high density plasma
- ICP and ECR
- high power density sputtering
- SIP, hollow cathode magnetron, pulsed sputtering
- Deposition and modeling
- Summary and discussion
76Ionized-PVD Definition
- Physical vapor deposition in which more than half
of the deposited atoms arrive at the substrate as
ions. - e.g., for sputtering of metals Gm gt Gm at the
substrate. - Includes sputtering, evaporation, arcs, laser
- The energy and direction of ionized depositing
species are easily controlled with electrostatic
fields and/or sheath voltage. - In contrast, neutral depositing species are
difficult to control.
78Comparison of Sputtering Techniques
Ref S.M. Rossnagel, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B,
16(5), 2585 (1998)
79Example ApplicationDeposition into High Aspect
Ratio Trenches and Vias
J. Forster, Ionized Physical Vapor Deposition,
Academic, 2000.
J. Hopwood, Ionized Physical Vapor Deposition,
Academic, 2000.
80Example ApplicationA dual damascene process
J. Hopwood, Ionized Physical Vapor Deposition,
Academic, 2000.
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Motivations
- Example Application
- The physics of IPVD
- The evolution of IPVD technology
- Unbalanced magnetron
- geometric filtering of neutrals (collimated,
long-throw) - auxiliary high density plasma
- ICP and ECR
- high power density sputtering
- SIP, hollow cathode magnetron, pulsed sputtering
- Deposition and modeling
- Summary and discussion
82Ionized PVD Physics
- Ionization mechanism
- Sputter neutral energies
- Ionization mean free path
- thermalization vs. long path length
- Ionized flux vs Ionization fraction
- Spatial Distribution Diffusion
83Ionization MechanismPenning ionization vs.
Electron collisions
- Penning ionization Ar M ? M Ar
- Eex gt 11.55 eV for argon
- Eiz 6 - 8 eV for most metals
- Kp sp(kTg/M)1/2
- Electron impact M e ? M 2e
- for moderate sputter rates, nAr gtgt nM
- Te is determined by argon ionization energy
- Eiz(argon) gtgt Eiz (metal)
- Kiz ko exp(-Eiz(M)/kTe(Ar))
84IPVD Physics the metal
Ionization of thermal metal atoms, M
- Lifetime
- of an ion
- diffusion
- to walls (R,L)
Particle balance creation rate of metal ions
(Penning, electron impact, and 2-step) is equal
to the loss of metal ions due to diffusion to the
chamber walls and substrate
85IPVD Physics the argon
generation and loss of Ar
generation and loss of Ar
86IPVD Physics metal ionization
electron density, from Pabs
ion lifetime
argon density (pressure)
excited argon lifetime
rate constant for excited Ar
rate constant for Penning ionization of metal
rate constant for electron impact ionization of
87Ionization MechanismPenning ionization vs.
Electron collisions
Typical sputtering, ne1010 cm-3 Penning
Dominates ArM?MAr Ionization is lt5
IPVD, ne1012 cm-3 Electron Impact Dominates M
e ? M 2e Ionization is gt50
J. Hopwood, J. Appl. Phys, 1995
88Sputtered Neutral Energyand Ionization MFP
MFP5 cm required to ionize 50 Al
?iz vs / Kizne
from W.M. Holber, Ionized Physical Vapor
Deposition, Academic, 2000.
ne 2x1012 cm-3 Te 3 eV
50 of Al has Egt6 eV
50 ionization requires at least ne1012 over a
distance of 10 cm
89High Pressure IPVDThermalize, Ionize, Collimate
10-50 mTorr lth 24/p cm
90Limitation due to the Presheathpresheath width ?
ion mean free path ? collisions ? decreased
collimation of ions
91Titanium Transverse Temperature at the Sheath
Edge (s) and Ionized Flux Fraction () Target
Power 1 kW
- This measurement corresponds to an ion
divergence of 5o to an unbiased wafer -
Consistent with Monte-Carlo simulations ?
increase V0 to narrow the angular distribution
92Help from the Presheath
- Ions are accelerated by the presheath region into
the wafer - ion flux GM 0.61 nM(kTe/M)1/2
- Thermal neutrals simply diffuse to the wafer
- neutral flux GM 1/4nM(8kTM/pM)1/2
- Ionization of the depositing metal flux is
- GM/GM k(nM/nM)(Te/TM)1/2
Typically, Te gtgt TM
93Neutral and Ion Diffusion
J. Hopwood, Ionized Physical Vapor Deposition,
Academic, 2000.
Li, Vyvoda, and Graves, Ionized Physical Vapor
Deposition, Academic, 2000.
2D Model
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Motivations
- Example Application
- The physics of IPVD
- The evolution of IPVD technology
- Unbalanced magnetron
- geometric filtering of neutrals (collimated,
long-throw) - auxiliary high density plasma
- ICP and ECR
- high power density sputtering
- SIP, hollow cathode magnetron, pulsed sputtering
- Deposition and modeling
- Summary and discussion
95The Evolution of IPVD
- Unbalanced Magnetron
- Geometric Filtering of Errant Neutrals
- Magnetron plus
- Inductively Coupled Plasma
- ECR Plasma
- Self-ionized Unbalanced Reprise
- High power density/Geometric/Pulsing
96Unbalanced Magnetron
- Unbalanced magnetic field allows electrons and
ions to escape away from target - ne 1012, but not over a distance of 10 cm.
- Metal ionization lt50, but a much greater Ar
flux than balanced magnetron - Allows large argon ion-to-metal flux ratios
6 cm
Windows and Savvides, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 4,
453 (1986)
97Geometric Filtering of High-Angle Neutrals
- Collimated Sputtering
- Rossnagel et al, J. Vac. Sci. Technol A9, 261
- Long-throw Sputtering
- Motegi et al, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 13, 1906
98- ECR ionized evaporation
- Holber et al, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 11, 2903
99Magnetron Plus
- Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP)
- Electron Cyclotron Resonant Plasma (ECR)
- Helicon Wave Plasma
- all provide ne 1012 cm-3 over gt10 cm
100Magnetron plus
plus ICP from M. Yamashita, J. Vac. Sci.
Technol. A 7, 151, (1989).
plus ECR from W.M. Holber, Ionized Physical
Vapor Deposition, Academic, 2000.
101Self-ionized IPVD Unbalanced Magnetron Reprise
- Increase electron density
- Increase plasma length
- Use geometric filtering of neutrals
- Low pressure (no thermalization reqd.)
- Medium-Long throw distance
- Simplified operation no auxiliary plasma is
required for ionization
102Self-ionized Plasma, SIP
Hollow Cathode Magnetron
Helmer, Lai, and Anderson, US Patent 5,482,611,
Jan. 9, 1996
Fu et al, US Patent 6,251,242, June 6, 2002.
103Self-ionized IPVD Unbalanced Magnetron
- Increase electron density
- Higher power (10s kW) in smaller area of
magnetic field - Requires aggressive cooling/rotation/pulsed power
- Increase plasma length
- Intense plasma inside hollow cathode
- Use geometric filtering of neutrals
- Ions are extracted by magnetized electrons?
- Neutrals are transported across cathode ?
K.Lai, Ionized Physical Vapor Deposition,
Academic Press, 2000.
104Self-ionized IPVD Pulsed Target Power
- Pulsed Power
- 2000V x 1200 A
- 50 100 ms pulse
- 50 Hz rep rate
- Typically,
- 600 W/cm2
- Ppeak 100 kW
- ne 1-5x1012 cm-3
- Pave 500 W
- K.Macak, V.Kouznetsov, J.Schneider, U.Helmersson,
I.Petrov, Ionized sputter deposition using an
extremely high density plasma,J. Vac. Sci.
Technol. A 18, 1533 (2000).
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Motivations
- Example Application
- The physics of IPVD
- The evolution of IPVD technology
- Unbalanced magnetron
- geometric filtering of neutrals (collimated,
long-throw) - auxiliary high density plasma
- ICP and ECR
- high power density sputtering
- SIP, hollow cathode magnetron, pulsed sputtering
- Deposition and modeling
- Summary and discussion
106Deposition Modeling
A comparison of models and measured film
characteristics 1. metal deposition by IPVD 2.
metal-nitride reactive IPVD
107Ionization of Metal no substrate bias (Y0)
- Higher ionization of the metal results in more
deposition at the bottom of the trench - Inward growth of the overburden forms a keyhole
structure - S. Hamaguchi and S. M. Rossnagel, J. Vac. Sci.
Technol. B 13, 183 (1995).
108Substrate Biasing
- Energetic ions bombard the film and cause
- faceting
- sputtering and redeposition
- A primary means of coating the sidewalls of
trenches - V.Arunachalam, S.Rauf, D.G.Coronell, and P.L.G.
Ventzek, J. Appl. Phys. 90, 64 (2001)
Lu and Kushner, JVST A 19, 2652 (2001)
109Surface Diffusion Thermal and Ion Induced
110Reactive SputteringTiN deposition using IPVD
contour lines are the film resistivity
Tanaka, Kim, Forster, and Xu, J. Vac. Sci.
Technol. B 17, 416 (1999).
111Reactive SputteringTiN deposition using IPVD
Tanaka, Kim, Forster, and Xu, J. Vac. Sci.
Technol. B 17, 416 (1999).
112Reactive SputteringTiN deposition using IPVD
Tanaka, Kim, Forster, and Xu, J. Vac. Sci.
Technol. B 17, 416 (1999).
113Plasma Composition in Ti/N2/Ar
15-30 dissociation of N2
K. Tao, et al., J. Appl. Phys. 91, 4040 (2002)
114Plasma Composition in Ti/N2/Ar
15 mTorr, ne 5x1011 cm-3, Tg 400 K
K. Tao, et al., J. Appl. Phys. 91, 4040 (2002)
115Film Composition in a TrenchLess nitrogen is
transported to bottom of the trench
4 N2 in Ar
10 N2 in Ar
metal mode
nitride mode
D. Mao, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 96, No. 1, 820, 1
July 2004 0-d chemistry, 2-d fluid, Monte-Carlo
sheath, geom. flux
116Experimental (RBS) and Simulated Composition
metal mode
nitride mode
1 kW/1kW/50 sccm Ar
from D. Mao, PhD Thesis, Northeastern University,
- IPVD allows for energetic deposition of dense
films into high aspect ratio microstructures - Recent advances have provided a relatively simple
technology Self-Ionized Plasma - Issues with multicomponent IPVD
- disparate ionization potentials and dissociation
118Some Recommended Reference Materials
- Basic Low Pressure Plasma Physics and Processing
- M.A. Lieberman and A.J. Lichtenberg, Principles
of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing
(Wiley, 2005) - D. Manos and D. Flamm, eds., Plasma Etching
(Academic Press, 1989) - Vacuum Science and Physical Vapor Deposition
- J. E. Mahan, Physical Vapor Deposition of Thin
Films (Wiley, 2000) - S.A. Campbell, The Science and Engineering of
Microelectronic Fabrication, (Oxford, 2001) - J. Hopwood, ed., Ionized Physical Vapor
Deposition (Academic Press, 2000)