Title: AFM applied to nanoelectronics: the Grutter research group
1Peter Grutter NSERC Nano Innovation
Platform Director, CIAR Nanoelectronics Physics
Dept., McGill University www.physics.mcgill.ca/p
2How big is a nanometer?
3Definition of Nanoscience
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology investigates
and applies phenomena, systems and structures
where - 1. At least one dimension lc is a few nm
2. The properties are qualitatively
different because l lt lc Condition 2
distinguishes nano from micro,
macro-molecular chemistry or biology
4Sub-micron is not nano!
Nanotechnology on silicon products Intel leads
in production and research (Wall Street
5Nano is good advertisement )
6Nanoelectronics - an exampleatomically defined
3 terminal device
J. Mativetsky, S. Burke, S. Fostner, D. Xufeng,
P. Grutter
M. Orchard-Webb
7Atomic Manipulation of Contact Wire
Field Ion Microscopy imaging
Molecular Electronics Group, Grutter Research Lab
8Atomic Manipulation of Contact Wire
- Field Ion Microscopy imaging
- and machining atom by atom
9Atomic Manipulation of Contact Wire
Field Ion Microscopy imaging and machining atom
by atom
10Atomic Manipulation of Contact Wire
Field Ion Microscopy imaging and machining atom
by atom
12Nano Renaissance Science
13(No Transcript)
14Nanoscience and Nanotechnology large impact in
many fields
- Nanoelectronics
- Nanomaterials
- Nanobio/nanomed
- New tools (hardware and software)
15Where will nano make an impact?
- Electronics and photonics
- molecular electronics, spintronics, quantum
computing - photonic bandgap materials, single photon sources
- sensors and detectors
- Materials
- ultra-fine powders, composites
- harder, more corrosion resistant, dirt/bacteria
repellent - green manufacturing, cost effective
- Bio-medical
- emerging applications (materials, diagnostics,
drug delivery...) - biomedical research tools (labeling, nanotools
applied to biomed ) - biotechnology applied to nanoscience technology
16New materials non-permeable, self-cleaning,
Air-D-Fense (InMat, New Jersey) nanoclay/butyl
thin film 3000 fold decreased permeability
Lotus leaf (artificial) nm sized hydrophobic
wax size water rolls (not slides) -gt
cleans sol-gel based technique -gt on market
Self-cleaning plastic, textiles CNT
stabilized enzymes in polymer Textiles with
Stain Defender
Ceramic Coatings (Inframat) No barnacles on
ship hulls reduced drag
17Nano materials in labeling
- High throughput multiplexed assays (nano bar
code) - Optical tracking on a cellular level with tagged
CdSe quantum dots which gene is active?
Basis size dependent emission color of ZnS
capped CdSe nano particles
- NOT more cleverly packed, sub-m arrays
- NOT microtechnology scaled to nano
- NOT macromolecular chemistry
- So - what is it ???
Chemical sensors
- Emerging applications
- sunscreen, cosmetics
- new drugs and drug delivery systems
- new materials
- Biomedical research tools
- nano materials for labeling diagnostics
- tools of nanoscience applied to biomed
- Biotechnology applied to nanoscience technology
Nanosomes (LOréal)
20Potential new drugs drug delivery systems
- Nanoshells of gold (tagged if necessary) can be
heated from outside of body by IR, thus releasing
drugs locally and controlled - Makes use of high optical density of agglomerates
21 22McGill UniversityNanotools Facility
CFI funded in 2000 Part of NanoQuebecs Core
Micromachining fab
Atomic manipulation facility
Canadas fastest supercomputer
23Newfoundland 193k
Operating Funds for nano in Canada
BC 1,066k
Sask. 150k
Nova Scotia 244k
Ontario 4,501k
New Brunswick 40k
Alberta 812k
Manitoba 154k
Quebec 3,211k
PEI 63k
NSERC 2002 Total 10,433k
24Operating Funds for nano in Canada
BC 1,066k
Ontario 4,501k
Alberta 812k
Quebec 3,211k
NSERC 2002 Total 10,433k
25Nanoscience Nanotechnologypredicting major
socio-economic impact crystal ball gazing!
- New tools NOW
- Nanomaterials 0-5 years
- Nanoelectronics 15-20 years
- Nanobio/nanomed 20-30 years
26Some Facts and Numbers
- USA 850M US in 2004 for nano
- Canada 160M accumulated infrastructure
- Academic operating cost structure VERY different
- Regional clusters
- CIAR Nanoelectronics program (since 1999)
- NanoQuebec (since 2000)
- NINT (fall 2005)
27Infrastructure and Operating
28Funding crisis some facts
1. Academic research World class
infrastructure investment (CFI), Canada is
starting to be competitive with anyone in the
World 2. Huge growth of number of faculty
(more than 1000 new NSERC applicants in
2003/04) 3. Operation funds inadequate, gap
opening less than 10 of infrastructure
value operating funds
- The NSERC NanoIP is a multidisciplinary national
network of university researchers from many
fields of science and engineering created to
accelerate and intensify research and education
of HQP in nanoscience and nanotechnology in
Canada. - www.physics.mcgill.ca/NSERCnanoIP/