Title: N204 Diverse Populations and Health Care
1N204Diverse Populations and Health Care
2Agenda 2/26/08
- Paper presentation
- Virginia 3 articles
- Elisa 2 articles
- Indira - 3 articles
- Gracie ?
- Next Week
- Paper presentation
- Rose - 2 articles
- Gracie - ?
- Transcultural Nursing Practice
3(No Transcript)
- Divertere in Latin
- Being different or having differences
- Diversity in nursing practice
- Providing competent care to clients from
different cultures, conducting research in
multi-cultural settings, and implementing
educational programs to diverse population
5Human migration
- 175 million migrants
- Pull push factors
- no job opportunities, unsafe work environment,
lack of political stability, high workloads, or
lack of economic remuneration - Misnomer need and demand
- In US. 500,000 qualified nurses who are not
active or employed - Misconception
- Migration does not take place only from
developing countries to industrialized nations. - Padilla, P. (April/May,2006). Nurse migration and
the nursing shortage. Breakthrough to Nursing,
IMPRINT, 18-22
6International travel tourist
Year Meaning
1950 25 M
2006 763 M 622 B 10.3 of global economic output (excluding tourist spending)
Employing 243 million
Resource Bremner, B. (April 23, 2007). Guiding
tourists to Asia. Businessweek, retrived October
20, 2007 from http// www.businessweek.com/globalb
7Medical tourism
- Def combination of travel to a foreign country
to receive medical treatment while taking
advantage of local tourism opportunities - 1.3 million tourists per year seeking low-cost
medical care abroad - One of the worlds fastest growing industries
30 a year (4 billion dollars industry within
next few years)
8Transcultural Nursing- Leininger, 1997
- Definition- A formal area of study and practice
focused on comparative holistic culture care,
health and illness patters of people with respect
to differences and similarities in their cultural
values, beliefs, and lifeways with the goal to
provide culturally congruent, competent and
compassionate care
9Cultural needs
- Equal access to treatment and care
- Respect for cultural beliefs and practices
- Leininger, (1995) Narayanasamy, (2003)
- Religious beliefs, taboos, customs
- Dietary, personal care needs, daily routines
- Dying needs
- Communication needs
- Cultural safety needs,
10Cultural needs (Contd)
- Pain
- Health practice
- Time orientation
- Space
- Family
11Equal access to treatment and care
- Ethnicity
- racial discrimination,
- racial harassment and
- oppression
- Secondary problems
- stress
- psychological trauma
12Communication needs
- Barrier
- Impede early detection
- delay prompt treatment and care
- Forms
- Language
- Non-verbal communication
- Translation services
- Interpreters
- Family interpreters
- Health condition acute illness crisis
13Cultural safety needs
- Engage clients as partners
- Respect rapport -gt self-esteem
- Cultural negotiation culture compromise
14Transcultural Care Practice
- Initiative
- Enthusiasm
- Commitment of individuals and groups
- Strategic planning
- Organization coordination of services
- Funding
- Education
- Recruitment research
15Giger-Davidhizar (2002) - Assessment Model
Culturally Unique Individual
Biological Variations
Social Organization
Environmental Controls
16ACCESS Model Narayanasamy, 2002
- Assessment
- Communication
- Culture negotiation and compromise
- Establishing respect and rapport
- Sensitivity
- Safety
17Campinha-Bacotes Cultural Competence Model
- Cultural awareness
- Cultural skill
- Cultural knowledge
- Cultural encounters
- Cultural desire
18Purnells Model
- Macro level global society, community, family,
individual, health - Cultural domains overview, communication,
family roles, workforce issues, bioculturl
ecology, high-risk behaviors, nutrition,
pregnancy childbearing practices, death
rituals, spirituality, health care
practice/practitioners - Cultural consciousness
- Unknown phenomenon
19Culturally Competent Organization
- US Census Bureau, 2000 total population
281,421,906 - Latio 35.5 million 12.1
- African American 12.9
- Asians 4.2 (60 is foreign
born) - Multiracial 2.4
- Ethnic minorities accounts for one fourth of the
nations population - In 2020, it will be near to 40
- 10 of RNs in the US are from racial/ethnic
minority background (2000)
20Organizational Diversity Competence
Model(Frusti, Niesen, Campion, 2003)
21Negotiation Process
- Listen to the clients perspective
- Teach from your knowledge in language
appropriate for client family - Compare similarities differences, disagree but
do not devalue clients view - Compromise
- if client treatment not harmful, promote
- If harmful, explain harm and suggest alternatives
22Useful websites Internet http//www.
- apna.org American psychiatric nurses
association - sen.ca.gov California State Senate
- cdc.gov Center of disease control
- nami.org National alliance for the mentally ill
- health.gov/healthypeople/document/ - healthy
people 2010 - library.sjsu.edu/staff/Peterson/Peterson.htm
- For statistical data
- Census.gov/main/cen2000.html
- google.com/unclesam
- firstgov.gov
- factfinder.census.gov
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