Title: Home Care and Preparedness for Influenza Pandemic
1Home Care and Preparedness for Influenza
American Red Cross St. Louis Area Chapter
2American Red CrossPreparing for an Influenza
Masks were distributed by the American Red Cross
to the 39th Regiment marching through the
streets of Seattle in 1918.
3Influenza PandemicPublic Education and
Information Goals
4Education and Information Goals
General Public Internal Audiences
- To increase awareness and knowledge, including
facts about transmission and prevention and
healthy practices to adopt to reduce spread of
pandemic flu.
5Education and Information Goals
General Public Internal Audiences
- To increase the sense of responsibility to
understand the threat of an influenza pandemic
and to help decrease the risk of transmission.
6Education and Information Goals
General Public Internal Audiences
- To provide information about care and comfort to
oneself and others who have pandemic flu.
7Education and Information Goals
- To ensure consistent education messages
throughout the community.
8Education and Information Goals
- To educate to be effective leaders for public
education and information related to pandemic flu
in their various environments.
9Education and Information Goals
- To continue effective dialogue with and among
federal agencies and non-governmental
organizations to ensure consistent messages to
the public regardless of the source.
10Red Cross Public Education Role
- Public Information Education
- Provide Home Care Brochures
- Provide Preparedness Presentations
- Provide Information at Community Events
- Provide Updates as Needed
11Influenza Signs and Symptoms Influenza Pandemic
12True or False?MOST common signs of flu include
fever, cough, runny nose and muscle pain?
13- TRUE!
- Other symptoms that can be present are diarrhea,
extreme tiredness, headache and sore throat.
14- True or False?
- DURING a pandemic you should call your
health-care provider at the first sign of flu?
15- TRUE!
- During a Pandemic, you SHOULD call your health
care provider at the first signs of the flu.
16- True or False?
- WASH your hands at least three times per day when
caring for someone with the flu?
- You should wash your hands often.
18- True or False?
- IF someone shows signs of flu they can continue
their normal routine for about three days?
- They should stay home.
20- True or False?
- FAMILIES should make a Pandemic Flu Plan?
21- TRUE!
- Similar to the way you make a Family Disaster
22Differences Between Seasonal and Pandemic Flu
- Caused by influenza viruses similar to those
already affecting people. - Symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, and
muscle pain. Deaths can occur from
complications. - Those at risk are the very young, elderly, or
those with underlying health conditions. - Modest impact on society.
- New influenza virus that is likely to be more
severe and affect more people. - Symptoms similar to the common flu but may be
more severe and complications more serious. - Healthy adults may be at increased risk for
serious complications. - A severe pandemic could change patterns of daily
life for some time. - Currently, there is no pandemic flu
25World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic
Low risk of human cases
Higher risk of human cases
No or very limited human-to-human transmission
Evidence of increased human-to-human transmission
Evidence of significant human-to-human
Efficient and sustained human-to-human
26Preventing the Spread of Flu
27How You Get the Flu Virus?
- Typical incubation 2 days Range 1 - 4 days
- Virus cycle
- Can begin 1 day before symptom onset
- Peak in first 3 days of illness
- Correlates with temperature
- Subsides after 5 days in adults, can be 10 days
in children
Transmission is predominately droplet spread
28- Healthy habits help with prevention..
- Clean your hands often.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you
cough or sneeze. - Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and
mouth. - If you have signs or symptoms of the flu STAY
HOME. - Consider wearing a surgical mask.
29- When a household member is sick..
- The most important thing for those who are not
sick is to wash their hands often. - Caregivers should wash before and immediately
after contact with the person who is sick. - Follow the steps for proper hand washing.
30- When a household member is sick..
- Take appropriate steps to wash away germs in the
home when someone has the flu. - Keep everyones personal items separate.
- Designate one person as the caregiver.
31Monitor One Who has the Pandemic Flu
32- Monitoring a sick household member..
- Call your health-care professional at the first
signs or symptoms. - Keep a care log. Check signs and symptoms at
least every four hours and make annotations. - Have your care log handy when talking with your
doctor. - Follow up with doctor if symptoms worsen.
33Caring for One who has the Pandemic Flu
34- Caring for a sick household member..
- Get plenty of rest.
- Drink plenty of liquids to prevent dehydration.
- Avoid alcohol and tobacco.
35- Caring for a sick household member..
- Take medications to reduce fever and relieve flu
symptoms. - Provide fluids with electrolytes when fever,
diarrhea or vomiting is present. - In some cases health-care professionals will
prescribe certain antiviral drugs.
36Prepare for a Flu Pandemic
37- How to prepare for a Flu Pandemic...
- Make a plan for a flu pandemic.
- Keep extra supplies at home.
- Make a plan how your family will cope with school
closings, if you cant go to work, and how to
replenish home supplies.
38- How to prepare for a Flu Pandemic...
- You need to be prepared to sustain your family
for at least two weeks. - Take home and complete the Flu Pandemic Planning
39Family Preparedness Checklist
- Water
- Non-perishable foods
- Flashlights / Batteries
- Battery or Crank Radio
- Medications (Rx and OTC)
- Thermometer
- Household Cleaning Products, etc.
- Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizers
40Caring for Someone at Home
- Plan for home care
- Supplies and Materials
- Proper Hand Hygiene
- ID one caregiver
- Isolate in home
- Monitor
- Disinfect frequently
- Take care of yourself
41In Conclusion
- The information presented today is not intended
as a substitute for professional medical care or
current public health advice. - Further information can be found by visiting the
official web sites of Health Human Services
(HHS), Centers of Disease Control (CDC), and
World Health Organization (WHO). - Visit www.pandemicflu.gov.
42In Conclusion
- Your participation today was a step on the way of
being informed. - You can contact the St. Louis Area Chapter for
Preparedness information at (314) 516-2753 or log
on at www.redcrossstl.org.