Old-Testament Survey: Books of Ruth and 1 Samuel (7) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Old-Testament Survey: Books of Ruth and 1 Samuel (7)


Old-Testament Survey: Books of Ruth and 1 Samuel (7) A love story and Israel s final judge During the period of the judges, a man named Elimelech moved to Moab to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Old-Testament Survey: Books of Ruth and 1 Samuel (7)

Old-Testament SurveyBooks of Ruth and 1 Samuel
  • A love story and Israels final judge

  • During the period of the judges, a man named
    Elimelech moved to Moab to obtain food for his
    family during the famine in Israel.
  • He took his wife Naomi and his two sons, Mahlon
    and Chilion.
  • Elimelech died in Moab. His sons married Moabite
    womenRuth and Orphah.
  • After ten years, the sons also died.
  • Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem.

(No Transcript)
  • When her daughters-in-law decide to return to
    Judah with her, Naomi told them to stay in Moab
    where they had a better chance of remarrying.
  • Both women wanted to go with Naomi. Orphah heeded
    her advice and remained in Moab, but Ruth
    returned to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law.
  • But Ruth said Entreat me not to leave you, or
    to turn back from following after you for
    wherever you go, I will go and wherever you
    lodge, I will lodge your people shall be my
    people, and your God, my God. Where you die, I
    will die, and there will I be buried. The LORD do
    so to me, and more also, if anything but death
    parts you and me. (116,17)

  • When they arrive in Bethlehem, Ruth goes into the
    fields to glean grain left behind by the
    harvesters. (Deut. 2419-22 Lev. 199,10)
  • She gleans in the field of a man name Boaz.
  • She wins his favor because of her loyalty to
    Naomi and her willingness to work hard to support
  • Boaz, a rich man, shows special favor to Ruth.
  • Permits her to eat with his maidens.
  • Arranges for the workers to leave extra grain for
    her in the path where she is gleaning.

  • Naomi tells Ruth that Boaz is a close relative.
  • She also tells her about the law of Levirate
    marriage (Deuteronomy 255-10).
  • Ruth sleeps at the feet of Boaz to remind him of
    his duty to the law so she can bear children.
  • Boaz explains that there is another relative who
    is closer than he is.
  • On the following day, before ten witnesses, the
    other man refuses to redeem Elimelechs property
    and assume his duty toward Ruth.
  • A son, Obed, is born to Ruth and Boaz. Obed
    fathered Jesse, who fathered David.

1 Samuel
  • We now look at Israels last two judges.
  • Eli, the 14th judge, judged Israel for 40 years.
  • Samuel became the 15th judge.
  • Elkanah had two wivesPenniah, who had children,
    and Hannah, who was barren. Elkanah loved Hannah
    more than he loved Penniah.
  • Each time they went to Shiloh to worship, Hannah
    prayed that God would give her a son.
  • She was willing to give that son to the service
    of the Lord.
  • God heard her prayer, and Hannah gave birth to a
    son whom she named Samuel.

Elis Reign Ends, and God Calls Samuel
  • Elis own sons were evil men. As priests, they
    took more than their allotted portions.
  • They were also immoral. Eli did not restrain
    them he allowed them to continue as priests
  • Eli was told that God was going to punish him.
  • Later, during the night, God called to the young
    Samuel, giving him the message for Eli (310-18).
  • Samuel grew in favor with God (319-21).
  • The Philistines and Israel fought at a place
    called Ebenezer.
  • Elis sons brought the ark of the covenant to the
    battle the people rejoiced (41-6).

Elis Reign Ends, and God Calls Samuel
  • The following day, the ark is captured, Elis
    sons are killed, and Israel is defeated.
  • When Eli hears that the ark has been captured and
    his sons are dead, he falls over and breaks his
    neck (411-18).
  • Upon hearing of her husbands death, Elis
    daughter-in-law goes into labor and gives birth
    to a sonIchabodmeaning, the glory of the Lord
    is departed from Israel (419-22).
  • Thus, Gods judgment against Elis house is

The Philistines and the Ark
  • They carry the Ark to Ashdod and set it before
    the face of their god, Dagon. The next morning,
    he has fallen on his face.
  • They restore Dagon to his place. The next
    morning, his head and palms are cut off (51-5).
  • A plague of tumors breaks out against the people
    of Ashdod, so they move the ark to Gath (58).
  • A plague of tumors also breaks out in Gath, and
    they soon move the ark to Ekron.
  • Tumors also plague Ekron. After seven months,
    they decide to return the ark, with a trespass
    offering, to Israel (511,12).

The Philistines and the Ark
  • They place the ark, with the trespass offering,
    on a new cart pulled by two milk cows whose
    calves were in the stalls.
  • If the cows return to the calves, the plague is
    just coincidental to the arks capture. If they
    pull the cart to a nearby Israel town, the
    Philistines will know that God sent the plague
  • The cows pull the ark to Beth-shemesh (610-18).

Israel Sins With the Ark
  • They brought the ark to the house of a man named
  • The Levites came down to service the ark.
  • The men of the city viewed the ark--a violation
    of the law. Only the Levites were allowed to view
    the ark.
  • God sent a plague and 50,700 men died.
  • They moved the ark to Kirjath-jearim, where it
    remained for 20 years in the house of Abinadab

Samuels Call to the People
  • Samuel calls on Israel to put away their foreign
    gods so God will deliver them from the
  • Israel gathers at Mizpah to worship God.
  • As they worship, the Philistines attack them, but
    God delivers them (710).
  • Samuel erected a stone, and they called the place
    Ebenezer, the stone of help (712).
  • Israel captured many cities they had previously
    lost to the Philistines (714)
  • Samuel judged Israel his whole life. Rode a
    circuit from Bethel to Gilgal to Mizpah.
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