Title: Source apportionment HM
1A source apportionment study and model validation
for HMs and POPs air concentrations of MINNI
project C. Silibello1, G. Calori1, M. Costa1,
P. Radice1, M. Mircea2
1 ARIANET Srl, Via Gilino, 9, 20128, Milan,
Italy 2 ENEA, National Agency for New
Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic
Development, via Martiri di Monte Sole 4, 40129,
Bologna, Italy
13th TFMM annual meeting 17th19th April 2012 -
Grand Hotel Mgarr Gozo MALTA
- Simulation setup
- Wind re-suspension from soil and seawater
- Comparison with experimental data
- Source apportionment foreign sources
contribution and sector contribution - Summary and future plans
3Simulation setup
4The MINNI ProjectAtmospheric Modelling System
Space,time, species info
Local data
Reference inventory
ECMWF fields
Meteorological Subsystem
Emission Subsystem
Emission Manager
Reference Meteorological year
Reference Emission year
B.C. MSC-W Inorganic/Organic MSC-East POPs/HMs
Chemical- transport Subsystem
Transfer matrices
Concentration Deposition fields
Meteorology subsystem
ECMWF fields
RAMS 1 2 grids, 4DDA
6Emission subsystemNational emission inventory
for heavy metals year 2005
(ISPRA, 2009)
7Emission subsystemIntegration of inventories
Emissions of surrounding countries from EMEP
National emission inventory by province and
sector (NUTS3 and SNAP2/3) LPS (140)
8Emission subsystemExample Sea traffic
International (EMEP)
9Boundary conditions EMEP Meteorological
Synthesizing Centre East (MSC-E)
- EMEP MSC-E air concentrations
- 50 kmx50km, 6 hours
- HMs
- Pb, Cd, Hg, As, Ni, Cr, Zn, Cu, Se
- POPs
- 4 indicator PAHs
- ?-HCH
- 17 congeners of PCDD/Fs
- 5 congeners PCBs.
10Yearly average concentrations of As
EMEP 50km x 50km
MINNI 20km x 20km
11Wind re-suspension from soil and seawater
12Wind re-suspension from soil and seawater
Wind re-suspension of particles from soil and
with sea-salt is estimated using Vautard et al.
(2005) and Zhang et al. (2005). The production of
dust from soils is not taken into account if
precipitation during the last 48 hours exceeds
0.5 mm.
Emission factors of heavy metals for suspension
with sea-salt aerosol
DISPERSION IN EUROPE by Oleg Travnikov and Ilia
Ilyin Meteorological Synthesizing Centre East
13As concentration in topsoil
Spatial distribution of heavy metal concentration
in soil has obtained using data available from
FOREGS web site. For Eastern Europe and Africa
default concentration values based on the
literature data were used (Table below).
Default concentrations of heavy metals in soil
14Yearly averaged concentration of As MINNI
All sources
Wind re-suspension from soil and seawater
The contribution from Aeolian resuspension is
about 1
15Comparison with experimental data
16Background monitoring sites
17As yearly averaged concentration All stations
Target value 6 ng m-3
18Ni yearly averaged concentrations All stations
Target value 20 ng m-3
19Cd yearly averaged concentrations All stations
Target value 5 ng m-3
20Pb yearly averaged concentrations All stations
Limit value 500 ng m-3
21BaP yearly averaged concentrations All stations
Target value 1 ng m-3
22Source apportionment
23Source apportionment
- Foreign sources
- A) Zeroing BCs ( Long-range contribution)
- Zeroing both BCs and emissions in surrounding
countries - For both cases
- Two months run of the AMS (winter January- and
summer July-) - Computation of the variation between reference
and case run concentrations (?). The percentage
contribution of the case run is computed as
100? / Creference
- Sector contribution
- Emission scenario decrease of sector emissions
(-20) - Two months run of the AMS (winter January- and
summer July-) - Computation of the variation between reference
and scenario averaged concentrations (?). The
percentage contribution of a sector i is computed
as ? i / ?i ? N
24Foreign sources contributionsNi and BaP
25Ni Long-range contribution (A)
Variation ?i
26Ni Long-range contribution (A)
27Ni Surrounding countries emissions (B)
Variation ?i
28BaP Long-range contribution (A)
Variation ?i
29BaP Surrounding countries emissions (B)
Variation ?i
30Major sectors contribution on concentrations
- Sector contribution
- combustion in energy production and
transformation (Sector 1) - non-industrial combustion, residential and
commercial (Sector 2) - combustion in manufacturing industry (Sector 3)
- industrial processes (Sector 4)
- road transport (Sector 7)
- other mobile sources (Sector 8)
- waste treatment and disposal (Sector 9).
31Pb Combustion in Residential, Combustion in
Industry and Production Processes
32Pb Non-industrial combustion, residential and
commercial (Sector 2)
Variation ?i
33Pb Combustion in manufacturing industry (Sector 3)
Variation ?i
34Pb Production processes (Sector 4)
Variation ?i
35BaP Non-industrial combustion, residential and
commercial (Sector 2)
Variation ?i
36Summary and future plans
- the atmospheric modelling system of the MINNI
project is able to simulate realistic
concentrations of heavy metals and BaP - lower values of modelled concentrations suggest a
significant underestimation in the emissions. A
better knowledge in emission inventories may
improve predictions - more observations, for longer periods and
covering the whole country, are necessary for a
comprehensive validation of model results - the contribution of Aeolian resuspension to heavy
metals concentrations is low BaP
concentrations are strongly influenced by
national sources, over most of the Italian
territory - the effect of foreign emissions is higher near
the Alpine border at the north, over the islands
(Sardinia and Sicily) and in some rural areas in
the central-southern part of the Italian
peninsula, far from densely inhabited zone - civil heating, particularly in the regions where
wood burning devices are used, is the main
contributor BaP concentrations. The
contribution of the industrial sector isrelevant
around major facilities, with the largest
absolute contribution in Taranto, whose steel
industries are the largest individual source of
PAH in the country according to the national
emission inventory. Road traffic contributes for
a few percentage points, with highest absolute
contributions in the Po Valley and near Rome and
Naples metropolitan areas. The remaining sectors
play an almost negligible role. - simulations for other years, with higher spatial
resolution, coupling of POPs partitioning to full
chemical model (SAPRC99 and AERO3)
- This work is part of the MINNI (Integrated
National Model in support to the International
Negotiation on Air Pollution) project, funded by
the Italian Ministry of Environment, Territory
and Sea. - We wish to thank Ilia Ilyin, Marina Varygina and
Alexey Vladimirovich Gusev (EMEP MSC-E) and Anna
Carlin Benedictow and Michael Gauss (EMEP MSC-W)
for providing EMEP models output. - We also wish to thank Beatrice Bondanelli
(Autonomous Province of Bolzano), Monica
Angelucci (Environmental Agency of Umbria
Region), Sandro Zampilloni (Lazio Region), Carla
Contardi (Piemonte Region), Fulvio Stel
(Environmental Agency of Region Friuli-Venezia
Giulia), Giuseppe Onorati (Campania Region),
Salvatore Patti (Environmental Agency of Veneto
Region) for supplying monitoring data.
38Thank you!