2POINT-OF-VIEWposition from which writer tells a
4OMNISCIENT (all-knowing)teller knows ALL the
characters actions and THOUGHTS
5 as the students waited for the exam to start,
they thought with confidence that they would ace
the test without much effort.
6LIMITED OMNISCIENT (sort-of all-knowing)teller
knows one characters actions and THOUGHTS
7 as Tommy sat in his desk waiting for the exam
to start, he thought with confidence that he
would ace the test without much effort.
8FIRST PERSON (I speaking)teller is in the
story and says what he/she knows
9 as I sat in my desk waiting for the exam to
start, I was confident I would ace the test
without much effort.
10SECOND PERSON (You doing)teller talks about
you, the character in the story
11 you sit in your desk waiting for the exam to
start, feeling confident you will ace the test
without much effort.
12THIRD PERSON (watcher)teller knows the
characters actions only
13 Tommy sat in his desk, looking confident, and
waited for the exam to start
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