The Concept of Lean Growth Modeling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Concept of Lean Growth Modeling


... potential, nutrient intake and environmental conditions on pig growth Why the Interest in Lean Growth Modeling by the Pork Industry? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Concept of Lean Growth Modeling

The Concept of Lean Growth Modeling
  • AnS 320
  • Fall 2006

Priority of Nutrient Usage
IV. Fat
III. Muscle
II. Bone
Nutrient Supply
I. Maintenance
What Is a Lean Growth Model?
  • Mathematical model designed to attempt to
    accurately quantify the daily nutrient
    requirements of pigs during the grow-finish
    stages of production based on inputs that effect
  • Mathematical model to identify means to improve
    efficiency of lean pork production
  • Integration of current knowledge of genetic
    potential, nutrient intake and environmental
    conditions on pig growth

Why the Interest in Lean Growth Modeling by the
Pork Industry?
  • Feed industry perspective
  • Old nutritional approaches did not adequately
    meet the needs of todays pigs
  • Base nutrient level recommendations are not
    appropriate in all situations
  • Need for a structured method to design feeding
    programs for specific situations

Why the Interest in Lean Growth Modeling by the
Pork Industry?
  • Producer perspective
  • Efficiency of production is a key to
  • Decisions on the implementation of cost-effective
    management changes to optimize expression of
    genetic potential for lean tissue growth
  • The number of diets fed and the composition of
    the diet
  • Diet changes for different seasons
  • Target slaughter weight or weights
  • Choice of genotypes
  • Split-Gender feeding and management

What measurement encompasses all of these
Protein deposition rate
Building type

Space allowance
Number of pigs/pen
Variables Required for Accurate Lean Growth
  • Daily protein (lean tissue) accretion rate
  • Partitioning of energy intake over maintenance
    between protein and lipid accretion (lean to fat
  • Daily feed intake
  • Major hindrance to implementation is accurate,
    economical means to estimate these

Factors Affecting Rate of Protein Accretion
  • Genetic Type
  • Major differences are
  • overall mean protein accretion rate
  • rate of decline after 200 lb
  • Related to maturity patterns
  • Genetic capacity sets the maximum rate, but many
    other factors contribute to the realized rate of
    protein accretion
  • Under Ideal Commercial Conditions 80 of Max
    can be achieved

Measuring On-Farm Protein Deposition
  • Using ultrasound equipment, we can measure
    protein and fat deposition as a pig grows.
  • Select a sub-sample of pigs and scan every three
    weeks from 50 lb to market.
  • Based on the protein and fat accretion, we can
    then back-calculate a lysine requirement and feed

Real-time Ultrasound
Measuring On-Farm Protein Deposition
  • By calculating the changes in
  • Weight
  • Loin muscle area
  • Backfat thickness
  • We can develop mathematical equations to
    calculate daily protein and lipid accretion

Estimated Protein Deposition Using Serial
Ultrasound Measurements
Farm 1
Farm 2
Lysine Requirement
Farm 1
Farm 2
Factors Affecting Rate of Protein Accretion
  • Genetic Type
  • Gender
  • Health Status and Environment
  • herd health status and management level
  • interaction of health status x genetic type

Protein Accretion Rate Genetic Type Effects
Factors Affecting ProteinAccretion Rate
  • Gender Effects
  • Gilts exceed barrows in protein accretion even at
    lighter weights and the differences increase with
  • Basis for split-gender feeding and phase feeding
    as the differences in overall rate of lean growth
    and the rate of lean growth decline are different
    for barrows and gilts.

Gender Effect on Growth Rate Commercial
Schinckel and Delange
Gender Effect on Protein Accretion Rate
Commercial Conditions
Schinckel and Delange
Modeled Impact of Gender and Farm on ADG
Tokach, et. al, 1997
Modeled Protein AccretionBarrows and Gilts
Tokach, et. al, 1997
Modeled Percent Lysine Needed Based on Protein
and Lipid Accretion
Tokach, et. al, 1997
Health and Management Effects on Protein
Accretion Rate
Schinckel, 1996
Commercial vs Optimal Environmental Conditions
Schinckel, 1997
Commercial vs Optimal Environmental Conditions
Schinckel, 1997
Commercial vs Optimal Environmental Conditions
Schinckel, 1997
Commercial vs Optimal Environmental Conditions
Schinckel, 1997
Partitioning of energy intake over maintenance
between protein and lipid accretion
  • Genetic Type
  • High lean growth lines require less energy to
    achieve the same lean growth rate as moderate
    genetic types.
  • However, high lean growth lines are more affected
    by situations where energy intake is limited and
    respond with larger absolute and percentage drops
    in lean growth rate when compared to other

Schinckel and Delange
Importance of Feed Intake
  • Voluntary feed intake is a driven by the pigs
    requirements for nutrients
  • Feed intake is reduced as a function of
    constraints imposed on the animal
  • Diet characteristics
  • bulk density, fiber content, nutrient content,
  • Environment
  • thermal, social, physical, disease
  • Pigs physical capacity to ingest feed

Schinckel and Delange
Feeding Paylean
  • Paylean Technical Manual
  • Swine feed premix containing ractopamine which
    directs nutrients to increase the amount of
    quality meat in high value cuts and improves
    production efficiency
  • Beta-Andrenergic Agonist Mode of action is the
    stimulation of beta-receptors (Beta-1 type) in
    the cell

Paylean Effects on the Pig
  • Production Effects (Asset Utilization)
  • Increased Average Daily Gain
  • Potential to increase throughput if pigs
    available to fill barns
  • Potential to market at heavier weights (gt
  • Improved Feed Efficiency
  • Reduced feed cost/lb of gain (lean)
  • Decreased Carcass Fat
  • Reduces fat deposition
  • Increased Carcass Muscle (loin, ham, etc)
  • Increases muscle development

Paylean Effects on the Pig
  • Higher Percent Lean (less fat, more muscle)
  • Opportunity to obtain higher lean premium
  • Depends on packer merit system
  • Higher Dressing Percentage
  • Heavier carcass at a standard weight
  • Potential to increase frequency of Slow and
    Downer Pigs
  • Heavier muscled pigs more susceptible to stress
  • Physiologically more muscle may put stress on
    tendons, ligaments, etc.

Paylean Effects - ADG
Paylean Effects - Feed Efficiency
Influence of Paylean? Level on Margin /pig
greater than controls
Main et al., 2001
Nutrients of Primary Concern in Waste Management
  • Nitrogen
  • Amino Acids that comprise the Proteins required
    for life
  • Phosphorus
  • Mineral required for bone development, body
    function, health, etc.

Environmental Concerns for Nitrogen
  • Volatilization of Nitrogen to Ammonia (NH3)
  • Returns to land or water via rainfall, dry
    precipitation, or direct absorption
  • Potential for significant odor generation
  • Community/neighbor relations can be strained
  • Nutrient distribution
  • Meeting agronomic needs without the adverse
    effects of over-application

Environmental Issues for Phosphorus
  • Direct and indirect contamination of water
  • Surface and sub-surface waters
  • Nutrient distribution
  • Meeting agronomic needs without the adverse
    effects of over-application

Nitrogen and Phosphorus Intake, Excretion and
Retention in Swine
Nutritional Approaches
  • High quality protein
  • Balance of amino acids in protein sources defines
  • Soybean meal and fish meal High Quality
  • Peanut meal and cottonseed meal Low Quality
  • Excess nitrogen excretion occurs when using too
    much low quality protein in feed
  • Most limiting AA can define the amount of protein
    included in a diet thus feeding protein to meet
    the most limiting AA can increase Nitrogen

Nutritional Approaches
  • Dietary formulation
  • Formulate and balance diets to meet the Amino
    Acid requirement, rather than the Crude Protein
    requirement, for the optimal lean growth rate of
    the genetic type of pigs you raise
  • Crystalline lysine and methionine are generally
    cost effective
  • Synthetic threonine, valine, isoleucine,and
    tryptophan are available, but may not be cost
  • Lysine substituted for soybean meal reduces CP by
    2 in the diet and can result in a 20 to 25
    reduction in N excretion (Pierce et al, 1994)

On-Farm Strategies to Improve P Utilization and
Reduce P Excretion
  • Phosphorus excretion is Influenced by
  • Amount of phosphorus consumed
  • Excess fortification of P in diets was common in
    the past, but not wise and unjustified today
  • Form or bioavailability of the phosphorus in the
  • Phosphorus in the Phytate or phytic acid form is
    largely unavailable to swine because swine lack
    the intestinal enzyme phytase to break down the
  • Large differences in bioavailability of
    phosphorus in common feedstuffs

Nutritional Approaches to Reducing Phosphorus
  • Poultry and swine lack a critical enzyme
    (phytase) which releases phosphorus from phytic
    acid and makes it available for utilization
  • Approximately 2/3 of plant phosphorus is bound to
    phytic acid and is unavailable for utilization by
    both swine and poultry
  • Thus, inorganic P sources (Di-calcium phosphate,
    de-fluorinated phosphate) are added to diets

New Approaches to Phosphorus Utilization and
  • Synthetic phytase enzyme added to the feed
  • Phytase releases 20 to 40 of the bound P in
    typical dietary ingredients
  • The addition of phytase combined with a reduction
    from 0.6 P to 0.5 P (inorganic) in the pig diet
    results in a 20 to 50 reduction in Phosphorus
  • In addition, Ca is more readily absorbed
    resulting in reduced Ca excretion

Low Phytate Corn and/or Low Phytate Soybean Meal
  • Use of Low Phytate Corn (HAP corn)
  • Genetically enhanced corn varieties are now
  • Lpa1 mutant gene in corn inhibits phytate
  • Reduction by 50 the amount of P in the phytate
  • Phosphorus is 3 to 4 time more bioavailable
    compared with normal corn (Cromwell 1998, Douglas
    et al. 2000)
  • Up to 40 reduction in phosphorus excretion when
    fed to swine (Pierce Cromwell 1999, Spencer et
    al., 2000)
  • Further reduction in Phosphorus excretion when
    phytase is used in conjunction with low-phytate

Low Phytate Corn and/or Low Phytate Soybean Meal
  • Normal Corn Low-Phytate
  • Total P 0.25 0.26
  • Phytate-P 0.21 0.08
  • Non-Phy P 0.05 0.18
  • (Li et al., 2000)

Low Phytate Corn and/or Low Phytate Soybean Meal
  • Use of low phytate soybeans
  • Genetically enhanced soybeans recently developed
  • Response similar to those observed when feeding
    low-phytate corn
  • More available form of phosphorus
  • Reduction in phosphorus excretion

Feeding Management Considerations
  • Feeding for Optimal vs Maximum Performance
  • Incremental change in performance is reduced as
    nutrient levels increase
  • Law of Diminishing Returns
  • Added cost of diet and nutrient level excretion
    potential dictates formulation for optimal
    nutrient levels

Feeding Management
Multiple Phase Nutrition Program designed to
meet genetic capacity, health and facilities of
the pig
Minimize overfeeding of essential nutrients
CP and Nutrient Levels changed frequently to
closely match pig needs
Live Weight
Effect of Phase Feeding
  • Inefficiencies occur when the diet provides more
    nutrients than the animal needs
  • More phases less waste and cheaper diets
  • But also more hassle
  • Compromise between number of phases and benefits
  • In-line mixers/liquid feeding systems allow for
    continuously changing the diet composition
    without increasing hassle

Impact of Phase- Feeding on Nitrogen Excretion
Dietary Crude Protein Dietary Crude Protein Dietary Crude Protein
Single Feed 17 Two-Feeds 17 15 Three Feeds 17 15- 13
Nitrogen output/day lb 0.070 0.064 0.059
of two - feeds 110 100 92
Nutritional Approaches
  • Split-sex feeding (gilts vs barrows)
  • Sex differences may dictate feed formulation
  • Gilts are generally higher in lean, have lower
    feed intake, and better feed efficiency
  • Require higher levels of CP and more energy dense
    diets than barrows at a given weight
  • Complements the goals of phase feeding
  • NOTE Gender differences today are less in leaner
    genetic types, thus some producers have abandoned
    this concept

On-Farm Strategies to Improve N Utilization and
Reduce N Excretion
  • Focus on Feed Efficiency
  • Monitor Diet Quality and Form
  • Proper grind (700 microns) enhances nutrient
    availability and nitrogen utilization
  • Ohio Study from the late 90s showed a wide range
    in particle size from both on-farm and feed mill
    processed grains, with most samples too coarse
  • Pelleted diets improve feed efficiency compared
    with meal diets (pelleting costs may be an issue)
  • High-quality feedstuffs improve conversion

Recommended Feeder Adjustments after Weaning
Initial feeder adjustment
2 to 3 weeks into turn
Final feeder adjustment
Courtesy Steve Dritz, KSU
Nutritional Approaches
  • Feed Additives
  • Use of a Beta-Agonist (Paylean) to improve
    feedlean conversion efficiency
  • Reduction in nitrogen excretion
  • Increased efficiency of nitrogen utilization
    through an improvement in lean tissue growth,
    reduction in fat deposition and or increase in
    fat degradation
  • Reduced total volume of manure
  • Feed intake is reduced and feed efficiency
  • Improved P retention

Production Management
  • Facilities and Herd Health
  • Proper ventilation rates and temperature control
    enhance productivity and efficiency
  • All-in, All-out production flow improves pig
    health and production efficiency

  • Enhance nutrient (N and P) availability,
    utilization efficiency, and reduce excretion
  • Phase-feeding Easy, low cost
  • Crystalline Amino Acids Cost effectiveness?
  • Micron size Fast, easy
  • Feeder management Easy
  • Feed additives Cost effectiveness?
  • HAP-corn/soy Agronomic production cost, yield,
    etc. must be considered
  • Today a question of AVAILABILITY
  • Microbial phytase Appears quite effective
  • Used extensively
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