Advertising Campaign Planning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Advertising Campaign Planning


1. Appraising Ad Opportunity Before planning: determine whether advertising has role in market situation Five Conditions for ad opportunity: 1. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Advertising Campaign Planning

Advertising Campaign Planning
1. Appraising Ad Opportunity
  • Before planning determine whether advertising
    has role in market situation
  • Five Conditions for ad opportunity
  • 1. Favorable primary-demand trend
  • 2. Good chance of product differentiation
  • 3. Presence of hidden qualities
  • 4. Powerful emotional buying motives
  • 5. Adequacy of funds

2. Analyzing the Market
  • Critical decision TARGET MARKET
  • Define the market for your product
  • Market objectives answer these questions
  • Where do we want to be?
  • Whom do we want to reach (target market)?
  • What response do we want?

3. Advertising Objectives
  • Advertising objectives must be clearly
    distinguished from marketing objectives
  • Define Goals Objectives
  • Objectives are broad, long-range endeavors
  • Goals are immediate, short-term objectives that
    are specific as to time and degree

3. Advertising Objectives
  • Examples
  • Objectives
  • Marketing to sell products
  • Advertising to create brand preference for
  • Goals
  • Marketing to achieve 12 market share in 2004
  • Advertising to establish 20 brand preference
    with 3 million consumers in 2004

3. Advertising Objectives
  • Four elements of Ad Campaign Objectives
  • 1. The Basic Message to be delivered
  • 2. The Audience
  • 3. The intended Effect(s)
  • 4. The specific Criteria to Measure the success
    of the campaign

3. Advertising Objectives
  • Ultimate responsibility for all goals and
    objectives rests with the management of the
    company doing the advertising.

4. Budget Control
  • Once ad objectives are known, we need the funds
    () to do the job

4. Budget Control
  • Advertisings portion gets further divided
    different product, markets, media, time

4. Budget Control
  • A budget is only a plan for future advertising
  • Flexibility is a key factor in a realistic budget
  • Unfortunately, ad budgets get trimmed easily
    when the marketplace becomes volatile

4. Budget Control
  • Advertising budget is an investment
  • When this happens, ad programs become carefully
    planned and executed
  • Advertising contributes to
  • Product or brand image
  • Builds goodwill
  • Creates acceptance for future products
  • Image of the advertiser

5. Developing the Strategy
  • Objectives describe the intent of the
    advertising once laid down, its time to develop
    appropriate strategies to accomplish them
  • Strategy issues arise in two major areas
  • Selecting media
  • Creating advertisements

5. Developing the Strategy
  • Strategy is a military term
  • Greek--literally means generalship
  • Also, an ingenious design for achieving an end
  • Advertising Strategy
  • Is creativity applied to knowledge for the
    purpose of finding the most effective way of
    achieving an end

5. Developing the Strategy
  • Selecting Media
  • Identify the target audience or market
  • Match audience, medium, and media habits of
    persons in the target-market group
  • Costs of time/space in media absorb budget
  • Effective advertising messages to the greatest
    number of prospects at lowest cost

5. Developing the Strategy
  • Creating the Advertising Message
  • Ad message at core of ad campaign/plan
  • ANA excellent message 10 times greater than
    mediocre message
  • Message content can maximize ad dollars
  • Creating ad message is a primary function of
    advertising agencies (other main function is
    media buying and placement)

5. Developing the Strategy
  • Creating the advertising blueprint
  • What business goals do we seek to accomplish?
  • What kind of people do we now sell to? What kind
    should we sell to?
  • How do those people now think, feel, and believe
    about our product, company and competition?

5. Developing the Strategy
  • Creating the advertising blueprint
  • What do we want those people to feel, think, and
  • What key thought can we put into those peoples
    minds to make them think, feel, and believe?
  • What tone of voice will get those people to hear
    and believe us?

5. Developing the Strategy
  • The Campaign Theme
  • Concentrate or emphasize a certain selling idea
    or theme
  • Every ad campaign should have a basic theme that
    reflects the campaign objective
  • They may or may not incorporate the whole USP
    Unique Selling Proposition (or Point)
  • Without a theme for continuity, the campaign
    becomes a collection of unrelated messages

6. Integrating Marketing Mix
  • Advertising, to be fully effective, needs support
    from all marketing channels
  • Manufacturing
  • Research Development
  • Distribution
  • Sales Distributors

7. Evaluating Ad Results
  • Pre-testing begins as soon as campaign is
    underway (simulates marketing environment)

7. Evaluating Ad Results
  • Pre-testing begins as soon as campaign is
    underway (simulates marketing environment)
  • Used to correct ad format or expectations

7. Evaluating Ad Results
  • Pre-testing begins as soon as campaign is
    underway (simulates marketing environment)
  • Used to correct ad format or expectations
  • Goal is to eliminate errors before spending large
    sums of money

7. Evaluating Ad Results
  • Post-testing done only after full commitment to
    a creative approach and media schedule has been
  • Objective is to ensure future campaigns will be
    more effective

7. Evaluating Ad Results
  • Advertising testing can be isolated to the ad or
    any of its elements
  • Headline idea
  • Basic theme
  • Illustrative treatment
  • Photography

7. Evaluating Ad Results
  • Actual testing is carried out by the ad agency,
    an independent research firm, or by an in-house
    advertising/marketing department

Concludes Ad Campaign Planning
  • References
  • Advertising by Wright, Winter, Zeigler
  • Absolut Book by Richard W. Lewis
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