Title: Reality and Hyperreality in Cinema
1Reality and Hyperreality in Cinema
2Table of Contents
- 1) The Matrix as an Allegory
- 2) Simulation and Simulacra
- 3) Visual Images as Simulacra
3The Matrix as an Allegory
- The Matrix (1999)
- Written and Directed by Andy and Larry Wachowski
4The Matrix as an Allegory
- A short synopsis
- Computer hacker Thomas Anderson has lived a
relatively ordinary life until he is contacted by
the enigmatic person called Morpheus who leads
him into the REAL world.
5The Matrix as an Allegory
- Morpheus makes Anderson
- realise that the world around
- him is a computer simulation,
- a false version of twentieth-
- century life (exactly speaking
- 1999) named the Matrix
- and the REAL world (of 2199)
- has been laid waste and taken
- over by advanced artificial
- intelligence machines.
6The Matrix as an Allegory
- The computers have
- created the Matrix to
- keep the human slaves
- satisfied, while the AI
- machines draw power
- from the humans.
7The Matrix as an Allegory
- Morpheus and other
- rebel warriors are
- constantly pursued by
- the police or "Agents"
- (computers who take on
- human form and
- infiltrate the Matrix),
- while struggling to
- overthrow the Matrix.
8The Matrix as an Allegory
- The Truman Show (1998) written by Andrew Niccol
and directed by Peter Weir - The heros home town and the surrounding area is
the worlds largest soundstage (television stage).
9The Matrix as Allegory
- Dark City (1998) written and directed by Alex
Proyas - The decrepit urban labyrinth is eventually
revealed to have been built by aliens for
observing human behaviour.
10The Matrix as an Allegory
- The Thirteenth Floor (1999) written and directed
by Josef Rusnak - One of the scientists perfecting a sim-city
realizes slowly that he himself, and everything
he knows exists merely as part of another sim.
11The Matrix as an Allegory
- Sim City is a city building simulation game,
first released in 1989 and designed by Will
12The Matrix as an Allegory
- Allegory
- The war between machine and man
- (The possibility that) Reality is a hoax and
simulation. - Our anxiety about what our relationship to the
real should be, or what our relationship to the
fake should be.
13Simulation and Simulacra
- One of the keys to understand the allegorical
meanings of The Matrix - A brief shot of a book, Jean Baudrillards
Simulacra and Simulation
14(No Transcript)
15Simulation and Simulacra
- To dissimulate to feign (or pretend) not to
have what one has. - To simulate to feign (or pretend) to have what
one does not have (there is nothing) - "to simulate is not simply to feign...feigning or
dissimulation leaves the reality intact...whereas
simulation threatens the difference between
'true' and 'false,' between 'real' and
'imaginary' (Baudrillard, p. 5)
16Simulation and Simulacra
- Simulacrum what is simulated a copy of reality
which has already lost its originality and
meaning - Simulacrum an empty sign which refers to only
itself and is devoid of meaning and value - Our reality itself is made of simulacra
17Simulation and Simulacra
- There is nothing which is not simulated in our
reality - postmodern reality. - Present-day simulators make the real coincide
with their simulation models. - Images - films, TV, photographs, computers, etc.
- Copies, replicas, models
18Simulation and Simulacra
- "Disneyland is presented as imaginary in
- order to make us believe that the rest is real,
- when in fact Los Angeles and the America
- surrounding it are no longer real, but of the
- order of the hyperreal and of simulation" (25).
19Visual Images as Simulacra
- What The Matrix shows us is the reality like ours
which consists entirely of simulated and mediated
people and objects - hyperreal objects. - The Matrix present a simulated reality which is
more real than our reality. But how
20Visual Images as Simulacra
- Digital image surroundings
- Videogames The Matrix deploys digital effects in
a way resonant for gamers - Whether one played on a PC or a platform like
PlayStation or X-box, videogame images are all
digitally coded.
21Visual Images as Simulacra
- We are surrounded by digitally created images
video game and computer game - Wire fighting effects
- example
22Visual Images as Simulacra
- Immersion effects (effects which make you
completely absorbed in the film) You leave your
reality for a moment and are absorbed in another
reality. Made possible by digital effects
digital effects - Wire-fighting choreographed by legendary Hong
Kong choreographer/director Yuen Wo Ping (Yuen
23Visual Images as Simulacra
- Jackie Chen films
- The Matrix
- Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon (2000)
- Kill Bill (2003)
24(No Transcript)
25Visual Images as Simulacra
- Bullet time a computer enhanced, extreme
slow-motion effects - It is thrilling, and filled with visual pleasure,
and designed to surround ones consciousness
utterly. Matrix, Trinity