Title: Chest Pain
1Chest Pain
- William Beaumont Hospital
- Department of Emergency Medicine
- Shanna Jones, MD
2The Things That Kill
- Acute MI
- Pulmonary Embolus (PE)
- Pneumothorax (PTX)
- Aortic Dissection
- Esophageal Rupture (Boerhaaves)
3Lets dive right in
4Chest Pain What is it?
- 65 y/o male complains of substernal chest
pressure and tightening that radiates to his left
arm, shortness of breath, diaphoresis, and nausea
that started while working in the yard. - PMHx HTN, high cholesterol
- Soc tobacco
- FHx father died at 62 of MI
5Chest Pain What is it?
- 86 y/o female presents with generalized weakness,
mental status changes, vomiting, epigastric pain,
and syncope after her last episode of vomiting. - There is no other history as the NH did not feel
it was necessary to send her records.
6Chest Pain What is it?
- 36 y/o obese, diabetic male presents with
weakness, fatigue. shortness of breath whenever
he gets off the couch, and just not feeling
right, doc. - PMHx diabetes since his teens, HTN, high
cholesterol - FHx Mom HTN Dad had a bad heart
7Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)
- Leading cause of death among adults in the US
(about 1 million, 2006) - 6 million people present to the ER per year with
chest pain - 2 million of these receive the diagnosis of ACS
- Cost of doing business 100-120 billion
8Risk Factors for CAD Typical
- Male
- Older Age
- Tobacco
- DM
- High Cholesterol
- FHx
- Cocaine
- Artificial/early menopause
9Risk Factors for CAD Atypical
- DM
- Elderly
- Female
- Nonwhite
- Dementia
- No history of MI
- No history of high cholesterol
10Unstable Angina (USA) Defined
- New onset angina occurring with minimal exertion
or at rest, worsening of previous angina,
increased frequency or duration of attack, and
resistance to previous treatment - ECG normal/unchanged, nonspecific ST segment
changes, or T wave inversions
11Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)Definition
- Rise and fall of cardiac biomarkers with the
following - Ischemic symptoms (critical vessel stenosis with
increased myocardial work load or plaque rupture) - Development of Q waves on ECG
- ST segment elevation or depression (STEMI
NSTEMI) - Coronary artery intervention (lytics or cath lab)
12NSTEMI Definition
- Positive cardiac enzymes in the appropriate
clinical scenario without ST elevation on the ECG - ECG normal, T wave inversions, ST segment
13ECG Findings of ACS
- Hyperacute T waves
- ST segment elevation of 1 mm
- ST segment depression NSTEMI vs reciprocal
changes - T wave inversions initial presentation or
evolving infarct - Q waves may emerge in the initial hour, but
usually develop at 8-12 hours - Normal ECG
14Injury Patterns on the ECG
- Anterior wall MI ST segment elevation V1-V4
- Vessel LAD
15Injury Patterns on the ECG
16Injury Patterns on the ECG
- Lateral Wall MI I, aVL, V5, V6
- Vessel variable perfusion of LAD, RCA, LCx
17Injury Patterns on the ECG
- Anterolateral with reciprocal changes
- Vessels LAD and 1st diagonal branch
18Injury Patterns on the ECG
- Inferior wall MI II, III, aVF
- Vessel 90 RCA, 10 LCx
19Injury Patterns on the ECG
- Posterior Wall MI V1-V3 depression, tall upright
T, tall wide R wave, R/S ratio greater than 1 - Vessel RCA, PDA, LCx
20Injury Patterns on the ECG
- Inferior Wall MI with Posterior Wall MI V1-V3
depression, tall upright T, tall wide R wave, R/S
ratio greater than 1 - Vessel RCA, PDA, LCx
21Moving on
- What do you want to order in addition to an ECG
for a patient presenting with chest pain,
suspected ACS?
22Initial Evaluation
- IV, O2, monitor
- Focused HP
- Chem 7
- CK-MB, troponin, myoglobin
- Possible D-dimer
- ? Repeat ECG
23Treatment in the ED STEMI
- Activate the acute MI page and cath lab
- ASA 325mg PO proven to save lives
- NTG SL and gtt reduces preloadgtafterload,
dilates coronary arteries - Heparin 60 U/kg bolus then 16 U/kg/hour
- ? Beta Blocker
24Treatment in the ED STEMI
- Morphine for persistent pain or anxiety to
reduce O2 need, weak sympathetic blocker, preload
reducer through venous dilation - Glycoprotein IIb/IIIA inhibitors started in the
EC or cath lab for those patients undergoing
mechanical coronary intervention - Plavix in consultation with the cardiologist as
it prohibits CABG for 5 days
25Treatment in the ED STEMIReperfusion Therapy
- PCI 90 minute rule
- Most people are eligible
- Decreased risk of bleeding and stroke
- Higher initial reperfusion rates
- Defines coronary vasculature and allows for
treatment vs. surgical referral - t-PA when PCI cannot be achieved in 90 minutes
or is not available - 0-12 hours after symptom onset
26NTG When to think twice?
27NTG Be cautious
- Bradycardia
- Hypotension
- Inferior or posterior wall MI with RV INFARCT
- Decreased preload will cause sudden hypotension
and increase infarct size - These patients need fluids to increase preload
and help fill the malfunctioning/weakened
28Treatment in the ED USA/NSTEMI
- Basically the same, but without the cath lab or
fibrinolytics - IV, O2, monitor
- ASA, heparin, NTG, ? beta blocker, morphine
- Plavix and GIIb/IIIa inhibitors potentially after
discussion with cardiology - Admit to a monitored unit
29Chest Pain low risk, but risky enough
- Patients who are low risk with risk factors
(silly isnt it?), chest pain free, and have a
normal ECG and enzymes - Observation unit for serial cardiac enzymes and
ECG - Stress test vs. CTA
- Cardiology consult variable
30Chest Pain What is it?
- 38 y/o female presents with sudden onset of chest
pain and shortness of breath after retrieving her
bags at the baggage claim from a flight home from
Hawaii. She states that it is worse when she
takes a deep breath. She also complains of this
aching pain in her right leg when walking.
31Chest Pain What is it?
- 80 y/o bedridden patient sent from the NH with
mental status changes and hemoptysis. She is
pleasant during the conversation, but has no idea
why she is here. She is actively coughing and
appears to have increased work of breathing. - PMHx positive for almost everything (she is 80)
- Vitals HR 110, BP 90/60, RR 28, sPO2 88 RA
- Lungs bibasilar rales with right mid lung
32Pulmonary Embolism 2006 Stats
- Approximately 1 in every 500-1000 EC patients has
a PE - EM MDs correctly diagnose about 50
- 10 of EC patients with PE die within 30 days
even when PE is promptly diagnosed and treated
33PE Risk Factors
- Carcinoma
- Immobility
- Trauma or surgery in the last 4 weeks
- Smoking
- Estrogen/OCP
- Pregnancy/PP
- Thrombophilia
- Connective Tissue Dz
- Prior PE or DVT
34PE Signs and Symptoms
- Chest Pain
- Dyspnea
- Hemoptysis
- Splinting
- Syncope
- HR gt 100
- Pulse ox lt 95
- Unilateral arm or leg swelling
35PE Diagnosis
- Basic Labs CBC and Chem 7
- ? Labs CK-MB, troponin, PT/PTT
- D-dimer low risk patients only with low pretest
probability - CXR
- Exclude other diagnosis CHF, PNA, PTX
- Unilateral basilar atelectasis increases the
probability of PE - Hamptoms hump wedge shaped infarction
- Westermarks sign unilateral lung oligemia
36PE Hamptons Hump
37PE Westermarks Sign
38PE Diagnosis
- Again to exclude other diagnosis
- Most common finding is sinus tachycardia
- T wave inversions V1-V4
- McGinn-White Pattern S1Q3T3
- New incomplete or complete RBBB
- Chest CT moderate to high risk patients or
pre-test probability, positive D-dimer
41PE Treatment
- Heparin unfractionated 80 U/kg bolus then 18
U/kg/hr - LMWH 1 mg/kg SQ q12 hours
- Coumadin usually started on the floor
42PE Treatment
- IVC filter for pts who failed anticoagulation
or have contraindications - Thrombolytics consider in high risk pts such as
systolic hypotension, persistent hypoxemia,
elevated troponin or BNP (early shock or shock) - Surgery large clot burden, refractory
hypotension, floating emboli in the R heart
43Chest Pain What is it?
- 18 y/o tall, thin healthy male c/o sudden onset L
sided CP with shortness of breath. The pain
started while he was inhaling on a marijuana
cigarette. It hurts more to breathe. - Vitals HR 110, RR 28, BP 110/70, sPO2 96
44Chest Pain What is it?
- 60 y/o male with a history of severe COPD c/o
increasing shortness of today that is not
relieved with his home inhalers. - Vitals HR 110, RR 28, BP 110/70, sPO2 90
- Heart distant, tachycardic and regular
- Lungs diffuse wheezing, decreased breath sounds
on the right
- Primary Spontaneous occurs in people without
clinically apparent lung disease - More common in men
- Associated factors tall, smoking, changes in
ambient atmospheric pressure, genetics, MVP,
Marfans syndrome - Disruption of the alveolar-pleural barrier is
thought to occur when a bleb or bulla ruptures
into the pleural space
- Secondary Spontaneous occur with known
underlying pulmonary disease - More common in men
- Associated with any underlying pulmonary disease
including infection, ILD, neoplasms, COPD,
asthma, etc - Weakening of the alveolar-pleural barrier occurs
secondary to the underlying lung disease either
from inflammation or development of bullae
- Iatrogenic
- Complication of intubation or aggressive BVM,
central line placement, or any endoscopic
procedure involving the trachea or esophagus - Consider in any stable patient with acute
deterioration, hypoxia, or increased difficulty
with ventilation
48 Tension Pneumothorax
- Positive intrapleural pressure causes compression
of the mediastinum and the contralateral lung - Pressure exceeding 15 to 20 mm Hg impairs venous
return to the heart - Leads to cardiovascular collapse if not treated
immediately ? this is a clinical diagnosis not a
radiographic one!
49Pneumothorax Symptoms
- Ipsilateral sharp CP
- Dyspnea
- Pleuritic pain
- Cough
50Pneumothorax Signs
- Sinus tachycardia
- Hyperresonance
- Decreased breath sounds
- Unilateral enlargement of the hemithorax
- Splinting
- Hypoxia
51Pneumothorax Diagnosis
- Clinically for tension PTX
- Radiolucent band devoid of lung markings
- Inspiratory/expiratory views
- Lateral decubitus views in sick patients
- Supine CXR may have deep sulcus sign
- Thoracic ultrasound
- Chest CT
52(No Transcript)
53Pneumothorax - Tension
54Pneumothorax Deep Sulcus Sign
55Pneumothorax Management
- Tension needle decompression
- Tube thoracostomy ? 20-28 F for air, 32F at least
if fluid is present - Observation for PTX lt 20 collapse
- Reabsorption Rate
- 1-2 per day
- 4-8 if on 100 NRB
56Chest Pain What is it?
- 60 y/o male complains of sudden onset tearing
chest pain that went up into his jaw, through to
his back, and then down into his abdomen. He
also vomited once, is diaphoretic, and appears
very anxious. - Vitals BP 190/120, HR 110, RR 22, sPO2 95
57Aortic Dissection
- Occurs more often in men older than 40
- HTN is the most common risk factor
- Associated with cardiac surgery, bicuspid aortic
valve, stimulant use, and trauma - Agelt40, associated with congenital heart disease,
Marfan, Ehlers-Danlos, and giant cell arteritis - 44 of pts with Marfans will develop an aortic
58Aortic Dissection
- Type A 62
- Involve the ascending aorta ? more lethal
- Type B 38
- Do not involve the ascending aorta
- Pt more likely to be older, smoke, have chronic
lung disease, HTN, or atherosclerosis
59Aortic Dissection - Diagnosis
- Labs CBC, chem7, PT/PTT, type cross, CK-MB,
troponin - ECG exclude other dx, 15 may have ischemic
changes ? 3 dissect back and most commonly
involve the RCA, may have LVH or nonspecific ST
or T wave changes - CXR abnormal in 80 but nonspecific findings
60Aortic Dissection - Diagnosis
- CT scan test of choice
- TEE limited by availability and operator
- Aortography no longer the test of choice
- MRI excellent test but limited by availability
and instability of the patient
61Aortic Dissection - Management
- Opioids decrease pain and sympathetic tone
- Beta blockers esmolol and labetalol
- Decrease BP and HR to decrease shearing forces
- Should be started first unless the pt is
bradycardic - Nipride vasodilator, used in conjunction with a
beta blocker to maintain SBP 100-120
62Aortic Dissection - Management
- Hypotensive pts measure BP in all 4 extremities
to make sure it is real, IVF, blood, immediately
to OR - Type A ? OR (27 mortality if treated surgically
vs. 56 if treated medically) - Type B uncomplicated 10 mortality when treated
medically (32 mortality if complicated)
63Chest Pain What is it?
- 22 y/o healthy male complains of chest and back
pain after forcing himself to vomit. He states
he had food stuck in his chest while eating at
Mongolian BBQ and then forced himself to vomit
for relief. He now says that his voice is
hoarse, it hurts to breathe deep, and he is still
very nauseated. He tried to drink some water,
but this only intensified the pain. - Vitals HR 120 BP, 130/90, RR 25, sPO2 97
64Esophageal Rupture Boerhaaves
- 15 are spontaneous with the remainder being
iatrogenic from endoscopy, NGT, ETT, combitube,
foreign body - 90 of spontaneous ruptures occur in the distal
esophagus - DX CXR, gastrograffin swallow, CT
- Management
- IV antibiotics
- NPO and likely NGT
- Surgery consult
65Chest Pain What is it?
- 26 y/o male c/o retrosternal, sharp CP,
difficulty breathing, pain when breathing deeply,
and worsening dyspnea tonight when he laid down
to sleep. He states that for the last week he
has had URI symptoms and low grade fever, but now
feels that it has moved into his chest with the
increasing pain and difficulty breathing. - Vitals HR 110, BP 110/80, RR 24, sPO2 98
- Heart Tachycardic and regular, () pericardial
rub - Lungs CTA
- Bedside TTE is negative for effusion
- Causes infectious, injury/trauma, metabolic,
systemic (RA), carcinoma, or aortic dissection - DX clinical suspicion, ECG, echo
- Echo pericardial effusion and tamponade are
worrisome complications ? pts should be put in
obs or hospitalized - Treatment NSAIDS, steroids for pts who cannot
tolerate NSAIDS