Title: Maintenance Equipment on Mondo Surface
1Providing Superior Environmental Cleaning
Direction to ASBA Members Customers
Cleaning beyond green Tom Menegus Strategic
Account/Government Mgr. Tennant Company
- Cost Saving Suggestions for Dealer Installers,
that speeds and improves initial floor
preparation process. - Aid installers with post job clean up
- Set realistic expectation for proper floor care
maintenance. - Providing superior cleaning solution ideas that
- Protect extend the life of the floor.
- Lowers maintenance costs
- Improve health and safety.
3High Performance Sports Surfaces Require High
Housekeeping Standards
- Can only be attained by consistent frequent
cleaning ! - Removing solid debris fine particulate
- Vacuum Sweeping
- Removing sticky soilage spills
- Scrubbing
4Consistent Coverage on large floor areas can be
labor intensive costly
- Hand Sweeping 3,000 sf/h
- Walk Behind Sweeper 20,000 sf/h
- Rider Sweeper 100,000 sf/h
- Small to Large
- Broom Vacuum dust filter system
- Application size dictates machine size
- Under 50,000 sf walk
- Over 50K s ride
- Outdoor applications get more debris
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- Mop Bucket 500 sf/h
- WB Power Scrubber 20,000 sf/h
- Rider Scrubber 50,000 sf/h
- 17 10 gal
- 60 250 gal machines
- Application size (SqFt) dictates machine size
- Smooth s Disc Brush
- Textured s Cyl Brush
- Under 50,000 SF Walk
- Over 50,000 SF Ride
- Choose scrubbing equipment with latest chemical
management systems - Some require no chemicals reducing cost, labor,
waste water disposal, residue left behind -
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10Scrubbing Brushes Solution
- Soft Nylon Brushes or 3M blue or white scrubbing
pad - Conventional Scrubber 3 oz. /Gal Neutral Cleaner
- Foam Scrubbing Neutral Foam
- Electronically Converted Water no chemicals
- 50/50 Neutral Cleaner Spray bottle for hot spots
pre treat.
- Should be used for heavily textured surfaces I.e.
running tracks, grouted tile surfaces - Cylindrical brushes flex and reach into irregular
surfaces for better cleaning of rough surfaces - Also picks up light solid debris as it scrubs.
- Designed for cleaning smoother or slightly
textured surfaces.
12Cleaning Chemicals
- Clean water and Neutral PH detergent pre mixed _at_
3 oz per gallon - Rinse floor with clear water after scrubbing
- Or
- Use machine with Foam or detergent management
system. - Rinse floor with clear water after scrubbing
- Or
- Use machine with Electrically Converted water
system and eliminate the need for any chemical
13Creating a Cleaning Agent from Water
Clean Water Tank
Water Pump
Oxygenizing Chamber
Oxygenated Micro-Bubbles
Activated Nano-Bubbles
Water Cell
Scrub Head
- Reduce scrubber training and time associated with
storage, handling and mixing of chemicals - Eliminate eye and protective clothing need when
using chemical - Reduce slip/fall accidents
- Eliminate the purchase storage of general
purpose cleaners
- 50 less labor (eliminate rinse step)
- 50 less water waste water
- Kill 99.99 of Bacteria Germs both on the
floor and in the machine - Leaves floor clean safe without detergent
residue - Zero Chemical Cost
16Cleans better than conventional technologies
- Traditional cleaning relies on soap (detergent)
- Added cost
- Requires monitoring for safe use
- Leaves a residue
- Floors never fully rinsed
- Residue acts as a magnet
- Floors are never truly clean
- Detergent residue is affected by water (humidity,
spills) - Reactivated residue can change slip resistance
coefficient of floor -
17Building Owner
- Lease (1 to 5 year) Fair market value, 1 buy
out, Municipal ---All types available - Lease Purchase
- Long Term Rent (6 mos to 5 years)
- Factory Reconditioned Units
- Get the right tool for the job!
18Contractor Installer Short Term Rental of
Specialized Equipment
- Equipment Manufacturer
- Sunbelt Rental
- Hertz Rental
- Southern Sweepers Scrubbers
- Call well ahead of your need as equipment must
be set up properly to handle special surfaces,
extra time is needed for that
19Other floor prep attachments available
- Mastic or Adhesive removal
- Floor wax removal
- Joint Crack Repair
- Floor Polishing
- Diamond Brush
- Scarify high spots or joints
- Shot Blast
- Select equipment (rental or purchase) that has a
service network in place capable of servicing the
machine at your facility. - Make sure the equipment is set up properly for
use on your surface - Correct Brushes or Pads
- Chemical Compatible with your surface
- Squeegee Vacuum System
22Equipment Selection Guide
23Tom MenegusGovernment Manager Tennant
Company t1m_at_tennantco.com609-471-2162