Implementation of NAPA in Bhutan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Implementation of NAPA in Bhutan


... Agro-meteorological early warning system against ... etc. 0.23 8- Installation of Early Warning System on the Pho Chhu Basin Warning of Punakha valley ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Implementation of NAPA in Bhutan

Implementation of NAPA in Bhutan
  • Thinley Namgyel
  • National Environment Commission
  • Royal Government of Bhutan
  • Thimphu, BHUTAN

Criteria for Selection Ranking
  • Selection Criteria
  • convincing threats of climate and climate change
    level or degree of adverse effects of climate
  • demonstrates fiscal responsibility (or cost
  • level of risk (doing nothing entails a certain
    amount of risk)
  • complements country goals (such as overcoming
    poverty, enhancing adaptive capacity, or other
    environmental agreements)

55 project ideas
20 project ideas
9 TOP PRIORITY (USD 7.6 million)
Ranking Criteria
Category Criteria
Benefit 1 Human life and health saved by the intervention
Benefit 2 Arable land associated with water supply and productive saved by the intervention
Benefit 3 Essential infrastructure existing and projected hydropower plants, communication systems, industrial complexes, cultural and religious sites
Negative benefit Estimated cost of the proposed adaptation intervention measure/project
Immediate and Urgent Adaptation
Interventions(adapted from NAPA Document)
Proposed Projects Main Objective Main Outputs Cost (USD)
1- Disaster Management Strategy Planning for Food Security and Emergency Medicine to Vulnerable Communities Implementation of Emergency Food Security and Medicine/First Aid components of National Disaster Management Strategies in some pilot districts (Eastern Bhutan) Rapid communication, immediate response distribution networks for emergency needs in place Lives saved Awareness on relationship between bad land management and disasters 0.62
2- Artificial Lowering of Thorthormi Lake Glacier Lake Outburst Flood prevention Lower water level of Thorthormi Lake by excavating artificial channel widening of existing outlet channel Required civil works built Water level lowered and contained Water level monitored Staff trained to undertake similar projects elsewhere 3.12
3- Landslide Management Flood Prevention (Pilot Schemes in Critical Area) Effectively intervene in major landslide and flood affected areas before these become dangerous for human livelihood Proper land management practices developed, implemented and shared by communities in a series of pilot districts including Chaskhar, Ramjar, Thimphu-Phuentsholing Highway, and Thimphu-Trashigang Highway 0.89
Immediate and Urgent Adaptation
Interventions(adapted from NAPA Document)
4- Weather Forecasting System to Serve Farmers and Agriculture Provide weather and seasonal forecasts in support of production decisions of farmers Agro-meteorological early warning system against inclement weather, Special advisories at different production stages Optimally distributed network of synoptic stations More accurate weather forecasts for extended period based on operational meso-scale LAM model optimized for Bhutan Associated extension services 0.42
5- Flood Protection of Downstream Industrial and Agricultural Area Awareness raising for GLOF risks and possible preventive measures High quality hazard zonation map delineating areas with high risk etc areas materials for public information tools for the decision makers on spatial planning, building permits, etc. 0.45
6- Rainwater Harvesting Safeguard farmers from water shortages during dry periods and irregularities in the monsoon rainfall, thereby improving household food security and income of farmers living in vulnerable areas Higher crop and animal productivity under rainfed agriculture Safe drinking water and less health problems Increase in rural income Synergy with actions under the Convention on Desertification Environmental benefits (reduced soil erosion, recharge groundwater) 0.90
Immediate and Urgent Adaptation
Interventions(adapted from NAPA Document)
7- GLOF Hazard Zoning (Pilot Scheme - Chamkhar Chu Basin) Awareness raising for GLOF risks and possible preventative measures High quality hazard zonation map delineating areas with high risk etc. areas materials for public information tools for the decision makers on spatial planning, building permits, etc. 0.23
8- Installation of Early Warning System on the Pho Chhu Basin Warning of Punakha valley settlement/ essential infrastructure in case of actual GLOF Technical Early Warning System in place operated Hazard Zonation Awareness across the valley 0.40
9- Promote Community-based Forest Fire Management and Prevention Conserve land, water resources and wood production Village level forest fire management institutionalized and implemented Forest fire equipment well established and managed Reduced incidence of fires 0.42
NEXT STEP - Implementation Strategy
  • Mainstreaming adaptation process in the national
    development plans and programs
  • Synergizing with on-going activities
  • Stakeholder involvement
  • Planning Commission,
  • Department of Aid and Debt Management,
  • Donor Agencies
  • Sector Concerned
  • Awareness and outreach programs
  • Proactive implementing agencies in the country

NEXT STEP - Implementation Status
  • Disaster Reduction and Management
  • Source of fund UNDP
  • Disaster Management Strategy including
    implementation plan
  • Executing Agency Dept of Local Governance
    (Ministry of Home Cultural Affairs)
  • Landslide hazards
  • Source of fund SGP - Bhutan
  • Adaptation intervention in two communities facing
    landslide problems
  • Health
  • Source of fund SCCF
  • Emergency Medical Services
  • Water-borne and vector borne diseases
  • Implementing agency UNDP
  • Executing agency Ministry of Health WHO
  • PDF-B Approved.

NEXT STEP - Implementation Status- GLOF Threat
  • Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF)
  • 983 Glaciers
  • 2794 glacial lakes
  • 25 glacial lakes with high risk of GLOF

NEXT STEP - Implementation Status- GLOF Threat
Rapstreng Tso/Lake
Lugge Tso/Lake
Thorthormi Glacier Lake
Worst Case Scenario Combined GLOF of these
lakes could result in a flow of over 53 million
cubic meters of water.
NEXT STEP - Implementation Status- GLOF Threat
  • GLOF Threat Project
  • Reducing Climate Change Induced risks and
    vulnerabilities from glacial lake outburst floods
    in the Punakha-Wangdi and Chamkhar Valley
  • Source of fund LDCF
  • Implementing Agency UNDP
  • About to complete the PBF-B Phase
  • FSP in advanced stage expect to submit by
    December 2007
  • Outcome 1 Capacities for Disaster Risk
    Management, for climate change induced disasters
    in the Punakha- Wangdi and Chamkhar Valleys
  • Outcome 2 Artificial Lowering system of the
    Thorthormi lake waters implemented
  • Outcome 3 An early warning system for the
    Punakha- Wangdi Valley Operational and maintained.

NEXT STEP - Implementation Status GLOF Threat
  • Project costing (from draft FSP proposal)
  • Total US6,931,274
  • LDCF contribution US 3,445,050
  • Co-financing US 3,486,224
  • Co-financing

Co-financer Classification Type Amount (US)
UN Agencies (UNDP) IGO Cash in-kind 526,224
Royal Govt of Bhutan Government In kind 860,000
Austria Bilateral In kind 1,200,000
Japan Bilateral In kind 900,000
  • Mainstreaming during NAPA preparation helps with
  • Involve national agencies responsible for
    planning, finance and/or aid mobilisation for
    finding funds to implement projects.
  • Ensure stakeholders actually feel they have a
    stake in adaptation and the proposed projects
  • Bundle activities and projects if possible into
    one larger project
  • Reduce transaction costs!

thank you
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