CSC505 Advanced Computer Graphics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CSC505 Advanced Computer Graphics


But, the display device is a 2D array of pixels (unless you re doing holographic displays) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CSC505 Advanced Computer Graphics

CSC505Advanced Computer Graphics
  • Dr. Craig Reinhart

  • OpenGL?
  • Java 3D API?
  • Direct3D
  • VRML?
  • None of the above!
  • or at least very little

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles
    and concepts (mathematical and logical)
    underlying advanced graphical techniques.
  • Implement the principles and concepts
    (mathematical and logical) to produce
    sophisticated computer graphical displays and
    special effects.
  • I think that these objectives will be more
    meaningful even if you dont intend to do further
    work in computer graphics.

Class Layout
  • In class
  • Lectures
  • Labs
  • Demonstrations of your work
  • Out of class
  • Reading assignments (papers)
  • Programming assignments

  • Since were not going to cover the 3D graphics
    API youll need a way to demonstrate your work
  • BMP files for still pictures is one possibility
  • Well cover this format tonight
  • AVI files for animations
  • Well discuss a tool for creating them
  • Live demonstrations (application programs that
    you wrap your algorithms with)

Still Image Files
  • Microsofts bitmap file format
  • Many varieties
  • 8 bit with color palette
  • 16 bit RGB
  • 24 bit RGB
  • Compressed/uncompressed
  • Well stick with 24 bit as it is the simplest
  • 16,777,216 possible colors should be ample for
    our purposes

24-Bit Color Image
24-bit color
8-bit red
8-bit green
8-bit blue
24-Bit Color Image
Each 24-bit pixel is made up of one red, one
green, and one blue 8-bit pixel
24-Bit BMP File Format
  • Bitmap file header
  • Data structure that tells the reader that it is a
    BMP file
  • Bitmap information header
  • Data structure that tells the reader the format
    of the image
  • Image data
  • The picture elements (pixels) that make up the

Bitmap File Header Fields
  • bfType 2 bytes, always set to B and M
  • bfSize 4 bytes, size of the file in bytes (file
    header image header pixels)
  • bfReserved1 2 bytes, reserved for future usage
  • bfReserved2 2 bytes, reserved for future usage
  • bfOffBits 4 bytes, number of bytes in file
    before image starts (file header image header)

Bitmap Information Header Fields
  • biSize 4 bytes, size in bytes of this structure
  • biWidth 4 bytes (signed), number of pixels per
  • biHeight 4 bytes (signed), number of rows per
  • biPlanes 2 bytes, number of image planes (1)
  • biBitCount 2 bytes, number of bits per pixel
  • biCompression 4 bytes, type of compression (0)
  • biSizeImage 4 bytes, number of pixels in the
  • Not always (biWidth biHeight 3) because image
    rows must be a multiple of 4 bytes (to support
    fast transfer on a 32-bit bus)
  • biXPelsPerMeter 4 bytes (signed), for printer
    usage (ignore)
  • biYPelsPerMeter 4 bytes (signed), for printer
    usage (ignore)
  • biClrUsed 4 bytes, number of colors actually
    used in images with less than 24 bits per pixel
  • biClrImportant 4 bytes, number of important
    colors in images with less than 24 bits per pixel

Bitmap File Image Data
  • Pixels are stored in Blue-Green-Red order
  • Rows of pixels must be multiples of 4 bytes
  • Bottom row of image is stored first, top row is
    stored last
  • i.e. image is stored upside down

BMP File Writer
  • I have placed code to write BMP files on the
    class website
  • Both Java and C versions are there
  • If you want VB (or anything else) youll have to
    study the code Java or C code and make your own
  • The may not be the most efficient but they work
  • In the Java version, there are two different
    Write methods the one that takes 3 separate
    image planes (red, green, and blue) is probably
    the easiest to use.
  • Java also has an API to write images (ImageIO)
    and I would guess that C and VB do too.

Still Image Files
  • JPEG
  • A scheme for created compressed still image files
    (both lossy and lossless)
  • Most JPEG writers use the lossy method
  • This will not be suitable for many graphics
    applications as fine details are lost to the
    compression scheme

Video Image Files
  • AVI video files are nothing more than a series of
    BMP files (less the bitmap file header) grouped
    together with some additional header information
  • QuickTime (for you Mac users) is much more
    involved 1000s of pages of documentation exist
  • MPEG files contain frame-to-frame dependence to
    achieve compression

AVI File Format
  • Rather than dig into this, well use a tool to
    create them from a sequence of BMP files (or
    various other image file formats)
  • Bink Smacker from RAD Game Tools
  • http// Bink Video link
    then download link
  • Its FREE!
  • I dont think there is one for MacOSX but iMovie
    might work

Creating An AVI File
  • Write your code to create a sequence of BMP files
    names ltfilenamegtNNN.BMP where NNN ranges from 000
    to however many images (minus 1) in your sequence
  • Use Bink Smacker to assemble the individual BMP
    files into an AVI file
  • You can also add sound tied to frame numbers

Creating An AVI File
  • Create the BMP files (e.g. file000.BMP to
  • Run Bink Smacker
  • Browse to the folder storing the BMP files
  • Select file000.BMP
  • Press Convert a File button
  • Bink should recognize the sequence confirm
  • On the Bink Converter screen, press Convert
  • On the Video Compression screen select Full
    Frames (Uncompressed)
  • Press Done you should now have a file called
    file.AVI in the same folder as the BMP files

Scan Conversion
  • The first real topic

  • Just about any book on computer graphics (e.g.
    Foley, Van Dam, Feiner, and Hughes)
  • Using Program Transformations to Derive Line
    Drawing Algorithms, Robert F. Sproull, ACM
    Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 1, No. 4, October
    1982, pp. 259 273 (posted on class website)

Scan Conversion
  • Also known as rasterization
  • In our programs objects are represented
  • 3D coordinates representing an objects position
  • Attributes representing color, motion, etc.
  • But, the display device is a 2D array of pixels
    (unless youre doing holographic displays)
  • Scan Conversion is the process in which an
    objects 2D symbolic representation is converted
    to pixels

Scan Conversion
  • Consider a straight line in 2D
  • Our program will most likely represent it as
    two end points of a line segment which is not
    compatible with what the display expects
  • We need a way to perform the conversion

Drawing Lines
  • Equations of a line
  • Point-Slope Form y mx b (also Ax By C
  • As it turns out, this is not very convenient for
    scan converting a line

Drawing Lines
  • Equations of a line
  • Two Point Form
  • Directly related to the point-slope form but now
    it allows us to represent a line by two points
    which is what most graphics systems use

Drawing Lines
  • Equations of a line
  • Parametric Form
  • By varying t from 0 to 1we can compute all of the
    points between the end points of the line segment
    which is very convenient

Issues With Line Drawing
  • Line drawing is such a fundamental algorithm that
    it must be done fast
  • Use of floating point calculations does not
    facilitate speed
  • Division operations (even integer) are also time
  • Furthermore, lines must be drawn without gaps
  • Gaps look bad
  • If you try to fill a polygon made of lines with
    gaps the fill will leak out into other portions
    of the display
  • Eliminating gaps through direct implementation of
    any of the standard line equations is difficult
  • Finally, we dont want to draw individual points
    more than once
  • Thats wasting valuable time

Bresenhams Line Drawing Algorithm
  • Jack Bresenham addressed these issues with the
    Bresenham Line Scan Convert algorithm
  • This was back in 1965 in the days of pen-plotters
  • All simple integer calculations
  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication by 2
  • Guarantees connected (gap-less) lines where each
    point is drawn exactly 1 time
  • Also known as the midpoint line algorithm

Bresenhams Line Algorithm
  • Consider the two point-slope forms
  • algebraic manipulation yields
  • where
  • yielding

Bresenhams Line Algorithm
  • Assume that the slope of the line segment is
  • 0 m 1
  • Also, we know that our selection of points is
    restricted to the grid of display pixels
  • The problem is now reduced to a decision of which
    grid point to draw at each step along the line
  • We have to determine how to make our steps

Bresenhams Line Algorithm
  • What it comes down to is computing how close the
    midpoint (between the two grid points) is to the
    actual line

Bresenhams Line Algorithm
  • Define F(m) d as the discriminant
  • (derive from the equation of a line Ax By C)
  • if (dm gt 0) choose the upper point, otherwise
    choose the lower point

Bresenhams Line Algorithm
  • But this is yet another relatively complicated
    computation for every point
  • Bresenhams trick is to compute the
    discriminant incrementally rather than from
    scratch for every point

Bresenhams Line Algorithm
  • Looking one point ahead we have

Bresenhams Line Algorithm
  • If d gt 0 then discriminant is
  • If d lt 0 then the next discriminant is
  • These can now be computed incrementally given the
    proper starting value

Bresenhams Line Algorithm
  • Initial point is (x0, y0) and we know that it is
    on the line so F(x0, y0) 0!
  • Initial midpoint is (x01, y0½)
  • Initial discriminant is
  • F (x01, y0½) A(x01) B(y0½) C
  • Ax0By0 C A B/2
  • F(x0, y0) A B/2
  • And we know that F(x0, y0) 0 so

Bresenhams Line Algorithm
  • Finally, to do this incrementally we need to know
    the differences between the current discriminant
    (dm) and the two possible next discriminants (dm1
    and dm2)

Bresenhams Line Algorithm
We know
We need (if we choose m1)
or (if we choose m2)
Bresenhams Line Algorithm
  • Notice that ?E and ?NE both contain only
    constant, known values!
  • Thus, we can use them incrementally we need
    only add one of them to our current discriminant
    to get the next discriminant!

Bresenhams Line Algorithm
  • The algorithm then loops through x values in the
    range of x0 x x1 computing a y for each x
    then plotting the point (x, y)
  • Update step
  • If the discriminant is less than/equal to 0 then
    increment x, leaving y alone, and increment the
    discriminant by ?E
  • If the discriminant is greater than 0 then
    increment x, increment y, and increment the
    discriminant by ?NE
  • This is for slopes less than 1
  • If the slope is greater than 1 then loop on y and
    reverse the increments of xs and ys
  • Sometimes youll see implementations that the
    discriminant, ?E, and ?NE by 2 (to get rid of the
    initial divide by 2)
  • And that is Bresenhams algorithm

Drawing Circles
  • Bresenham also came up with a similar scheme for
    drawing circles
  • Similar scheme for determining next grid point
  • Uses x2 y2 - r2 0 for computing the
  • Similar algebraic manipulations
  • Draws all 4 quadrants of the circle at the same
    time to reduce the work load

Drawing Ellipses
  • Others have extended Bresenhams work to drawing
    axis-aligned ellipses too.

  • Why did we go through all this?
  • Because its an extremely important algorithm
  • Because the problem demonstrates the need for
    speed in computer graphics
  • Because it relates mathematics to computer
    graphics (and the math is simple algebraic
  • Because it presents a nice programming assignment

  • Design and implement your own algorithm to draw a
    line using one of the standard forms
    (point-slope, two-point, parametric)
  • Input to the algorithm will be the two endpoints
    of the segment (x0, y0) and (x1, y1)
  • Implement Bresenham's approach for drawing
    straight lines
  • Design and implement your own algorithm to draw a
    circle using the standard forms (center, radius)
  • Input to the algorithm will be a center point
    (xo, yo) and radius
  • Implement Bresenhams circle algorithm (search
    the web for references)
  • In all cases allow for input of the width of the
    line (i.e. input a brush size)

  • Write a paper
  • Describing your algorithms for scan converting
  • Comparing your approaches (for lines and circles)
    to Bresenhams in terms of quality of the
    resultant objects (i.e. did your approach have
    gaps and, if not, how did you get rid of them,
    did your code write some points more than one
    time) and implementation (number of operations,
    floating point operations, special conditions,
    amount of code, complexity, etc.)
  • Create a video sequence to show in class
  • Demonstrate lines of various slopes, lengths, and
    brush widths
  • Demonstrate circles of various locations, radii,
    and brush widths
  • Be creative
  • Due date Next week Turn in
  • Video to be shown in class
  • All program listings
  • Write-up of the comparison of techniques
  • Grading will be on completeness (following
    instructions) and timeliness (late projects will
    be docked 10 per week)
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