Face-to-Space - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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FACE-TO-SPACE Creating Buy-In for New Reference Mediums _at_ Your Statewide Cooperative Ahniwa Ferrari Project Coordinator for Ask-WA: The Washington State Virtual ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Face-to-Space

  • Creating Buy-In for New Reference Mediums
  • _at_ Your Statewide Cooperative

Ahniwa Ferrari Project Coordinator for
Ask-WA The Washington State Virtual Reference
Cooperative Washington State Library Office of
the Secretary of State aferrari_at_secstate.wa.gov
360-570-5587 http//www.secstate.wa.gov/library/li
An Overview
  • Over 60 Washington libraries participating
  • 21 public systems 39 academics numerous
  • Versus 24 libraries at beginning of 2008
  • Began in 2001 as individual grant cycles turned
    into current cooperative circa 2005
  • Uses QuestionPoints software and 24/7 cooperative

Why Virtual Reference?
  • First, lets get rid of the idea of virtual
    reference being some sort of new service.
  • If Ranganathan were a reference librarian today,
    his second law would read
  • Every user his or her reference medium.
  • Because youre committed to providing your
    patrons / students with help when they need it.

Think about Online Services
  • How important is it that you can
  • Bank Online
  • Buy Stuff Online
  • Be Entertained Online
  • Communicate Online?
  • These things are important to your users, too.

Reference is a Conversation
  • Your users want to talk to you.
  • You say you want to talk to them too?
  • They EXPECT you to be there when and how they
    need you (just like their other online
  • Our users should get to pick how to communicate
    with us. OUR role is to give them as many options
    as possible.

Common Issues
  • I cant do as good a job virtually as I can
  • Yes, face-to-face is the ideal communication
  • You cant always get what you want.
  • Would you rather serve 500 users face-to-face,
    knowing that youre missing another 500 virtual
    users or would you prefer to answer all 1000 of
    your users, even if only 100 of those
    interactions are face-to-face?
  • Providing reference online does require new
    skills, but learning these skills will make you a
    better librarian.

Common Issues
  • Other libraries cant help my users effectively
  • But they can START the conversation they can
    engage the user they can provide you a point of
    connection with that user where you can
  • QP makes it so the users home library always has
    the last word with their own users
  • This may not be a service issue but a content
    issue what information is so sought after by
    your users that youre NOT making easily
    accessible online?

Common Issues
  • Virtual Reference is not an appropriate forum for
  • Stop and think about this. Do you really think
    that questions involving more research / longer
    connection times are inappropriate, or are you
    just not interested in typing that much? Are you
    worried about your attention span or your users?
    Are you saying you have better things to do?
  • There may be valid arguments here, but not as
    many as you think. Again, VR can be the doorway
    that opens the connection. You can always get
    your user started and then use your VR session to
    schedule a F2F meet-up.
  • Check out David Lee Kings blog post relating to
    this http//www.davidleeking.com/2009/01/06/ask-a

Common Issues
  • Were already over-worked we dont have the
    staff available to start a new service!
  • Its not a new service its a test of your
    desire to provide accessible reference to your
  • What are you doing thats more important than
    being available to your users?
  • The actual staff time involved is minimal when
    compared to the benefit received this is
    particularly true in larger cooperatives where
    everyone pitches in for a greater good and
    enhanced coverage.

Common Issues
  • Virtual Reference is just the next new thing.
    If we get involved with this fad, our users will
    expect us to join the next fad, and the next
  • Its called progress or not getting left
  • I agree, you should make sure that its in the
    service of your users whenever you implement
    something new.
  • Chat isnt new anymore. At all. Its not like
    were asking you to use SMS, or Twitter, or to
    play video games with your users.

Benefits (A Laundry List)
  • You often get much more out of a virtual
    reference service than you put into it. An
    average library in Ask-WA might provide 400/year
    and 2 hours/week staff time for a 24/7 complete
    reference solution.
  • Statistics are built-in. Reports are included.
    You can monitor transcripts for quality control.
  • You can add your F2F questions then their
    statistics will be built-in too.

Benefits (Yep, there are more)
  • You may consider face-to-face to be the preferred
    method of communication, but chat can be better
    in numerous situations
  • Assisting your ESL users who have a hard time
    speaking or understanding spoken English, but
    have a higher level of competency with written
    English. Some services are also ADA-Compliant.
  • Allowing people to ask questions anonymously
    helpful for people who are embarrased about their
    questions (or afraid of librarians SEE Library
  • Two words Distance Education.
  • Two more words Rural Users.

Benefits (I could go on forever)
  • Great tool for ongoing staff development.
  • Its where the real reference questions are
    happening. Really.
  • Virtual questions can be routed / shared / and
    remixed (its all very Web 2.0!), offering some
    great opportunities for mash-up-ing and
  • Community buy-in tends to be high. Everyone likes
    the idea of doing more with less.

Statewide Cooperation (its the thing to do)
  • Were all in it together. Hundreds of librarians
    sharing expertise and knowledge.
  • Super subject experts from the State Law
    libraries and other partner institutions.
  • Move the question, not the patron. The question
    can travel worldwide, so the user doesnt have
  • The more people involved, the cheaper it gets for

Okay, so what do I need to do?
  • Getting a VR service started at your library just
    requires ONE person to really own the project
    (and convince key stake-holders to let them).
  • Staffing VR requires three main skills
  • A decent ability to type
  • An outstanding reference interview (and the good
    personal skills that go along with that)
  • The ability to find reliable information from
    credible sources, online.
  • Theres a lot of good training out there. Dont
    feel like you have to reinvent the wheel.

If you want to succeed
  • Dont hide access (and dont let your IT people
    hide it) make CHAT with a librarian prominent
    on EVERY page your users might need help (find
    other creative pages to put it on).
  • Dont limit the service or deter its use.
    Statements like factual questions only plz or
    well try to respond within 2 weeks will lower
    your use considerably.
  • Find (or create) some good success stories, and
    share them with reluctant librarians and admins.
    If you get good feedback from users, share that
  • Talk to other libraries doing VR and find out
    whats working for them. There are a lot of good
    ideas out there that you can take advantage of.

Recommended Reading
  • Francoeur, Stephen. My Workshop on Effective
    Chat Reference. http//www.teachinglibrarian.org/
  • Hirko, Buff, and Mary Bucher Ross. Virtual
    Reference Training The Complete Guide to
    Providing Anytime, Anywhere Answers. Chicago
    American Library Association, 2004.
  • Kern, M. Kathleen. Virtual Reference Best
    Practices. Chicago American Library
    Association, 2008.
  • Lankes, R. David. New Concepts in Digital
    Reference. San Rafael, CA Morgan Claypool,
  • Various Authors. Reference Renaissance Current
    and Future Trends. Speakers Presentations.
  • Lots more via Marie Radfords Virtual Reference
    Bibliography _at_ Rutgers http//vrbib.rutgers.edu/.

  • Creating Buy-In for New Reference Mediums
  • _at_ Your Statewide Cooperative

Ahniwa Ferrari Project Coordinator for
Ask-WA The Washington State Virtual Reference
Cooperative Washington State Library Office of
the Secretary of State aferrari_at_secstate.wa.gov
360-570-5587 http//www.secstate.wa.gov/library/li
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