Egypt Today - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Egypt Today


Egypt Today World Studies – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Egypt Today

Egypt Today
  • World Studies

  • Official Name Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Capital Cairo (founded 969 A.D.)
  • Location North Africa, bordering the
  • Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, and
    includes the Sinai Peninsula
  • Population 78.7 million (2006 census)
  • Religion Muslim 94, Coptic Christian
  • and other 6
  • Language Arabic (official), English and French
  • Size slightly more than 3X times the size of New

Egyptian Rule
King Fuad (monarchy)
639 AD
France and Britain
Ottoman Empire
Arab Muslims
King Farouk (Fuads son)
Linking the Two Seas
  • Egyptian ruler Ismail Pasha (1863-1879) wanted to
    build a canal to make Egypt equal to the Western
    nations. He believed it would increase trade.
  • This became the Suez Canal It linked the
    Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea
  • The canal opened November 17, 1869
  • Many Egyptians were not happy about the canal
    it took 10 years to build and some thought it
    would only continue French and British control
    over Egypt
  • Cost put Egypt into bankruptcy and Ismail had to
    sell Egypt's shares in the Suez Canal to the
    British Government. It was the only to stop an
    Egyptian financial crisis.

  • 1922- Became a monarchy after Britain gave up
    absolute control. The first King was King Fuad.
  • 1936- Ruled by Kings son, King Farouk
  • A lot of things still remained under British
  • An Egyptian army officer (Nasser)overthrows King

  • An army officer named Gamal Abdel Nasser
    overthrew King Farouk
  • Wanted a stronger government and to be rid of
    British influence
  • He changed Egypt from a monarchy to a republic
  • Wanted to unite all Arabs, with Egypt as their
  • He was the leader from 1954 1970
  • Brought Egypt out of intense poverty

Nassers Major Accomplishment
  • Nile River floods frequently
  • Nasser approved construction of Aswan High Dam to
    control the flooding
  • Took 15 years and cost 1 billion to build
  • Farmers now have dependable source of water
  • Allowed Egypt to grow crops year-round
  • 11,000 feet long
  • Provides electricity irrigation for all of Egypt

  • In exchange for one benefit there are always
    downfalls this is called a tradeoff
  • Because of the dam, the river blocks the
    depositing of the rich soil
  • 100 million tons of earth settle behind the dam
    each year
  • Farmers have to use artificial fertilizers
    these pollute the Nile

Women in Egypt
  • Much of Egyptian cultures view on women rights
    came from Egypts main religion, Islam.
  • Egyptian womens movement started during the
    revolution of 1919, but still were denied the
    right to vote
  • Gradually gained the right to higher education
  • 1956 New constitution under Nasser gave women
    right to vote and run for office
  • 2000 Law passed to make it easier for a woman to
    get a divorce

A New President
  • 1970 President Nasser dies.
  • Anwar Sadat elected (had been the Vice President
    under Nasser)
  • Egypt opposed Israel for many years, but in 1979,
    Egypt was the first Arab state to sign a peace
  • Opposed Iraqs invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

  • Many people were against Sadat and his close
    relationship with the US
  • An extremist group, called the Muslim
    Brotherhood, insisted Egypt be governed only by
    Islamic law
  • October 6, 1981 Sadat was assassinated by a
    group of young soldiers

Muslim Brotherhood
  • Militant group founded in 1928
  • Members in several Muslim countries
  • 1954 - attempted to assassinate Nasser
  • Believe Egyptian government is being untrue to
    the principles of Islam by working with Israel
    and the US
  • They have been underground for many years but
    have recently become visible and powerful in the
    Middle East

Government today
  • 1971 Constitution adopted
  • Country led by a President that is elected every
    six years.
  • It is a republic with a parliamentary government
    with a judicial system based on British common
    law and Islamic moral law.
  • The People's Assembly is a part of the Egyptian
    government. 434 of the members are elected by the
    people, and 10 are appointed by the President.
    They approve new laws and budgets. The members of
    The People's Assembly are elected every 5 years.
  • The responsibility of ruling Egypt is shared by
    both a president and a prime minister.
  • The Egyptian President supervises the formulation
    of laws and policies and is in charge of Egypt's
    Armed Forces (the military).

The President, Muhammad Hosni Said Mubarak (Hosni
Mubarak) was elected to office in 1981 and has
been the President ever since.
Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif was sworn into office
in 2004.
Land and People
  • Most of the population live in a narrow strip of
    land on both sides of the Nile
  • Some live in cities, others in villages
  • Egypts major primary product and export is
    cotton became a major export during Civil War
    in US because cotton exports from the south were

  • More than 90 percent of Egypt is barren desert.
  • Life in modern Egypt is pretty crowded.
  • It is populated by almost 80 million Egyptians of
    ancient Egyptian, Arab, Bedouin and Nubian
    ancestry who only live on 3 of the countrys
  • Not many foreigners choose to live in Egypt.
  • Along the Nile valley, modern Egypt still looks
    very much like its ancient past, except for the
    roadways running along the river and some
    electricity towers and lines scattered here and
  • In ancient days, the papyrus plant grew
    abundantly along the banks of the Nile. Now it's
    almost extinct and grown only for the production
    of souvenirs for the tourism industry.

Village Life
  • Life in modern Egypt for the fellahin is similar
    to their ancient Egyptian or early Arab settlers
  • More than half live in villages
  • Those who live in the villages are peasant
    farmers or fellahin
  • They live in the rural villages along the Nile,
    living in mud brick houses or goatskin tents, and
    tilling the soil with the same tools of pharaonic
    times. These people work their small plots of
    land and keep livestock.
  • Eat a simple diet of bread and beans often
    leads to malnutrition
  • Tuberculosis very common and very few are treated
    by doctors
  • Many children do not go to school
  • The men wear a long flowing robe called a
    galabiyah and many women wear the veil.
  • The women also wear silver and gold jewelry,
    necklaces, and bracelets on their wrists and
    ankles. This is not vanity, however, but the
    dowry a husband must pay for the right to marry
    her. Women keep jewelry as a form of economic

  • Life in modern Egypt is a study in contrasts,
    especially in Cairo, the capital city. The
    constant blasting of the car horns and the
    loudspeakers of its thousand minarets show people
    both the hectic present and the quiet past.
  • There are modern skyscrapers, highways, a subway
    system, hotels, restaurants, advertising and
    western clothing blend together with the ancient
    ruins of the pharaohs, Islamic mosques, Coptic
    churches, Middle Eastern garb, bazaars and the
    odor of cattle in a unique mosaic of life in
    modern Egypt.
  • You might even see a huge caravan of farmers,
    donkeys and camels making their way down a major
    street in Cairo.

Largest Egyptian City
  • Over 15 million people largest city in Egypt
  • Used to have gardens and trees, but have since
    been paved over
  • Crowded, polluted, and high unemployment
  • Many housing problems
  • Crowded because people come every year looking
    for work

City Life
  • Poor people live in the older sections of the
    city some live in cemeteries or on roofs
  • Most work in factories or sell souvenirs
  • Most of the well educated people live on the west
    bank of the Nile near government buildings,
    hotels, museums, and universities

Arab worlds leading country
  • 1829 Opened the first modern school for girls
  • 1950s First to require all children attend
    elementary school
  • Information entertainment is transmitted to the
    people by up-to-date television, radio, movies,
    newspapers, and magazines
  • American style food, sports, music, arts, cinema
    and theater.

Cities of the Dead
  • Naema Zaki and her five children have been
    forced to make the cemeteries in Cairos City of
    the Dead their permanent home because of the
    countrys chronic housing crisis shortage. We
    came to live in these cemeteries because they are
    inexpensive and practical for a starting point.
    However soon we realized that its not a temporary
    house and that we want to continue here these
    people are kind and all of us here care for each
    other, unlike other Cairenes. said Zaki, a
    widow who lives in a tomb room in the Northern
    Cemetery with her children.
  • For many Cairenes the City of the Dead is a
    mysterious, foreboding area. Many Cairenes are
    aware of its existence but few understand this
    group of vast cemeteries that stretches out along
    the base of the Moqattam Hills.

  • Among these cemeteries lives a community of
    Egypts urban poor, forming an illegal but
    tolerated, separate society. More than five
    million Egyptian live in these cemeteries, and
    have formed their own enterprises, said Malak
    Yakan, an anthropologist and tour guide.
  • There are five major cemeteries in this city
    there, the Northern Cemetery, Bab el Nasr
    Cemetery, the Southern Cemetery, the Cemetery of
    the Great, and Bab el Wazir Cemetery, said
  • From the Salah Salem Highway, the City of the
    Dead appears to be organized and proper, a match
    for the beige, sandy landscape of the distant
    Citadel. Inside, however these cemeteries bear
    witness to the centuries of Cairos history.
  • Previously, Cairo rulers chose the area for
    their tombs outside the crowded city in a
    deserted location. This area was used as a
    burial ground for the Arab conquests, Fatimids,
    Abbasids, Ayyubids,Mamlukes, Ottomans, and many
    more, said Yakan.
  • The historic belief in Egypt is that the
    cemeteries are an active part of the community
    and not exclusively for the dead. Egyptians have
    not so much thought of cemeteries as a place of
    the dead, but rather a place where life begins.
    said Yakan.
  • In modern times, because of Egypts housing
    crisis, a lack of satisfactory and affordable
    housing for a rapidly growing population, many
    poor Egyptians have made these rooms their
    permanent homes.

  • These invaders have adapted the rooms to meet
    their needs. They have used the grave markers as
    desks, and shelves. They have hung strings
    between gravestones for their laundry to dry out.
  • We have brought in the electricity by wires
    over the roofs coming from the nearby mosque to
    be able to be able to live properly, said Zaki.
  • The City of the Dead seems to its inhabitants
    ideal because it is already built, affordable,
    and partially equipped. However there are many
    disadvantages of living there. They are joined
    by even a greater number of cockroaches,
    mosquitoes, flies, and vermin of all sorts",
    writes Nedoroscik in The City of the Dead, A
    History of Cairos Cemetery Communities.

  • The rooms are also filled with the overwhelming
    smell of the garbage piled outside their doors
    and sewage leaking out of the un-drained tanks.
  • In addition, The residents settling in the City
    of the Dead are insecure about their living
    status because they are living there against the
    law, said Yakan. It was the French occupation
    from 1978-1801 that began changing the image of
    the vast cemeteries of the City of the Dead.

  • It has brought a more westernized attitude
    towards cemeteries in the Egyptian society,
    making the presence of people living and carrying
    out activities in the cemeteries ignored,
    condemned and shamed by the majority of Cairene
    society, writes Nedoroscik. The cemeteries built
    in the City of the Dead are much different than
    the western idea of cemeteries. This is because
    traditionally, Egyptians buried their dead in 
    room-like burial sites so they could live in
    them during the long mourning period of forty
  • Today, the population of the City of the Dead is
    growing rapidly because of rural migration and
    its complicated housing crisis that is getting
  • But the future of the City of the Dead remains
    uncertain. The residents of the city will not
    deliberately agree to relocate unless the
    government provides other housing for them.
  • I will not move from this house after all
    these years to go out in the streets, said Zaki,
    Of course I want to leave the depressed mood in
    this place, but that doesnt mean I want to live
    in the street. We deserve proper houses.
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