Avoiding Recruiting Problems in the Nursery (and other Children - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Avoiding Recruiting Problems in the Nursery (and other Children


Take into consideration single parents and their need to take a break from child care, they should be scheduled half as often, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Avoiding Recruiting Problems in the Nursery (and other Children

Avoiding Recruiting Problems in the Nursery
(and other Childrens Ministry Departments)
  • Prepared by Teachable Heart Ministries

The Most Common Problem
  • Not enough volunteers
  • This one problem will quickly multiply into a
    multitude of troubles
  • The single most serious problem in childrens
    ministry today is lack of volunteers

Have you unknowingly been communicating a just
leave it to the experts philosophy in your
Some tattle tale signs
  • Experts Only Need Apply-
  • No staff meetings or training meetings
    scheduled and/or promoted, theyre just not
    talked about
  • Parents Not Welcome-
    Staff only beyond this point
  • Drop off Zone-
    parents are not registering
    their children but rather dropping them off at
    the door, drop them off and leave the spiritual
    training to the experts

More signs
  • Sign your Kid up and Dont ask any Questions-

    no parents hand book or material prepared
    explaining programs and volunteer opportunities,
    or its prepared but outdated and/or not being
    handed out
  • No one would put these signs up on purpose, and
    no one would want these to be the impression left
    on the parents
  • The signs may not physically be up- but signs are

The first step in the right direction..Decide
today to honor the Word of God
Get in line with the Five Fold Gift Ministry
  • Communicate clearly to the congregation how
    important it is for them to become involved
  • Ephesians 412,13 says that the purpose of the
    pastors, prophets, evangelists, and teachers are
    not to do all the ministry but rather to "prepare
    God's people for works of service so that the
    body of Christ may be built up until we all reach
    unity in the faith and in knowledge of the Son of
    God and become mature."

Offer Purposeful Ministry
  • Communicate your ministry plan, vision, and
  • Insure you have prayed and sought Gods will for
    your childrens programming
  • In other words, you should be able to easily list
    what youre doing and why, and in what area or
    purpose does this meet how you minister to those
    God directs in your path
  • What needs does your flock have and how are you
    addressing them?
  • What are you doing on purpose?

The Because and Effect of Un-purposeful Ministry
  • BECAUSE I dont have time right now to find
    some-one to do that- its just easier if I do it
  • EFFECT- Un-purposefully building skelton crews
  • PROBLEM- doing to much
  • SOLVE IT- take a good look at your schedule and
    see what you can cut from it, plan ahead so you
    avoid rushed moments, delegate, delegate,

  • BECAUSE- I can handle it on my own, Ill just
    step in and wing it.
  • EFFECT- Again your building a skeleton crew
    instead of team planning
  • PROBLEM- underestimating the problem
  • SOLVE IT- Choose the single person who has
    brought the most concerns to you for the program
    you are most concerned about. Prepare a meeting
    with that person and present all the resources
    you currently have for that department.
    Brainstorm problem solving and if lead by God
    communicate the responsibilities and role for
    that department head, youve either tackled a
    months worth of work or interviewed your newest

  • BECAUSE- We are committed to offering quality
  • EFFECT- Intimidation. New people will be
    intimidated and not want to be involved.
    Eventually your team will not be able to keep up
    with need.
  • PROBLEM- disabling the body
  • SOLVE IT- Plan more family fun events where
    responsibilities are more fun based than Bible
    teaching based, recruit training mentors
    (experienced workers working with new workers for
    hands on training), communicate how your church
    trains ministry workers

We want Kids Church to be the best hour of their
week!This kind of statement is meant to
encourage childrens ministry workers to value
the hour we spend with kids, its not the kind of
statement that should be made to parents!
  • BECAUSE We want Kids Church to be the best hour
    of their week
  • EFFECT- Parents getting less and less involved,
    they will leave the spiritual training up to the
    experts. What happens the rest of the week? If
    parents arent getting the training in the
    church where are they getting the training to
    raise their children up spiritually?
  • PROBLEM- Accountability and responsibility
  • SOLVE IT- Family friendly churches, Family
    Worship services, Family Nights at the church,
    intergenerational classes, parent seminars,
    parent hand books

More Problems to Follow
  • Safety Concerns- not enough chaperones
  • Litigation- Law suits
  • Current trend warning- recruiting teens as
    helpers- teenagers cannot replace adults when it
    comes to being legally safe they are not
    considered to have the same level of experience
    and abilities to deal with emergency situations.
    Take into consideration the danger to career and
    finances facing the church and staff for possible
  • before assuming your volunteer problem is
  • Accountability- to God for not instructing the
    parents in their responsibility

Ephesians 412 in Action
  • It should be presented first as a ministry
    opportunity, second as a scriptural
    responsibility to the body, and last as a
    responsibility because he/she is the parent of
    the child
  • If you do up a parents hand book all this can be
    explained and you can explain mandatory

Making mandatory volunteering in the nursery work
  • develop a proper application form and use
    training mentors
  • one parent out of the family of each preschooler
    working one service each rotation.
  • Take into consideration single parents and their
    need to take a break from child care, they should
    be scheduled half as often, they dont have a
    spouse to alternate with
  • Implement the policy that the nursery is there
    for them to personally use (to change diapers,
    nurse, etc.), but they cannot drop the child off
    for child care if they are not willing to work
    one service per rotation and fulfill their
    scriptural commitment to their child and the body
    of Christ.

Last but not least
  • Childrens ministry is family ministry
  • Being involved in childrens ministry equips you
    to discuss spiritual matters with your children.
  • Families should pray, serve, and worship
    together. Family friendly churches give them
    opportunity to do that
  • You are accountable to God to instruct, equip and
    edify the body, and you have to be purposeful in
    order to do it.
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