Health and wellness - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Health and wellness


Health and wellness Sajida Mazhar Risk Reduction Risk factor that may predispose an individual to diminished well being and health problems include physical risk ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Health and wellness

Health and wellness
  • Sajida Mazhar

  • is level of functional or metabolic efficiency
    of a living being.
  • general condition of a person's mind and body,
    usually meaning to be free from illness, injury
    or pain
  • (as in "good health" or "healthy").
  • Word health drive from old English term hal
    meaning sound or whole.
  • Webster dictionary define as the state of being
    healthy happy and prosperous

  • The World Health Organization (WHO)
  • defined health in 1946 as
  • "a state of complete physical, mental, and social
    well-being and not merely the absence of disease
    or infirmity.
  • definition has been subject to controversy
  • Why?
  • the word "complete?????questions

Classification systems
  • Classification systems such as WHO Family of
    International Classifications, including
  • International Classification of Functioning,
    Disability and Health (ICF) and
  • International Classification of Diseases (ICD),
    are commonly used to define and measure the
    components of health.

Aims of health care providers
  • Systematic activities to prevent or cure health
    problems and
  • promote good health in humans are undertaken by
    health care providers.

  • term "healthy" is also widely used
  • healthy communities
  • healthy cities
  • healthy environments.

  • great importance for health status and quality of
  • It is increasingly recognized that health is
    maintained and improved
  • not only through the advancement and application
    of health science,
  • but also through the efforts and intelligent
  • choices of the individual and society.

  • ( WHO) main determinants of health include
  • social and economic environment,
  • the physical environment,
  • the person's individual characteristics and

determinants of health
  • key factors (if people are healthy or unhealthy
  • Income and social status
  • Social support networks
  • Education and literacy
  • Employment/working conditions
  • Social environments
  • Physical environments
  • Personal health practices and coping skills
  • Healthy child development
  • Biology and genetics
  • Health care services
  • Gender
  • Culture

3 interdependent fields as key determinants of an
individual's health.
  • Lifestyle
  • aggregation of personal decisions (i.e., over
    which individual has control) that can be said
    to contribute to, or cause, illness or death
  • Environmental
  • all matters related to health external to human
    body and over which the individual has little or
    no control
  • Biomedical
  • all aspects of health, physical and mental,
    developed within human body as influenced by
    genetic make-up.

Prevention Practice A Holistic Perspective for
Physical Therapy
  • Health
  • Wellness
  • Dimension of Wellness
  • Model of Wellness
  • Quality of Life
  • Holistic Health
  • Risk Reduction
  • The Physical Therapists Role in Promoting Health
    and Wellness

  • Preventive practice is holistic practice of
    medicine that encompasses care of the individual
    in the context of that persons home , work, and
  • The impact of prevention practice influences not
    only the individual but also influences the
  • As a member of the health care team physical
    therapist play a key role in identifying risk
    factors for poor health and promoting wellness
    through various strategies including screening ,
    health education to encourage self responsibility
    and awareness of risk factors and promoting
    healthy style behaviors.

Optimal Health
  • A balance of physical, mental and social health.
  • Life style changes promoting health can be
    facilitated through a combination of effort that
  • Enhance self awareness and knowledge of health
  • Change behavior that interfere with good health
  • Create environments that support good health

Poor Health
  • Poor health may include physical ailments causing
    acute or chronic disabilities as well as mental
    issue that limit independent functioning.

  • Wellness often used synonymously with health
  • National wellness institute define as wellness
    is an active process of becoming aware of and
    making choice decision toward more successful
  • In other words wellness is active life long
    process of becoming aware of choice and making
    decisions to ward a more balanced and fulfilling
  • Wellness integrates mental, social, occupational
    , emotional, spiritual and physical dimension of
    ones life and reflects how one feels about life
    as well as ones ability to function effectively.

Dimensions of Wellness
  • According to system theory of wellness the
    multiple dimensions of wellness are essential
    sub elements of a larger system , yet these
    dimensions function independently as their own
    sub element.
  • When one dimension is disrupted other dimension
    of wellness reciprocally interrelated to that
    dimension are also disrupted.

  • Corbin, Lindsey and Welk Educators ---Exercise
    and Health Promotion
  • Physical, Spiritual, Social, Psychological,
    Emotional, Intellectual Wellness

Wellness Description
Physical ve perception and expectation of health , include ability to effectively meet daily demands
Spiritual Unifying force b/w body and mind. SW includes person ability to establish values and act on a system of beliefs as to establish and carry out meaningful and constructed life time goals.
Social Perception of having support available from family or friends in time of need. Also include persons ability to interact with others and to establish meaning full relation that enhance quality of life
Psychological General perception that one will experience positive out comes to event s and circumstances in life. Positive attitude ?optimism ?hope is vital in preventive medicine
Emotional Progression of secure self identity and positive sense of self regard. Ability to coupe with daily circumstances and to deal with personal feeling in a positive , optimistic and constructive manner.
Intellectual Perception of being internally energized by an optimal amount of intellectually stimulating activity. Ability person ability to learn and to use information to enhance the quality of daily living and optimal functioning.
  • Howard Clinebell , a Theologian offers an even
    more Comprehensive Perspective of Wellness with
    his Seven Dimension of Wellness.
  • Spiritual , Mental , Physical, Relation ship,
    Work well being , Play well being, Well being of
    our world.

Wellness Description
Spiritual Well-being Healthy religious beliefs, practice, values and institutions that energize and enrich all aspects of our lives.
Mental Well-being Represents the profound interdependence of mind and body that manifests itself in our mental and physical health. Mental well being incorporates problem solving , creativity, clarity in thinking , service and productivity .
Physical Well-being Reflect body health. Physical well being is evidenced by the ability to experience sensations with out pain , to effectively function with adequate energy, to be responsible for self care and to nurtures others.
Relation ship Well-being Our healing and general wellness. Need for nurturing and love for giving and receiving for empowering others and for creating inter personal bonds. On large scale peace full coexistence with others
Work Well-being Satisfies the thirst for purpose. Or need for fulfilling a purpose in ones vocation. Self worth, satisfaction , and personal fulfillment are all related to the individual ability to serve the community in a meaning full way.
Play Well-being Play provide with laughter , cheer , energy balance.
Well-being of our world Individuals prospective on living in a healthy environment and protecting natural resources. Justice , an earth caring life style, a desire of well being for all , adequate health care , dependence on others in community , political participation
Models of Wellness
  • models of wellness offer insight for management
    of illness and preventive practice.
  • In 1972 john W. Travis developed continuum of
    wellness illustrating impact of wellness on
    health and premature death.


HIGH LEVEL OF WELLNESS -----------------------
symptoms sign p
awareness education growth

neutral point
( no
discernible illness or wellness)
  • Wellness Grid Priorities For Your Well Being

Well Being Highest Priority Second Priority Third Priority
Spiritual Well-being
Mental Well-being
Physical Well-being
Relation ship Well-being
Work Well-being
Play Well-being
Well-being of our world
Ardells model of wellness (1977).(Adapted from
Ardell d.14 days to wellness the easy,
effective , and fun way to optimum health.
Newyork,ny new world library 1999.)
Ardells model of wellness (1986).(Adapted from
ardell d.14 days to wellness the easy,
effective , and fun way to optimum health.
Newyork,nynew world library 1999.)
Ardells model in three domains. (Adapted from
Ardell d.14 days to wellness the easy,
effective , and fun way to optimum health.
Newyork,nynew world library 1999.)
Comparing Holistic Medicine and
Conventional Medicine
Holistic Medicine Conventional Medicine
Philosophy Based on allopathic , osteopathic , naturopathic, energy and ethno medicine Based on allopathic medicine
Primary objective of care To promote optimal health To prevent and treat disease To cure or reduce pathology
Diagnosis Medical history , physical exam, lab data , holistic health care sheet. Medical history , physical exam, lab data
Primary method of care Empowering patients to heal them selves through health promotions and life style changes Eliminate sign and symptoms
Primary care treatment option Diet, exercise , environmental measures, attitudinal and behavioral modifications, relation ship and spiritual counseling. Medication and surgery
Secondary care treatment options Botanical (herbal) medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture , manual medicine, bimolecular therapies, physical therapy, medication and surgery. Diet exercise , physical therapy and stress management
Weaknesses Shortage of holistic physicians and training time intensive , requiring a commitment to healing process, not a quick fix. Ineffective in preventing and curing chronic disease expensive
Strengths Teaches patients to take responsibility for their own health and in doing so it is cost effective in treating both acute chronic illness , therapeutic in preventing and treating chronic disease and essential in creating optimal health Highly therapeutic in treating both acute and life threatening illness and injuries.
Quality of life
  • Ability to lead a normal life to the fulfillment
    of personal goals and self actualization.
  • According to world health organization quality of
    life is the individuals perception of their
    position in life in context of the cultural and
    value systems in which they live and in relation
    to their goals , expectations, standards and

Quality of life
  • Quality of life measures emphasize health
    profiles as describe by one assessment called
  • The SF-36 assesses eight health concepts
  • Limitation in physical activities because of
    health problems
  • Limitation in social activities because of
    physical or emotional problems.
  • Limitation in usual role activities because of
    physical health problem.
  • Bodily pain
  • General mental health ( psychological distress
    and well being )
  • Limitation in usual role activities because of
    emotional problems
  • Vitality ( energy and fatigue )
  • General health perception

  • The philosophy of holistic health care is
    compatible with medicine designed to restore
    health and wellness.
  • The health care providers comprehensive role in
    health care requires a holistic prospective of
    the individual seeking care.
  • This holistic prospective looks beyond physical
    functioning of individual and recognize the
    importance of multiple factors contributing to
    good health and optimal wellness , emphasizing
    the unity of mind , spirit and body.
  • According to American holistic health association
    ,this expanded perspective of holistic care
    considers the whole person and the whole
  • The characteristic of holistic medicine that
    apply to wellness practice incorporate
    recognizing the interdependent parts of whole
    being , including the physical, mental ,
    emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual.

  • This recognition of multiple factors influencing
    health and wellness leads to following
  • Identifying and managing root causes of disease
  • Empowering the individual to manage these
    pathological processes.
  • Providing a comprehensive perspective of the
    individual in multiple social roles.

Risk Reduction
  • Identification of population at risk for
    developing physical and mental health problems
    help curtail the number of peoples whose quality
    of life is diminished by preventing pathology.
  • Many pathological conditions are genetic but
    still some conditions are preventable.
  • Knowing the population at risk for a particular
    disease allows health care providers to target
    health promotion education and screening program
    to populations at the greatest risk for illness.
  • One key to achieving wellness is developing an
    awareness of how to achieve a balance among the
    various dimension affecting health and well
  • Population that are susceptible to illness or
    injury are in particular need of this awareness ,
    accomplished through appropriate education and

Risk Reduction
  • Risk factor that may predispose an individual to
    diminished well being and health problems include
    physical risk factors poor nutrition ,physical
    inactivity, poor physical environment and
    substance abuse psychological, spiritual and
    social risk factors low self-esteem and lacking
    values and a direction in ones life plan and
    environmental risk factors persons, things or
    conditions that negatively influence other
  • By identifying and addressing these risk factors,
    the health professional can reduce the incidence
    of injury and illness

The Physical Therapist Role in Promoting Health
and Wellness
  • Physical therapist are beginning to play major
    roles as prevention practitioners in health care.
  • While physical therapist have traditionally been
    involved in the management of physical impairment
    and functional limitation associated with an
    individuals medical problems
  • Their current role encompasses identifying risk
    factors and developing health promotion
    strategies that significantly affect health
    ,fitness and wellness.
  • Physical therapist are uniquely prepared to apply
    their extensive knowledge for improving or
    adopting movements and motor task for more
    independent functions.
  • In addition physical therapist are experts in
    examining and evaluating the motor capability ,
    goals and functional limitations of individual
    with musculoskeletal , neurological
    ,cardiopulmonary ,integumentary , and other body
    system impairments

  • Knowledge that spans the spectrum of optimizing
    health and managing illness enables therapist to
    design customized exercises that address
    potential medical complications that may arise in
    population at risk.
  • A key role of health care management is directing
    clients energies toward improving capabilities
    for functional independence maintaining optimal
    health and fulfilling important role in their
  • The physical therapist determine an individuals
    functional capabilities by examining the
    requisite motor skills and behaviors needed to
    perform task relevant to that individuals role
    in society .
  • In one case a physical therapists may help an
    elite athlete prepare for an Olympic event
    ensuring that the training schedule for the
    athlete promotes optimal performance and prevent
  • PT may evaluate an older patient requisite
    abilities for resuming multiple roles on home, In
    social circles and in community..function in this
    respect comprises not only the physical
    capabilities of the individual but also include
    the psychosocial environment and well being of
  • Social support can contribute significantly to
    individual wellbeing..this well being in turn
    leads to the individuals ability to develop a
    personal sense of meaningful living.

  • According to the Guide To Physical Therapist
    Practice physical therapist restore, maintain ,
    and promote not only optimal physical function
    but optimal wellness and fitness and optimal
    quality of life as it relates to movement and
  • The practice of physical therapy encompasses the
    full spectrum of health and wellness that
    includes preventing disease and illness as well
    as optimizing health.
  • Physical therapist play key role in providing
    education , guidance , consultation, and direct
    intervention to enable individual to maintain
    physical activity of self care, mobility ,
    leisure skills , work and play.

  • Impairment
  • Any loss or abnormality of psychological,
    physiological, or anatomocal structure of
  • Disability
  • Any restriction or lack (resulting from the
    impairment) of ability to perform any activity in
    a manner or within the range considered normal
    for a human being.
  • Handicap
  • A disadvantage for a given individual, resulting
    from an impairment or a disability, that limits
    or prevents the fulfilment of a role that is
    normal for this individual.
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