Title: Power of Positive Language
1Power of Positive Language
2Scene 1
A little girl is hanging on a tree and the
concerning mother reacts immediately
Dont fall down !!!
3Scene 2
Similar sort of scene but this time, the mother
reacts with different words
Hold on tightly !!!
What do you think is the difference in both
scenes ??
4What happens next .
Scene 1
Scene 2
Similar instructions resulted in different results
5Human Brain
Human Brain thinks in pictorial form and it is
extremely difficult for it to process a negative
image To process the instruction of Dont fall
down, the brain has to first imagine the falling
down and then try not to do it.
What happens when you instruct the children not
to do anything ??
6Negative Language
Negative language is not negative intent but it
is the choice of negative words even in a
positive statement. The likely impacts are
1 Non Communication Thats not how we do
it It teaches nothing
2 Destructive causes defensive-ness Thats
not right or It wont work The recipient
stops listening or reading
3 Difficult to achieve closure No comments
in-conclusive and open ended
Negative language is the language of losers.
Positive language is the language of leadership
7Negative Language
But Negates any words that are stated before
it. Try Presupposes failure. If Presupposes
that you may not. Might It does nothing
definite. It leaves options for your
listener. Should Have Past tense that draws
attention to things that didn't actually happen
(and implies guilt.) Can't/Don't force the
listener to focus on exactly the opposite of what
you want.
8The difference is obvious
Negative Language
Positive Language
Dont hesitate to call Not a problem Not a bad
idea Theres no reason why we cant Theres
nothing you cant achieve Cant do it without
your help Ill try
Please call me whenever .. You are welcome Its
a great idea There is every reason for us You
can achieve more Your help would enable us to
.. Ill give it my best shot
9Make a conscious effort
- Identify the opportunities
- Go through the latest mails/communications and
identify any negative language/phrases used - Replace them with positive phrases to see how it
is a lot more effective
- Practice
- Practice at work with colleagues or kids at home
- Implement
- Implement in mails / calls.
- Observe other team members and point out any
Thank - You