Title: The History of Medicine
1The History of Medicine
- Imhoptep the first physician on record. Did
trephining (boring out the skulls of pharoahs to
relive - Headaches. How do we know the patients survived?
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3Witch Doctoring
- Before Egyptian times, primitive mans life
expectancy was under 20 years - Some herbs were used by witch doctors for
treatment in the medicine of folklore - Evil spirits caused disease
4What are these?
5- Maggots! Used back in midevil times to clean
wounds of dead debris, and today have been
rediscovered as still very effective in cleaning
severe burns and trauma wounds.
6Maggots are being sold again to clean wounds even
today. They are sterile normally and bred to
stay that way
7Ancient Chinese Medicine
- Recognized spirit involved in health and disease
- Emphasized use of herbs and roots
- Lifespan up to thirty years of age
- Accupuncture used
- Li Shizhen father of traditional Chinese medicine
8Ancient Greeks 1000 B.C.
- Hippocrates Observed and studied diseases,
ethics of medicine used today - Aristotle Dissected corpses
- Both understood disease processes and treated
with massage, herbs, hygiene - First hospitals, medical school and mental
9- Where three roads come together in ancient Rome,
travelers would often share the latest gossip.
The name for little bits of meaningless
information, comes from this history what do we
call little bits of gossipy items of news?
10- Trivia! ( or Trithree viasroad stuff)
11Roman Medicine
- 500 B.C. Cared for soldiers humanely
- Hospitals and home health care
- Monastaries became hospitals
- Priests often practiced medicine too
- City sanitation system, aqueducts
- Sewers invented !
- Filtered bath water
- Galen, famous Roman physician, studied disease
and dissected - Lifespan 35 years of age
12- The most important advancement in public health
was likely the separation of drinking water from
poop water!
13Dark Ages 750 A.D.
- Medical studies forbidden
- Spiritual studies encouraged
- Church treated the infirm
- Devil is in the disease
- Herbs, prayer
- Lifespan 25 yrs
- Witch burning
- Women hysterics/lunatics!!!
14Middle Ages (1000-1500AD)
- Black death killed one third of Europes pop.
- Rhazes (al-Razi) the Arabian Hippocrates, good
diagnostician, understood disease processes of
the blood, invented sutures from gut - Arab physicians developed modern medical care
- Arabian physicians were required to be certified
15Renaissance (finally) 1400-1600 AD
- Lenardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo both dissected
human bodies to understand human anatomy - Versalius wrote first anatomy textbook
- Medical schools developed at Oxford and Cambridge
and other European cities - Lifespan was almost 40 yrs. old
16Medicine of the 16th/17th centuries
- William Harvey described blood circulation in
vessels - Anton Van Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope
- Apothecaries developed medications
- Life expectancy 45 yrs old
17!8th century Medicine
- Dr. John Hunter developed surgical techniques
still used today Physician and surgeon and
educator - James Lind discovered cure for scurvy
- Edward Jenner found vaccine for smallpox
- Lifespan, 50 yrs old
18Medicine of the 19th century
- Barbers became surgeons by extracting teeth,
leeching and using enemas - First blood transfusion done
- Stethescope invented
- Drs. Started treating mental disorders
- First nursing school established in Germany,
Florence Nightingale a graduate - Washing of Drs. Hands encouraged by Dr. Semmelweis
19Leechings sucked the bad blood with infection
out of you
20Blood lettings
21Why do barber poles look like they do?
22Cleaning up before treating
2319th century continued
- Dr. Wm. Morton discovered ether as an anesthetic
(American dentist) - Dr. James Simpson discovered chloroform as
anesthetic - Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, first female physician
in U.S. - Florence Nightingale founded modern nursing and
nursing schools - Dr. Joseph Lister developed antiseptics for
surgeons - Louis Pasteur, developed connection between germs
and disease, vaccine theory, pasteurization,
rabies and anthrax vaccines - Robert Koch,Father of Microbiology, culturing
methods, isolating disease causing organizms - Wilhelm Roentgen, discovered X rays
- Lifespan 60 yrs old
24Elizabeth Blackwell
25Florence Nightingale
26William Morton (ether)
27Louis Pasteur
28Robert Koch (father of microbiology)
29Wilhelm Roentgen
30Madame Marie Curie (radium)
31Margaret Sanger Dr. Michael DeBakeyDr. Denton
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3320th Century Miracles
- Walter Reed discovered mosquitos carry yellow
fever - Madame Marie Curie discovered Radium
- Sigmund Freud founded psychiatry and psychology
- Banting and Best discovered insulin and used it
to treat DM - 1920s brought health insurance
- Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin
- Dr. George Papanicolaou found a test
- Jonas Salk discovered vaccine for polio
- 1960 birth control pills discovered
- First liver and lung transplants and limb
reattachments - Amniocentesis discovered
- AIDS discovered in 1981
- First gene therapy in 1990
- First cloning in 1997
- Life expectancy 70 yrs old
34The future????????
- What do you think would likely be developed in
our lifetime based on what you have seen over the
last 6 thousand year history just described?
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38Why did physicians in the middle ages use leeches?
39Targeted Chemotherapy Killing the tumor ONLY
40Gene Therapy killing the cancer genes before you
get the disease
41Incisionless surgery
42Goodbye Gallstones
43Meet your Doctor (DaVinci)
44Super surgery, remotely
45Meet your pharmacist
46Why do we shake with our right hand?
47Super surgery online done by remote control
48Unstopping clogged arteries with stents
49Whats next?
- Can you contribute to prolonging life,
eliminating suffering and giving you and your
children hope for a disease free life?
50Medical delivery systems and government monitoring
- Private office vs. clinic
51Long Term Care Facility (LTCF) Assisted living
vs. nursing home
52Hospice Care Facility
53Home Health Care
54Rehab physical therapy, Occupational ther.,
drugs, ethanol
55PT vs. OT
56Health Insurance
- Carrier Aetna, Blue Cross, Humana, Cigna, etc.
- Provider Doctors, nurses, hospitals, PTs,
optometrists, chiropractors, nursing homes, - The Insured you, the patient who is being
treated - Premium your monthly bill
- Deductible What you pay before ins. Starts to
pay. Co-pay percentage ins doesnt pay
57- Medicare Government ins. For the elderly over 65
y.o. - Medicaid Government ins. For the indigent.
- CHIPs Government health insurance for indigent
58Types of private health ins.
- Major Medical ins straight 80 per cent of your
bills are paid for by carrier and you pay 20 per
cent. - PPO Preferred provider network. Ins. Company
contracts with MDs, hospitals, etc. (providers)
to lower rates and creates a network of preferred
docs for agreed prices to contain med.costs or
go out of network but ins co. pays less of it and
no restriction of prices. - HMO health maintanance organization. In network
59- What does the CDC, FDA, OSHA, WHO, DEA,NIH