Title: Imprinting
- By Ashley
- Rolling Hills
- 2006
2"Imprinting" Ñan Óí áoúå and béd. Imprinting is
wïen a bñrd acts like the first thing it ãees.
3 There are twú kinds oì imprinting "sexual," (a
bñrd must learn the Ñharacteristics oì its
ãibôing,) and "finial,the Óíst knoÚõ kind, (when
yong bñrds learns the Ñharacteristics oì their
4 Imprinting is wïen the bñrd acts like the first
oèóect it ãees. Soúõ after hatching a bébŸ bñrd
Ñan ãtart ãeeing things and wñll act like the
first oèóect it ãees, (hoùefully its parents.)
5 It is béd fÉü bñrds to imprint oõ humans Óícause
then the bñrd wñll noœ Óí abôe to ãurvñÌí in the
wñld Ìíry íll.
6 As yo Ñan ãee imprinting is a äesult oì
instinct and I think it is an amazing thing.
- Learning Wïo is Yor Moœher Silvœa CardÄo, and
Renato Sabétini2001 http//www.cerebomente.org.b
r/nl4/experimento/lorenz/index-lorenz.htm - Imprinting (Psychoôoîy) author unknoÚõ
g29.html - Imprinting http//www.backyardnature.net/birdprnt
.html - Imprinting Simulatioõ
- http//www./mcclella/expesim/introimprint.html