Title: Police Issues Update
1Police Issues Update
- Arlington Police Department
- May 2006
2Presentation Overview
- UCR (Uniform Crime Report)
- Homicides
- Fatality Accidents and Reduction Initiatives
- Preparing For The Future
3Arlingtons UCR History
Change in UCR Part I Crimes
42006 UCR Drivers
- Aggravated Assaults
- Burglaries
- Jan. May 2006 1 homicide
- Jan. May 2005 11 homicides
62006 UCR Initiatives
- Violent Crime Reduction Projects
- Nuisance Abatement
- Use of Electronic Sign to Encourage Crime
Reporting in Chronic High Crime Locations - Garage Burglary Door Hangers
- PSA (bilingual public service announcements)
- Cross-functional teams with Code, Libraries,
Parks, Public Works, Fire - Community Partnerships
7Fatality Accidents
- During 2005, 36 fatalities occurred in Arlington
- Jan. May 2006 14 fatalitiesJan. May 2005
13 fatalities - Last summer (June 1 August 31) a total of 15
people died on Arlington roads - Fatality accident reduction initiatives are
ahigh priority
82006 Fatality Accidents Causative Factors
Causative Factors Number of Fatalities
Speeding 6
Failure to Yield 5
Ignoring Traffic Device (red light, stop sign, barricade) 3
Mechanical Failure 2
- (Note some accidents had more than one causative
9Fatality Accidents Major Highways
- During 2005, 30 of fatality accident victims
died in accidents on one of the three major
highways (I-20, I-30, 360) - 50 of 2006 fatality accident victims (7 of 14)
have died in accidents on I-20, I-30 or 360
10Fatality Accident Reduction Initiatives
- Decoy cars used alternately with staffed
traffic units to slow traffic on major highways - Traffic officer schedules adjusted to provide
more enforcement during night and weekend hours
when most fatality accidents occur - School Resource Officers will supplement Traffic
during summer - Spring DWI Task Force May 22 - June 17
- TxDOT Click-It or Ticket Grant will provide
additional enforcement during Memorial Day
weekend - Good Driver Reward Program
11Red Light Crashes
- 180,000 injuries and 900 deaths occur each year
as a result of red light violations nationwide
(Federal Highway Administration) - Texas ranks fourth highest in red light crash
fatalities in the nation at 3.5 per 100,000
residents (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)
12Red Light Crashes - Arlington
- Since 2003 6 fatalities and 1,508 collisions
have occurred as a result of red light
violations in Arlington
13Red Light Enforcement
- Traditional Method
- Where possible, officers are stationed near
intersections and navigate through traffic to
stop violators - Poses dangers to officers during congested
traffic conditions and is not the most efficient
method of red light enforcement
14Photo Enforcement
- This intersection is outside Rockport Heights
Elementary near St. Louis, Missouri -
15Photo Enforcement
- This is video of the same intersection where a
red light violator barely misses a school bus
full of children
16Photo Enforcement - Effectiveness
- Federal Highway Administration reports a
nationwide 25 average reduction in right-angle
crashes after installation of photo enforcement
systems - Halo Effect reduces overall number of crashes
by7-10 in cities where photo enforcement
systems are installed - Cities with established programs have cameras at
1-6 of total signal-controlled intersections
17Photo Enforcement Systems
- Provides continual enforcement at high-accident
locations - Reduces potential for congestion and secondary
crashes - Photo Evidence reduces time spent in municipal
court - No warrants are issued reducing workload for
judges/court personnel/officers - Only about 1 of photo enforced citations are
contested (national avg.)
18Photo Enforcement Area Cities
- Area cities using photo enforcement systems
- Garland, Plano, Richardson, Rowlett, Denton,
Frisco - Area cities considering photo enforcement
systems - Dallas, University Park, McKinney, Farmers Branch
- Garland is the only Texas city with sufficient
enforcement history for analysis
19Photo Enforcement in Garland
- Garland installed photo enforcement system at 4
intersections in 2003 - A 16-month study revealed
- total crashes were reduced by 30,
- crashes caused by red light violators were
reduced 50 - Approximately 45,180 citations were issued last
year at 4 intersections - Since inception in 2003, only 25 citations were
contested - Installation and operation are revenue positive
- Sources Dallas Morning News/Garland PD website
20Photo Enforcement - Support
- Over 110 U.S. cities in 20 states use photo
enforcement systems - STATE
- A May 2005 Zogby poll showed 65 of registered
Texas voters support the use of photo enforcement
systems - ARLINGTON
- A Harris poll in 2001 showed that 74 of
Arlington drivers favor photo enforcement
systems - 2003 Arlington Citizen Satisfaction Survey ranked
traffic signal violations as a significant concern
21Top 10 Intersections
- From 2000-2005, intersections where most crashes
have occurred as a result of red light
violations - 5 are on Watson (access to S.H. 360)
- _at_ Six Flags, Abram, Randol Mill, Park Row, Brown
Blvd. - 4 are on Cooper Street
- _at_ I-20, Pioneer, Americana, Pleasant Ridge
- 1 is at Pioneer and Matlock
- These 10 Intersections represent 3 of
Arlingtons 307 signal-controlled intersections
22Staffing Impact
- Traffic Officers write an average of 3,112
citations per year - Statewide, major intersections average 30
violations per day (Texas Transportation
Institute) - Garland averages 26 violations per day (at photo
enforced intersections) - Conservatively, 20 citations per day (7,300 per
year) is the equivalent enforcement power of 2.3
Traffic officers (for each photo enforced major
intersection) - Photo enforcement would allow additional speed
enforcement on neighborhood streets and major
highways where 50 of 2006 fatality accidents
have occurred
23Revenue Impact
- No capital outlay equipment is owned by vendor
- At 20 citations per day with a 75.00 fine, total
gross revenue potential per camera is 547,500 - Area cities pay average 5,000 monthly fee per
camera (installation, photo processing,
collection, etc.). Contracts can be structured
differently - 1 technician, 1 clerk, 1 part-time officer, and
some overtime funds are needed for administrative
support - Annual net revenue from 10 cameras will exceed
3.8 million
24Preparing For The Future
- Cowboys Stadium
- Glorypark Development (Steiner/Town Center -
near Ameriquest Field) - Lamar/Collins Mixed-Use Development
- Three Bridges Project (Interstate 30)
- The Highlands Shopping Area
25If You Build It, They Will Come (If They Feel
- Public safety, and the perception by the public
that they are safe, are vital to sustaining
successful economic development - Goal Make Arlingtons Entertainment District the
safest entertainment area in the nation - Innovative Use of Technology (communications and
surveillance) - High Visibility and Accessibility of Officers
(similar to Fort Worths Sundance Square) - Cross-departmental Crime Prevention/Reduction
Initiatives (Neighborhood Integrity Teams,
Graffiti Abatement, etc.)
26Emerging Technologies
- We Must Employ Emerging Technologies in our Law
Enforcement Fight - Photo Enforcement
- Autocites (automated handheld citation devices)
- Partnership with UTA School of Engineering
- 4.9 WAN (Wide Area Network)
- Video systems (to facilitate effective safety and
security in the Entertainment District) - License Plate Recognition (LPR)
27Impact of Technology on Law Enforcement
- New York, Los Angeles and Chicago are using
surveillance systems as law enforcement tools - Surveillance cameras do not eliminate crime
they tend to displace crime - As more area cities begin using cameras, crime
will be displaced to cities that do not use
28Deep Ellum (Dallas)
- Meadows Foundation donated 840,000 for 34
cameras to be placed in Downtown Dallas - Dallas Police report a 9 crime reduction in Deep
Ellum after 16 cameras were installed through a
grant from Virtual Surveillance of Plano in
December 2004 - A field trip to visit the Dallas Command
Centercan be scheduled
29Staffing Current Assumptions
- Our current staffing model assumes
- Proactive Time 45 - Encumbered Time 55
- Time on Call (committed) 60 minutes
- Calls For Service (CFS) Growth 3 Annually
- Annual Attrition of 36
- Two Academy Classes (48 per year)
30Staffing Needs
- Workload Increase (12 officers) for FY 2006-07 -
Workload expected to increase 5 in 2007-08
and 2008-09 - Response to Vehicle Burglaries (8 officers) -
Reports taken only by phone since May 2003 -
Most common citizen complaint other than Traffic - DWI/Traffic Enforcement Package (8 officers and
1 sergeant) - Unit will specialize in DWI
enforcement - 40 of fatalities since 2000 are
31DWI/Traffic Enforcement Unit
- Austin PD has seen a 25 reduction in
alcohol-related fatality accidents since
inception of unit - DWI Officers - Streamline DWI arrest processing
- Assist with Accident Investigation - Will
write some citations (1/3 of regular Traffic
Ofcr.) - Impact on Municipal Court - 8 DWI officers will
increase court workload 10 - Additional
workload requires additional Court
personnel - Deputy Court Clerks (2) and
Part-Time Judge (1)
32Timeline Impact
Cost Camera Revenue Net Revenue
Workload (12) 1.0 million
Vehicle Burglary Resp. (8) 675,000
DWI/Traffic (9 partial yr.) including Court personnel 660,000
Total FY 07 2.3 million 2.3 million -0-
Workload (15) 1.3 million
South Station (partial yr.) 400,000
Total FY 08 1.7 million 3.9 million 2.2 million
Workload (15) 1.3 million
South Station (full yr.) 1.1 million
Total FY 09 2.4 million 3.9 million 1.4 million
TOTALS FY 07-09 6.1 million 9.7 million 3.6 million
Assumes Photo Enforcement Go-Live by February
2007 with 30 day grace period
33Partnerships Citizen Groups
- Citizens Police Academy (CPA)
- 39th English session and 11th Spanish session
completed - Community Watch Groups (CWG)
- 133 active groups citywide
- 30 new groups since last quarter
- All 27 beats contain at least one active CWG
- Citizens on Patrol Groups (COP)
- 14 active groups
34Cross-Departmental Projects
- Preparing for Arlingtons future requires
comprehensive planning that crosses the Citys
departmental boundaries - Surplus Photo Enforcement Revenue could be
designated for several cooperative projects
impacting crime prevention and reduction - Neighborhood Integrity Team Personnel
- Graffiti Abatement
- Reinvigorating Neighborhoods Initiatives
- We return to Council to discuss proposal for
photo enforcement pilot project at 10 most
dangerous intersections - Use net revenue to
- 1. Resume Patrol response to Vehicle Burglaries
- 2. Facilitate effective safety and security in
the Entertainment District and citywide through - Emerging Technologies
- Adequate Staffing
- Workload Increases
- DWI/Special Enforcement Traffic Unit
- Fund new positions required for South Police
District - 3. Cross-Departmental Initiatives Impacting Crime
Prevention and Reduction including Parks,
Libraries, and Code Enforcement Programs - 4. Enhance Citizen on Patrol Programs