The Problem Statement in the Research Paper - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Problem Statement in the Research Paper


The Problem Statement in the Research Paper The problem provides the context for the research study and typically generates questions which the research hopes to answer. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Problem Statement in the Research Paper

The Problem Statement in the Research Paper
  • The problem provides the context for the research
    study and typically generates questions which the
    research hopes to answer.
  • In considering whether or not to move forward
    with a research project, you will generally spend
    some time considering the problem.
  • In your paper, the statement of the problem is
    the first part of the paper to be read we are
    ignoring the title and the abstract.
  • The problem statement should "hook" the reader
    and establish a persuasive context for what

  • You need to be able to clearly answer the
    question "what is the problem"? and "why is this
    problem worth my attention"? At the same time,
    the problem statement limits scope by focusing on
    some variables and not others. It also provides
    an opportunity for you to demonstrate why these
    variables are important.

Problem Importance
  • The importance of the problem should receive
    considerable and persuasive attention. Clearly
    indicate why your problem is an important one by
    answering questions such as these
  • Is the problem of current interest? Is it
  • Is the problem likely to continue into the
  • Will more information about the problem have
    practical application?
  • Will more information about the problem have
    theoretical importance?
  • How large is the population affected by the
  • How important, influential, or popular is this
  • Would this study substantially revise or extend
    existing knowledge?
  • Would this study create or improve an instrument
    of some utility?

Problem Importance
  • Would research findings lead to some useful
    change in best practice?
  • Is there evidence or authoritative opinion from
    others to support the need for this research?
  • The problem statement should persuasively
    indicate that major variables can be measured in
    some meaningful way

Problem Statement Question
  • The problem statement should close with a
    question. Typically, the question contains two
    variables, a measurable relationship, and some
    indication of population.
  • The purpose of the literature search that follows
    is to answer the research problem question. If
    the literature cannot answer the question, the
    research is needed to do so.
  • An example question might be "What is the
    relationship between the grade point average of
    UTK juniors and their use of the library"? The
    information needed is (1) grade point average and
    (2) some measure of library use.

A bad example might be "What is the best way to
teach bibliographic instruction"?
  • This is insufficient because
  • What are the variables?
  • What will be measured?
  • What relationships will be examined?
  • What is the population?
  • The title and the problem statement question are
    often nearly identical. For example, in the good
    example above, the title of this research project
    would be something like this "Library
    Circulation Use by University of Tennessee
    Juniors and Their Grade Point Average"

  • Before you begin writing a grant proposal, take
    some time to map out your research strategy. A
    good first step is to formulate a research
  • A Research Question is a statement that
    identifies the phenomenon to be studied. For
    example, What resources are helpful to new and
    minority drug abuse researchers?

To develop a strong research question from your
ideas, you should ask yourself these things
  • Do I know the field and its literature well?
  • What are the important research questions in my
  • What areas need further exploration?
  • Could my study fill a gap? Lead to greater
  • Has a great deal of research already been
    conducted in this topic area?
  • Has this study been done before? If so, is there
    room for improvement?

  • Is the timing right for this question to be
    answered? Is it a hot topic, or is it becoming
  • Would funding sources be interested?
  • If you are proposing a service program, is the
    target community interested?
  • Most importantly, will my study have a
    significant impact on the field?

As a generic reference, the following process can
be helpful in refining and concretizing your
  • Ask yourself Why is this research important?
    What have other people done? What have they
  • Based on this information, formulate a specific
    research question.
  • Develop a hypothesis/hypotheses that stems from
    your research question.
  • Indentify the specific aims, that is the steps
    you are going to take to test your hypothesis.

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  • A strong research idea should pass the so what
  • Think about the potential impact of the research
    you are proposing.
  • What is the benefit of answering your research

  • Who will it help (and how)?
  • If you cannot make a definitive statement about
    the purpose of your research, it is unlikely to
    be funded.

  • A research focus should be narrow, not
    broad-based. For example, What can be done to
    prevent substance abuse? is too large a question
    to answer.

  • It would be better to begin with a more focused
    question such asWhat is the relationship between
    specific early childhood experiences and
    subsequent substance-abusing behaviors?

Research Hyphoteses
  • well-thought-out and focused research question
    leads directly into your hypotheses. What
    predictions would you make about the phenomenon
    you are examining? This will be the foundation of
    your application.

  • Hypotheses are more specific predictions about
    the nature and direction of the relationship
    between two variables.
  • For example, Those researchers who utilize an
    online grant writing tutorial will have higher
    priority scores on their next grant application
    than those who do not.

  • Strong hypotheses
  • Give insight into a research question
  • Are testable and measurable by the proposed
  • Spring logically from the experience of the

  • Normally, no more than three primary hypotheses
    should be proposed for a research study. A
    proposal that is hypothesis-driven is more likely
    to be funded than a fishing expedition or a
    primarily descriptive study.
  • Make sure you
  • Provide a rationale for your hypotheseswhere did
    they come from, and why are they strong?
  • Provide alternative possibilities for the
    hypotheses that could be testedwhy did you
    choose the ones you did over others?

  • If you have good hypotheses, they will lead into
    your Specific Aims. Specific aims are the steps
    you are going to take to test your hypotheses and
    what you want to accomplish in the course of the
    grant period.

  • Make sure
  • Your objectives are measurable and highly
  • Each hypothesis is matched with a specific aim.
  • The aims are feasible, given the time and money
    you are requesting in the grant.

Hypotheses can be couched in four kinds of
  • Literary nulla no difference form in terms of
    theoretical constructs. For example, There is no
    relationship between support services and
    academic persistence of nontraditional-aged
    college women. Or, There is no difference in
    school achievement for high and low
    self-regulated students.

  • Operational nulla no difference form in terms
    of the operation required to test the hypothesis.
    For example, There is no relationship between
    the number of hours nontraditional-aged college
    women use the student union and their persistence
    at the college after their freshman year.

  • Or, There is no difference between the mean
    grade point averages achieved by students in the
    upper and lower quartiles of the distribution of
    the Self-regulated Inventory. The operational
    null is generally the preferred form of

  • Literary alternativea form that states the
    hypothesis you will accept if the null hypothesis
    is rejected, stated in terms of theoretical
    constructs. In other words, this is usually what
    you hope the results will show. For example, The
    more that nontraditional-aged women use support
    services, the more they will persist
    academically. Or, High self-regulated students
    will achieve more in their classes than low
    self-regulated students.

  • Operational alternativeSimilar to the literary
    alternative except that the operations are
    specified. For example, The more that
    nontraditional-aged college women use the student
    union, the more they will persist at the college
    after their freshman year. Or, Students in the
    upper quartile of the Self-regulated Inventory
    distribution achieve significantly higher grade
    point averages than do students in the lower

  • In general, the null hypothesis is used if
    theory/literature does not suggest a hypothesized
    relationship between the variables under
    investigation the alternative is generally
    reserved for situations in which theory/research
    suggests a relationship or directional interplay.
  • Be prepared to interpret any possible outcomes
    with respect to the questions or hypotheses. It
    will be helpful if you visualize in your mind?s
    eye the tables (or other summary devices) that
    you expect to result from your research (Guba,

  • Questions and hypotheses are testable
    propositions deduced and directly derived from
    theory (except in grounded theory studies and
    similar types of qualitative inquiry).

  • Make a clear and careful distinction between the
    dependent and independent variables and be
    certain they are clear to the reader. Be
    excruciatingly consistent in your use of terms.
    If appropriate, use the same pattern of wording
    and word order in all hypotheses.

Questions and/or Hypotheses
  • Questions are relevant to normative or census
    type research (How many of them are there? Is
    there a relationship between them?). They are
    most often used in qualitative inquiry, although
    their use in quantitative inquiry is becoming
    more prominent.

  • Hypotheses are relevant to theoretical research
    and are typically used only in quantitative
    inquiry. When a writer states hypotheses, the
    reader is entitled to have an exposition of the
    theory that lead to them (and of the assumptions
    underlying the theory). Just as conclusions must
    be grounded in the data, hypotheses must be
    grounded in the theoretical framework.

  • A research question poses a relationship between
    two or more variables but phrases the
    relationship as a question a hypothesis
    represents a declarative statement of the
    relations between two or more variables
    (Kerlinger, 1979 Krathwohl, 1988).

  • Deciding whether to use questions or hypotheses
    depends on factors such as the purpose of the
    study, the nature of the design and methodology,
    and the audience of the research (at times even
    the taste and preference of committee members,
    particularly the Chair).

  • The practice of using hypotheses was derived from
    using the scientific method in social science
    inquiry. They have philosophical advantages in
    statistical testing, as researchers should be and
    tend to be conservative and cautious in their
    statements of conclusions (Armstrong, 1974).

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