Title: Ch.22 Respiratory physiology: THE EFFECTS OF ANESTHESIA
1Ch.22 Respiratory physiologyTHE EFFECTS OF
2Cellular Respiration
- ?? ?? ??? blood ? inspired air??? gas exchange?
?? ???, O2? ?? CO2? ??? ?? ? - 1. Aerobic Metabolism
- O2? ????, energy? ???.
- carbohydrates, proteins? two-carbon fragments
(acetyl CoA) ? ????.? CO2? ???? ?? ??? energy?
NAD, FAD, GTP? ????.? ????? Oxidative
phosphorylation ? ?? adenosine triphosphate(ATP)
? ?? - glucose Â
- C6H12O6 6O2   ? 6CO2 6H2O energy
- energy ADP Â PÂ ? 38 ATP ??
- ?? ??? ?? ATP ? ADP P energy
- Cell? ATP ADPÂ 10 1 ? ????.
- ATP? ???? ?? ??? ?? ????, metabolic substrate? ??
???? ????? ???? ?
3Cellular Respiration
- Respiratory quotient (RQ)
- ? total CO2 production(VCO2)? oxygen
consumption (VO2)?? ?? - RQ of carbohydrates, lipid, protein 1.0, 0.7,
0.8 - ?? ??? ?? VCO2 200mL/min  VO2 250mL/min? NL
RQÂ 0.8 - (????? protein? primary fuel source?
???? ???, fats? carbohydate combination??? ????.)
- VO2Â Â 10(weight)
- 2. Anaerobic Metabolism
- 02? ???? ?? energy? ??
- glucose? pyruvate, latic acid? ??? ??
- ??? ?? ATP??(2ATP)
- 3.Effects of Anesthesia on Cell Metabolism
- ????? VO2? VCO2? ? ? 15?? ????
- ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ????
4Functional respiratory anatomy
- 1. Rib Cage Muscles of Respiration
- contraction of the diaphragm
- the base of the thoracic cavity ? 1.5 -7cm ??
- chest volume ??? 75
- accessory respiration muscle? ??? ??? ??? ????.
- ?? ??? ?????? ? ?, SCM, scalene, pectoralis
muscle ??. - SCM rib cage?????? ??? ??.
- scalene ??? upper rib? inward movement? ????.
- pectoralis muscle chest expansion? ???.
5Functional respiratory anatomy
- Expiration? supine position ? passive?? ??????
upright positoin ? active?? ???? - Exhalation? abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis,
external and internal oblique, transversus) ???
internal intercostalis ? ???? ??? ?? ????. - some pharyngeal muscle airway patency ??? ??
- genioglossus, levator palati, tensor palati,
palatopharyngeus, palatoglossus Â
6Functional respiratory anatomy
- 2. Tracheobronchial Tree
- ? ??? ?? alveoli? gas? ??
- ? ??? ??? ?? trachea??
alveolar sacs?? 23
division? ??. - alveolar sac? 17 alveoli? ?? ? 3???
alveoli? 50-100m2 ???
membrane ? ??. - Mucosa? ??? ciliated columnar? ???? ??
cuboidal??? ?????
alveolar epithelium? ??. - gas exchange flat epithelium
- ??? ?? smaller airways? patency? ??
??? elastic recoil?
radial traction? ???? ??.
1.Rib musles 2.Trachea 3.Circulation 4.innervati
7Functional respiratory anatomy
- Alveoli
- Alveolus ?? ?? Â 0.05-0.33 mm
- in supine, largest alveolar apex ,smallest
base - inspiration? alveolar size? ?????.
- Respiratory epithelium two cell type
- type ?pneumocyte flat ?? tight junction ? ????
albumin ?? oncotically  active molecules ? ???
???? ??? ??. - type ? pneumocyte round cell?? cytoplasmic
inclusion(lamellar bodies)? ???? surfactant?? ???
????. ?? cell division ? ?? type?pneumocyte,
alveolar macrophages, mast cells, lymphocytes,
and APUD cell, Neutrophils? ????.
8Functional respiratory anatomy
- ??? alveolus? wall? ???? ??
- thin side (lt 0.4? )
- gas exchange? ??,
- alveolar epithelium
- capillary endothelium
- thick side (interstitial space)
- fluid and solute exchange ??
- pulmonary interstitial space ?
- ?? elastin, collagen, ??? nerve fibers ?
????. - ??? 1-2?? alveolus? structural support ? ????.
9Functional respriatory anatomy
- 3. Pulmonary Circulation Lymphatics ?? two
circulations? ???? - Bronchial circulation
- Lt heart?? ??
- Trachea???? pumonary bornchioles ?? support ?.
- Pulmonary circulation
- Rt heart ?? pulmonary artery? ?? bronchus? ?? ??.
- ?? ????? CO2? ???? O2? ?? four main pulmonary
veins? ?? left heart ? ????. - Two circulation ??? direct connection? ??
- ???? ?? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ?.
10Functional respiratory anatomy
- Pulmonary Capillaries
- ????? ?? ?? ??? pulmonary circulation??
capillary network? ?? ??? ??? alveolar size ? ??
?? ???. - pulmonary capillary endothelium? 5nm ?? ????? ?
??? ??? ?? albumin?? ? molecules ? ??? ???? - alveoli? ?? ?? ??? Macrophages? ?? bacterial
infection? ???? foreign particles ? ?????.
11Functional respiratory anatomy
- Pulmonary Lymphatics
- Interstitial spaces?? ????
- Lymph nodes ? tracheobronchial chain? ????
airways? ?? ???? ????. - ? ? ?? ??? drainage channels? trachea? ????
- left lung?? ?? fluid? ?? thoracic duct ? ?????
- ?? right lung ?? ?? ?? right lymphatic duct ?
12Functional respiratory anatomy
- Â 4.Innervation
- Diaphragm? phrenic nerves (C3-C5 nerve roots) ?
?? - unilateral phrenic nere block? ? 25?? pulmonary
function?? - accessory muscle activity
- intercostal muscle ? ?? ??? thoracic nerve roots?
?? - vagus nerves ? tracheobronchial tree? ????? ??
- bronchial smooth muscle ? secretory gland? ?????
?? ?? - vagal activity bronchoconstriction , bronchial
secretion ?? - sympathetic activity (T1-T4) bronchodilation, se
cretion ?? - nonadrenergic, nonchoinergic bronchodilator
system? ??? - a- and ß- adrenergic receptors? pulmonary
vasculature ? ????? Â pulmonary vascular tone? ??
effect ? ???
13Â Basic Mechanism of Breathing
- Reoxygenates desaturated blood eliminate CO2
- Exchange of alveolar gas ??? ??? small cyclic
pr. gradient ? ?? ????.
14Â Â Basic Mechanism of Breathing
- Spontaneous Ventilation
- spontaneous breathing?? normal pressure
variation? ????. - Pressure alveoli ? ? gt surrounding
(intrathoracic) pressure - pleural pressure ? intrathoracic pressure ?? ?
????.  -        P transpulmonary Palveolar -
Pintrapleural - Inspiration? chest ? ???? intrapleural pressure?
-5cmH2O ?? -8 or 9cmH2O? ?? Â Â Â ? ????? alveolar
pr.??, ??? alveolar-upper airway gradient ?? - expiration?, returns intrapleural pressure to
-5cmH2O - elastic recoil of lung reversal of
alveolar-upper airway gradient ? ????.
15Â Basic Mechanism of Breathing
- Mechanical Ventilation
- Positive airway pressure? ????.
- Inspiration?, upper airway? ??? ??? ??? alveoli?
gas flow ?? - Expiratory phase of the ventilator? positive
pressure? ???? ???? gas? alveoli ??? ???. - Respiratory Pattern? ?? Anesthesia ? ??
- Position? anesthetic agents ? ?? ???.
- supine position?, abdominal breathing predominate
- ????? ??? ???? light anesthesia? irregular
breathing patterns? ????. - inhalation agent rapid shallow
- nitrous-narcotic slow deep
- Induction? expiratory muscles? ?????
- Inhalation agent? RR? ?? ??? tidal volume? ????
16Mechanics of Ventilation
- ?? ??? ????? ?????, respiratory system? ??? ??
????. - Respiratory system? elastic resistance ?
gas-liquid ???, ??? nonelastic resistance? ???. - Elastic resistance of tissue ? gas-liquid ???
gas flow ? ?? static condition ???? lung
volume?  pressure ??. - elastic resistance? ???? ?(work)? energy? ??? ??
?? ??? energy? ????? ??? - Nonelastic resistance to gas flow  air flow ?
tissue deformation? ?? ?? ??? ????. - nonelastic resistance? ????? ??? energy? ?? ????.
17Mechanics of Ventilation
- 1.Elastic Resistance
- Lung? chest ? elastic properties? ???.
- chest? expand outward ??? ,?? lung? collapse???
??? ?? - recoil properties of the chest deformation? ??
????? ??? ??? ?? - recoil properties of the lung elastin fiber? ??
? ??? ?? alveoli?? ?? air-fluid ???? ??????. Â - Â
- Surface Tension Forces (????)
- alveoli? ?? ?? gas-fluid ???? ??? bubbles?? ??
- surface tension forces? interface? ??? ???
alveolar collapse? ????. - pressure 2 surface tension
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â radius
- alveolar?? Â alveolar collapse ??? pressure ?
surface tension? ???? alveolar size? ?????. (?
surface tension? ???, alveolar size? ??? ??) - pulmonary surfactant ? ?? surface tension? ????
(??? ????)Â lung? collapse ??
? Surfactant? ? ???.
18Mechanics of Ventilation
- Compliance
- elastic recoil ???? ??
- (change in volume divided by change in
distending pressure) - supine position chest wall compliance ??
- lung compliance is defined as
- Â Â Â Â Â CL Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â change in lung
volume - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â change in
transpulmonary pressure - Â Â Â Â Â Â normal 150-200mL/cm H2O
- Â Â Â Â Â Â lung volume, pulmonary blood volume,
extravascular lung water, inflammation and
fibrosis?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???. - Chest wall compliance     change in chest
volume - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
change in transthoracic pressure - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â normal 200mL/cm H2O
- total compliance (lung and chest wall together)
100mL/cm H2O - Â 1 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1
- Ctotal           CW           CL
19Mechanics of Ventilation
- 2.Lung Volumes
- ????? ???? important parameter
- lung capacities? ????? ??? ????? 2?? ? ???
volume? ???? ????.
20Mechanics of Ventilation
- Functional Residual Capacity
- ?? ?? ???? lung volume
- ?? lung? inward elastic recoil ? chest? outward
elastic recoil? ?????. - nitrogen wash-out or helium wash ,body
plethysmography? ?? - FRC ? ????? ??
- Body habitus height? ??, obesity? ???
- sex ???? 10 ??
- posture supine or prone position? ??
- lung disease lung, chest? compliance? ???? ??,
restrictive pulmonary disorder?? ?? - diaphragmatic toneÂ
21Mechanics of Ventilation
- Closing Capacity
- small airway? cartilaginous support? ??, ?? ???
radial traction? ?? airway? ?? ??. - lung? basal area?? patency(???)? lung volume? ??
- closing capacity? ?? airway? ?? ??? ?? volume
- tracer gas(Xenon133)?? ??
- ?? FRC?? ??
- posture? ??? ?? ???   Â
- age? ?? ??
- Vital Capacity
- ?? ?? ? ??? ? ?? ???
- body habitus, respiratory muscle strength and
chest lung compliance? ?? - normal 60-70mL/Kg
22Mechanics of Ventilation
- 3. Nonelastic Resistances
- Airway Resistance to Gas Flow
- ???? gas flow? laminar flow? turbulent flow? ???
??? ?? - laminar flow ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? gas flow? ?? ??
?? ?? -
-             Flow    Pressure gradient
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Raw(airway
resistance)               -             Raw   8 Length Gas viscosity
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â p
(Radius)4 - turbulent flow ???? ???? gas flow ? ??
-          Pressure gradient flow2 Gas
density - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Radius5 - Resistance gas flow? gas density? ??,
- Radius? 5??? ???(airway
caliber? ??)
23Mechanics of Ventilation
- Turbulent or laminar flow ??? Reynold number?
???? - Â Â Â Reynold number linear velocity
diameter gas density - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
 gas viscosity - laminar flow lt1000  only distal to small
bronchioles(lt1mm)Â Â Â - turbulent flow gt1500 Â Â larger airway
- total airway resistance 0.5-2 Cm H2O/L/s
- medium sized bronchi (before 7th generation)? ??
?? ??? - airway resistance ??? ??
- bronchospam, secretion, mucosal edema
- volume-related flow-related airway collapse
24Mechanics of Ventilation
- A. Volume-Related Airway Collapse
- at low lung volume (loss of radial traction)
small airway ? resistance ??? airway resistance?
??? lung volume? ??? - B. Flow-Related Airway Collapse
- forced exhalation??, ???? transmural airway
pressure? ??? airway collapse? ??? ? ?? (dynamic
airway compression) - two contributing factors
- generation of a positive pleural pressure
- a large pressure drop across intrathoracic airway
- equal pressure point dynamic compression? ????
airway point? ?? - ????? cartilagenous support? ?? 11th generation
of bronchioles ?? - Emphysema, asthma ??? ??
25Mechanics of Ventilation
??? 1??? ??? volume
- C. Forced vital Capacity
- ??? ??? ? ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???
????. - FEV1/FVC airway obstruction? ??? ??
- ????? FEV1/FVC gt 80
- FEV1 FVC effort-dependent
- FEF25-75 effort independent, ? ??? ? ??
obstruction measurement
??? 2575 ?? ??? volume
26Mechanics of Ventilation
- 4.Work of Breathing (WOB)
- ??? ????? ??????, ??? ??? WOB? inspiratory
muscle(primarily diaphragm)? ?? ??? ??. - Ventilation ?? ??? resistance? ???? ??.
- 1. elastic recoil of the chest lung
- 2. frictional resistance to gas flow
- 3. tissue frictional resistance
- Respiratory muscle? ?? ?? ???? 23? ???? ?? ???
???? 10? ????, ??? 90? ?? ?? - due to elastic airflow resistance
27Mechanics of Ventilation
- 5. Effects of Anesthesia on Pulmonary Mechanics
- Effects on Lung Volume Compliance
- Induction supine position ?? additional 15-20
reduction in FRC (400mL in most patients) - loss
of normal end-expiratory diaphragmatic tone - Closing capacity ?? ??? ???? ????
- Effects on Airway Resistance
- FRC? ??? airway resistance? ???? ??? ???? ??????
bronchodilating properties? ???? ??? - Effects on the Work of Breathing  Â
- ?? ? work of breathing? ??? lung chest wall
compliance? ???? ?? ????.
- 1.Ventilation
- Minute ventilation(?? ???) respirtory rate
tidal volume (VT) - alveolar ventilation(VA) respiratory rate (VT
- VD) - Dead space ( VD) tidal volume (VT) ??? gas
exchange? ???? ?? ?? - physiologic anatomic dead space  alveolar
dead space - Â (nonrespiratory
airway)Â (not perfused alveolar) - ????? 150mL (?? 2mL/kg)
- ???? tidal volume? ? 450mL ???
-   ( PACO2 alveolar CO2, PECO2 mixed expired
co tension)
- Distribution of Ventilation
- Ventilation? ?? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???.
- right lung gt left lung (53 47)
- lower area (dependent)Â gt upper areaÂ
(transpulmonary pr.? ??) - Upper lung area? alveoli? ??? ???? ??, ??? non
compliant ? - Lower lung area(Dependent area)? smaller alveoli?
? ? compliant ??? expansion? ? ? - ?? ??? pulmonary ventilation? ??? ??
- ???? ????? ????? ???? ??. ??? ????? ???? ??
compliance? resistance ? ? ???? ????? alveolar
filling? ????? ????? ???.
- 2. Pulmonary Perfusion
- ?? ?? 5L/min? ?? ????, ??? 70-100mL? gas
exchange? ???? ?? pulmonary capillary? ??. - capillary volume? ??? ?????? total pulmonary
blood volume? 500-1000mLÂ Â ???? ?? ? ??. - supine position?? erect ?? 27???? pul. blood
volume ??
- Pul. vascular tone? ?? ?? local factor?
autonomic sys. ?? ???? - Pul. arterial alveolar hypoxia? Pul.
vasoconstriction - leukotrienes ??, NO ????? ???
- Intrapulmonary shunting? ?? hypoxemia? ????.
- hypercapnia acidosis vasocontstrictor effect
(hypocapnia?? vasodilate)
- Distribution of Pulmonary Perfusion
- lower (dependent) portion gt upper portion
- zone 1 alveolar dead spaceÂ
- ? PAgtPagt Pv ? ???? ???? pul.capill? ??? ??
- zone 2 arterial-alveolar pressure gradient? ??
- zone 3 arterial-venous pressure gradient? ??
- Ventilation/Perfusion Ratios
- alveolar ventilation (VA) 4L/min    pulmonary
capillary perfusion 5L/min - ? V/Q rate 0.8 (0 (no ventilation) - ???(no
perfusion)) - no ventilation
intrapulmonary shunt -      0.3 lt V/Q lt 3.0
- V/Q ratio? ??? ?? ???? O2? resaturated ???.
CO2? ???? ???? ??
- Ventilation/Perfusion Ratios
- alveolar ventilation (VA) 4L/min   Â
- pulmonary capillary perfusion 5L/min
- ? V/Q ratio 0.8
- (0 (no
ventilation) - ???(no perfusion)) -
-    normal   0.3 lt V/Q lt 3.0
- V/Q ratio? ??? ???? resaturated ???. CO2?
????? - ?? ?? ???? ???
- 3.Shunts
- Shunt ???? ?? mixed venous blood? ????? ?????
????? ?? ?? (right to left shunt) - Absolute shunt anatomic shunt V/Q is zero
- Relative shunt low but finite V/Q ratio
- Venous Admixture
- pulmonary end-capillary blood? artery?? oxygen
tension??? ???? ?? ????, pulmonary end-capillary
blood? ????? ?? mixed venous blood? ?? ??? - venous admixture (Qs)? total cardiac output (QT)?
??? ?? - Â Â QSÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â CcO2Â -Â CaO2
- Â Â Â QTÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â CcO2Â -Â CvO2
- CcO2 ???? pulmonary end-capillary bl.? oxygen
content - CaO2 arterial oxygen content
- CvO2 mixed venous content
- ?? Qs/ QT? deep bronchial vein? pulmonary vein,
thebesian circulation, low V/Q ratio ?? ?? lung
area?? communication? ?? ?? - ???? venous admixture? 5???? shunt ?? ?? ??
- 4.Effects of Anesthesia on Gas Exchange
- Dead space
- Hypoventilation
- Intrapulmonary shunt? ?????.
- ?? ?? ? ??? ?? atelectasis? airway collapse? ?
???? ?? ?? ?? venous admixture? 5-10 ???? .
- NO? ??? inhalation agents? high dose?? hypoxic
pulm.vasoconstriction? ???? hypoxemia? ????
- ? ??, O2 tension? 3040 ?? hypoxemia ? ????,
PEEP? venous admixture? ?????. - ??? high inspired oxygen concentration(gt50)? ???
absolute shunt? ???? ? ??.
38Alveolar, Arterial Venous Gas Tensions
- Â gas? ??? ?? ??? gas pressure? ??? ????.
- Â Â Â Â PIO2 PB x FiO2
- 159.6mmHg 760mmHg x 0.21
- PB barometric pr.Â
- FiO2 inspirarted oxygen? ??
- ?? x 7? mmHg? ??? ? ??
- kilopascal? ??? ?? ??
39Alveolar, Arterial Venous Gas Tensions
- I. Oxygen
- Alveolar Oxygen Tension (PAO2)
- ?? ? ??? gas? humidification ?? ??? ??? inspired
tension? ????? ?? - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â PIO2 (PB -PH2O) FiO2
- alveoli?? ??? gas? ?? ???? alveolar gas(O2, CO2)?
????. ??? - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â PAO2 PIO2 -PaCO2/RQ
- PaCO2 arterial CO2 tension, RQ respiratory
quotient - Inspired oxygen concentration() x 6 PAO2 mmHg
40Alveolar, Arterial Venous Gas Tensions
- Pulmonary End-Capillary Oxygen Tension (PcO2)
- ????? PcO2 PAO2
- PcO2 (pul.end-capil.O2 tension)
alveolar-capillary membrane ??? oxygen diffusion
rate? pulmonary capillary blood volume transit
time? ?? ?? - Â Â Â Â Â capillary transit time pulmonary capillary
blood volume - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
cardiac output - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 70mL /Â
5000mL/min  (0.8sec) - alveolar gas??? blood? ?? ????? ?? rate-limiting
factor - ? O2? Hb ??? ??
41Alveolar, Arterial Venous Gas Tensions
- pulmonary diffusing capacity
- alveolar-capillary membrane?
permeability - pulmonary blood flow? ??Â
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
- alveolar-capillary membrane?? ?? ??? oxygen
diffusing capacity(DLO2)? ?? - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â DLO2Â Â Â Â oxygen uptake
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â PAO2 PcO2
- PcO2? ??? ??? ? ?? DLCO? ?? ??
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â DLCOÂ Â Â Â Â carbon monoxide uptake
- DLCO? ??? alveolar capillary memb.? ?? gas
transfer? ??? ?? - due to abnormal V/Q ratio, destruction of
alveolar-capillary membrane, short capillary
transit time
42Alveolar, Arterial Venous Gas Tensions
- Arterial Oxygen Tension (PaO2)
- alveolar-arterial oxygen partial gradient(A-a
gradient)? 15mmHg???? - ??? ?? ?? 20-30mmHg? ?? Â Â
- PaO2Â Â Â Â 102 -age/3 Â
- noraml range 60-110mmHg(8-13kPa)
- ??? FRC? ?? ???? closing capacity? ??? ??? ?? Â Â
43Alveolar, Arterial Venous Gas Tensions
- Arterial Oxygen Tension (PaO2)
- Â Â
- hypoxemia? ?? ?? ??? alveolar-arterial
gradient??? ?? - A-a gradient ? right to left shunt, V/Q scatter?
??, mixed venous oxygen tension?? ?? ?? - A-a gradient? shunt? ?? ???? mixed venous
tension? ??? - oxygen ??? hemoglobin ??? ?? PaO2? ??? ???
(high oxygen consumption low hemoglobin
concentration? A-a gradient? ????, PaO2? ????)
44Alveolar, Arterial Venous Gas Tensions
- Mixed Venous Oxygen Tension (PvO2)
- SVC, IVC, heart? ???? vein ?? ???? ?? ??
- normal 40mmHg
- ?? oxygen consumption oxygen delivery? ???
??? ????. - pul. artery catheter? ?? ? ? ??.
45Alveolar, Arterial Venous Gas Tensions
- 2.Carbon Dioxide
- Mitochondria?? aerobic metabolism? ? ???
- Mixed Venous Carbon Dioxide Tension (PvCO2)
- normal 46mmHg
- ??? ???? ?? ??????? blood? ??? ??
- Alveolar Carbon Dioxide Tension (PACO2)
- Total CO2 ??? alveolar ventilation(CO2 ??)??
balance? ????. - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â PACO2Â Â Â VCO2
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â VA
- PACO2Â ? CO2 ???? CO2 ??? ? ???
- ???? ???? ??, CO2 ???? ?? ?? ???? ??, ?? ?? CO2 ?
?? ? ????? ? ? ?? ??? ?? ??? PACO2? alveolar
ventilation? ? ???? ??
46Alveolar, Arterial Venous Gas Tensions
- Pulmonary End-Capillary Carbon Dioxide Tension
(PcCO2) - PcCO2 PACO2
- alveolar-capillary membrane? ?? CO2 diffusion
rate? ??? 2??? - Arterial Carbon Dioxide Tension (PaCO2)
- normal PaCO2? 38 /- 4mmmHg ( 5.1 0.5KPa)
- ???? arterial to alveolar gradient? ??? V/Q
abnormality ??? ??? - End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Tension(PETCO2)
- end-tidal CO2 tension? ????? PaCO2? ?? ?? ??
- PACO2-PETCO2 gradient? 5mmHg ??
47Transport of Resp. Gases in Blood
- 1.Oxygen
- 2 form?? ?? solution? ?? ???, hemoglobin? ?????
association? - Dissolved Oxygen
- ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? Herney's law? ?? ?? ? ??.Â
-          Gas concentration  a partial
pressure - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â a ??? ??? ??? ????? gas ?? ??
- ?? ????? ?? 0.003mL/dL/mmHg
- Hemoglobin
- 4?? heme? 4?? protein subunit?? ??? complex large
molecule - Heme oxygen-binding site? essential part? iron
porphyrin compound - ?? hemoglobin molecule (hemoglobin A1)
- 2?? a- 2?? ß-chain?? ??
- 4?? subunit? amino acid residue?? weak bond? ??
- hemoglobin 1g? 1.39mL? ??? ?? ? ??.
48Transport of Resp. Gases in Blood
- Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve
- ? hemoglobin ? 4?? ????? ???
- hemoglobin saturation? Hb? ??? ??? ? ?? O2 ? ??
??? Hb? ??? O2? ?? percent? ?? - ?? 3?? ?? ??? ??? 4?? ?? ??? ????
- Saturation? 90 ??? ??? ?? ??? oxygen receptor?
???? curve? flatten ?? ??.
49Transport of Resp. Gases in Blood
- Factors influencing the Hemoglobin Dissociation
Curve - Hydrogen ion concentration
- CO2 tension
- Temperature
- 2,3-diphosphoglyceride (2,3-DPG)concentration
- P50 hemoglobin? 50? ???? oxygen tension
- shift to right (increasing P50)
- make more oxygen available to tissue
- shift to left (decreasing P50)
- oxygen affinity ??, reducing availablity to
tissue - normal P50 26.6mmHg(3.4kPa)
Alkalosis Hypothermia 2,3-DPG??
Acidosis Hyperthermia 2,3-DPG??
Affinity? ?? O2 release to tissue O2 uptake? ??
50Transport of Resp. Gases in Blood
- Abnormal Ligands Abnormal Forms of Hemoglobins
- carbon monoxide, cyanide, nitric acid, ammonia ??
?? ?? hemoglobin? ??? ? ?? (shift to left) - ?carbon monoxide 200-300? ??
- ?carboxyhemoglobin? ??
- methemoglobin heme? ?? iron? trivalent form??
??(?? ?? ??) - methylene blue or ascorbic acid? methemoglobin??
Hb??? ??? ????. - abnormal hemoglobin protein subunit
composition? variation? ?? ?? - fetal hemoglobin, hemoglobin A2. sick hemoglobin
51Transport of Resp. Gases in Blood
- Oxygen Content
- Total O2 content solution? ?? ?? ?? hemoglobin?
?? ???? ?? ? -
- oxygen content (0.003mL O2/dL blood/mmHg)
PO2 - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
(SO2 Hb 1.31mL/dL blood) - CaO2 19.5mL/dL blood    CvO2 14.8mL/dL blood
- ???, arteriovenous difference? ?? ? ??.
- CaO2 -CvO2 4.7mL/dL
52Transport of Resp. Gases in Blood
- Oxygen Transport
- respiratory circulatory function? ?? ??
- Total oxygen delivery to tissue(DO2) arterial
oxygen content cardiac output (QT) - DO2 20mL O2/dL blood 50dLper blood/min
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1000mL O2/minÂ
- Frick equation? ?? ??, ?? ?, ? ??? ?? ??? ????
-         oxygen consumption  VO2  QT (CaO2 -
CvO2) - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â CaO2 Â Â VO2Â Â Â Â Â Â CvO2
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â QT
- extraction fraction (CaO2- CvO2)/ CaO2 5/20
25 - ??? hemoglobin? ??? ?? ? 25? ??, ???? ??? 25??,
??? 25??? ?? - delivery?? ?? ?????? ?? consumption? ??
(extraction? ?? ??)
53Transport of Resp. Gases in Blood
- Oxygen Store
- ???? ?? ?? ???? 1500ml
- 1. oxygen remaining in the lung (FRC) important
store (80?? ????) - 2. Hemoglobin? ??  ???   Â
- 3. dissoluted in body-fluid      ???
- ?? ?? oxygen content FiO2 FRC
- FiO2 0.21Â Â Â Â Â FRCÂ 2300mLÂ Â ? 90? ? severe
hypoxemia ??. (O2 content480ml) - FiO2 1        FRC 2300mL    ? 4-5? ?
???? - ??? ??? induction? preoxygenation? ??? ??.
54Transport of Resp. Gases in Blood
- 2.Carbon Dioxide
- Transport 3 form
- Â Â Â Â 1.dissolved in solution,Â
- 2. bicarbonateÂ
- Â Â Â Â 3.carbamino compound??? protein
- Dissolved Carbon Dioxide
- ???? ? ???  0.067mL/dL/mmHg
55Transport of Resp. Gases in Blood
- Bicarbonate
- ?? ?? carbonic acid? bicarbonate? ??
-       H2O  CO2 ? H2CO2 ? H  HCO3-
- On the venous side of systemic capillary
- ???? carbonic anhydrase ? ??? CO2? ???? ???,
????? bicarbonate? ?? plasma? ????? - ??? balance? ?? chloride? plasma?? ???? ????
- In pulmonary capillary
- chloride ion? ???? ?? ???, ???? bicarbonate ion?
??? CO2? ???? alveoli?? ???? - ?? Chloride or Hamburger shift ?? ??.
- Carbamino Compounds
-     R-NH2  CO2 ? RNH-CO2-  H
- carbamino-hemoglobin? ??? CO2? ??
- deoxygenated hemoglobin? oxygenated hemoglobin?
?? 3.5??? CO2? ? ? ??
56Transport of Resp. Gases in Blood
- Effects of Hemoglobin Buffering on Carbon Dioxide
Transport - Hemoglobin? histidine? ??? physiologic PH???
buffer? ?? - Hb? oxygenated state? ?? ???? ????.
- Tissue capillary?? ???? ?? O2? ???? ??
- CO2 Â H2OÂ Â HbO2 ? HbHÂ Â HCO3-Â Â O2
- Lung?? ??? ?? CO2? ???? ??
- O2  HCO3-  HbH ? H2O  CO2  HbO2
- Carbon Dioxide Stores
- ?? 120L in adult
- ?? dissolved CO2? bicarbonate ???
- ??? ?? ?? imbalance?, 20-30? ??? ??? ???
equilibrium? ??Â
57Control of Breathing
- brain stem ? respiratory center??? rhythmic
neural activity? ?? - 1.Central Respiratory Center
- Medulla?? ????, two medullary group of neuron ?
??. - 1.dorsal respiratory group inspiration ?? ???
- 2.ventral respiratory group expiration ?? ???
- basic rhythm
- dorsal group??? intrinsic, spontaneous discharge
activity ?? dorsal ventral group??
reciprocating activity? ?? - two pontine area? dorsal medulla? ??? ??
- ??? respiratory rate rhythm ????
- 1. lower pontine (apneustic) center excitory
- 2. upper pontine (pneumotaxic) centerÂ
58Control of Breathing
- 2.Central Sensor (Chemoreceptor)
- anterolateral surface of medulla
- respond to CSF (H)? ??
- effective in regulating PaCO2
- (BBB is permeable to dissolved CO2)
- PaCO2? ??? CSF H? ???? chemoreceptor? ??? ???,
adjacent respiratory medullary center? ???
alveolar ventilation(CO2 ??)? ??????? PaCO2? ???
59Control of Breathing
- Lung Receptors
- carried centrally of vagus nerve
- stretch receptor smooth muscle of airway? ??
- lung? ??? ??? inspiration ?? (Herning-Breuer
inflataion reflex) - lung? ???? ?? ?? exhalation? ?? ?(deflation
reflex) - human? ?? minor role
- irritant receptor( in tracheobronchial mucosa)
- J (juxtacapillary) receptors (interstitial space
within alveolar wall) interstitial space vol.
?? ?? ?? ????? ???? dyspnea? ???
60Control of Breathing
- 4.Effects of Anestheisa on the Control of
Breathing - Hypoventilation? ???.
- Dual mechanism
- central depression of the chemoreceptor
- depression of external intercostal muscle
activity - hypoventilation? ??? ????? ??Â
61Non-Respiratory Functions of the Lung
- Filtration Reservoir Function
- Filtration
- acts a filter for debris
- facilitates breakdown entrapped fibrin debris
- Reservoir function
- Pul. Circulation? systemic circulation? ??
reservoir ?? - Metabolism
- 1.pneumocyte? surfactant?? ? ???, extrahepatic
mixed-function oxidation? major portion? ?? - 2.neutrophil macrophage oxygen derived free
radical - 3.pulmonary endothelium metabolize a variety of
vasoactive compound - 4.angiotension?? angiotensin?? ??(surface of the
pul. endotheium)