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Joints must be spaced sufficiently close together to prevent shrinkage cracks from ... They provide an efficient structural solution ... factory buildings, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes



Fiona Allpress 300138121 Jamie Ifrah
300173659 Steven Kymantas 300175956 Adam Wood
300182771 Stephen Young 300150037
Contents (home)
  • Span Table PG 4
  • Concrete for Slab PG 5,6,7
  • Footing System for Slab PG 8
  • Grid System for Warehouse PG 9
  • Portal Frames PG10, 11, 12, 13
  • Portal, Bracing and bolt specification PG 14
  • Examples of Portal Frames PG 15, 16
  • Envelop System Tilt-up PG 17, 18
  • Roof Structure PG 19
  • Roof Cladding PG 20
  • Guttering System PG 21
  • Roller Doors and Exits PG 22
  • Figure 1 PG 23
  • Layout of Warehouse PG 24
  • Sketches PG 25, 26
  • Site Layout PG 27
  • Warehouse Section PG 28
  • Concrete Slab for Showroom PG 30
  • Grid System Layout for Showroom PG 31
  • Portal Frame for Showroom PG 32
  • Portal, Bracing and bolt specification PG 33
  • Examples of Showrooms PG 34, 35
  • Envelop System Tilt-up PG 36
  • Roof Cladding Guttering System PG 37
  • Showroom Finish PG 38
  • Showroom Section PG 39

Span Table
Concrete for Slab
  • Reinforced concrete
  • Reinforced concrete combines concrete and some
    form of reinforcement into a composite whole.
  • Concrete has high compressive strength but low
    tensile strength. Steel has very high tensile
    strength. By
  • combining steel and concrete into composite
    material we are taking advantage of steels high
  • strength and concretes compressive strength.
  • Retaining walls
  • Retaining walls likened to vertical beam fixed at
    one end. Soil or other material being retained
  • wall to act as cantilever. The footing of the
    wall tends to bend or distort as load is applied.
  • Reinforcement should be distributed to resist
    these stresses.
  • Joints in concrete construction
  • Joints can be of two general types
  • Those which allow no relative movement of
    concrete on either side of them.
  • Those which allow relative movement.
  • It is recommended that joints allow relative
    movement. They are named according to type of
    movement they allow
  • Contraction joints allow concrete to shrink
    away from plane of the joint while restraining
    relative movement in

Concrete for Slab
  • Location of joints Contraction joints should be
    located where severest concentrations of tensile
    stresses resulting
  • from shrinkage of the concrete are expected to
    occur. For example, in large areas of pavement or
    slab on ground.
  • Spacing of contraction joints generally dictated
    by designer or supervising engineer, however, 5
    to 6m can be used as
  • a guide.
  • Large areas of concrete should be divided into
    approximately square bays by means of contraction
    joints. Joints
  • must be spaced sufficiently close together to
    prevent shrinkage cracks from occurring between
    successive joints.
  • Expansion joints create a gap between two
    surfaces so as to allow expansion of concrete
    into the gap. The gap is
  • usually filled with compressible filler, e.g.
    rubber, plastic, cork or mastic. All relative
    movement in the plane of joint
  • is prevented. Expansion joints most expensive
    type of joint to make. An increase in concretes
    temperature will
  • generally increase the concretes length, e.g.
    temperature rise of 10C. in a 10 metre length of
    unrestrained concrete
  • will result in an expansion of about 1mm.
  • Under Australian climatic conditions normal
    maximum temperature differential through a year
    doesnt exceed about
  • 40C. Therefore thermal movements at a joint
    wouldnt exceed 10mm. per 25 m. of concrete. Thus
    if decided to
  • place expansion joints at 25m. intervals, they
    must be sufficiently wide enough to allow for
    10mm. movement. If
  • joint made 15mm. wide at average temperature,
    should be filled with material capable of being
    compressed to
  • 10mm. thickness and of expanding to 20mm.

Concrete for Slab
  • Class of concrete
  • Normal class of concrete is intended to cover the
  • needs of the majority of domestic, commercial,
  • industrial and institutional building projects.
  • Normal class concrete has a strength grade chosen
  • N20, N25, N32, N40 or N50.
  • Slump required at point of delivery chosen from
    40, 60,
  • 80 or 100mm.
  • Maximum nominal size of coarse aggregate chosen
    from 10, 14 or
  • 20mm.

Footing System for Slab
  • The footing system we have chosen to use is an
    isolated pad footing system, at the point loads
    of the
  • columns. The pads are 1000mm by 1000mm by 750mm.
    Once this has been achieved we will then
  • poor a 150mm thick slab with 300mm by 300mm edge
    beams running around the exterior of the
  • building. This will be poured so the finished
    height of the slab is at the same level as the
  • footings.

Grid System for Warehouse
Portal Frames
  • A Portal Frame is a continuous rigid frame with
    a restrained joint between the stanchion and
    beam (Jeremy Hams lecture notes lecture 1).
    They provide an efficient structural solution to
    long span construction.
  • There are the three types of portal frame
  • 3-pinned portal,
  • 2-pinned and
  • Rigid base portal
  • 3-pin portal frames have three pin joints. Two at
    each of the supports and one at crown.
  • 2-pin frame has 2 pin joints at the supports.
  • In Two and Three pinned frames, the portal frame
    is supported at ground level with a pin joint,
    therefore rotational forces dont have to be
    resisted in the footing. Bending moments are
    transmitted vertically into the ground, reducing
    footing size but as a consequence have a heavier

All joints in rigid base portal frames are
restrained. This system requires good foundations
and is used to span smaller distances compared
with pinned construction. This inturn leads to
greater volumes of concrete required in the
footing hence adding to the cost of the
foundation. Rigid frames have lower bending
moments than Two and Three pinned frames
resulting in rigid frames being lighter and
footings being heavier.
Source Jeremy Hams lecture notes
A Portal Frame
Rafter/ beam
Knee joint
Stanchion/ column
Pad footing
Source Jeremy Hams Lecture notes.
A Portal Frame
Source Jeremy Hams Lecture notes.
Portal Frames(continued)
  • Portal Frames are most commonly used in
  • warehouses,
  • factory buildings,
  • large span storage buildings, and
  • heavy industrial process plant structures
  • When a beam in a portal frame is loaded it
    deforms elastically. The top flange of the beam
    goes into compression, whilst the bottom flange
    goes into tension. Such deformation would result
    in columns spreading at base if there was no
    lateral restraint.
  • Footings resist this spreading and in doing so
    carry bending moments as well as axial loads.
  • Columns also act in bending as connections
    between footings and columns, and columns and
    beams are rigid.
  • Roof members generally have low pitched rafters
    or horizontal beams that are connected to a
    stanchion with a rigid joint. Roof pitches
    between 5 and 10 degrees are preferred in portal
    frame construction. These pitches are suitable
    for any continuous length steel sheet profiles
    and this factor outweighs superior structural
    action of higher pitch roofs, which have
    additional sheeting costs.
  • The most popular portal frame system is the
    column and truss system.
  • On a cost basis, the simplicity of a portal
    frame results it in being the cheaper option for
    spans less than 45 metres. For our requirements,
    this seems to be the most viable option.

Source http//
Portal, Bracing and Bolt Specifications
  • We have chosen to use a rigid base portal
  • since it is ideal for smaller spans as well
  • as it allowing us to use smaller sized
  • members.
  • The size of our portal frame columns are
  • The size of our portal frame beams are 460UB82.1
  • The size of our girts are 180x75x5.0 CC
  • The bracing specification is 30mm Rod
  • Bracing (See sketches for bracing layout).
  • The size of bolts used as M-20
  • specification.

Image Bunnings Warehouse Waurn Ponds. Shows
bracing above an opening
Examples of Portal Frames
Image Bunnings Warehouse Waurn Ponds. Shows
Flange for beam section.
Image Bunnings Warehouse Waurn Ponds. Shows
layout of warehouse.
Examples of Portal Frames
Services through flange
Corrugated Sheet
Image Colerain Warehouse Separation St.
Image KD Stewart centre Waurn Ponds.
Envelop System Tilt-up Concrete
  • Tilt up concrete construction is an economic
    attractive alternative to the traditional
    construction methods such as corrugated iron. It
    has a versatile design and is extremely quick to
  • By using a Tilt-up systems it helps ensure
    durability, with maintenance only required every
    6 years with a new coat of paint.
  • Panel connections can be installed during initial
    construction to make panel detachment
    relocation easy.
  • Tilt-up concrete is virtually impenetrable due
    to the thickness and strength of panels, which
    proves a positive with the use of folk lifts
    in our warehouse.
  • It is a first choice for fire resistance as a
    6.5 wall will have a fire rating of 4 hours
    this inturn results in cheaper insurance for the
  • Slabs are casted on-site and after curing, are
    lifted or tilted with crane set on the
    concrete foundations. The roof structure, once
    constructed, is anchored to walls.
  • After removal of panel braces, grout is applied
    at base of panels and all vertical joints are
  • When determining the size crane to use its best
    to let the crane company decide this, based on
    the size and weight of the panels.
  • http//

Envelop System Tilt-up Concrete
  • Expansion can be designed for by detaching and
    relocating the panels or cutting new openings
  • Tilt up concrete also has excellent sound control
    through the sound reduction properties of
    concrete. This is done by the mass absorbing
    the sound rather than letting it through.
  • Tilt up is mainly done on the ground, so there is
    no vertical framework or scaffolding required.
    There are also less labour crews since no
    vertical forming, or other costly erection
    processes are required, thus allowing for a
    shorter project cycle which presents less
    prosperous for accidents to occur.

Roof Structure
  • The roofing system we have opted for is using C
    section purlins.
  • There will be 25 purlins overall, 12 on either
    side of the pitch and 1 at the joint between both
    sides. On both sides of the pitch, the first and
    last purlins will sit in 1 metre from each end,
    with 10 in between at 1.8 metre centre spacings.
    These C section purlins will be 200mm x 75mm x
    6mm, and weigh 15.5 kg/m. Although capable of
    spanning 12 metres we have these purlins spanning
    at 8 metres.

Source http//
Dura Gal channels are high strength cold formed
structural sections that are in-line Hot-dip
galvanised over a prepared surface, to produce a
fully bonded coating with a minimum average
coating mass of 100 g/m2. The zinc surface then
has a surface conversion coating applied. All
channels are coated with a clear polymer over the
conversion coat. (note that roof at 10 pitch)
Roof Cladding
  • The roof cladding we have used for this warehouse
    is Colourbond WideKlip produced by Fielders.
    The width of the cladding is 760 mm and requires
    no screws therefore no screw holes. This type of
    cladding uses a clip system which allows for them
    to give a watertight guarantee. We chose the
    lighter of the two choices which was 0.42 BMT in
    thickness, making the mass 4.55 kg/m2. Below is
    a picture of the WideKlip. For the natural
    lighting we have used UV-Stabilised Commercial
    Grade Reinforced Translucent Roofing, which is an
    economical product for natural lighting in a
    large enclosed area. It is also extremely
    flexible allowing it to meet unique variations of
    design criteria. Common applications for such a
    product are things such as commercial and
    industrial developments, institutional and other
    projects where long-term high quality lighting is
    required. We have chosen a thickness of 2.5 mm
    which makes its mass 3.66 kg/m2.

Guttering System
  • We have chosen to use internal box guttering.
    The gutters are 150mm X 100mm stainless steel
    square downpipes at 1800 lengths.

Image Bunnings Warehouse Waurn Ponds. Shows a
boxed gutter
Roller Doors Exit Doors
The type of roller door system we have chosen to
use is the industrial slat type shutter. The
steel shutter is designed to economically fulfill
requirements of the client (us) and can be made
to custom size. Sizes for openings range from
900mm x 900mm to 6000mm x 6000mm. For our
entrance doors we have opted to use a 6000mm X
6000mm roller door system. For the side access we
have chosen a 3000mm X 3000mm roller door setup.
We have chosen to have 5 exit doors in our
warehouse. By law, it is required that exits are
provided at no more than 20 metres from any
position in the warehouse. (see Figure 1)
Figure 1.
Vertical support above opening
Door One
Door Two
Door Three
Door Four
Door Five
Fire Hydrant
Exit Door
Layout of Warehouse
The proposed layout for shelving. We predict
that by using a three shelf system we can
store between 1100 and 1200 pellets.
Preposed bracing sections of warehouse
Site Layout
standards for the number of off-street car
parking spaces required with developments
are outlined below Commercial Premises and
Offices 1 space per 35m2 of net floor area,
plus 1 space for Manager/Caretaker. Industrial
Development 1 space per 70m2 of net floor area,
with a minimum of 3 spaces per unit. 5.4 Entry
and Exit to Site The driveways and
on-site arrangements are to be such that vehicles
drive in a forward direction entering and leaving
the site.
7. OTHER REQUIREMENTS 7.3 Disabled Driver Car
Parking A minimum of 1 space per 100 car spaces
is to be made available for disabled driver car
parking. If less than 100 spaces are provided
then at least 1 space is to be made
available. This space is to be clearly marked
and identified, and provided as close
as practicable to shop entrances. The width of
the space is to be at least 3.0 metres. 7.4
Loading Bays These shall have dimensions to
suit the type of vehicle servicing
the development, with absolute minimum dimensions
of 6.0 x 3.0m.
Warehouse Section
Concrete Slab for Showroom
  • We have chosen to use the same concrete slab
    system for the showroom. We did this because
    this system is high in strength and ensures there
    will be no ground movement or foundation

Grid system and Layout for Showroom
Portal frame for showroom
  • The sizes of the members for the showroom are as
  • -Columns 310UC158
  • -Beams (bearers) 310UB46.2
  • -Beams (roof) 310UB46.2
  • -Floor joists 240mm X 45mm.
  • -WideKlip roofing 10 degrees roof pitch
  • Tasmanian oak wooden strip flooring 19mm thick
    flooring Second storey floor- For the
  • second storey floor we have decided to use strip,
    the wood we chose was Jarrah, which is a
  • dark red brown hardwood. The reason we chose
    this wood was because it is appealing to the
  • eye and it had to be a hardwood, so that it would
    resist any abrasion to its surface from things
  • like chairs, etc.

Portal, Bracing and Bolt Specifications
  • We are using the same bracing and bolt
    specification as the warehouse

Examples of Showrooms
Image Rex Gorrell Ford. Shows the front entrance
into the showroom. All glass front.
Image Rex Gorrell Ford. Showing alternate
entrance into building.
Examples of Showrooms
Image Rex Gorrell Ford. Glass sections Supported
by aluminium. Clean view inside
Image Reece Plumbing showroom. Showing large
spaning windows leaving plenty of room inside to
Envelop System Tilt-up Concrete
  • We are using the same envelop system for the
    showroom as the warehouse. We decided this in
    order to keep the same theme.
  • There are only2 differences, we are using a
    whole glass front section and for the walls, we
    decided to use Custom Blue Orb-Lysaght.
  • We have chosen to use frameless glass doors and
    assemblies, this will allow us to maximise our
    retail exposure on the ground floor, as this is
    where the showroom is. We are using toughened
    glass in panes of 2500mm X 3500mm for the
    showroom front. The toughened glass can be
    realised with minimal fixing and support
    structure. The strength of the glass allows
    larger clear spans with minimum fixings, the
    fixings we are using are aluminium patch channel
    fittings. These are bolted to the concrete slab
    and the external I-beams.
  • The glass we are using is Pilkington Armourfloat
    12mm thick that is toughened safety glass and
    tinted in accordance with AS2208.
  • Custom Blue Orb-Lysaght is a material which
    basically looks like corrugated sheeting. This
    cladding goes on top of the Clayco tilt-up. The
    Clayco Tilt-up only goes up to a level of 7
    metres, but in the section left over from the
    roof pitch we are using the Custom Blue
    Orb-Lysaght. The BMT (Bare Metal Thickness) is
    0.60 colour bond 4.64 kg/m, the total weight
    being 6.09 kg/m2. Covers either 608 mm or 762 mm
    spans, in whatever length required.

Roof Cladding Guttering System
  • The roof cladding we are using is also the same
    as the warehouse. This was since there wasnt any
    real need to change cladding types.
  • We also can keep the same guttering system.

Showroom Finish
  • For the inner walls of the showroom, we will be
    creating stud walls in between the columns with
    60mm fibreglass insulation and then a 10 mm
    plasterboard wall. We arent setting up where
    the actual offices will be situated, we are only
    doing the interior perimeter and facilities such
    as toilets, kitchens, etc.

Showroom Section
Roof Beams 310UB46.2
Bearers (beams) 310UB46.2
Columns 310UC158
Pad Footing 1000 X 750d
Slab Thickening 300 wide
  • Lysaght broacher
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • Jeremy Hams Lecture notes.
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