The Adolescent Athlete: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Adolescent Athlete:


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Youth Sports in America Physical educators and other teachers now play a diminishing role in coaching school-sponsored sports. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Adolescent Athlete:

Chapter 20
  • The Adolescent Athlete
  • Special Medical Concerns

Youth Sports in America
  • Physical educators and other teachers now play a
    diminishing role in coaching school-sponsored
  • The parents and volunteers that took on these
    activities often have no formal training.

Youth Sports in America (contd)
  • Children play organized sports most often to have
    fun, make friends, develop skills, improve
    physical fitness, and gain role models.
  • Withdrawal from high school sports is often due
    to lack of playing time, dislike of the coach,
    and overemphasis on competition.
  • Attrition among elementary school participants
    results from lack of success and playing time,
    and the absence of fun.

The Growing Athlete
  • Puberty is the time when children develop
    secondary sexual characteristics, experience an
    increase in the rate of linear growth, and add
    more muscle mass.
  • The average age that puberty begins is 10 years
    for girls and 12 years for boys.
  • In girls, the onset of breast development signals
  • In boys, increased testicular volume is the first
    sign of puberty.

The Growing Athlete (contd)
  • The average boy experiences a doubling of his
    muscle mass between the ages of 10 and 17 years.
  • Longitudinal growth accelerates during puberty
    with peak height velocity attained at the average
    age of 12 years in girls and 14 years in boys.

  • Longitudinal bone growth arises from the physis
    (growth plate) located near the ends of long
  • Bone growth ends once the physis closes. Average
    age of full skeletal development is approximately
    14 years for girls and 16 years for boys.
  • The physes, apophyses, and articular surfaces of
    long bones are key structures susceptible to
    injury in the adolescent athlete.
  • Skeletal muscles grow in size by responding to
    increasing forces. As bones progressively
    lengthen, the muscles become correspondingly

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Injury Mechanisms
  • Two basic injury categories macrotrauma and
  • Macrotrauma results from a single, high-force
    traumatic event. Young athletes are more likely
    to suffer trauma to the growth plate.
  • Microtrauma results from chronic, repetitive
    stress to local tissues. This type of injury is
    common in children and adolescents, representing
    the majority of injuries in young athletes.

Adolescent Injuries
  • Severe ligamentous injuries are less common in
    adolescent athletes, occurring primarily due to
    laxity of the ligaments or plasticity of long
  • Tendon injuries are chronic, microtraumatic
    injuries to the immature apophysis, calcaneus,
    and medial humerus.
  • Apophyseal injuries are often the result of
    multiple factors.

Growth Plate Injuries
  • Growth plate injuries have five injury patterns
    the Salter-Harris type I fracture is the most
    common physis injury.
  • Injuries to the distal fibula and distal radius
    are the most common.
  • Chronic, repetitive axial loading of a physis may
    lead to microvascular injury and resultant growth
  • This injury is commonly seen in gymnasts.

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Contributors to Injury
  • Intrinsic factors that contribute to injury
  • The growing bodys susceptibility to growth
    cartilage injuries.
  • The decreased flexibility of the muscle-tendon

Contributors to Injuries (cont.)
  • Extrinsic factors that contribute to injury
  • Cultural deconditioning that results in youth
  • Training errors by coaches who do not have the
    requisite knowledge for instructing young
  • Many young athletes have a tendency toward
  • Equipment should always be up-to-date and
  • Poor playing surfaces can put athletes at risk
    for injury.

Injury Imitators
  • There are three principles when evaluating an
    injured adolescent for serious medical conditions
    that may be confused with musculoskeletal trauma.
    These include
  • 1. Physical findings that are inconsistent with
    injury history.
  • 2. Unusual local symptoms.
  • 3. Systemic symptoms.

Injury Imitators Oncologic
  • Adolescence is the peak age for occurrence of
    long bone tumors.
  • Symptoms may be mistaken for a traumatic etiology
    early in the course of illness. Osteosarcomas
    commonly arise in the metaphyses of the femur,
    tibia, and humerus.
  • Ewings sarcoma is typically found in the
    mid-shaft of long bones, but may arise in pelvis.
  • Diagnosis is made by plain radiographs and
  • Treatment involves tumor excision and intensive

Injury Imitators Rheumatologic
  • Athlete complains of pain or swelling in more
    than one joint in the absence of a traumatic
  • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis must be considered.
  • May result in severe low back and lower extremity
    pain as well as systemic symptoms (fever and

Injury Imitators Infectious
  • Osteomyelitis may present similarly to bone
    tumors, with fever more common in the infection.
  • The diagnosis is made by bone scan or MRI.
  • Treatment involves 4 to 6 weeks of intravenous

Injury Imitators Neurovascular
  • Reflex neuropathic dystrophy (RND) is preceded by
    minor injury but involves severe pain and
    dysfunction, marked tenderness, cyanosis,
    coolness, diffuse edema, or perspiration.
  • The etiology of RND is unknown.
  • Aggressive physical therapy program is needed to
    regain function. Physical therapy may also
    include individual or family counseling.

Injury Imitators Psychologic
  • Coaches should remain vigilant for signs of
  • A continuum of seemingly minor, yet troublesome
    injuries should be further questioned.
  • Referral to a physician, psychologist, or school
    counselor is mandatory.

Strength Training
  • Many studies have found low rates of injuries
    among young weight trainers.
  • Weight training may help young athletes perform
    better and be less susceptible to overuse
  • At one time there were concerns that adolescent
    weight training may be a factor in growth plate
    injuries, but most of those injuries occurred
    primarily in unsupervised training programs and
    through the need to lift maximum weights.

Strength Training (cont.)
  • American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines for
    weight training
  • Trainees should always be under close
  • Adolescents should reach Tanner stage 5 of sexual
    maturity before participating in a vigorous
    weight training program.
  • Children should begin a strength training program
    if they have the interest to do so, are receptive
    to coaching, and can follow instructions.

Strength Training Safety
  • Safety should be the focus of all adolescent
    weight training programs.
  • To avoid injury, young athletes need proper
    supervision and guidelines.
  • Eliminate
  • Single-repetition maximum lifts.
  • Use of Olympic and power-lifting techniques.

Alternative Training
  • Safer alternative lifting techniques should be
  • Safer method for assessing an athletes maximum
    strength is the following equation
  • Weight lifted x of repetitions x 0.03 1 RM.
  • Avoid placing body in positions that increase
    risk of injury.

Prevention of Injury
  • Preparticipation Physical Examination (PPE)
  • All athletes should have a complete evaluation
    done by a trained physician prior to entry into
    organized sports.
  • Rehabilitation of Previous Injuries
  • Improperly rehabilitated injuries may increase
    the risk of reinjury over the next several years
    and osteoarthritis years after the initial

Prevention of Injury (cont.)
  • Stretching programs lessen injury and improve
    overall flexibility.
  • Stretching and flexibility exercises should be a
    routine part of conditioning programs.
  • Coaching techniques Coaches must be
    knowledgeable in the fundamental techniques of
    their sport as well as knowing the proper
    principles of strength and conditioning.
  • Special concerns include female athletes with
    menstrual abnormalities and athletes using
    prescription stimulant medication.
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