of a feather flock together
2Contents Contents
- Haliaeetus leucocephalus
- (Bald eagle)
- Introduction of birds with
- some important features
- Common symptoms
- between eagle and falcon
- General bird themes
- Birds of prey
- Common symptoms between birds of preyhawk, eagle
and falcon
- Buteo jamaicensis (Hawk)
- Columba pal (Dove)
- Larus argentatus (Sea-gull)
- Corvus corax (Raven)
- Macaw
- Vultur gryphus (Condor)
- Falcon peregrinus
- (Peregrine falcon)
3Some important features about birds
4Bird Structure
Birds are vertebrates with feathers. They
resemble other vertebrates (mammal, reptiles,
amphibians and fish) in most major aspects of
architecture, bodily, organization, and function.
In birds, however, the tail is reduced to a
single bony stub, called the pygostyle. Most
distinctive of all, birds forelimbs have been
strongly modified to form wings.
5Flight and Feathers
Other vertebrate groups have some members that
can fly, but only among birds is flight common to
virtually all. In their general anatomy, birds
most nearly resemble reptiles, but like mammals,
they are warm-blooded. Birds have extraordinarily
acute eyesight and exceptional hearing, but their
olfactory sense is much less acute than most
mammals. Their primary identifying (and
diagnostic) feature is that the are only animals
with feathers.
One striking characteristic of birds compared to
many other animal groups is their relative
uniformity. Birds are indeed extraordinarily
diverse in their characteristics of their plumage
color, pattern and various add-ons such as
plumes, crests, ruffs and tassels. But much of
this diversity fades away at a structural level.
7Anatomy and Physiology
The forelimbs are specially modified to form
wings the bones of the wrist, hand, and fingers
are fused together so that only the second digit
or finger is visible. The wings are powered by
relatively enormous muscles (totaling one quarter
to one third of the total body mass of some
birds), most of which are attached to a deep
keel-shaped structure jutting from the front of
the sternum or breast bone.
8The wings support the entire body weight in the
air, but the hind limbs support the entire weight
on the ground.
9The bill
The shape and structure of the bill varies
considerably among birds and these
characteristics reveal the fair reliability the
owners usual diet and way of life. This is
partly because birds cannot chew, so the bill
functions as the prime food handling device.
10Bill variations
Most seed-eating birds have deep, short, conical
bills, designed to function like a nutcracker.
Fish-eating birds, such as Herons (ardeidae) and
Anhingas (anhingidae), often have long, pointed,
dagger-like bills for spearing prey. Carnivorous
birds, such as hawks and eagles (accipitridae),
have deep, powerful, sharply hooked bills for
tearing flesh.
11The gizzard
The function of teeth is largely taken over by a
muscular, pouch-like organ called the gizzard.
The gizzard is most strongly developed in
seed-eating birds, but rather less so in those
that leave mainly on insects, nectar or the flesh
of other vertebrates.
12The heart
Like the mammalian heart, the birds heart is in
essence a double-action pump with four chambers,
two of which regulate the flow of blood to the
lungs, while the other pair recovers it from the
lungs and distributes the oxygenated through the
arterial system to all parts of the body.
13The lungs
The system of air-sacs can be visualized as a
posterior set and a forward set, with the lungs
suspended between them in such a way that air
flows through he lungs (not in and out as in
mammals) as it circulates throughout the air-sac
14This means that the process of extracting Carbon
dioxide from the blood and recharging it with
oxygen is continuous, rather than cyclical, and
is considerably more efficient than in mammalian
lungs a birds lung is considerably smaller in
relation to its total body weight than a mammals
lung, despite the greater oxygenation depends
imposed by flight.
Birds tend to target foods resources for high
nutritional value and speedy digestion. Though
there are expectations, the diet of most birds is
made up f small animals (including fish),
insects, fruits, seeds, or nectar or a
combination of these, e.g. many songbirds
alternate between an insect diet in summer and a
seed diet in winter.
16Feather Structure
Feathers are unique to birds. Feathers emerge
from follicles deeply embedded in the skin, and
many are equipped with unstriated muscles that
allow some degree of movement under the birds
control. Feathers are made almost entirely of
keratin, the same substance from which horses
hooves, tigers claws and human hair and
fingernails are constructed. Their uniqueness
lies more in their structure than their
Like a cat grooming its fur, a healthy bird
spends as much time preening. The bird takes each
of its feathers in turn and uses it bill to
nibble the length of the feather. This grooming
action serves to reattach all the hooklets that
may have become detached since the last preening
Eventually feathers wear out, and they can no
longer perform their chief functions of
facilitating flight and insulation. They are then
shed and replaced with new ones. The process of
shedding old, worn, or damaged feathers is
referred to as molt.
19The molt involves two distinctly separate event
the shedding of the old feather and the growth of
the new one in its place. Normally the molt is a
rigidly structured process as least as far as it
involves the flight feathers, and often other
tracts as well.
Gender is third common factor. Among birds, males
frequently wear a plumage that differs
conspicuously from that of females. Such
differences usually apply only to adult birds.
However, sometime the sexes are noticeably
different even among immature or juveniles, and
there are even cases where juveniles differ in
ways that are not evident in adults.
21Mechanical bird sounds
More than most animals, birds use sound as a
means of interacting with others of their own
species and, in some cases with other species.
Many birds produce sound by a wide variety of
purely mechanical means.
22Vocal bird sounds
In general, songs are those sounds used during
the breeding season and involved with either
courtship or the defense of territory. Songs are
usually uttered by males, but in some species it
is the female that sings, and in many species
both sexes sing, either independently or in the
form of duets or choruses.
23Functions of bird song
Song has two chief functions to proclaim
territory and repel rivals, and to attract
potential males. The two functions often
overlap, and no generalizations are possible even
among closely related species.
Results gained in investigations suggest that
mimicry in birds may have arisen because
borrowing a sound from his surroundings could be
the simplest way for a male songbird to increase
the complexity of his song to attract a mate.
For birds, territory is an area where the
occupant challenges and attempts to evict all
trespassers of the same species. In songbirds
territorial boundaries are often marked by
perches from which the occupant sings to announce
to neighbors that the territory is taken and any
trespasser risks a fight. Sometimes special
displays and other behaviors are used instead.
Normally it the male who establishes and
maintains a territory, but not always.
26Many birds establish territories to secure sole
rights to single resources such as food or a
preferred roosting site.
27Because the boundaries of territories must be
continuously patrolled to ensure their security,
true territories in birds are seldom larger than
a few hectares, and often much less. Beyond a
certain point, the time and energy cost of
patrolling a territorys boundaries exceeds the
value of the resource defended.
28Some predatory birds, such as many hawks, extent
the concept of territory to include one of home
The nuclear family situation, in which a single
mature male forms a pair bond with a single
mature female during the rearing of a single
brood of offspring, is common to 90 of all
birds. Polygyny (males with multiple mates) and
polyandry (females with multiple mates) are also
widespread among birds.
30Many bird species habitually form pairs that last
for life, while others trade partners after every
brood, and some form no pair bonds at all. Where
no pair bond is formed, it is usual for the
females to visit males at special display grounds
(which may be solitary or communal), where
copulation occurs. The female leaves to build a
nest, lay her eggs and rear her young without
further involvement by the male parent.
31A notable example of the solitary display ground
is in the case of the bowerbird
(Ptilonorhynchidae). Mature males build and
decorate large structures (bowers) on the ground
for the sole purpose enticing females to mate.
Once established, such bowers are almost
constantly maintained and refurbished throughout
the life of the owner. Sometimes display grounds
are communal, in which case they are generally
referred to as leks.
32Songs are used by many birds to announce their
territories, repel rivals, and advertise for
mates. These are reinforced, supplemented, or
replaced by a wide range of visual displays.
These range from simple presentations of
particular plumage features, as when a European
33Robin Erithacus rubecula fluffs out its breast in
an attempt to intimidate a rival, to the
elaborate courtship performances involving
spectacular or brightly colored plumes or similar
Demand precise habitat requirements their
distribution is strongly influenced by patterns
of plant diversity, which in turn are influenced
by climactic factors such as temperature and
35Habitat ranges from desert to grassland to
woodland and rain forest e.g. larks and pipits
are common to desert and grasslands towcans and
birds of paradise have no desert inhabiting
members pigeons and doves (columbidae) are
universally seen in almost faunal regions.
36General Bird Themes
- Adventure
- Awareness Heightened
- Beauty
- Can understand feeling without verbal
- communication
- Clairvoyant
37- Competitive
- Country desire for
- Creative
- Communication
38- Eats Frequently
- Excessive energy in the form of
- restlessness that chiefly arise
- from suppressed emotions
- Extremely emotional
- Group Society Lonely also
39- Hyperactive
- Mimics (Macaw)
- Mysticism
- Sense of Danger
- Sensitive to all external impressions
40- Singing
- Skills
- Strong need for freedom
- Suffocates in situations that demand
- responsibility, attachment and duty
41- Territory
- Whistling
- Visionary can see and sense
- events and persons
- Very spiritual
Hawk A Bird of prey used in
falconry, any diurnal bird of prey of the family
(Accipitridae). Hawk eye is a keen sighted.
Any diurnal bird of prey in falconry belonging to
the genus Falco characterized by long pointed
wings. Falconer A person who breeds , keeps and
trains falcon or other birds of prey, one who
hunts with such birds, a follower of sport on
Falconry The breeding, keeping and training of
the falcons or the other birds of prey. The sport
or practice of hunting using such birds.
45Buteo jamaicensis (Red Tailed hawk)
The term Hawk is often applied to other birds in
the family Accipitridae (such as kites, buzzard,
harriers and sometimes is extended to include
certain members of the family Falconidae (falcons
and caracaras). The majority of hawks are more
useful to humans than harmful, but thee is still
widespread prejudice against them.
The Buteos, also called Buzzard hawks, are broad
winged,Wide Tailed, Soaring Raptors found In The
New World, Eurasia and Africa. The red- tailed
(Buteo jamaicensis, see photograph), the most
common North American species, is about 60 cm
long, varying in colour but generally brownish
and somewhat lighter below with a rufous- colour
48This beneficial hunter preys mainly on rod but it
also catches other small mammals as well as
various birds, reptiles (including rattlesnakes
and copperheads), amphibians, and even
insects. There is sexual dimorphism in size
females are 25 larger than the males. The eye
colour of the Hawk changes from yellowish gray
when immature to dark brown in adults.
Red-tailed hawk feed on a wide variety of prey,
using their powerful claws as weapons. 80- 85 of
their diet consists of small rodents. Male
red-winged blackbirds are often eaten because of
their open visibility when guarding their nests.
Red- tails usually begin breeding when they are
three years old. Red- tails tend to be
monogamous, only finding a mew mate when theirs
dies. A sure sign of breeding in the spring is
that the male and female perch in the same tree
to hunt. During courtship the birds soar near
each other in circles with flights lasting 10
minutes or more. Mating usually takes place
following this. One to five eggs are laid around
the first week of April. Both parents help to
incubate the eggs
Red-tailed pairs will remain together for years
in the same territories. The birds are very
territorial. The female is usually the more
aggressive partner around the nest itself,
whereas the male is more aggressive when it comes
to the territory boundaries. The red- tailed has
a serial of aerial behaviors.
The red tail hawk builds its nest at the edge of
a Forest in the large trees surrounded by open
areas. Their main territory consists of large
woodlots surrounded by open fields and pastures
for foraging.
Red- tails are very susceptible to albinoism
Red- tails will often use power lines as
perches. The red- tail is often the victim of car
accidents, shooting and steel traps Red- tails
are a sign of good luck in the Mescalero Apache
54- Mind, confident
- Mind, delusions, great person, is a
- Mind, power, sensation of
- Mind, helplessness, feeling of
55- Insecurity, mental
- Delusions, neglected, he or she is
- neglected
- Forsaken feeling
- Forsaken feeling, isolation, sensation of
56- Vision, acute
- Hearing, acute
- Nose, catarrh, postnasal
- Chest, pain, mammae, left
- Back, pain, cervical region
57- Dreams, attacked, of being
- Dreams, birds
- Dreams, birds, eagles
- Dreams, birds, geese
58- Dreams, caring, another person,about
- Dreams, family, own
- Dreams, father
- Dreams, flying
59- Dreams, freedom
- Dreams, friends, old
- Dreams, helpless feeling
- Dreams, watching, herself from above
60- Generals, energy, excess of energy
- Generals, periodicity
- Generals, vibration, fluttering etc.
61Columba pal (Dove)
The evolution of the crop has been of vital
importance to the pigeon. This bilobed
diverticulum (a Blind Pouch) of the oesophagus,
located just posterior to the buccal cavity
serves as a storage organ. Subsisting for the
most part on seeds, buds, leaves, and fruits,
form of protein content and nutritive value,
pigeons must consume large quantities during each
feeding day. The ability to store food has
enabled some pigeon to be represented among the
small list of birds - geese and certain
galliform birds etc.
When feeding on the ground, a pigeon must be
looking downwards much of the time and therefore
is vulnerable to predators such as foxes. Many
species possesses signal marks that becomes
prominent in sudden flight, just as some rabbits
display the white under parts of the tail.
64A consequence of feeding in a flock is that
differences in individual attributes are more
readily manifested, and this finds expression
strongly developed social hierarchy (peck order).
In competitive situations submissive individuals
are frequently supplanted by more dominant
individuals, and efforts to avoid conflicts
result in their getting less food.
65There is no evidence that social behavior has
evolved as a mechanism where populations can
achieve self regulation of their numbers, as has
sometimes been suggested.
66In most pigeons, a male in reproductive condition
acquires a territory which it proclaims with an
advertisement call, usually a variant typical
pigeon coo sound. Intrusion from other pigeons
is prevented, at first by threat displays
involving sleeking the plum, stretching the head
forward, and partially raising the wings. If the
displays of aggressiveness are ineffective the
male then attacks intruder, pecking at the
opponent and delivering sharp blows with carpel
joint of the wing. Females behaving submissively
are gracefully tolerated, particularly by
unpaired males.
67A sexually mature male typically approaches a
submissive member of the same species with the
bowing display (in most pigeons this occur within
a previously acquired territory, but not
invariably). Bowing is primarily an aggressive
display, involving tendencies to advance and
attack and to mount and copulate. It is usually
accompanied by vocalization the bow call. Most
pigeons are multibrooded and have long breeding
- Suffering Abuse
- This is the animal analogue to
- Staphysagria
- Sensitivity on an interpersonal level
- The world is a harsh place of,
- violence and crying
69- Feels judged or criticized
- Too gentle for the world
- Appear gentle and retarded
- Religious
- Sex and Sexual Abuse
- Shame and Guilty Feeling
70- Affectionate
- Ailments from, anger,
- suppressed
- Blissful feeling
- Hatred
- Resignation
- Traveling, desire for
71- Head, heat
- Hearing, lost
- Nose, itching, inside
72- Throat, pain, pressing
- Stomach, pain, bending, double, amel
- Back, pain, cervical region
- Generals, sluggishness of the body
73Its the dove of peace. If you put them in a
little space, they peck at each other. But thats
the human problem. In a tree, they don peck at
each other.
74Corvus corax (Raven)
75North American raven is considered by
ornithologists to be the most intelligent of all
the birds. There have been countless legends
about raven especially it being responsible for
creating the world. Ravens have a colorful
personality and an idiosyncratic behavior.
76Ravens share a very special relationship with
wolves the ravens claw alerts the wolf of its
prey. The wolf then kills the prey and raven
comes for its share. They mutually celebrate by
77Some of the important symptoms of raven are
78- Absorbed, in her own closed world
- Anger, irascibility, with frustrated
- efforts
- Anxiety, defend, when she needed to,
- herself
- Anxiety, trifles about, things coming
- near him, especially of
79- Awareness heightened
- Biting, nails
- Clairvoyant
- Country, desire for
- Deceitful
80- Delusions, arms, separated, from
- body
- Delusions, body, enlarged, in chest
- area, as if ribs bowed out
- Delusions, body, separated, as if
- body or thoughts were
- Delusions, danger, impression of
- Delusions, defenseless, feels she is,
- with panic and anxiety
81- Delusions, head, heads, separated
- from the body, is
- Delusions, protect, she must,
- herself
- Delusions, worlds, she is on the
- divide between two worlds
82- Dreams, anger, at family
- Dreams, animals, wild
- Dreams, beaten, being
- Dreams, children, about
- Dreams, conspiracies
- Dreams, danger to animals
- Dreams, danger to children
83- Dreams, mocked, of being
- Dreams, nakedness, about
- Dreams, prisoner, being taken a
- Dreams, pursued, of being
- Dreams, rape, threats of
- Dreams, safeguarding others
84- Dreams, spiders, scorpions
- Dreams, suicide
- Dreams, torture
- Dreams, trespassed upon, she is
85- Fear, death, of, heart symptoms during
- Fear, death, of, respiratory problems,
- with
- Fear, dying, of
- Forsaken feeling
86- Freedom remarkable, in doing what he
- had to do
- Silent grief
- Hurry, haste, occupation, in
- Malicious, spiteful, vindictive
87- Sadness, weeping with
- Sensitive, oversensitive,
- criticism, to
- Sensitive, oversensitive,
- emotional
- Sensitive, oversensitive, light,
- to
88- Suffering, intense
- Sympathetic, compassionate,
- animals, skunks
- Sympathetic, compassionate,
- misfortune of others, greatly
- affected by
- Sympathy, compassion, desire for
89- Vision, blurred, headache,
- before
- Nose, catarrh, post-nasal
- Throat, choking, constricting
- Throat, choking, constricting,
- breathing, when
90- Appetite, constant
- Appetite, easy satiety, hunger,
- in spite of great
- Appetite, eat, with inability to
- Appetite, insatiable
- Appetite, nibbling
91- Eructations, eating, while
- Nausea, beer, amel
- Vomiting, respiratory symptoms, with
- Diarrhea, burns after
- Diarrhea, seashore, while at
- Stools, reddish
92- Diarrhea, burns after
- Diarrhea, seashore, while at
- Stools, reddish
93- Bladder, urination, frequent
- Urine, cloudy
- Female, sexual desire, increased
94- Respiration, accelerated, lying down, while
- Respiration, difficult, anxiety, from
- Respiration, difficult, heart, complaints,
- with
- Respiration, difficult, pain, during
- Respiration, difficult, inspiration
95- Chest, expand, as if expanded
- Chest, sensitive, mammae
- Chest, swelling, axilla, glands
- Chest, weakness, lungs
96- Extremities, coldness, ice, like ice in spots
- Extremities, coldness, fingers, tips, icy
- Extremities, coldness, foot
- Extremity, pain, upper limbs, shoulder, left
- Extremity, pain, lower limbs, foot
97- Back, pain, sitting, while, amel
- Back, pain, stool, after, amel
- Back, pain, warmth, external, amel
- Back, perspiration, cervical region
- Back, rigidity
- Back, sensitive spine
- Sleep, restless
98- Desires fresh fruit
- Desires smokes meat
- Sour amel
- Eating amel
99- Open air amel
- Trembling, anxiety from
- Trembling, emotions from
100Falcon peregrinus (Peregrine falcon)
101Peregrine falcon is also known as duck hawk. It
is a bird of prey belonging to the family
102Bluish gray above with under parts white to
yellow with black barring, peregrines range about
13 to 19 inches long. They are strong and fast.
They fly high and dive at tremendous speed and
killing by impact. The prey include ducks and
103Peregrines inhabit rocky open country near water
where birds are plentiful. The usual nest is a
mere scrape on a high cliff. The clutch is two to
four reddish brown eggs. The young fledge in five
or six weeks.
104Some of the important symptoms are
105- Ailments from, abused, after being, sexual
- Ailments from, domination
- Ailments from, scorn
- Ailments from, sexual humiliation
- Ailments from, shame
106- Activity, desires, alternating with, lassitude
- Anger, cold and detached
- Anger, contradiction, from
- Anger , touched, when
- Anger, violent
107- Anxiety, family, about his
- Anxiety, future, about
- Anxiety, weather, stormy weather, during
- Art, ability for
- Awkward, drops things
108- Balance, need for
- Biting, about him, bites
- Biting, nails
- Biting, people, family, her
109- Contemptuous, about self
- Courageous
- Creative
- Cursing, contradiction, from
- Cursing, rage, from
110- Danger, lack of reaction to danger
- Danger, no sense of danger, has
- Delusions, abused, being
- Delusions, betrayed, that she is
- Delusions, body, brittle, is
- Delusions, body, diminished, is
111- Delusions, danger, impression of,
- fear, but without
- Delusions, divisions between
- himself and others
- Delusion, friendless, he is
- Delusions, neglected, duty, he has
- neglected his
112- Dictatorial
- Disgust, of ones own body
- Disgust, himself
- Emotions, suppressed
113- Estranged, children, flies from her own
- Estranged, family, from his
- Estranged, husband, from her
- Estranged, self, from
- Estranged, society, from
- Estranged, wife, from his
114- Fear, attacked, fear of being
- Fear, injury, being injured, of
- Hiding, himself
- Hopeful
- Insecurity
115- Nature, loves
- Playful
- Pleasing, desire to please others
- Self-determination
- Sympathetic, animals, towards
- Sympathetic, children, towards
116- Dreams, abused being
- Dreams, accident
- Dreams, cats
- Dreams, childbirth
- Dreams, climbing
117- Dreams, cruelty
- Dreams, dancing
- Dreams, flying airplane
- Dreams, forsaken
- Dreams, sexual humiliation
118- Desires, alcohol
- Desires, beer
- Desires, sweets
- Desires, tomatoes
119- Vertigo, morning
- Vertigo, intoxicated, as if, morning,
- waking, on
- Head, pain, morning
- Eye, pupils, dilated
- Vision, diplopia, vertical
120- Nose, coryza, thick with scabs
- Mouth, ulcers, painful
- Throat, pain, left
- Stomach, distention, morning
- Stomach, nausea, eating fats, after
- Stomach, thirst, increased
121- Abdomen, distention
- Rectum, flatus, explosive
- Chest, oppression, heart
122Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Bald eagle)
123The bald eagle is in the family of sea eagles
(Haliaeetus), found only in North America. It is
one of only three white headed species
(Leucocephalus), which is the largest species of
eagle in the world.
124Like all birds, they have a fast, warm metabolism
and must eat a tremendous amount to survive.
Primarily a scavenger, the bald eagle hunts only
when there is no easier available source of food.
The favorite prey among coastal eagles is fish,
especially salmon.
125The bald eagle is not strictly a migratory
species. Some individuals stay in the same area
year round, or migrate towards seasonal food
sources. They don't necessarily migrate in
126Some of the important symptoms are
127- Abrupt
- Activity, desires, restlessness
- Anger, answer, when obliged to
- Anger, misunderstood, when
- Anxiety, weather, rain, about
128- Aversion, family, to members of
- Awareness, heightened, animal awareness
- Awareness heightened, body, of, centered
- in body, feels
129- Cheerful
- Dancing
- Laughing
- Singing
130- Delusions, body, state of his body, to the
- erroneous
- Delusions, floating, air in
- Delusions, hell, in, is
- Delusions, house, burning down, her house is
131- Delusions, insulted, he is
- Delusions, laughed at and mocked at, being
- Delusions, outcast, she were an
- Delusions, persecuted, he is
- Delusions, prostitute, she is
132- Despair, social position, of
- Imitation, mimicry
- Kill, desire, to
- Self-destructive
- Sports, desire, for
- Superstitious
133- Dreams, ghosts
- Desires, banana
- Desires, eggs
- Desires, fish
- Desires, mustard
134- Desires, salt
- Desires, spicy
- Desires, spinach
- Desires, sugar
135- Vision, myopia
- Vision, diplopia, vertical
- Face, cracked, lips, lower, middle of
- Mouth, taste, metallic
- Rectum, diarrhea, morning
- Extremities, awkwardness
136Common symptoms between eagle and falcon
137- Adventurous
- Anger, suppressed
- Ailments from, mortification
138- Carefree
- Clairvoyant
- Concentration, active
- Countryside, desire for
- Countryside, desire for, mountains
- Cruelty
139- Delusions, body, ugly, body looks
- Delusions, separated, world, from the, he
- is separated
- Delusions, trapped, he is
- Detached
- Driving, desire for driving, fast
140- Fastidious
- Fearlessness
- Freedom, remarkable, strong
- need for
- Freedom, strong need for
141- Hard hearted
- Hatred, revengeful
- Orientation, sense of, increased
- Spaced out feeling
- Desires, chocolates
142Common symptoms between birds of prey eagle,
falcon and hawk
143- Concentration, active
- Forsaken feeling
- Occupation, amel
- Reproaching, himself
- Sensitive, noise to
- Hearing, acute
144Larus argentatus (sea-gull)
145The obvious characteristics of the sea-gulls are
their constant hunger, their hoarse voice and
their equal sharing of the child care between
female and male birds. The fact that sea-gulls
also have other abilities apart from eating,
surviving and picking at one another is very well
documented in the visionary book and film of
Richard Bach Jonathan Livingston Sea-gull.
146Some of the remarkable symptoms are
147- A lot joy of life.
- More lightness and happiness.
- More energy and motivation.
- Clarity of thoughts. I can see clearly now,
- I am realizing the meaning. The universe
- helps me to go my way.
148- New ideas that I want to put into
- action immediately.
- Feeling like being banished.
- Vertigo with heavy sweat at night.
- Vertigo when moving the head.
149- Oedema of the lower eyelids after waking
- up.
- Dryness of eyes, a little as if glued,
- amelioration outside.
- Fine perception, specially hearing good
- discrimination of various sounds.
- Feeling of soreness in the throat.
150- A lot of hunger hunger, hunger, attacks of
- eating very hungry, especially in the
- evening I could eat constantly.
- Ravenous hunger, especially for sweets.
- For sometime I have no brakes concerning
- eating, I could eat constantly, regardless
- what kind of food.
151- More sexual energy.
- Better sexuality. More lust and
- activity from my part.
- Lust to be sexually together with my
- husband. I enjoy the longing.
152- Dry cough with stitching in the lungs.
- Strong tensions between the shoulder-blades
- with twinging pain.
- Being awake late in the evening.
- I dont know whether I sleep or dream or think
- I am dreaming.
- I awake consciously from a dream-space. I
- feel a connection to the universe and to
- eternity by living in this space. I feel that
I - want to care and look for this space again.
153- Dreams of flying.
- Dreams of places located high up.
- Dreams of water and of ocean,
- Dreams of family and friends.
- Dreams of little children.
154- General feeling of total exhaustion.
- More thirst than usual.
156Psittacinae (family Psittacidae) Macaws are the
most colorful of large parrots. Macaws eat much
fruit and also crack nuts open with their
extremely powerful beaks, using their blunt
tongues to extract the nut meat. They are bare
faced and may blush when excited.
157Some of the important symptoms of Macaw are
Tension between the sense of self and the need
for expression Expression of what is really
oneself versus being an integral part of family
and society Individuation. Reconciliation. Old
159It is caught in social duties and obligations.
Im caught this way,but I need to be another way.
This is fairly advanced process. In Jungian
sense, it is the process of individuation. It is
the process of becoming oneself.
160- Allowing
- Accept, things as they are
- Being, there, sensation of, just
- Communication, ease of
- Confrontation, avoids, no longer
161- Connection, sense of
- Connection, sense of, to the group
- Delusions, body, above
- Delusions, body, out of
- Delusions, reality, of another
- Diligent
162- Dreams, drowning
- Dreams, evil, power
- Dreams, evil, rise of
- Dreams, friend, best
163- Dreams, parents
- Dreams, reunion
- Dreams, ugly
164- Effortless
- Extravagant, feels too
- Humiliated, feels
- Individuality v/s group
- Interesting, desires to be
165- Love, people in the group, for
- Sadness, lies curled up in a ball
- Separate, myself, ability to
- Speak, unacceptable to, ones truth
- Speak, feels comfortable to, in a group
166- Touched, pleasure in being
- Trusting
- Truth, speak ones own
- Wonderful, everything feels
167- Awkwardness, hands, drops things
- Awkwardness, lower extremities, trips
- over things.
- Awkwardness, lower extremities,
- bumps into things.
168- Extremities, lower, hip, right, pain
- Extremities, lower, hip, right,
- pain, extending to foot
- Feet, awareness of
169- Hot and hungry
- Craving fruit and nuts
170Vultur gryphus (Condor)
171Vultur (family Cathartidae) the Andean condor,
Vultur gryphus, and the California condor,
Gymnogyps californianus. They are two largest
flying birds, each about 130 cm long and 10 kg in
weight. They breed every other year, laying a
single egg per pair, greenish or bluish in color,
about 10 cm long.
172The trituration is made from an Andean condor
173The condor is inseparably connected to South
America and Andes. These giant vultures are
habitual long distance travelers, and often fly
hundreds of miles on one day. It plays an
important mythological and cultural role among
the native people of South America.
174Condors are true kings among the birds. They are
unique and amazing in may ways their wingspread,
their flying strength and height, the length of
their brooding period, the time until their
sexual maturity and their life span are rarely
surpassed by any other bird.
175The condor feeds almost entirely on carrion (dead
animals). They have excellent eyesight which
enables them to spy from great heights. Their
sense of smell is supposedly relatively weak.
176Condors engage in lasting partnerships. The seem
calm and noble, sociable while feeding, and
rather shy in the wild.
177- The condor represents
- Grandeur
- Expansion
- Success
- Stability
- Freedom
1786. Pride 7. Dignity 8. Overview 9. Far reaching
connections and is a bridge to the hereafter
- Relationships of two worlds
- The world of dead and the world of living.
- From the psychological point of view, dead people
represent the unconscious mind, while the living
people represent conscious mind.
180- Strong energy for creativity,
- freedom and to realize ones
- own idea and goal.
181- Being industrious with excitement
- 1. Increased joy
- 2. No trace of boredom
- 3. Great contentment
- 4. Much enthusiasm
182- Lucid dreaming
- I dreamt of naked and completely transparent
waterman looking very beautiful. He talked to me
and offered his help. He said I should let it go.
I saw myself from the perspective of a bungee
jumper. No solid ground just depth was beneath
me. Looking down made me feel nauseous and
uncomfortable. I gradually went down deeper and
deeper with an uncreditable speed. Slowly I felt
the fall was relaxing and joyful instead of
183- Since condor feeds on carrion, he is in
- constant connection with death and
- after world. The condor transforms the
- death into life by eating it. The principle
- of transformation puts him between the
- world of the living and the world of the
- death.