"The Hiring Problem" - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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"The Hiring Problem"


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: "The Hiring Problem"

"The Hiring Problem" Academic HCI vs. the Real
World of Practice
  • Lynn Cherny
  • (a talk given at UW in 2004, while I was at Adobe)

  • My background
  • Industry Today
  • Usability and Design
  • We need HCI Executives!
  • The Professionals Contractors vs. In-House folks
  • Interviewing for HCI folks
  • Example job ad and interview contents
  • But is it the real job or the advertised job?
  • HCI in Education and Industry Preparation
  • Please, Teach the Design/HCI Students A Big
  • And Teach
  • Your Research Students
  • Possible Lessons for Faculty

My background
  • HCI Research at ATT Labs
  • Excite, Senior UI designer
  • TiVo, UI designer then manager
  • Axance (consulting), Dir of Methodology
  • Adobe, Senior UI Designer for cross-product
  • The Mathworks (current), Principal Usability

Industry Today Usability vs. Design
  • Usability Engineering Evaluation, field work,
    lab work
  • ? often highly-educated voices stuck in the lab
  • Interface Designers A variety of backgrounds,
    doing a lot of different jobs not all from HCI.
  • Strongs NSF report (1995) researchers, research
    professionals, converts from soft disciplines,
    ergonomists, converts from computer disciplines,
    graphic designers

Industry Today We Need Designers and HCI
  • The rise in the dependence of HCI on usability
    labs is basically a regression. Design is where
    the action is.
  • -- Stu Card, CHI 2002
  • We do not create anything of substance we are
    critics. The Design profession flourishes because
    they do things, they create. We must become
    designers. Don Norman, CHI 2002
  • If you want to be the low status, low on the
    totem pole person in your company, then yeah,
    rejoice in the fact that you are hiring user
    testers. User testing is not where the action is.
    The action is with those people who decide what
    product to build in the first place. That isn't
    the user tester community, but it should be the
    CHI community. Don Norman, interactions (2000)
  • ? Design skills will help break the glass
    ceiling on promotion for HCI professionals. We
    want more designers (and executives) coming from
    solid HCI backgrounds.

Industry Today Who are the Professionals?
  • Mantei and Hewett provided a high-level analysis
    into the professional categories at work in HCI
  • researcher,
  • profesionally oriented researcher,
  • research oriented professional,
  • professional
  • What I see
  • Consultants The senior folks you see and hear
    from most (from CHI, UPA, etc.)
  • In-House permanent staff (the professional
  • Go to fewer conferences
  • Are much younger and very often somewhat
    alienated from the profession nothing new,
    heard it all before, nothing will benefit me
  • Dont belong to ACM/Sigchi, dont read the
    articles (or write)
  • Dont know the theory, quite often
  • Do far less original design work than youd
  • ? Lets assume these folks are your students

Interviewing Example Job Ad
  • Responsibilities Works with multidisciplinary
    software development teams to help understand
    user needs, specify usability requirements, and
    verify requirements and needs are met. Conducts
    user research, including contextual inquiry.
    Facilitates user-based requirements discovery and
    user-centered design. Plans and conducts lab and
    field usability tests. Analyzes, reports, and
    presents results and recommendations to
    development team and product management.
  • Qualifications Experience 4-Year degree or
    Graduate degree in Computer Science, Software
    Engineering, Cognitive Psychology, Human Factors,
    or related field. Practical knowledge and
    experience in usability engineering principles
    and methods and familiarity with various
    prototyping tools and techniques. Strong
    communication, interpersonal, and organizational
    skills. Familiarity with chemistry and the
    pharmaceutical industry helpful.

Interviewing Hiring a UI Designer
  • Traditional questions describe a difficult team
    interaction around a design and what you did to
    resolve it
  • Portfolio work review (how much is theirs?)
  • Design critique
  • Design problem whiteboard
  • General vocabulary assessment UCD,
    prototype, flowchart, usability,
  • ? It is famously difficult to hire good
    designers. The question is, do we really need
    to worry about this?

Interviewing But is it for the Advertised Job or
the Real Job?
  • Evangelism often comes up in ads/interviews a
    warning sign of dysfunction
  • Note that many designers portfolios dont show
    their work but are they really trying to
    mislead you?
  • Not everyone knows what the real job consists of
    (at hiring and performance eval time)
  • We interview in a self-deluded state how we
    want it to be (or to evolve) vs. how it really
    is hence we hire on the wrong criteria
  • Exactly how important is design talent for
    success? Possibly less so than a complete skill
    set for getting design DONE.
  • ? Case Study Example Hiring Sally, a good

HCI and Education for Practice
  • SigCHI was 68 people in 1982, over 6000 in 2002
    well-known conference rejection rate ? and many
    satellite conferences
  • Much interest internally in status of the
    profession and HCI education
  • Strongs NSF Report (1995),
  • Hewett, T. T. et al Curricula in HCI (1992),
  • Perlman Gasens The ACM SIGCHI HCI Education
    Survey (1993), etc.
  • multiple panels at CHI

HCI and Education Industry Preparation? A known
  • Its difficult to address needs of industry in
    HCI curricula because
  • HCI itself is expanding, parts are ill-defined,
    and we dont have a good understanding of what
    some topics have to offer industry,
  • Industry is a collective term for a wide range
    of different activities done by people whose
    needs vary considerably
  • When you talk to people in industry they usually
    dont know their own needs and they certainly
    dont know what their colleagues needs are, many
    dont even know what most of their colleagues do.
  • --Jenny Preece, CHI 94 on Is HCI Education
    Getting a Passing Grade from Industry?

HCI and Education Supposed Activities of
Practice (Strongs NSF Report, 1995)
HCI and Education Reality of Practice
  • From Strongs NSF Report in interactions (1995)
  • Many HCI practitioners experience identity
    conflicts within the first few years of entering
    an applied position. In general, they must
    reorient their views of how they work, what
    questions they ask, and what about their work is
  • Can we improve their experience by better
  • (Internships arent sufficient.)

Teach them The Language of Business Marketing
instead of HCI UCD
  • Don Why do you think marketing has so much of
    a role determining the products? It's not because
    they're brighter, and it's not because they have
    any more truths. It's because they know how to
    play the game better. What I suggest is that it's
    time we learn how to play the game.
  • Janice The advantage that marketing has is that
    it's a well-known concept. Executives have
    typically gone to business school where marketing
    is well-known. One of the problems that we have
    is that we don't have usability engineering and
    HCI in most curricula for business and
  • Don One reason we don't is that we don't talk
    the language of business.

Don Norman and Janice Rohn, Interactions, Volume
7, Number 3 (2000), Pages 36-60
Teach Them Product Design instead of Interface
Design, If You Can!
  • Think about the big picture building and selling
    a product, not doing just the UI design
  • From market research, write a business plan
  • Identify the crucial factors to distinguish your
    product in the marketplace
  • ? Consider that usability alone doesnt motivate
    intent to purchase. Study some business cases and
    learn what makes something sell this will give
    perspective and credibility and reduce their
    anxiety tremendously!

Teach Them Usability Methods
  • Produce designers who know usability evaluation
  • Weve won the battle of the usability evaluation
    at most companies this is a needed job skill
  • But teach them to make strong recommendations
    from user problems, that are credible, grounded,
  • All field methods, surveys, focus groups,
    usability test design, basic statistics,
    interviewing, content analysis
  • Researchers who want to make an impact on
    product definition should learn how to disguise
    themselves as designers till they can achieve the
    impact they want.

Teach them How to Determine Appropriate Study
  • Propose the appropriate diagnosis method to get
    at useful data for a design problem
  • What usability technique will get useful data?
  • What type of data will be wanted/understood?
  • What arguments are needed for it?
  • Guard against the naive proposals Lets just
    ask users on the beta list.
  • ? Consulting is therapy for dysfunctional

Teach Them To Characterize their Customers
  • Marketing thinks in segments its our job to
    define and identify who will really be using the
  • Be able to get the data, or make a reasonable
    guess and review with team. The design should be
    tied to the user/customer profiles, this will
    save much pain!
  • Dont go through the motions if its not in a
    form thats obviously useful, youve done
    something wrong.

Teach them To Identify and Characterize Problems
  • To identify and summarize the key problems to
    solve in any domain!
  • By what criteria
  • According to what evidence
  • Identify the causes of the problem that require
    action break it down usefully.
  • ? Stated concisely
  • Inconsistent color is a user complaint but
    the operational problem is not in the same terms.
  • ? Skill that requires strong analysis and
    abstraction skills, backed up with excellent
    communication ability.
  • ? Teach them how to THINK through an issue!

Teach them To Review and Critique Designs
  • To critique designs and find improvements, both
    minor and major.
  • ? Most practical UI design is incremental
    improvement and new work is always relative to
    existing products in some way. Dont skip this
    step, it seeds new ideas.
  • ? Design test at interviews often checks on this

Teach Them Different Kinds of Design
  • Expose them to many kinds of design visual,
    industrial, IA (web), interaction,
    object-oriented software design, patterns,
    functional specification, chart/table, document
    layout, experimental design
  • They all have different types of deliverables
    consider a project with several of them, and make
    them distinguish their contributions and
  • Not everyone is equally good at each, but
    learning limits now is better.
  • ? Try brainstorming and use methods to unlock

Teach them Design for Multiple Devices
  • Consider design for
  • Mobile devices
  • Desktop apps
  • Social/community
  • Web
  • TV
  • Physical objects
  • Games (several types)

Teach Them To do Fast Low-Fi Design
  • To produce fast preliminary designs multiple
    concepts per problem
  • With callouts/text explaining concisely the
  • Produce multiple formats of low fidelity
    workflow diagrams, task breakdowns, wireframes,
  • ? Accept that others will help with this and
    thats useful, not a threat.

Teach Them To Prepare Multiple Deliverables
  • To prepare and explain value of all typical
    design stage deliverables
  • Workflows, flowcharts, wireframes, storyboards,
    high fidelity mockups
  • Write specifications in increasing detail,
    focusing on the important details at each stage

Teach them To Recognize the Value of Multiple
Levels of Abstraction
  • Describe the users mental model and how it
    relates to the UI in taskflow/vocabulary
  • Flowcharts of the UI experience vs. the
    storyboard taskflow vs. the data flow

Teach them To Present Their Design Work
  • Make them present their designs to diverse
    groups business, engineering
  • With appropriate justification of thought process
  • With strategic defenses prepared
  • Orally, but with supporting materials
  • Make them respond to naive questions and
    criticisms of any type
  • ? Consider asking them to present someone elses
    work it will strengthen the arguments, and
    require the author to distill their points and
    this wont provoke so defensive a response to
    critique from the naïve.

Teach them To Find and Interpret Previous
  • Research literature can be useful, but requires
    interpretation, summarization, digestion. If
    they cant do this, the gulf between practice and
    the academy will grow.
  • Consider book reports oral recaps to audiences
    who are naïve make it interesting and relevant
    to them!
  • Sometimes previous work is not reviewed
    research dont forget about online white
    papers, etc.
  • Identify ways to work research strategically and
    tactically into design work
  • Make them use the ACM digital library!!

Teach them To Relate In-House Research to Design
  • To summarize the important conclusions from
    research/evaluations and how they relate to their
    design decisions
  • Throughout the design process, at all stages!
  • This will be a cover-your-ass strategy (for HCI
    as a profession) but will also pay off in a
    better design, if were really doing the right
  • Gap between field research and design is still
    huge! Be an advocate for usability methods!

Teach them Justify without Defensiveness
  • They must justify their work gracefully.
  • Everyone thinks shes a designer every decision
    will be questioned no matter how minor.
  • ? Note that bad designers cant necessarily
    recognize good designs. (The question is not
    will this happen, its how insane will it make

Teach them Software Development Lifecycle Models
  • To pay attention to engineering lifecycle
    concerns, and learn how to argue for and adapt
    UCD to work with them (Rapid Development, Agile
    and XP, RUP, boxcar)
  • Strong (1995) HCI practice can help to inform
    and improve life cycle activities. Within such a
    life cycle, HCI emphasizes iteration and concrete
    communication. HCI research has demonstrated that
    straightforward activity categories-such as
    analysis, design, and evaluation are not
    separable in practice. HCI practitioners can
    help show the weaknesses of the waterfall model,
    but not without risk. The risk is that the
    somewhat marginalized field of HCI practice may
    lose some of its credibility and influence if it
    is perceived within organizations as opposing
    their received wisdom.

Teach Them How to Interview
  • Have them interview each other for jobs, and ask
    each other portfolio questions challenge each
    other with design tests
  • Review resumes with them
  • Their peers will be hiring them eventually!

Teach them To Drive Projects
  • They should assume that nothing will happen
    between high level marketing requirements and
    engineering implementation theyre the
  • Organize meetings, identify stakeholders,
    investigate technical issues, do research if
    needed, design and get it reviewed.
  • ? But drive decisions!

MRD/Biz plan
Teach them Most Design Happens in Committees
  • The challenge is how to have an influence over
    the committee how to prepare the right
    materials and arguments.
  • ? Come in having thought about it harder than
    anyone else and expecting to present ideas in
    some concise form.

Teach Them Public Speaking
  • Require presentations confidence, poise,
    clarity, extemporaneous speech
  • ? Start with article/book reports, move on to
    design presentations

Teach them To Study Their Own Organization
  • They must be ethnographers of the workplace, to
    understand the best methods of success and tailor
    their message for their audience.
  • How do people get promoted? What gets rewarded?
    Whats teamwork? Whos in charge?
  • How can you document the impact of your own

Teach them To be Solid Experts but not Shrill
  • Teach them to justify in plain language, but not
    to be pushy. Evangelism is dangerous and
    marginalizes over the long term.
  • Siegel and Dray (interactions, Aug 2003)
    Actively demonstrate your identification with
    concerns that exceed your discipline and with the
    companys larger goals. Whenever possible, speak
    a common language rather than the language of
    your discipline. All your recommendations should
    be clearly supported not by reference to the
    principles or belief system of your discipline,
    but by clear evidence of what is best for the
    company in a practical way. Consider reframing
    what UCD is about, in ways that show its links to
    larger, shared concernsdue diligence, product
    planning, quality, reduced risk, efficiency, and
    innovationand to marketing and business goals
    like customer satisfaction and retention, and,
    ultimately, profitability.

Teach them Organizational Planning
  • Make them plan for team projects
  • How will the team resolve debates?
  • How will the team prioritize features vs.
    schedule and resources?
  • Track action items and evolution of work?
  • How do you plan to estimate work across team and
    disciplines? Scope work?

Teach them To Know and Evaluate Books on Design
  • Engineers regularly ask for references on how to
    do design. (See Jeff Johnsons panel at CHI 2002
    on books on design)
  • Consider Coopers books, Johnsons, Mayhew,
    Mullet and Sano, Norman, Tufte, etc.
  • Books on requirements analysis that include
    usability research are useful recommendations too

Teach them The Difference Between Peers and
There are two kinds of people in
organizationsthere are peers and there are
resources. Resources are like usability
consultantswe go out and we hire them. We'll
hire a consultant or we'll have a little section
that does usability and think of it as a service
organization. We call upon them when we need them
to do their thing, and then we go off and do the
important stuff. That's very different than
peers, where a peer is somebody I talk to and
discuss my problems with, and who helps to decide
upon the course of action. As you get higher and
higher in the organization, this becomes more of
an issue. The executive staff talks to the
executive staff, and they have beneath them all
this organization, which are their resources that
they deploy. But the big decisions are being made
among peers. And it's really important to advance
in the world to be thought of as peers. Our
usability labs are resources that we call in when
we think we have some trouble with usability. We
go and spend a few hours and we worry about the
budget. But we don't take it seriously, we only
take peers seriously. And you only get to be
peers if you speak the right language and if
you're making a contribution at the level the
company cares about...which is profitability.
--Don Norman,
interactions (2000)
And Teach Your Research Students
  • Ben Shneiderman, CHI 2002 We must recognize
    that nothing is so practical as a good theory and
    that theory thrives when challenged by practice.
    Our goals should include development of
    predictive, explanatory, and generative theories
    that systematically support the next generation
    of innovations.
  • ? Express the implications of your research
    clearly for your colleagues in practice or it
    will have limited impact.

Possible Lessons for Faculty
  • Stay in touch with practice, not just via
    consulting and conferences
  • Build departmental bridges, to business schools
    in particular
  • Consider offering co-taught Product Innovation
    and Product Management courses to
  • Encourage good software engineering education and
    practice as well concern for architecture,
    teamwork, documentation, test plans
  • Evaluate and improve your own teaching with
    feedback from former students in professional

Some Takeaways
  • We have to produce Supermen, Know-it-alls
    obviously difficult.
  • Not everyone will be a good designer, but this
    may be less important than many of the other
    skills used on the job
  • You cant teach everything in a pinch,
    sacrifice some of the theory (move to advanced
    classes) and instead teach how to do
    research/where to find it, and how to read it.
    Plus the practical items I described!
  • Usability engineering (of the evaluation sort) is
    clearly a valuable and important skillset, BUT
  • ? By getting more design into this practice, the
    door to true and deep impact will open wide.

Thanks for listening!
  • Lynn Cherny
  • arnicas_at_gmail.com
  • www.ghostweather.com
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