Title: Lecture 19: Magnetic properties and the Nephelauxetic effect
1Lecture 19 Magnetic properties and the
Nephelauxetic effect
connection to balance
left the Gouy balance for determining the
magnetic susceptibility of materials
Gouy Tube
2Magnetic properties
- Magnetic susceptibility (µ) and the spin-only
formula. - Materials that are diamagnetic are repelled by a
magnetic field, whereas paramagnetic substances
are attracted into a magnetic field, i.e. show
magnetic susceptibility. The spinning of unpaired
electrons in paramagnetic complexes of d-block
metal ions creates a magnetic field, and these
spinning electrons are in effect small magnets.
The magnetic susceptibility, µ, due to the
spinning of the electrons is given by the
spin-only formula - µ(spin-only) n(n 2)
Where n number of unpaired electrons.
3Magnetic properties
- The spin-only formula applies reasonably well to
metal ions from the first row of transition
metals (units µB,, Bohr-magnetons) - Metal ion dn configuration µeff(spin only)
µeff (observed) - Ca2, Sc3 d0 0 0
- Ti3 d1 1.73 1.7-1.8
- V3 d2 2.83 2.8-3.1
- V2, Cr3 d3 3.87 3.7-3.9
- Cr2, Mn3 d4 4.90 4.8-4.9
- Mn2, Fe3 d5 5.92 5.7-6.0
- Fe2, Co3 d6 4.90 5.0-5.6
- Co2 d7 3.87 4.3-5.2
- Ni2 d8 2.83 2.9-3.9
- Cu2 d9 1.73 1.9-2.1
- Zn2, Ga3 d10 0 0
- What is the magnetic susceptibility of CoF63-,
assuming that the spin-only formula will apply - CoF63- is high spin Co(III). (you should know
this). High-spin Co(III) is d6 with four unpaired
electrons, so n 4. - We have µeff n(n 2)
- 4.90 µB
high spin d6 Co(III)
5Spin and Orbital contributions to Magnetic
- For the first-row d-block metal ions the main
contribution to magnetic susceptibility is from
electron spin. However, there is also an orbital
contribution from the motion of unpaired
electrons from one d-orbital to another. This
motion constitutes an electric current, and so
creates a magnetic field (see next slide). The
extent to which the orbital contribution adds to
the overall magnetic moment is controlled by the
spin-orbit coupling constant, ?. The overall
value of µeff is related to µ(spin-only) by - µeff µ(spin-only)(1 - a?/?oct)
6Diagrammatic representation of spin and orbital
contributions to µeff
spinning electrons
spin contribution electrons are
orbital contribution - electrons spinning
creating an electric move
from one orbital to current and hence a magnetic
another creating a current and
field hence a magnetic field
7Spin and Orbital contributions to Magnetic
- µeff µ(spin-only)(1 - a?/?oct)
- In the above equation, ? is the spin-orbit
coupling constant, and a is a constant that
depends on the ground term For an A ground
state, a 4. and for an E ground state, a 2.
?oct is the CF splitting. Some values of ? are - Ti3 V3 Cr3 Mn3 Fe2
Co2 Ni2 Cu2 - ?,cm-1 155 105 90 88 -102
-177 -315 -830
8Spin and Orbital contributions to Magnetic
- Example Given that the value of the spin-orbit
coupling constant ?, is -316 cm-1 for Ni2, and
?oct is 8500 cm-1, calculate µeff for
Ni(H2O)62. (Note for an A ground state a 4,
and for an E ground state a 2). - High-spin Ni2 d8 A ground state, so a 4.
- n 2, so µ(spin only) (2(22))0.5 2.83 µB
- µeff µ(spin only)(1 - (-316 cm-1 x
(4/8500 cm-1))) - 2.83 µB x 1.149
- 3.25 µB
9Spin and Orbital contributions to Magnetic
- The value of ? is negligible for very light
atoms, but increases with increasing atomic
weight, so that for heavier d-block elements, and
for f-block elements, the orbital contribution is
considerable. For 2nd and 3rd row d-block
elements, ? is an order of magnitude larger than
for the first-row analogues. Most 2nd and 3rd row
d-block elements are low-spin and therefore are
diamagnetic or have only one or two unpaired
electrons, but even so, the value of µeff is much
lower than expected from the spin-only formula.
(Note the only high-spin complex from the 2nd
and 3rd row d-block elements is PdF64- and
- In a normal paramagnetic material, the atoms
containing the unpaired electrons are
magnetically dilute, and so the unpaired
electrons in one atom are not aligned with those
in other atoms. However, in ferromagnetic
materials, such as metallic iron, or iron oxides
such as magnetite (Fe3O4), where the paramagnetic
iron atoms are very close together, they can
create an internal magnetic field strong enough
that all the centers remain aligned
unpaired electrons aligned in their own common
magnetic field
unpaired electrons oriented randomly
unpaired electrons
- paramagnetic,
- magnetically
- dilute in e.g.
- Fe(H2O)6Cl2.
- b) ferromagnetic,
- as in metallic
- Fe or some
- Fe oxides.
separated by diamagnetic atoms
Fe atoms
a) b)
Here the spins on the unpaired electrons become
aligned in opposite directions so that the µeff
approaches zero, in contrast to ferromagnetism,
where µeff becomes very large. An example of
anti- ferromagnetism is found in MnO.
electron spins in opposite directions in
alternate metal atoms
12The Nephelauxetic Effect
- The spectrochemical series indicates how ?
varies for any metal ion as the ligand sets are
changed along the series I- lt Br- lt Cl- lt F- lt
H2O lt NH3 lt CN-. In the same way, the manner in
which the spin-pairing energy P varies is called
the nephelauxetic series. For any one metal ion P
varies as - F- gt H2O gt NH3 gt Cl- gt CN- gt Br- gt I-
- The term nephelauxetic means cloud expanding.
The idea is that the more covalent the M-L
bonding, the more the unpaired electrons of the
metal are spread out over the ligand, and the
lower is the energy required to spin-pair these
Note F- has largest P values
13The Nephelauxetic Effect
- The nephelauxetic series indicates that the
spin-pairing energy is greatest for fluoro
complexes, and least for iodo complexes. The
result of this is that fluoro complexes are the
ones most likely to be high-spin. For Cl-, Br-,
and I- complexes, the small values of ? are
offset by the very small values of P, so that for
all second and third row d-block ions, the
chloro, bromo, and iodo complexes are low-spin.
Thus, Pd in PdF2 is high-spin, surrounded by six
bridging fluorides, but Pd in PdCl2 is low-spin,
with a polymeric structure
bridging chloride
low-spin d8 square-planar palladium(II)
14The Nephelauxetic Effect
- ? gets larger down groups, as in the M(NH3)63
complexes Co(III), 22,900 cm-1 Rh(III), 27000
cm-1 Ir(III), 32,000 cm-1. This means that
virtually all complexes of second and third row
d-block metal ions are low-spin, except, as
mentioned earlier, fluoro complexes of Pd(II),
such as PdF64- and PdF2. Because of the large
values of ? for Co(III), all its complexes are
also low-spin, except for fluoro complexes such
as CoF63-. Fluoride has the combination of a
very large value of P, coupled with a moderate
value of ?, that means that for any one metal
ion, the fluoro complexes are the most likely to
be high-spin. In contrast, for the cyano
complexes, the high value of ? and modest value
of P mean that its complexes are always low-spin.
15Distribution of high- and low-spin complexes of
the d-block metal ions
Co(III) is big exception all low-spin except
for CoF63-
1st row tend to be high-spin except for CN-
2nd and 3rd row are all low-spin except for PdF2
and PdF64-
16Empirical prediction of P values
- Because of the regularity with which metal ions
follow the nephelauxetic series, it is possible
to use the equation below to predict P values - P Po(1 - h.k)
- where P is the spin-pairing energy of the
complex, Po is the spin-pairing energy of the
gas-phase ion, and h and k are parameters
belonging to the ligands and metal ions
respectively, as seen in the following Table
17Empirical prediction of P values
- Metal Ion k Ligands h
- Co(III) 0.35 6 Br- 2.3
- Rh(III) 0.28 6 Cl- 2.0
- Co(II) 0.24 6 CN- 2.0
- Fe(III) 0.24 3 en 1.5
- Cr(III) 0.21 6 NH3 1.4
- Ni(II) 0.12 6 H2O 1.0
- Mn(II) 0.07 6 F- 0.8
- The h and k values of J?rgensen for two
- 9-ane-N3 ligands and Co(II) are 1.5 and
- 0.24 respectively, and the value of Po in
- the gas-phase for Co2 is 18,300 cm-1,
- with ? for Co(9-ane-N3)22 being 13,300
- cm-1. Would the latter complex be
- high-spin or low-spin?
- To calculate P for Co(9-ane-N3)22
- P Po(1 - (1.5 x .24)) 18,300 x 0.64
11,712 cm-1 - P 11,712 cm-1 is less than ? 13,300 cm-1, so
the - complex would be low-spin.
- The value of P in the gas-phase for Co2 is
18,300 cm-1, while ? for Co(9-ane-S3)22 is
13,200 cm-1. Would the latter complex be
high-spin or low-spin? Calculate the magnetic
moment for Co(9-ane-S3)22 using the spin-only
formula. Would there be anything unusual about
the structure of this complex in relation to the
Co-S bond lengths? - P 18,300(1 0.24 x 1.5) 11,712 cm-1.
- ? at 13,200 cm-1 for Co(9-ane-S3)22 is
- larger than P, so complex is low-spin.
- CFSE 13,200(6 x 0.4 1 x 0.6) 23,760 cm-1.
- Low-spin d7 would be Jahn-Teller distorted, so
would be unusual with four short and two long
Co-S bonds (see next slide). µeff (1(12))0.5
1.73 µB
20Structure of Jahn-Teller distorted
Co(9-ane-S3)22 (see previous problem)
longer axial Co-S bonds of 2.43 Å
shorter in-plane Co-S bonds of 2.25 Å
Structure of Co(9-ane-S3)22 (CCD LAFDOM)