3-D Street Paintings by Kurt Wenner - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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3-D Street Paintings by Kurt Wenner


... by George Seurat Sculpture David , by Michelangelo Buonoratti Architectural Sculpture Cathedral of Notre Dame Mixed media work Radioactive Cats , ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 3-D Street Paintings by Kurt Wenner

3-D Street Paintings by Kurt Wenner
  • This painting shows great Movement because you
    can clearly see that people are motorcycles and
    it looks like they just crashed through the brick
    wall leading into someones living room and also
    the bird flying away show movement very well.

Avenue Of Poplars At Sunset By Vincent Van Gogh
  • I think this Piece of Art by Van Gogh show
    Repetition and also Movement. The trees on the
    road show both of the principles because one the
    trees all look the same and also repeat and two
    how the trees go back and showing how long the
    road is.

Oil Painting by Leonardo Da Vinci
  • This Painting I believe shows a great sense of
    Harmony because everything in the painting
    properly placed . It also shows some emphasis on
    the women because she pretty much takes up the
    whole space in the painting and she draws your
    eyes toward her to see what she is doing.

Crevasse in Dun Laoghaire by Edgar Müller
  • I think this art shows some great Movement
    because it actually makes you feel like your
    falling in and that there is a actual crevasse

3D Graffiti Art By Kurt Wenner
  • This piece of art shows many principles of art
    like Movement as well as Repetition. It shows
    movement because the way the vortex in the middle
    is swirling and how the people are going around
    it and also repetition because it keeps showing
    men going around the vortex

Boys Surface By Bryant and Kusner
  • I think that this picture shows
  • a lot of movement because it
  • looks like the object is moving
  • inwards making these nautilus
  • objects on the outside

Politicians Meeting Their Ends By Julian Beever
  • This painting I think is showing
  • Movement very very good because
  • as you can see it actually looks like a
  • pit and politicians are actually
  • falling down it.

Batman and Robin to the rescue By Julian Beever
  • This painting shows two principles
  • of art one being Movement and the
  • other being Perception. Its
  • movement because it looks like
  • batman and robin are scaling the
  • building. Its also perception
  • because it looks like the painter is on
  • a very tall painting

3-D Boxes by Design Pear
  • This very simple picture shows two
  • principles of art Rhythm and Harmony.
  • Its showing rhythm because the boxes
  • are all the same just in different places.
  • Its also Harmony because the boxes are
  • all balancing the picture out.

Oil painting A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, by
George Seurat
  • There is value added to the colors, which creates
    an allusion that it is a three dimensional
    picture. The darker areas emphasize the shaded
    shaping of the figures in this painting, which
    tricks the viewer into seeing form. The
    principles of design that I found in this drawing
    is contrast, because some areas are dark, some
    are lighter. And unity, because the color schemes
    are used.

Sculpture David, by Michelangelo Buonoratti
  • This is a three dimensional work by Michelangelo
    Buonoratti . Its a sculpture of David and its
    original size is 15 feet tall. When you walk
    around the sculpture, you are able to see it form
    all the different sides and angles, so its a
    clear example of form. In this drawing, the
    principles of art is balance, because if you
    divide it in half, two sides would have the same
    amount of elements. Also its contrast, his face
    is smooth and his hair is rough.

Architectural Sculpture Cathedral of Notre Dame
  • This work began in 1163 and took almost 200 years
    to be done. Buildings are example of work that
    occupy three dimensional space. As you can see
    the roof of this building is very narrow which
    creates a form and makes it look three
    dimensional. The principles of art that I found
    in this drawing unity, because the picture is
    very clear.

Mixed media work Radioactive Cats, by Sandy
  • This is an example of a lot different types of
    forms. The cats are wire and plaster sculpture
    forms. The furniture and walls are pieces
    painted drab gray and people on the drawing are
    actual people posing. The principles of art in
    this drawing is unity, because the picture is
    very clear and the colors are limited and
    movements, because the acts are walking around
    the room.

The studio boat Claud Monet 1874 oil painting
  • This painting by Monet is an example rhythm the
    repetition in colors in the trees give the
    painting a sense dimension and volume. The way
    the water is painted gives the painting movement,
    giving the painting form.

The Night Cafe in the Place Lamartine in Arles
by Van Gogh1888 oil on canvas
  • This painting by Van Gogh gives the effect of
    proportion, because everything is drawn to its
    scale the painting seems to have form and

Blam by Roy Lichtenstein 1962 oil on canvas
  • This painting by Roy Lichtenstein has a variety
    of principles in it . The first is movement the
    bright colors and different shading give the
    painting form

  • This sculpture I believe shows rhythm and
    movement. It shows rhythm because of the fact
    that all the arms are the same color. Also how
    the tentacles are curled and moving every which

This Painting shows both repetition and movement.
It shows repetition because the archway that is
in reality is continuing on in the painting .
Also it shows movement because the way its
painted it looks like people are moving and
working down the hallway
This painting shows mostly Movement. It shows
movement because the prisoners in the pit look
like they are trying to climb out by any means
Edward Hopper Nighthawks1942Oil on canvas
  • In this artwork by Edward Hopper there is
    emphasis in the dinner due to the brightness in
    contrast to the outside giving the piece

Study for the Head of Leda, 1505-7Leonardo da
  • In this classic drawing by Leonardo da Vinci the
    shading technique and use of only one color gives
    this artwork harmony. The proportions and scaling
    of this drawing gives the drawing unity. The
    shading gives its form

Last glancegraphite pencil on art boardby
Petrus Boots
  • This pencil drawing shows rhythm through the
    alteration of value and shading giving a
    realistic touch to it. Another type of form
    presented here is unity due to the simplicity and
    how it all ties together.

Henri Rousseau Jungle Sunset 1885
  • In this painting by Henri Rousseau the
    repetition of color and shape gives the painting
    Balance. With the balance the painting gives off
    its form.

'Havasu Falls Twilight' By Dean Ulihnger Mixed
  • This mixed media painting I think
  • shows movement as well as harmony.
  • I think it show movement because of
  • the fact that it looks like the waterfall
  • is actually falling into the river below
  • and flowing downstream. It also
  • shows harmony because of the
  • different shades of blue blend in the
  • river to make the river look beautiful

Architecture Falling Water, by Frank Lloyd
  • This artwork is three dimensional and is the
    perfect example of form. The house is made from
    geometric shapes, but the shapes are three
    dimensional. There is irregular pattern in the
    rocks, which makes them to stand out more and
    make a house look more interesting.

Object, by Meret Oppenheim
  • As you can see this drawing is three dimensional.
    The artist uses unity, as the principle of
    design, because if you divide this artwork in
    half, there would be about the same amount of
    thing in both sides.

Architecture Guggenheim Museum by Frank Gehry
  • This is the photograph of the building, which is
    three dimensional. There are several principles
    of design that are used in this drawing, such as
    balance, because if you divide this building in
    half, it would be about the same on both sides.

polished stainless steel Cubi XVIII, by David
  • This sculpture is made from three dimensional
    shapes which have irregular pattern. There are
    only lines and cubes that are present in this
    drawing, but they dont go in order, so the
    pattern is irregular.

VICTOR CRISOSTOMO GOMEZGuardians of the Amazon
Junglemixed media on canvas
  • In this painting there is a balance due to the
    harmony in colors and shape the man almost evens
    out the parrot the mix of warm and cool colors
    also balance and show variety in the work

EVGENI SHERENKOWarm steamwatercolor on paper
  • There is an emphasis on the nearest tree in this
    watercolor also balance the river going down the
    middle with an almost symmetrical blanket of snow
    and trees.
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