CE 458 Design of Hydraulic Structures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CE 458 Design of Hydraulic Structures


CE 458 Design of Hydraulic Structures by Dr. Nuray Denli Tokyay TECHNICAL DATA FOR THE TUNNELS Tunnel Type : Circular reinforced concrete lining Length : Two ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CE 458 Design of Hydraulic Structures

CE 458Design of Hydraulic Structures
  • by
  • Dr. Nuray Denli Tokyay

1-3 Historical Perspective and Trends for Future
  • Ancient Hydraulics Works in Egypt and Other Early
  • Early civilizations developed in regions
  • where an abundance of water could be distributed
    over fairly flat land for irrigation, and
  • where a warm climate produced a fast growth of
  • Thus, it is hardly surprising that the earliest
    remains and accounts of water control were to be
    found in
  • Egypt,
  • Mesopotamia (Iraq),
  • the Indus Valley (India and Pakistan), and in
  • the Yellow River Valley of China.

  • Egypt is particularly interesting in this regard
    because the natural features of the Nile River
    and even the prevailing winds favored the
    development of a robust civilization.
  • The annual floods over the rich delta land
    allowed agriculture to flourish even though many
    people had to move to higher lands during flood
  • To augment the flow of irrigation water during
    the low flow season, there are signs that one of
    the early rulers,
  • King Menes (about 3000 B.C.), had a masonry dam
    built across the Nile near Memphis (about 23 km
    upstream from present-day Cairo).
  • This dam was apparently used to divert the river
    into a canal and, thus, to irrigate part of the
    adjoining arid lands.
  • As reported by Biswas (1), the gravity dam seems
    to have had a maximum height of about 15 m and a
    crest length of some 450 m .

  • Egypt was one of the first civilizations to
    develop an extensive system of river navigation.
  • The Nile traversed the entire length of the
    country and, in the Delta, divided into seven
    delta channels, thus providing an extensive
    system of waterways.
  • A climatic factor favoring the development of
    water transportation was that the prevailing
    winds (especially during the summer months) blow
    from north to south (from the Mediterranean Sea
    to the Sahara Desert).
  • However, the river flows from south to north so
    that boatmen used sails to navigate upstream and
    leisurely drifted downstream (without sails)
    during the return trip. This mode of
    transportation is still seen today.

Prevailing winds (especially during summer)
River (direction of flow)
  • Civilization in Mesopotamia started about the
    same time as in Egypt (about 3000 B.C.), and the
    geography of the two areas is in many ways
    similar. The Euphrates and Tigris rivers formed a
    network of channels before finally emptying into
    the Persian Gulf. Furthermore, the people of the
    area built many canals for irrigating crops,
    draining swamps, and water transportation. Early
    hydraulic engineering in this area included
    developing flood protection works and dam
  • Ancient ruins in the valleys of the Indus River
    in Asia and the Yellow River in China reveal
    evidence of water systems developed at least 3000
    years ago however, records of the extent of this
    development are not as complete as for Egypt and
    other areas of the Middle East .

the Indus River in Asia and the Yellow River in
  • Euphrates and Tigris rivers

  • Arabic  Al Furat Turkish Firat
  • The Euphrates River is one of the most important
    rivers in the world.  Along with the Tigris, it
    provided much of the water that supported the
    development of ancient Mesopotamian culture. 
  • The Tigris Euphrates valley was the birthplace
    of the ancient civilizations of Assyria,
    Babylonian, and Sumer. 
  • In northern Iraq the Euphrates forms the western
    boundary of the area known as Al Jazirah.  To the
    southeast the alluvial lands between the two
    rivers was the site of the glorious Babylonian
    civilizations of ancient times. 

  • The Euphrates is important solely for its water
  • The river is the source of political tension, as
    Turkey, Syria and Iraq all compete for the use of
    its waters for irrigation and the generation of
    hydroelectric power. 
  • For centuries the river formed the east limit of
    Roman control.  During the supremacy of the
    Eastern Roman Empire, numerous towns and centers
    of art and literature flourished along its bank. 
    Much historical data has been yielded by
    archaeological excavations on the banks of the
    Tigris and the Euphrates.

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  • A different type of ancient hydraulic engineering
    was developed in eastern Turkey and Persia (Iran)
    from the seventh to fifth century B.C.
  • Underground canals, called qanats, were dug to
    intercept groundwater aquifers and to carry the
    water from the source areas to cities. Figure
    below, shows the details of this system. Biswas
    (1) notes the average length of a qanat was about
    42 km (26 mi), and in some places it was as deep
    as 120 m (400 ft). Such ancient water supply
    systems, some of which still exist, were truly

Details of ganat system
URARTUS (900-640 BC)
  • Most probably the name Urartu comes from the
    Assyrian word uriatri meaning mountainous area
    which perfectly fits the geography of Eastern
    Anatolia where Urartus lived.
  • Starting with the fourth king, Menua,
    construction became the main engineering activity
    in the Urartu Kingdom. During his reign (810-780
    BC) besides fortresses, palaces and temples,
    irrigation canals and roads were started to be
    built all over the kingdom.
  • Archeological evidence indicate considerable
    technical skills of the Urartian people on
    irrigation and water management, also.
  • The Menua Canal which was built about 2800 years
    ago is still in operation. Urartians first
    exploited a powerful spring in the valley of
    Ergil Çayi (Ergil Creek) and conveyed about 45
    million m3 of water annually to Tushba (Van) for
    about 56 km.
  • The seventh king of Urartu, Rusa I (730-713 BC),
    moved his capital to Sardurihinili.

  • For this new capital, another source of water had
    to be found. An artificial lake was created by
    building two dams in the mountains. The water
    collected was directed to the city by a natural
    river bed. Additional water was stored by the
    dams. Urartian water management system contained
    all the elements which are used in modern
    systems River diversions, transfer of water
    from one catchment area to another and water
    storage by dams GARBRECHT 1987.
  • It is obvious that the knowledge of
    hydrotechnology and road construction passed from
    one king to another. Therefore, the technical
    skills are taught by some means or another.
    Unfortunately, no written evidence was found yet
    on how this transfer of knowledge was done.

Roman Water Systems
  • From about 200 B.C. to 50 A.D., the Romans
    developed elaborate water-supply systems
    throughout their empire.
  • For Rome itself, the usual practice was to convey
    water from springs to an aqueduct and then to
    cisterns throughout the city from which water was
    delivered to consumers through lead and
    baked-clay pipes. Hadas (5) reports that 11
    aqueducts supplied Rome with about 750 million
    liters (750 000 cubic meter, 200 million gallons)
    of water daily.
  • The aqueducts consisted of one or more channels
    of rectangular cross section and in some
    locations were supported on spectacular masonry
    arches. The channels, which were from 60 to 180
    cm (2 to 6 ft) in width and from 1.5 to 2.5 m (5
    to 8 ft) in height (11), were covered to prevent
    the water from being contaminated by dust and
    heated by the sun. Inspection holes were in
    channel covers about every 75 m (250 ft) (11).

Notable Dams Built in This Century
  • The need for more water resources during this
    century is the result of a rapidly expanding
    world population and industrial growth.
  • New machines and methods for manufacturing and
    placing large quantities of concrete and improved
    earth-moving equipment provided the means to
    achieve the rapid growth in major hydropower,
    irrigation, and flood control projects.
  • In almost all cases, dams are the backbones of
    these water-resources projects. For hydropower
    development, a dam is generally needed to develop
    the head to drive the turbines and to store water
    to allow power generation.
  • For flood control, dams are used to form
    reservoirs, which reduce flood peaks by storing
    the peak flows of flood water. Even a dike
    constructed to prevent flooding of property near
    a river is a form of dam. Dams in the United
    States that are over 15 m high or between 10 m
    and 15 m high and impound more than 100,000 m3
    (81 acre-ft) of water number about 3,000 (9). At
    the beginning of this century, only 116 of these
    dams had been built (9).

  • Table 1-1, lists the worlds major dams.
  • The two highest dams are constructed of earth,
    which may be surprising to many because we often
    think of concrete as the material from which high
    dams are made. However, since availability of
    material and the strength of the foundation
    dictate the type of dam to be designed and
    constructed, earth is often used.
  • Abbreviations are as follows
  • E earthfill,
  • R rockfill,
  • G gravity,
  • A Arch.

Table 1-1 Major Dams of the World (Highest Dams)
Name of Dam Country Type Height (m)
Rogun USSR E and R 335
Nurek USSR E 300
Grand Dixence Switzerland G 285
Inguri USSR A 272
Vaiont Italy A 262
Chicoasen Mexico R 261
Kishau India E and R 253
Guavio Colombia R 250
Mica Canada E and R 245
Sayano Shushensk USSR A and G 245
Mauvoisin Switzerland A 237
Chivor Colombia R 237
Oroville USA E 235
Abbreviations are as follows E earthfill, R
rockfill, G gravity, A Arch.
Greatest Volume
Name of Dam Country Type Volume (106 x m3)
Chapeton Argentina E 290
New Cornenelia USA E 209
Tarbela Pakistan E 122
Fort Peck USA E 96
Guri Venezuela EGR 76
Greatest Hydropower
Name of Dam Country Type Installed Capacity (MW)
Grand Coule USA G 6500
Sayano Shushensk USSR AG 6400
Krasnoyarsk USSR G 6000
Churchill Falls Canada E 5225
Bratsk USSR EG 4500
Atatürk Dam
  • Atatürk Dam, largest dam built in Turkey, serves
  • irrigation,
  • power generation and water supply.
  • It is one of the dams built in GAP (South
    Eastern Anatolian Project), one of the largest
    water resources development projects in the
  • It is located in 70 km northwest of the city of
    Sanliurfa on the Euphrates River.
  • Embankment type is rockfill with inclined clay
    core. Ataturk Dam, having 184 m height from
    foundation, is the fourth highest dam in Turkey
    following Keban, Altinkaya, Karakaya and
    Altinpinar dams.

Among rockfill dams in the world, Its the 25 th,
regards its height, 5 th, embankment volume, 21
st, reservoir volume and 32 nd installed power
of HEPP. Atatürk HEPP has been in operation since
1993. It has an annual power generation capacity
of 8.9 billion kWh. Its capacity will fall to 8.1
billion kWh per year when irrigation projects are
completely implemented. The dam will make it
possible to irrigate approximately 882,000
hectares of land.
Atatürk Dam
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Volume of Embankment 84.5 million m 3
Average Annual Flow 26.654 km 3
Useful Storage Capacity 11.0 km 3
Total Storage Capacity 48.7 km 3
Reservoir Surface Area 817 km 2
Drainage Basin 92.338 km 2
HeightFrom Foundation 184 m
Height From River Bed 166 m
Crest Length 1 664 m
Crest Width 15 m
Crest Elevation 549.00 m
River Bed Elevation 380.00
Minimum Operation Water Level 526.00 m
Maximum Operation Water Level 542.00 m
Width 49 m
Height 55 m
Length 257 m
Total Volume 380 000 m 3
Number of Turbine Generators 8
Installed Capacity of Each Group 300 MW
Total Installed Capacity 2400 MW
Loading Factor 30
Power Generation Capacity 8.9 x 10 9 kWh / year
Hydraulic Turbines 8 vertical type Francis Turbines
Output Voltage of Each Generator 15 750 Volt
Frequency 50 Hz
Speed 50 Hz
Number of Power Transformers 24
Power of Each Transformer 105 000 kVA
Input-Output Voltage 15 750 380 000 Volt
The Sanliurfa Tunnels and Irrigation Projects
  • The two Sanliurfa Irrigation Tunnels, longest
    irrigation tunnels in the world, start from the
    reservoir of Atatürk Dam and lie parallel to each
    other from 5 km northeast of the city of
    Sanliurfa to Sanliurfa-Harran plains.
  • The tunnels are circular and concrete lined with
    diameters of 7.62 meters and lengths of 26.4
    kilometers each.
  • With the addition lengths of access and
    connection tunnels, total length of the tunnels
    reaches 52.8 kilometers

  • By means of the Sanliurfa tunnels, the water
    stored in the reservoir of Atatürk dam will be
    used for Sanliurfa-Harran and Mardin-Ceylanpinar
    plains. Thus, irrigated agriculture will take
    place in 476 000 hectares of land of these
    plains, 150 000 hectares of Sanliurfa-Harran
    plains, 326 000 hectares of Mardin-Ceylanpinar
  • 328 cubic meters of water per second is drawn
    from the Atatürk Dam Reservoir with these
  • The water used to irrigate plains of
    Sanliurfa-Harran will also be deployed for power
    generation at the Sanliurfa HEPP.
  • The HEPP has a capacity of 50 MW and generates
    124 million kWh electricity annually.

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Tunnel Type Circular reinforced concrete lining
Length Two parallel tunnels, 26.40 km each
Grade T1 0.62802 m/km  T2 0.62948 m/km
Excavation Diameter About 9.50 m
Inner Diameter 7.62 m
Lining Thickness Approximately 0.40 m
Excavation 3.00 hm 3
Concrete volume 1 285 hm 3
Total discharge 328 m 3/s
Irrigation area 476 474 hectares
Geological formation Calcareous marn
Hydraulic Load T1 40.25 m  T2 39.74 m
Rivers and Lakes
  • Turkey has about 120 natural lakes, including
    small lakes in the mountains.
  • The largest and deepest lake is Lake Van with a
    surface area of 3,712 km 2 and an altitude of
    1,646 m from sea level.
  • The second largest lake is Lake Tuz in central
    Anatolia. Being relatively shallow, this lake is
    at an altitude of 925 m from sea level and has a
    surface area of 1,500 km 2.
  • There are four main regions where lakes are
    intensively dispersed
  • 1. The Lakes District (Egirdir, Burdur,
    Beysehir, and Acigöl Lakes),
  • 2. Southern Marmara (Sapanca, Iznik, Ulubat, and
    Kus Lakes),
  • 3. Lake Van and its environs, and
  • 4. Lake Tuz and its environs.
  • Although some of the lakes are only a few meters
    in depth, some of them are of a depth of more
    than 30 meters. The depth of Lake Van is more
    than 100 m.
  • Turkey has 555 large dam reservoirs. The names
    and surface areas (km2) of the large ones are
    Atatürk (817), Keban (675), Karakaya (268),
    Hirfanli (263), Altinkaya (118), Kurtbogazi (6).

  • Turkey is rich in terms of streams and rivers.
    Many rivers rise and empty into seas within
    Turkeys borders. Rivers can be classified in
    relation to the sea into which they empty.
  • The rivers emptying into the Black Sea are the
    Sakarya, Filyos, Kizilirmak, Yesilirmak, and
  • The rivers emptying into Mediterranean Sea are
    the Asi, Seyhan, Ceyhan, Tarsus, and Dalaman.
  • The rivers emptying into the Aegean Sea are the
    Büyük Menderes, Küçük Menderes, Gediz, and Meriç.
    The rivers empting into the Sea of Marmara are
    the Susurluk/Simav, Biga, and Gönen.
  • The Euphrates and Tigris rivers empty into the
    Gulf of Basra, while the Aras and Kura rivers
    empty into the Caspian Sea.
  • As far as the lengths of the some major rivers
    are concerned, the Kizilirmak is 1,355 km,
    Yesilirmak is 519 km, Ceyhan is 509 km, Büyük
    Menderes is 307 km, Susurluk is 321 km, the
    Tigris is 523 km, the Euphrates River up to the
    Syrian border is 1,263 km, and the Aras River up
    to the Armenia border is 548 km.

  Mha ( million hectares) Mha ( million hectares)
Arable Land Irrigable Land Rainfed AgricultureEconomically IrrigablePresently Irrigated Arable Land Irrigable Land Rainfed AgricultureEconomically IrrigablePresently Irrigated 28.05 25.75 17.25 8.50 4.90  
Land Resources
  • Turkey s total land area is 78 Mha.
  • Almost one third of this, 28 Mha, can be
    classified as cultivable land.
  • Recent studies indicate that an area of about 8.5
    million ha is economically irrigable under the
    available technology.
  • Until now, an area of about 2.8 million ha has
    been equipped with irrigation infrastructures by

Water Resources
  • Mean Precipitation 643 mm/m2
  • Turkey s Surface Area 780,000 km 2  
  • Annual Water Resources Potential Bm ³ (billion m
    ³ )
  • A Precipitation Volume 501
  • B Evaporation 274
  • C Leakage into Groundwater 69
  • D Springs Feeding Surface Water 28
  • E Surface Water from Neighboring Countries 7
  • FA-B-CDE
  • F Total Surface Runoff (gross) 193
  • G Exploitable Surface Runoff 98
  • H Groundwater Safe Yield 14
  • IGH
  • I Total Potential (net) 112

  • The total water volume in the world amounts to
    1.4 billion km3, 97.5 of which is saline water
    in the oceans and seas, 2.5 of which is fresh
    water in the rivers and lakes.
  • Due to fact that 90 of fresh water exists in the
    South Pole and North Pole, human beings have very
    limited readily exploitable fresh water
  • Annual mean precipitation in Turkey is 643 mm,
    which corresponds to 501 Bm 3 (billion m 3) of
    annual water volume in the country.
  • A volume of 274 Bm 3 water evaporates from water
    bodies and soils to atmosphere.
  • 69 Bm 3 of volume of water leaks into
    groundwater, whereas 28 Bm 3 is retrieved by
    springs from groundwater contributing to surface

  • Also, there are 7 billion m3 volume of water
    coming from neighboring countries.
  • Thus, total annual surface runoff amounts to a
    volume of 193 Bm 3 of water.
  • Including 41 (69-28) Bm3 net discharging into
    groundwater (covering safe yield extraction,
    unregistered extraction, emptying into the seas,
    and transboundary), the gross (surface and
    groundwater) renewable water potential of Turkey
    is estimated as 234 (19341) Bm 3.
  • However, under current technical and economic
    constraints, annual exploitable potential has
    been calculated as 112 Bm 3 of net water volume,
    as 95 Bm 3 from surface water resources, as 3 Bm
    3 from neighboring countries, as 14 Bm 3 from
    groundwater safe yield.

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Water Resources versus Water Consumption Needs of
  • Countries can be classified according to their
    water wealth
  • Poor Annual water volume per capita is less than
    1,000 m3
  • Insufficient / Water Stress Annual water volume
    per capita is less than 2,000 m 3
  • Rich Annual water volume per capita is more than
    8,000- 10,000 m3

1500 m3/capita
Turkey is not a rich country in terms of existing
water potential. Turkey is a water stress
country according to annual volume of water
available per capita. The annual exploitable
amount of water has recently been approximately
1,500 m 3 per capita The State Institute of
Statistics (DIE) has estimated Turkeys
population as 100 million by 2030. So, the annual
available amount of water per capita will be
about 1,000 m 3 by 2030.
  • The current population and economic growth rate
    will alter water consumption patterns. As
    population increases, annual allocated available
    amount of water per person will decrease. The
    projections for future water consumption would be
    valid on the condition that the water resources
    were protected from pollution at least for the
    next 25 years. It is imperative that available
    resources be evaluated rationally so as to
    provide clean and sufficient water resources for
    the next generation.

Planning Studies in Turkey
  • Under the scope of DSI planning studies, the
    most appropriate formulations of projects are
    prepared by using long-term data collections and
  • In 2003, 40.1 billion m3 volume of water was
    consumed in various sectors in Turkey 29.6
    billion m3 in the irrigation sector, 6.2 billion
    m3 in the water supply sector, 4.3 billion m3 in
    the industrial sector.
  • This sum corresponds to development of only 36.5
    of the available exploitable potential of 112
    billion m3.
  • With ongoing studies, it is aimed at using the
    maximum portion of available potential in the

Hydraulic Structures in Turkey
  • According to the standards of ICOLD
    (International Committee on Large Dams),
    providing a dams height from foundation is more
    than 15 m or its reservoir volume is equal or
    more than 3 hm3, this dam is classified as a
    large dam. As seen from the table below, the
    number of large dams constructed by DSI is 544.
  • If eleven large dams constructed by other
    institutions are added to this, the total number
    amounts to 555 dams.
  • DSI has built 201 large dams within the framework
    of large-scale water projects, while the
    remaining 343 dams are within the framework of
    the smaller-scale water projects.
  • The total reservoir capacity of these 212 large
    dams is about 139.5 km3. The details on water
    resources development can be seen in the table

January 1, 2005 By DSI Other Total By DSI Other Total
DAM (unit) 544 11 555 209 1 210
(large-Scale Water Projects) 201 11 212 85 1 86
(Small-Scale Water Projects) 343 - 343 124 - 124
HEPP (unit) 53 82 135 53 17 70
(Installed Capacity-MW) 10,215 2,416 12,631 8,982 465 9,447
(Annual Generation-GWh) 36,481 8,844 45,325 29,581 1,725 31,306
Small Dams (unit) 47 617 664 1 43 44
IRRIGATION (million ha) 2.77 2.12 4.89 0.8 - 0.8
WATER SUPPLY (billion m 3 ) 2.50 0.46 2.96 1.09 - 1.09
FLOOD CONTROL AREA (million ha) 1.0 - 1.0 0.5 - 0.5
() Small dams built by the General Directorate
of Rural Services (GDRS abrogated now) for
  • According to ICOLD standards, there are at
    present 555 large dams, in Turkey.
  • According to crest types, these dams can be
    classified as follows
  • Rock or earth-filled types 537 dams
  • Concrete gravity types 8 dams (Çubuk I, Elmali
    II, Sariyar, Kemer, Gülüç, Porsuk, Arpaçay,
  • Arch types 6 dams (Gökçekaya, Oymapinar,
    Karakaya, Gezende, Sir, Berke)
  • Composite (Concrete Faced Rock-Fill Dam CFRD or
    RCC) types 4 dams (Kürtün, Birecik, Karkamis,

Dams and Hydropower Plants Developed by other
  • Total installed capacity (MW) and annual average
    generation (GWh) of hydroelectric power plants
    (run-off river HEPPs) completed by the other
    organizations are 2,416 MW and 8,844 GWh
    respectively .
  • These values account for 20 of Turkeys current
    hydropower installed capacity (12,631 MW) and
    annual hydroelectric generation (45,325 GWh).
  • The HEPPs put into operation by DSI generate 80
    of Turkeys current hydro energy needs.
  • According to DSIs investment program in 2005,
    there is a total of 53 HEPPs, 24 of which will be
    realized with bilateral agreements (6,136 MW and
    20,203 GWh) and 5 of which are to be realized
    with local bidding (124 MW and 458 GWh), and the
    remaining 24 of which are under construction
    (2,722 MW and 8,920 GWh).

  • The number of hydroelectric power plants being
    constructed by other organizations under Law No.
    3096 is 17 (465 MW and 1,725 GWh). These are
    being built as Autoproducer or BOT
    (Build-Operate-Transfer) models by the private
  • Since its establishment in 1954, DSI has made
    investments of US 33.5 billion, and the total
    benefit from these projects realized by DSI in
    the sectors of energy, agriculture, services, and
    the environment is estimated as US 81 billion.
    These projects have made a more than two fold
    contribution to the national economy when
    considering their investment costs.

Dam HEPP Province Year of Comp. Installed Capacity (MW) Av. Annual Generation (GWh) Water Supply (hm3) Irrigation Area (ha)
Berke Adana 2001 510 1668
Sariyar Ankara 1956 160 400 10,000
Manavgat Antalya 1988 48 220
Karacaören II Burdur 1993 47 206
Elmali II Istanbul 1955 2
Darlik Istanbul 1988 108
Alaçati Izmir 1997 3
Sir K.Maras 1991 284 725
Kirazdere Kocaeli 1999 142
Gülüç Zonguldak 1966 6
Birecik S.Urfa 2000 672 2518 92,700
Total 1721 5737 261 102,700
Note Run-off river/canal hydroelectric power
plants that have been built by various companies
and institutions are excluded from this table.
  • Since its establishment in 1954, DSI has made
    investments of US 33.5 billion, and the total
    benefit from these projects realized by DSI in
    the sectors of energy, agriculture, services, and
    the environment is estimated as US 81 billion.
    These projects have made a more than two fold
    contribution to the national economy when
    considering their investment costs.
  • With the budget allocation for 2005, DSI needs 19
    years to complete the projects in its investment
  • For the full development of the water projects in
    Turkey, as seen in the table below, US 71.5
    billion is needed for completion of the remaining
  • Considering development rates in the country,
    there is still much work to do in the water
  • By taking into account the investment budget of
    DSI (annual US 1.65 billion), it is estimated
    that the completion of the works (US 71.5
    billion budget) to be realized by DSI could only
    be possible in the next 44 years.

Development of Irrigation 4.9 million ha 8.5 million ha 58
Development of Hydro-electric energy 45.3 billion kWh 127.3 billion kWh 36
Development of Water Supply for Domestic and Industrial use 10.5 billion m3 38.5 billion m 3 27
  • In conclusion, the distribution of precipitation
    in Turkey is rather uneven.
  • The average annual precipitation ranges from less
    than 250 mm in inland areas to 2,500 mm in parts
    of the Eastern Black Sea coast. Though
  • Turkey generally has adequate amounts of water,
    it is not always in the right place and at the
    right time to meet present and anticipated needs.
  • The rivers have generally irregular regimes and
    natural flows cannot always be diverted directly.
  • The average annual precipitation, evaporation,
    and surface runoff vary with respect to time and
  • Approximately 70 of total precipitation falls
    from October to March there is little effective
    rain during the summer months.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to have storage
    facilities in order to ensure domestic,
    industrial and agricultural supply, and
    hydropower generation. In addition, dams make a
    considerable contribution to control the floods
    and erosion.

  • The water resources development projects of DSI
    are accepted as crucially important works for the
    improvement of the welfare and happiness of the
    people in the country. It is a well-known fact
    that the main source of daily food, drinking
    water, and electricity depend on water resources
    development projects. That is why Turkey has to
    develop all of her water potential to maintain
    adequate living standards for the people.
  • Agriculture in Turkey heavily depends on climatic
    conditions, the adverse effects of which can only
    be minimized by developing hydraulic structures.
  • DSI contributes to the development of agriculture
    in which 35 of Turkeys population is employed
    by investing mostly in development of irrigation
    sector. As the production and consequently the
    income of our farmers increases because of
    irrigation development, there are further inputs
    to agro-industries.

  • Because of this, water resources development has
    a crucial role to play in the socioeconomic
    development of Turkey.
  • Thus, DSIs investments in hydropower, which is a
    national source of the electricity needed by
    industry are important in that they are able to
    lessen the rate of migration to the cities and to
    decrease the unemployment in the country.
  • DSI needs a certain amount of financing to
    complete its planned projects in the sectors of
    energy, agriculture, services, and environment by
    2030. This additional financing requirement is
    estimated at US 71.5 billion (as 27.5 in
    agriculture, 21.0 in energy, 20.0 in services,
    and 3.0 in environment). With the completion of
    these planned projects, Turkey foresees to have
    US 27.8 billion worth of gross income annually.
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