Title: Understanding Halal
1Understanding Halal Halal Standards
- By
- Muhammad Saeed Bhombal.
- Chief Executive Officer
- Bhombal And Company (Private) Limited
- As Representative In Pakistan For The Islamic
Food and Nutrition Council of America - IFANCA
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???? ?????? ???????? ????? ?????? ??????? ??????? - He has forbidden you only the Maitah (dead
animals), and blood, and the flesh of swine, - and that which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for
others than Allah (or has been slaughtered - for idols, on which Allah's name has not been
mentioned while slaughtering). But if one is - forced by necessity without willful disobedience
nor transgressing due limits, then there is - no sin on him. Truly, Allah is Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful. - Surah Al-Baqarah -173
- Tafseer
- (V. 2172) Narrated An-Numan bin Bashir (RTA)
- I heard Allahs Messenger (SAW) saying, Both
legal and illegal things are evident but in - between them there are doubtful (unclear) things,
and most of the people have no - knowledge about them. So whoever saves himself
from these unclear things, he saves his - religion and his honour. And whoever indulges in
these unclear things is like a shepherd
3What is Halal
- Halal means permissible and lawful for Muslims
- Haram means prohibited and unlawful
- Mashbooh is doubtful and questionable This is
main domain for Halal Certification.
4General Guidelines
- Halal is an all inclusive term. Which means that
all foods are halal except those ordained as
haram, such as - Pork
- Blood
- Carnivorous animals
- Animals not slaughtered properly
- Alcoholic drinks
5Questionable Ingredients
- Ingredients that can be made from multiple
sources such as, animal, plant, synthetic,
microbial? - Glycerin - Gelatin
- Emulsifiers - Enzymes
- Shortening - Porcine is not halal
- Fish gelatin is halal
- Bovine is halal when animals are slaughtered in
halal manner
6Questionable Ingredients
- Alcohol ethyl alcohol
- Alcoholic drinks are not permitted even in
cooking or food formulations. - Essence from alcoholic drinks is controversial
- Ethyl alcohol used for technical reasons, e.g.
Extraction of flavors like vanilla, flavor
carrier, solvent or substrate, is permitted at
appropriate levels. Residual amounts vary by
country. - No restriction on naturally occurring in fruits
- 1.4 Billion Muslims in the World
South Asia 450 million South East Asia 250
million Middle East 250 million Asia 200
million Africa 200 million Europe 18
million North America 8 million
8The Importance of Halal Certification Background
- Pioneering countries in requesting Halal
certificates from the U.S.A. - Singapore
- Malaysia
- Saudi Arabia
- Indonesia
9Halal Activity in Food
- Percentages of the requests for Halal
Certificates for various countries.
10Importance of Halal Certification to the Consumer
- It clears the doubt.
- It saves time from reading the labels.
- Peace of mind and satisfaction.
11Importance of Halal Certification to the Producer
- Customer requirement.
- Government mandated compliance.
- Market/competition driven.
12What is IFANCA?Islamic Food And Nutrition
Council of America
- Not for Profit Technical Islamic Organization
- Supervising production of Halal foods.
- Certifying halal products.
- Finding solutions for new challenges.
- Publishing relevant information.
- Consulting with Islamic scholars on issues facing
Muslims in selecting food products.
ARE ACCEPTTED IN North America, Middle East,
South East Asia and many other countries. - IFANCA recognized by organizations like
- GSM United Arab Emirates
14IFANCA Halal Certification
- IFANCA provides Halal certification in over 50
countries directly or through affiliates and
IFANCA offices - IFANCA, Bhombal And Company Private Limited,
Pakistan - IFCE, Europe, Brussels
- NZIMM, New Zealand, Wellington
- IFANCA Canada, Toronto
- IFANCA China, Beijing and Wuhan
- IFANCA Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
- IFANCA India, Kochin
- IFANCA Bangladesh, Dhaka
- IFANCA Asia Pacific, Singapore
15IFANCAHalal Certification Logos
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