Keys to a Successful Interview - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Keys to a Successful Interview


Keys to a Successful Interview Presented by Career Services Types of Interviews Telephone Interview One-on-One Interview Group Interview Lunch Interview Stress ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Keys to a Successful Interview

Keys to a Successful Interview
  • Presented by
  • Career Services

Types of Interviews
  • Telephone Interview
  • One-on-One Interview
  • Group Interview
  • Lunch Interview
  • Stress Interview
  • Behavioral-Based Interview

Before the Interview
  • Research the position and the company
  • Review job posting/description what skills do
    you possess that would make you a qualified
  • Visit company website, attend employer
    information sessions on campus, read company
    press releases, check out company in ITT Tech
    Career Bank.
  • Familiarize yourself with company or industry
    vocabulary, hot trends

Before the Interview (cont.)
  • Know yourself
  • Be prepared to talk about your strengths,
    weaknesses (areas for improvement/development),
    education, skills (i.e. technical, creative,
    soft), and extracurricular activities
  • Be prepared to discuss your resume anything on
    your resume is fair game!
  • Be able to discuss at least one or two
    significant accomplishments professional or
  • Know your career goals

Have your Portfolio Prepared
  • A portfolio is a collection of your technical
    work and achievements that showcase your
  • Contents of a Portfolio should include, but are
    not limited to
  • A copy of your resume on business paper
  • Colored copies of any projects, drawings, course
    work or professional work that shows your
    technical ability.
  • Copies of certifications, awards, diplomas, etc.
  • Reference Letters
  • Writing Samples

Have your Portfolio Prepared (cont.)
  • If you have an electronic portfolio (you should!)
    make sure to include the link on your resume
    underneath your email address
  • If you have a laptop you can bring it with you to
    the interview to bring up your portfolio
  • By bringing your portfolio to the interview you
    can set the tone and spend more time discussing
    your work and less time answering unfamiliar
    questions from a recruiter.
  • If possible, provide the recruiter with a nice
    copy that they can keep to remember you by.

Before the Interview (cont.)
  • Prepare and practice answers to commonly asked
    interview questions
  • Tell me about yourself. never reveal age,
    marital status, religion, or other items NOT
    relevant to the hiring decision.
  • What makes you a solid candidate for the
  • Why do you want to work for our organization?
  • What are your primary strengths?
  • What do you see as your biggest area for
    improvement? try to focus on areas where you
    can improve your technical skills/professional
    experience do not focus on personal limitations
    (if you do, try to put a positive spin on them).

Before the Interview (cont.)
  • What to Wear
  • Pick out your interview outfit the day before
    your interview make sure that it fits, is
    clean/pressed, and that your shoes are polished
  • Recommended Outfit for Males dark colored
    business suit or sport coat and dress pants (if
    you do not have a suit), dress shirt, tie,
    matching socks, dress shoes
  • Recommend Outfit for Females dark colored
    business suit (skirt or pant), matching
    stockings, dress or skirt/dress pants with
    matching blouse (if you do not have a suit),
    close-toed shoes

Before the Interview
  • What to Wear
  • Be sure that you are well groomed get a
    haircut, shave/trim facial hair, take a shower,
    apply deodorant
  • Wear minimal cologne, perfume (some people have
  • Females wear minimal makeup
  • Males beware of earrings may want to check
    website to learn about company culture

Before the Interview (cont.)
  • Resources available to help you prepare
  • Sign up for a mock interview with Career Services
  • Have a friend/family member ask you questions
  • Practice reciting answers to questions while
    looking at yourself in a mirror

Before the Interview (cont.)
  • Do a dry run!
  • Make sure you know where you are going
  • Look up the company address
  • Ask company representative for directions or use
    an online site to get directions (i.e. MapQuest,
    Yahoo! Maps)
  • Take a ride out to the location the day before
    and time how long it takes you to get there (give
    yourself extra time the day of the interview in
    case you hit traffic due to rush hour,
    construction, or an accident).

The Day of the Interview
  • Plan to arrive at least 10 minutes early
  • Check appearance when you arrive
  • Know who to ask for when you arrive (first, last
  • Bring a couple of copies of your resume on
    business paper
  • Be prepared to complete company application (know
    last 3 places of employment address, phone,
    employment dates, managers name, reason for
    leaving and three references and their contact
    information) .
  • Do NOT chew gum!

During the Interview
  • Greet interviewer by name with a firm handshake
  • Make and maintain natural eye contact
  • Do not fidget, shift in chair sit up straight
    with both feet on the floor and hands on lap
  • Try to avoid conversation fillers such as umm,
    ahhh - take time to think about question and
    prepare your answer (Silence is not always a bad
    thing!)- if you do not understand the question,
    ask the interviewer to repeat it or clarify it

During the Interview (cont.)
  • Keep your answers short, concise make sure you
    are answering the question being asked
  • Stay positive never speak negatively about past
    employers or positions
  • Let your enthusiasm and confidence show
  • Try to relax! It is ok to be nervous but do not
    let it over come you.
  • Beware of illegal interview questions
  • Have at least 2-3 questions prepared to ask the
    employer either about the position or the company
    (you can write these down ahead of time and bring
    them with you).

The End of the Interview
  • Thank the interviewer(s) for their time
  • Reiterate your interest in the position
  • Ask when they expect to make their decision by
    (that way you will know when you can call to
    follow up)
  • Ask for a business card so that you can send a
    thank you letter

After the Interview
  • Send a thank you letter within 24 hours! Send by
    email or regular mail
  • Include any information or documents requested
  • Clarify any information provided during the
    interview if necessary
  • Be sure to send thank you letters to everyone who
    interviewed you including the person who set up
    the interview for you
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