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Invasive coronary angiography revealed 8 venous grafts to the LCX to be occluded, all correctly diagnosed by MSCT. All proximal and 25 of 33 (76%) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Maximiliano Arroyo
  • UT Division of Cardiovascular Diseases
  • January 19th, 2006

  • In 1999, more than 1.83 million coronary
    angiograms were performed in the US. Only 1/3rd
    were performed in conjunction of an
    interventional procedure.
  • CT is the premier noninvasive modality for
    vascular imaging of the thorax the heart,
    however, has always been technically challenging
    because of its continuous motion.
  • The cross-sectional nature of CT may enable
    assessment of the vessel wall. The potential for
    noninvasive identification, characterization, and
    quantification of atherosclerotic lesions and
    total disease burden within the coronary arteries
    is currently being evaluated.

U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
  • EBCT Introduced in 1984, was the first system to
    enable ECG-synchronized CT imaging of the cardiac
    anatomy. With presently available scanners, the
    routine protocol comprises a collimation of 3 mm,
    a temporal resolution of 100 msec, and
    prospective ECG triggering for sequential
    acquisition of transverse images consistently at
    the same phase of the cardiac cycle, typically
    during diastole.

U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
  • MDCT Introduced in 1998, mechanical spiral CT
    systems with simultaneous acquisition by four
    detector rows and a minimum rotation time of 500
    msec were introduced. This provided a
    substantial performance increase over the spiral
    CT systems that had been available until then.

U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
  • A higher temporal resolution is enabled by means
    of faster gantry rotation speed combined with
    dedicated image reconstruction algorithms. The
    strategy that has been pursued to further
    improve fast high-resolution volume coverage is
    to increase the number of sections that are
    simultaneously acquired. So far, this has
    resulted in the introduction of eight, 10, 16,
    32, 40, and 64detector row CT scanners with
    further reduced gantry rotation times and minimum
    beam collimation widths of less than 1 mm.

  • Presence of severe calcification is a limitation
    of contrast-enhanced CT coronary angiography
    because beam-hardening and partial-volume effects
    can completely obscure the cross section of the
    vessel and prevent assessment of the patency of
    the coronary artery lumen. Owing to similar
    effects, metal objects such as stents, surgical
    clips, and sternal wires can also interfere with
    the evaluation of underlying structures. Use of
    the thinnest possible section width reduces
    partial-volume artifacts to some extent and
    improves assessment of calcified coronary

U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
ECG-synchronized CT Scan Acquisition
  • Prospective Triggering
  • A trigger signal is derived from the patients
    ECG on the basis of a prospective estimation of
    the present R-R interval, and the scan is started
    at a defined time point after a detected R wave,
    usually during diastole. With MDCT, several
    sections are obtained simultaneously during one
    scan acquisition with a cycle time that
    ordinarily allows image acquisition at every
    other heartbeat. In general, this strategy
    results in shorter breath-hold times, and
    respiratory artifacts are less likely to occur.

U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
  • To improve temporal resolution, scan data are
    only acquired during a partial scanner rotation
    (approximately two-thirds of a rotation with
    240260 projection data), which covers the
    minimum amount of data required for image
    reconstruction. In this way, prospective ECG
    triggering is the most dose-efficient method for
    ECG-synchronized scanning.

  • However, only rather thick section collimation (3
    mm with EBCT, 1.5 mm with 16detector row CT) is
    usually being used for a prospectively
    ECG-triggered acquisition. Thus, the resulting
    data sets are less suitable for 3D reconstruction
    of small cardiac anatomy. Also, the prospectively
    ECG-triggered technique greatly depends on a
    regular heart rate of the patient and is bound to
    result in misregistration in the presence of

U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
  • Retrospective Gating
  • An alternative approach is retrospective ECG
    gating. This generally enables greater
    flexibility for phase-consistent image
    reconstruction when examining a patient with a
    changing heart rate during acquisition.
    Retrospective ECG gating requires multidetector
    row spiral scanning with a slow table motion and
    simultaneous recording of the ECG trace, which is
    used for retrospective linkage of scan data with
    particular phases of the cardiac cycle.

U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
  • Retrospectively ECG-gated CT of the heart
    requires a highly overlapping spiral scan with a
    spiral table speed adapted to the heart rate to
    ensure complete phase-consistent coverage of the
    heart with overlapping image sections.

At heart rates less than a predefined threshold,
one segment of consecutive multisection spiral
data is used for image reconstruction. At higher
heart rates, two or more subsegments from
adjacent heart cycles contribute to the partial
scan data segment. In each cardiac cycle, a stack
of images is reconstructed at different z-axis
positions covering a small subvolume of the heart
U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
  • The continuous spiral acquisition enables
    reconstruction of overlapping image sections,
    with a longitudinal spatial resolution of up to
    0.6 mm.
  • Retrospectively ECG-gated acquisition is the
    preferred method for contrast-enhanced
    high-spatial-resolution imaging of small cardiac
    structures, especially the coronary arteries.
  • Diastole is usually chosen for image
    reconstruction because it is the phase of the
    cardiac cycle with the least motion however,
    owing to the highly overlapping acquisition,
    image data can be reconstructed for the entire
    course of the cardiac cycle.

U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
  • Optimizing Spatial ResolutionSpatial resolution
    is largely dependent on the type of scanner
    available. The smallest detector widths range
    from 0.5 to 1.25 mm.
  • The spatial resolution of four detector row CT is
    0.6 x 0.6 x 1.0 mm, that of electron-beam CT is
    0.7 x 0.7 x 3 mm, and that of magnetic resonance
    (MR) coronary angiography is 1.25 x 1.25 x 1.5
    mm. Spiral CT allows volume acquisition and
    reconstruction of overlapping sections, which
    improve z-axis resolution. The resolution of 16
    detector row CT is up to 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.6 mm. This
    resolution is approaching, but remains inferior
    to, that of conventional angiography, which is
    0.2 x 0.2 mm.

Harpreet P.Radiographics. 200323S111-S125
  • Optimizing Temporal ResolutionThe temporal
    resolution is the amount of time it takes to
    acquire the necessary scan data to reconstruct an
    image. The temporal resolution of electron-beam
    CT is 100 msec, and that of MR imaging is 100150
    msec. For multisection CT, it is primarily
    dependent on the time taken by the scanner to
    complete one gantry rotation but can be modified
    by using partial scan reconstruction techniques.

Harpreet P.Radiographics. 200323S111-S125
Radiation Dose
  • Relatively high radiation exposure is involved
    with retrospectively ECG-gated imaging because of
    continuous x-ray exposure and overlapping data
    acquisition at a slow spiral table feed, a
    substantial portion of the acquired data and
    radiation exposure are redundant and do not
    contribute to image generation.
  • There is considerable disagreement in the
    literature as to the actual radiation dose,
    because the lack of standardization of the

U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
  • For high spatial resolution (1.001.25-mm beam
    collimation), a retrospectively ECG-gated
    acquisition), and routine scanner settings with
    fourdetector row CT, an exposure limit of
    approximately 10 mSv is applied, which is two to
    three times the average annual background
    radiation in the United States. Comparable to the
    exposure received during a typical routine
    diagnostic coronary angiogram. As progressively
    thinner beam collimations are used for scanner
    types with added detector rows, radiation dose
    generally increases.

CR Conti. Clin. Cardiol. 28450-453
CR Conti. Clin. Cardiol. 28450-453
Contrast Injection
  • Scanning times for imaging of the heart with 8 or
    16 detector row CT scanners range from 20 to 40
    seconds, 80120 mL contrast medium injected at a
    rate of 35 mL/sec is needed to maintain
    homogeneous vascular contrast throughout the
  • Saline chasing (eg, bolus of 50 mL of saline
    injected immediately after the iodinated contrast
    medium bolus) has proved to be helpful for better
    contrast medium bolus utilization, for high and
    consistent vascular enhancement, and for
    prevention of streak artifacts, which frequently
    arise from dense contrast material in the
    superior vena cava and right atrium and sometimes
    interfere with the evaluation especially of the
    right coronary artery.

U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
Data Display
  • Maximum intensity projection Not only displays
    coronary artery CT data in a more intuitive
    format but also condense diagnostic information
    into a few relevant sections or views. For
    routine visualization of large-volume CT coronary
    angiography data sets, many centers perform three
    dedicated maximum intensity projection
    reconstructions to create views of the left and
    right coronary arteries and of the entire
    coronary arterial tree from a cranio-oblique

U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
  • (a) RAO view along the interventricular groove
    shows LAD, with mixed atherosclerotic lesion
    (arrowhead) with calcified components in the
    proximal course of the vessel.
  • (b) LAO view in plane RCA with calcified nodules
    (arrowheads) along the course of the vessel.
  • (c) LAO "spider" view shows (LAD and its diagonal
    branches, with soft-tissue-attenuation plaque
    (arrowhead) in the anterior aspect of the left
    main coronary artery (LM) wall.

U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
  • Multiplanar reformations image data can be
    rearranged in arbitrary imaging planes, with
    image quality comparable to that of the original
    transverse sections.

left anterior descending coronary artery in a
patient with CAD.
U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
  • Three-dimensional display 3D post processing is
    a means of displaying information in an intuitive
    fashion. The most commonly used technology for 3D
    display of the coronary arterial tree is volume

Left Anteroposterior cranial projection shows
LAD and Cx. Right Volume rendering in
anteroposterior cranial projection shows left
main coronary artery with its branches, LAD and
U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
  • Contrast-enhanced 16-detector row CT coronary
    angiography. Colored volume rendering of right
    coronary artery (RCA) displayed in slightly
    cranial right anterior oblique.

U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
Contrast-enhanced CT of Coronary Artery
Anomalies, Bypass Grafts, and Stents
  • MR imaging is limited with regard to
    determination of the distal coronary arterial
    course. Therefore, CT is the preferred modality
    for evaluation of small collateral vessels,
    fistulas, and vessels originating outside the
    normal sinuses.

U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
Patient with superdominant anomalous right
coronary artery (AnRCA) supplying the majority of
the myocardium. (a) Selective conventional
angiographic image and (b) volume-rendered 3D
reconstruction (cranial right anterior oblique
perspective) from contrast-enhanced 16-detector
row CT coronary angiography.
U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
  • Bypass graft imaging more clinically relevant,
    is complex functional assessment of bypass flow,
    accurate detection of graft lesions, and reliable
    visualization of (distal) anastomoses. Data on
    the accuracy of CT for the detection and grading
    of hemodynamically significant graft stenosis are
    still rather sparse and are ordinarily based on
    small patient populations studied with
    electron-beam or multidetector row CT.1
  • In a somewhat larger patient population
    investigated with fourdetector row CT, overall
    sensitivity and specificity values for bypass
    occlusion of 97 and 98, respectively, were

1.U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
2. Ropers D. Am J Cardiol 2001 88792-795
Thomas Schlosser. JACC 2004 441224-1229
  • All IMA grafts could be visualized with
    diagnostic image quality, whereas only 28 of 37
    (76) of the distal anastomoses to the LAD and 3
    of 5 (60) of the distal anastomoses to the
    diagonal branches could be evaluated.
  • A total of 11 of 42 (26) of the distal IMA
    anastomoses were classified as unevaluable due to
    poor opacification and artifacts caused by metal

Thomas Schlosser. JACC 2004 441224-1229
  • MSCT permitted visualization of all proximal and
    distal anastomoses of venous grafts to the LAD.
  • Invasive coronary angiography revealed 8 venous
    grafts to the LCX to be occluded, all correctly
    diagnosed by MSCT. All proximal and 25 of 33
    (76) distal anastomoses in the LCX region were
    adequately seen on MSCT. The remaining 8 distal
    anastomoses (24) were classified as unevaluable
    due to poor opacification and/or artifacts caused
    by cardiac motion.
  • All proximal and 22 distal anastomoses (63) to
    the RCA, could be visualized. A total of 13 of 35
    (37) of the distal anastomoses were classified
    as unevaluable. Overall, 83 of 112 (74) distal
    anastomoses could be evaluated.
  • The unevaluable distal anastomoses were estimated
    as stenotic. This results in a lower specificity
    (68) and positive predictive value (PPV) (37)
    compared with the separate analysis of the
    evaluable segments (specificity 95, PPV 81).

Thomas Schlosser. JACC 2004 441224-1229
(LIMA) bypass graft. Anastomosis has been created
between left internal mammary artery and left
anterior descending coronary artery (LAD)
territory. Note extensive atherosclerotic changes
in the native vessels.
Colored volume-rendered view from anterior
perspective, derived from 16-detector row CT
angiography, 3 venous bypass grafts VCABG-LAD,
VCABG-Cx, and VCABG-RCA. Additional left internal
mammary artery bypass graft (LIMA-BG), also to
the LAD
U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
  • Coronary stents have been notoriously difficult
    to assess with CT. Contrast-enhanced CT can be
    used to assess stent patency on the basis of
    contrast enhancement in the course of the artery
    with the stent, because an unenhanced distal
    coronary artery lumen usually reflects critical
    in-stent restenosis. However, assessment of the
    stent lumen for nonocclusive in-stent restenosis
    due to neointimal hyperplasia remains

U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
(a) Colored 3D volume-rendered view from right
posterior oblique perspective reveals luminal
narrowing (arrowhead) of artery proximal to the
stent. (b) Maximum intensity projection and (c)
multiplanar reformation in oblique coronal planes
show patent stent lumen and mixed atherosclerotic
lesion (arrow) with calcified and noncalcified
components as the cause of stenosis proximal to
the stent. (d) Conventional angiographic image in
left anterior oblique projection confirms stent
patency and presence of stenosis.
U. Joseph Schoepf. Radiology 200423218-37
Box and whisker plot (median value and quartiles)
of angiographic in-segment coronary stenosis
(measured by quantitative coronary angiography
QCA) for each of the four grades of MDCT
narrowing. Grade 1, none or minimal narrowing
grade 2, moderate but obstructing lt50 of the
lumen grade 3, significant (50) but not severe
narrowing grade 4, severe narrowing to total
occlusion of stented segment.
Tamar Gaspar, JACC 2005 46 1573-1579
  • Five stents that were not assessable by MDCT were
  • MDCT excluded restenosis in two-thirds of
    patients. this would result in only 1 in 10
    stents with restenosis being missed (or 13.5 of

Tamar Gaspar, JACC 2005 46 1573-1579
Contrast-enhanced CT Angiography for CAD
  • In 763 coronary segments, CCA detected a total of
    75 lesions 50.
  • The MSCT correctly assessed 54 of these.
    Twenty-one lesions were missed or incorrectly
    underestimated. Sensitivity was 72, specificity

Axel Kuettner. JACC 2004 441230-1237 Ricardo
C. Cury. AJC. 2005 96784-787
  • 64 slice MSCT compared to QCA for quantification
    of lesion severity
  • 935 of 1,065 segments (88) could be analyzed
    either quantitatively or qualitatively. Of these,
    773 of 935 (83) segments could be quantitatively
    measured by both MSCT and QCA. Of these, 130 of
    773 (17) had stenoses.
  • Comparing the maximal percent diameter luminal
    stenosis by MSCT versus QCA. Bland-Altman
    analysis demonstrated a mean difference in
    percent stenosis of 1.3 14.2 .

Gilbert L. Raff . JACC 2005 46552-557
  • (A) Volume rendering technique demonstrates
    stenosis of right coronary artery below the acute
    marginal branch as well as nodular coronary
    calcifications largely extrinsic to the right
    coronary lumen and (B) normal left coronary
    artery. (C, D) Maximum-intensity projection of
    the same arteries demonstrates severe soft plaque
    stenosis of the right coronary artery and
    superficial calcific plaque. (E, F) Invasive
    coronary angiography of the same arteries

Gilbert L. Raff . JACC 2005 46552-557
Overall, 935 of 1,065 (88) segments could be
interpreted, 773 of 935 (83) quantitatively and
162 of 935 (17) qualitatively only.
Gilbert L. Raff . JACC 2005 46552-557
  • IVUS in 38 vessels in 20 patients.
  • A total of 365 sections were available for the
    comparison with IVUS in 161 of these (26
    vessels), atherosclerotic plaques were present.
  • 64-slice CT enabled a correct detection of plaque
    in 54 of 65 (83) sections containing
    noncalcified plaques, 50 of 53 (94) sections
    containing mixed plaques, and 41 of 43 (95)
    sections containing calcified plaques, resulting
    in an accuracy of 90 to detect any plaque (145
    of 161).
  • In 192 of 204 (94) sections, atherosclerotic
    lesions were correctly excluded. In addition to
    the ability to classify calcified, mixed, and
    noncalcified lesions, 64-slice CT enabled the
    visualization of lipid pools in 7 of 10 (70)
    sections and enabled us to identify a spotty
    calcification pattern in 27 of 30 (90) sections.
  • In three sections without evidence for
    echolucency on IVUS, hypodense areas (lipid
    cores) were identified by 64-slice CT. In 314 of
    365 sections (86), consensus between IVUS and
    64-slice CT was achieved regarding the
    morphologic classification. The plaque type was
    misclassified by 64-slice CT in 23 of 145
    atherosclerotic sections.

Alexander W. Leber . JACC 2006 IN PRESS
Why not MRI?
  • 16-MDCT offers better visualization of the
    coronary arteries than MR.
  • Using visual assessments of DS severity, both
    MDCT and MR have similar accuracy for detecting
    significant coronary artery disease.
  • Quantitative assessment of DS severity
    significantly improves the diagnostic accuracy of
    MDCT, but not that of MR, as compared to visual
    analysis alone.
  • Using quantitative assessment of DS severity,
    MDCT has significantly higher diagnostic accuracy
    than MR.

Joëlle Kefer. JACC 2005 4692-100
  • By visual analysis, MR and MDCT had similar
    sensitivity (75 vs. 82, p NS), specificity
    (77 vs. 79, p NS), and diagnostic accuracy
    (77, vs. 80, p NS) for detection of gt50 DS.

Joëlle Kefer. JACC 2005 4692-100
  • Typical examples of reformatted magnetic
    resonance (MR) (left panels), and multidetector
    row computed tomography (MDCT) (center panels)
    and corresponding quantitative coronary
    angiography (QCA) images (right panels)
  • (A) Normal right and left coronary arteries by
    MR, MDCT, and QCA.
  • (B) Isolated mid-RCA stenosis.
  • (C) Two-vessel disease involving the mid-LAD, and
    left circumflex coronary artery

Joëlle Kefer. JACC 2005 4692-100
  • MDCT is now more comparable to QCA, with
    excellent sensitivity and specificity in
    experienced centers.
  • Further evolution of MDCT (more and faster
    detectors, software improvement) will likely
    provide a better spatial and temporal resolution.
  • Currently, MDCT is not the test of choice in
    patients with prior CABG, stents, severely
    calcified lesions perhaps also patients with
    elevated HR, and obese.

  • MDCT does not have the capability of assessing
    the distribution of various morphologic patterns
    of calcium and their relation to other soft
    plaque components further plaque
    characterization (e.g., lipid pools and fibrous
    tissue), a prerequisite for the identification of
    most vulnerable lesions, is not yet a workable
    reality, even with the 64-slice machines in their
    current configuration.
  • The noninvasive identification of plaque
    components subtending vulnerable lesions will
    require additional improvement in the primary
    instrumentation, software, perhaps ?? the use of
    hybrid constructs (e.g., with positron emission

The sensation 64
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