Title: Lecture 14: Gymnosperms (1)
1Lecture 14 Gymnosperms (1)
2Major groups of vascular plants
naked ovule
3Gymnosperms - general characteristics
Woody plants (include some of the oldest and
largest known trees). Leaves fan-like,
scale-like or needle-like, often persistent
(sometimes caducous). Flowers unisexual with no
perianth, arranged in infl called cones. The
gymnosperms bear their ovules on flat,
scale- like carpels since the ovules are not
enclosed in an ovary (like in Angiosperms),
they dont have a fruit, and the seeds are
naked. Remember Gymnosperms DO NOT have a
4(No Transcript)
51. Cycadales Cycadaceae
- Ancestral, palm (or fern-) looking.
- Lvs compound, pinnate, persistent.
- Dioecious.
- Genus Cycas C. circinalis
Female inflorescence
male inflorescence
naked ovules
6Cycads have been used as a food source in
Australia for at least 4,300 years
72. Gynkgoales Ginkgoaceae Ginkgo G. biloba
Trees, no resin canals. Leaves simple closely
packed on stubby short shoots, fan-like, veins
dichotomously branched, emarginate or billobed,
deciduous. Dioecious. Male fl in spike-like
infl. Female fl. reduced to ovules which are
paired on peduncle. Seeds with a fleshy,
bad-smelling outer coat and a hard inner coat.
8Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair tree)
Female flowers (2 naked ovules on a peduncle)
2,500 years old Ginkgo Queen in China (photo Wei
Male flowers
9Ginkgo - sacred tree
- Confucianism
- a symbol of unity of opposites.
- symbol of eternity and longevity.
- bearer of hope.
- symbol of love.
- protector against fire.
Worshipped like a god in Japan
113. Coniferales
12Taxaceae/Taxus (yews)
- Trees or shrubs no resin canals.
- Leaves needle-like, persistent, alternate,
2-ranked. - Dioecious
- Male fl. in small cones.
- Female fl. solitary, naked ovules.
- Seeds with a fleshy outer layer (bright red) and
hard inner layer.
Taxus canadensis, Canada Yew
13Taxales/Taxaceae/Taxus (yews)
14Taxic Toxic Taxus spp.
The Scythians, a nomadic, warlike tribe tipped
their arrows and spears with extract of Yew tree.
Greek vase of 570 BC
15Poison Cure
Taxol one of the most efficient means against
- Shrubs trees with resin glands.
- Leaves variable either scale-like opposite, or
needle-like, in which case they are solitary or
whorled. - Monoecious or dioecious
- Male flowers in small cones.
- Female cones with a few flowers in Juniperus 3
carpels fuse completely in Thuja carpelar scales
- Trees (sometimes shrubs when young).
- Leaves scale-like, opposite and decussate.
- Monoecious.
- Female cones a few pairs of opposite scales.
- T. occidentalis (White cedar, arbor vitae).
- Distribution ON to NS
- Ecology calcareous, to swampy places.
- Trees or shrubs
- Leaves
- scale-like, opposite and decussate.
- needle-like whorled (3 per node).
- with both needle- and scale-like on the same
plant. - Dioecious.
- Female cones 3 carpels perfectly fused at
maturity, berry-like (but dont forget, this is
not a fruit!!!!!)
19Juniperus spp. with only needle-like leaves J.
communis (Common juniper)
20Juniperus spp. with both needle- and scale-like
leaves J. virginiana (Eastern red-cedar)
- Trees with pneumatophores.
- Leaves needle-like, soft, caducous.
- Female cones spherical
- E.g. T. distichum
- (Baldcypress)
- Giant trees
- Leaves needle-like, persistent.
- Female cones round carpel-scales peltate.
- E.g. S. sempervirens