Title: Power Generation Engineering And Services Company
1Power Generation Engineering And Services Company
Department of Civil Engineering Structural
Design Central Group
Modeling of Composite Steel Floors Using GT STRUDL
A Presentation Submitted to GT STRUDL Users
Group 24th Annual Meeting Training Seminar To
Address Application of GT STRUDL for Structural
Analysis of composite steel section
February, 2012
2Power Generation Engineering And Services Company
- PGESCo stands for (Power Generation Engineering
Services Company) - Established in 1994
- Located in Cairo, Egypt
- Focused on EPCM (Engineering, Procurement,
Construction and Management) - Produced more than 20,000MW
3Rendered View of a Combined Cycle Power Plant
CTG ( Combustion Turbine Generator)/ STG (Steam
turbine Generator)
4Structures in power plants where composite slabs
are used
- Steam Turbine Generator STG Building.
- Combustion Turbine Generator CTG Building.
- Control building.
- Electrical building.
- Circulating Water Electrical Building CWEB.
5Control building during construction
6Control building model using Gtstrudl
- Model include
- structural steel
- upper part and the
- concrete lower part
- (Walls and Slab)
- -Concrete slab
- is represented by big
- horizontal X brace to
- simulate rigid
- diaphragm action. The
- purpose of this study is
- how to model the slab
- as a diaphragm and a
- support for gravity
- loads.
7Models used to simulate Composite Steel Floor
1- Full model 2- Springs were used to replace
beams to control deflection 3- Plate
elements were deleted at corners only. 4-
Plate elements on the girders were deleted
to insure floor was not spanning between
girders. 5- Element has one direction 6-
Sequential analysis 7- Rigid element between
beam slab 8- Master Slave 9- Eccentricity
between the centerline of plate and steel
8Criteria for the normally used design model.
- Bending moments in the slab, approach
approximate values - obtained using continuous beam analysis results
(confirm one - way action),
- Bending moments in beams (confirm transverse
beams support - of the concrete slab)
- Bending moment in the Girders (Confirm Girders
support of the - transverse beams).
- Lateral deflection ( Confirm rigid diaphragm
action by the - concrete slab)
- The above 4 limits will be compared with a
MANUAL - calculation
- A simpler structure than the control building
will be used - for this case study.
9Simple structure
- Slab thickness 200mm
- Gravity Load 1.0 metric tons/m2 (200psf)
- Lateral Load 10.0 metric tons (22.0 kips)
- Hinged supports at column bases.
10Manual Calculation
Filler beam
11Manual Calculation
12Manual Calculation
- For steel filler beams-
- The steel (filler) beams behave
- simply supported on steel girders.
- Steel beam span (L) 10.0 meters.
- Beam uniform load (w) slab
- uniform load spacing
- 12 2.0 t/m
- Maximum bending moment
- (M)2102/8 25 m.t (180.8Kip.ft)
- Maximum deflection
- (?) 5(2(1000)4/(384210035088) 3.53
cm 35.3 mm (1.39in) - Reaction 210/210ton (22.04Kip)
13Manual Calculation
- For steel girders-
- The steel girders behave simply
- supported on steel columns.
- Steel beam span (L) 10.0 meters.
- Steel girder loads are the reaction of
- filler beams
- Maximum bending moment
- M0.6101060 m.t (433.9 kip.ft)
- Maximum deflection (?) (0.06310(1000)3/(210
056191) 5.34 cm 53.4 mm (2.1in) - Reaction410/220 ton (44.1 kip.ft)
141-Full model used
- 10m X 10m X 6m high structure.
- Braced in one direction frame
- action in the other.
- Columns W10X33, and vertical
- brace WT5X11
- Girder size of W24X55, and
- transverse beams size of W21X44
- Slab thickness 200mm supported by
- the steel filler beams.
- Gravity Load 1.0 metric tons/m2 (200psf)
- Lateral Load 10.0 metric tons (22.0 kips)
- Hinged supports at column bases.
151-Full model used
Bending in filler beams girders uniformly loaded
161-Full model used
- Bending in slab (Neg. mom. 0.0)
- One way action does NOT exist
171-Full model used
Displacement at joints in mm under Load 1 Seems
like slab is supporting the filler beams. Hand
Calculation shows filler beam max deflection
35.3 mm (1.39 in)
181-Full model used
- GT results are quite different from the results
obtained by the - manual calculation because of the combined
action of the slab - and the steel beams.
- Each of the upcoming trials has its own
perspective in choosing - the methodology to represent the composite
action of floor - beams.
- Each model presented a different set of problems
simulating - composite action.
- A comparison of the results will be made with
manual - calculation. The results will be evaluated to
understand the - reasons for differences of the results from
those of manual - calculations.
192-Springs used to control deflection
- Solve the beam manually for uniform load W
obtained by - multiplying the area uniform load by beam
spacing - Calculate the deflection _at_ 0.5m intervals(0.5m
X 0.5m - Plate elements)
- Multiply the uniform load by 0.5m to get
concentrated load - Divide the concentrated load by the deflection
- calculated manually at this point to get
202-Springs used to control deflection
- This stiffness used represents the steel beam.
- In the model the steel beams are replaced by the
calculated - spring constants.
- This model cannot be used simply because the
added springs generate vertical reactions that
are not transmitted to the columns which
generate lower reaction loads at the columns.
213-Delete plates at corners only
- Delete elements at the corners to prevent the
slab from being directly supported by the columns
223-Delete plates at corners only
- Bending moment
- in the steel beam
233-Delete plates at corners only
- Bending moment in the
- slab
244- Delete plate elements on the girders
- Delete the plate elements that rest on the
- girder to force the slab to
- transfer the load to the
- beams then to the girders
- then to the columns
254- Delete plate elements on the girders
- Bending moment
- in the steel beams
264- Delete plate elements on the girders
- Bending moment in the
- slab
274- Delete plate elements on the girders
285- Element has one direction of
- PSRR element type are used in modeling
- The problem that the PSRR elements do not
- permit the consideration of bending stiffness
- analysis nor the dynamic analysis
296-Sequential analysis
- A thought was discussed that the sequential
analysis will get GTS to differentiate between
the stage when the concrete is wet and the next
stage when the concrete hardens. - This approach was not what was thought to be and
hence, it was abandoned.
307- Rigid elements between beam and slab
- This modeling technique did not
- produce a good representation
- of the bending moment which
- can not be explained.
318- Use of Master and Slave Joints
- This also did not produce a good
- representation of the bending moment.
329- Eccentricity
- Eccentric between the steel member and
- the concrete plate elements
339- Eccentricity
- Weird Bending moment diagram which had no
349- Eccentricity
35Models used to simulate hand calc till now
1-Full model 2-Springs were used to replace beams
to control deflection 3-Plate elements were
deleted at corners only. 4-Plate elements on
the girders were deleted to insure floor was
not spanning between girders. 5- Element has
one direction 6- Sequential analysis 7- Rigid
element between beam slab 8- Master
Slave 9-Eccentricity between the centerline of
plate and steel beams.
36What to do next???
- None of the above modeling techniques produced a
good representation of the approximate manual
approach. So a combination of the above modeling
techniques will be tried to reach a reasonable
representation of the structure with some
modification - It was suggested to use a combination of the
eccentric modeling - approach together with the deleted elements at
the corners for - Easy to model applicable for every day work
- Actual representation of the differences between
the steel - beam CL and the concrete slab CL.
- The modification will be by varying one of the
following - parameters
- Thickness of the slab
- Young's Modules of the concrete slab
37 Variation in Thickness for the slab
38 Variation in Thickness for the slab
39 Variation in E for concrete
40 Variation in E for concrete
41 Variation in E for concrete
- Bending moment
- in the steel beam
- Case 0.25 E
42 Variation in E for concrete
- Bending moment
- in the slab
- Case 0.25 E
43 Variation in E for concrete
- Lateral difflection in Z
- direction
- (Braced Dir.)
44 Variation in E for concrete
- Lateral deflection in X
- direction
- (Moment frame dir.)
45Verification Other Software
Comparing results to those obtained by using
another software an other program with a
composite beam module built in
46Verification Other software
- Using the Eccentric model with the deleted shell
element at the corner with a reduction in the E
of the concrete slab, produces results in
agreement with the manual calculations. The
following table summarize these results.
48Questions and Discussion