Multiple Linear Regression - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Multiple Linear Regression


Nothing explains everything Multiple Linear Regression Laurens Holmes, Jr. Nemours/A.I.duPont Hospital for Children What is MLR? Multiple Regression is a statistical ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple Linear Regression
Nothing explains everything
  • Laurens Holmes, Jr.
  • Nemours/A.I.duPont Hospital for Children

What is MLR?
  • Multiple Regression is a statistical method for
    estimating the relationship between a dependent
    variable and two or more
  • independent (or predictor) variables.

Multiple Linear Regression
  • Simply, MLR is a method for studying the
    relationship between a dependent variable and two
    or more independent variables.
  • Purposes
  • Prediction
  • Explanation
  • Theory building

  • Uses the ordinary least squares solution (as does
    simple linear or bi-variable regression)
  • Describes a line for which the (sum of
  • squared) differences between the predicted and
    the actual values of the dependent variable are
    at a minimum.
  • Represents the function that minimizes the sum
    of the squared errors.
  • Ypred a b1X1 B2X2 BnXn

  • MLR produces a model that identifies the best
    weighted combination of independent variables to
    predict the dependent (or criterion) variable.
  • Ypred a b1X1 B2X2 BnXn
  • MLR estimates the relative importance of several
    hypothesized predictors.
  • MLR assess the contribution of the combined
    variables to change the dependent variable.

Design Requirements
  • One dependent variable (criterion)
  • Two or more independent variables (predictor or
    explanatory variables).
  • Sample size gt 50 (at least 10 times as many
    cases as independent variables)

Predictable variation by the combination of
independent variables
Total Variation in Y
Unpredictable Variation
MLR Model Basic Assumptions
  • Independence The data of any particular subject
    are independent of the data of all other subjects
  • Normality in the population, the data on the
    dependent variable are normally distributed for
    each of the possible combinations of the level of
    the X variables each of the variables is
    normally distributed
  • Homoscedasticity In the population, the
    variances of the dependent variable for each of
    the possible combinations of the levels of the X
    variables are equal.
  • Linearity In the population, the relation
    between the dependent variable and the
    independent variable is linear when all the other
    independent variables are held constant.

Simple vs. Multiple Regression
  • One dependent variable Y predicted from a set of
    independent variables (X1, X2 .Xk)
  • One regression coefficient for each independent
  • R2 proportion of variation in dependent variable
    Y predictable by set of independent variables
  • One dependent variable Y predicted from one
    independent variable X
  • One regression coefficient
  • r2 proportion of variation in dependent variable
    Y predictable from X

MLR Equation
  • Ypred a b1X1 B2X2 BnXn (predpredicted,
    1 and 2 are underscore)
  • Ypred dependent variable or the variable to be
  • predicted.
  • X the independent or predictor variables
  • a raw score equations include a constant or Y
  • Intercept ob Y axis, representing the value of Y
    when X 0.
  • b b weights or partial regression
  • The bs show the relative contribution of their
    independent variable on the dependent variable
    when controlling for the effects of the other

Variables in the model?
  • One approach is to perform literature review and
    examine theories to identify potential predictors
    , thus building a theoretical variate, which
    may reflect the biologic or clinical relevance of
    the variable.
  • This is sometimes referred to as the standard
    (simultaneous) regression method.
  • A second approach is to examine statistics that
    show the effects of each variable both within and
    out of
  • the equation.
  • The statistical variate is built based on those
  • showing the most effect (significant at 0.25).
  • These are sometimes called Forward and Backward
    Stepwise Regression

MLR Output
  • The following notions are essential for the
    understanding of MLR output R2, adjusted R2,
    constant, b coefficient, beta, F-test, t-test
  • For MLR R2 (the coefficient of multiple
    determination) is used rather than r (Pearsons
    correlation coefficient) to assess the strength
    of this more complex
  • relationship (as compared to a bivariate
  • correlation)

Adjusted R square and b coefficient
  • The adjusted R2 adjusts for the inflation in R2
    caused by the number of variables in the
    equation. As the sample size increases above 20
    cases per variable, adjustment is less needed
    (and vice versa).
  • b coefficient measures the amount of increase or
    decrease in the dependent variable for a one-unit
    difference in the independent variable,
    controlling for the other independent variable(s)
    in the equation.

B coefficient
  • Ideally, the independent variables are
  • Consequently, controlling for one of them will
    not affect the relationship between the other
    independent variable and the dependent variable

Intercorrelation or collinearlity
  • If the two independent variables are
    uncorrelated, we can uniquely partition the
    amount of variance in Y due to X1 and X2 and bias
    is avoided.
  • Small intercorrelations between the independent
    variables will not greatly biased the b
  • However, large intercorrelations will biased the
    b coefficients and for this reason other
    mathematical procedures are needed

MRL Model Building
  • Each predictor is taken in turn. That is, all
    other predictors are first placed in the equation
    and then the predictor of interest is entered.
  • This allows us to determine the unique
    (additional) contribution of the predictor
  • By repeating the procedure for each predictor we
    can determine the unique contribution of each
    independent variable.

Different Ways of Building Regression Models
  • Simultaneous all independent variables entered
  • Stepwise independent variables entered according
    to some order
  • By size or correlation with dependent variable
  • In order of significance
  • Hierarchical independent variables entered in

Various Significance Tests
  • Testing R2
  • Test R2 through an F test
  • Test of competing models (difference between R2)
    through an F test of difference of R2s
  • Testing b
  • Test of each partial regression coefficient (b)
    by t-tests
  • Comparison of partial regression coefficients
    with each other - t-test of difference between
    standardized partial regression coefficients (?)

F and t tests
  • The F-test is used as a general indicator of the
    probability that any of the predictor variables
    contribute to the variance in the dependent
    variable within the population.
  • The null hypothesis is that the predictors
    weights are all effectively equal to zero.
  • Implying that, none of the predictors contribute
    to the variance in the dependent variable in the

F and t tests
  • t-tests are used to test the significance of each
    predictor in the equation.
  • The null hypothesis is that a predictors weight
    is effectively equal to zero when the effects of
    the other predictors are taken into account.
  • That is, it does not contribute to the variance
    in the dependent variable within the population.

R Square
  • When comparing the R2 of an original set of
    variables to the R2 after additional variables
    have been included, the researcher is able to
    identify the unique variation explained by the
    additional set of variables.
  • Any co-variation between the original set of
    variables and the new variables will be
    attributed to the original variables.
  • R2 (multiple correlation squared) variation in
    Y accounted for by the set of predictors
  • Adjusted R2 sample variation around R2 can only
    lead to inflation of the value.
  • The adjustment takes into account the size of the
    sample and number of predictors to adjust the
    value to be a better estimate of the population
  • R2 is similar to ?2 value but will be a little
    smaller because R2 only looks at linear
    relationship while ?2 will account for non-linear

  • Suppose we wish to examine the factors that
    predict the length of hospitalization following
    spinal surgery in children with CP(dependent
    continuous variable).
  • The available variables in the dataset are
    hematocrit, estimated blood loss, cell saver,
    operating time, age at surgery, and parked red
    blood cells.
  • If the dependent and independent variables are
    measured on continuous scale, what will be an
    appropriate test statistic?
  • Select appropriate variables (theory based and
    statistical approach), and determine the effect
    of estimated blood loss while controlling
    hematocrit and parked red blood cell, age at
    surgery, cell saver, operating time (duration of

SPSS 1) analyze, 2) regression, 3) linear
(No Transcript)
SPSS Screen
SPSS Output
Interpret the coefficients
SPSS Output
Interpret the r square
What does the ANOVA result mean?
Repeated Measure Analysis of Variance (RM ANOVA)
RM removes variability in baseline prognostic
factor ideal model !!!
  • Univariable (Univariate)

Repeated Measures ANOVA
  • Between Subjects Design
  • ANOVA in which each participant participated in
    one of the three treatment groups for example.
  • Within Subjects or Repeated Measures Design
  • Participants participate in one treatment and the
    outcome of the treatment is measured in different
    time points for example 3, (before treatment,
    immediately after, and 6 months after treatment)

RM ANOVA Vs. Paired T test
  • Repeated measures ANOVA, also known as
    within-subjects ANOVA, are an extension of Paired
  • Like T-Tests, repeated measures ANOVA gives us
    the statistic tools to determine whether or not
    changed has occurred over time.
  • T-Tests compare average scores at two different
    time periods for a single group of subjects.
  • Repeated measures ANOVA compared the average
    score at multiple time periods for a single group
    of subjects.

RM ANOVA Understanding the terms analysis
  • The first step in solving repeated measures ANOVA
    is to combine the data from the multiple time
    periods into a single time factor for analysis.
  • The different time periods are analogous to the
    categories of the independent variable is a
    one-way analysis of variance.
  • The time factor is then tested to see if the mean
    for the dependent variable is different for some
    categories of the time factor.
  • If the time factor is statistically significant
    in the ANOVA test, then Bonferroni pair wise
    comparisons are computed to identify specific
    differences between time periods.

RM ANOVA Understanding the terms analysis
  • The dependent variable is measured at three time
    periods, there are three paired comparisons
  • time 1 versus time 2 (preoperative or before
    treatment measure)
  • time 2 versus time 3 (immediate after
    surgery/treatment measure)
  • time 1 versus time 3 (Follow-up post operative

Statistical Assumptions of RM ANOVA
  • Independence
  • Normality
  • Homogeneity of within-treatment variances
  • Sphericity

RM is ideal in testing the hypothesis on
treatment effectiveness when ethical constraints
restricts the use of control subjects
Homogeneity of Variance
  • In one-way ANOVA, we expect the variances to be
  • We also expect that the samples are not related
    to one another (so no covariance or correlation)

Sphericity and Compound Symmetry
  • Extension of homogeneity of variance assumption
  • Compound Symmetry is stricter than Sphericity
    (but maybe easier to explain)
  • All variances are equal to each other
  • All covariance are equal to each other

Sphericity and Compound Symmetry
  • If we meet assumption of Compound Symmetry than
    we meet assumption of Sphericity
  • Sphericity is less strict and is the only thing
    we need to meet for RM ANOVA
  • Sphericity is that the variance of the
    differences are equal
  • Variance of difference scores between time 1 and
    2 is equal to the variance of difference scores
    between time 2 and 3.

Spericity Assumption Violations
  • A more conservative method of evaluating the
    significance of the obtained F is needed
  • Greenhouse-Geisser (1958) correction
  • Gives appropriate critical value for worst
    situation in which assumptions are maximally
  • Huynh-Feldt correction
  • The Huynh-Feldt epsilon is an attempt to correct
    the Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon, which tends to be
    overly conservative, especially for small sample

Sample Table for RM ANOVA
  • All participants participate in all treatment
    conditions, ex. surgery for spinal deformity
  • Participant emerges as an independent source of
  • In RM ANOVA there is no such variability.
  • The other sources of variance include the
    repeated measures treatment and the Participant
    x treatment interaction

RM ANOVA Equation
  • Suppose a spinal fusion was performed to correct
    spinal deformities in Adolescent Idiopathic
    Scoliosis (AIS). If the main cobb angle was
    measured preoperatively, immediately after
    surgery (first erect), and during two years of
    follow-up, was the surgical procedure effective
    in correcting the curve deformity and maintaining
    correction after two years of follow-up?
  • Hint correction loss gt 10 degrees in indicative
    of a clinically significant loss of correction.

Sample variables on preoperative, immediate
operative and 2 year follow-up
Normality assumption of the variables on the
three measuring points of the cobb angle.
  • On SPSS, select
  • Analyze
  • GLM
  • RM

SPSS Output
From the variables box select accordingly 1, 2,
and 3rd measurement points during the study
Click the option box and select descriptive, and
Bon multiple comparison.
Observe the time means and their SD
Observe the sphericity significance in terms of
SPSS Output
Report the Greenhouse-Geisser result
SPSS Output
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