The Trial of Victor Frankenstein - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Trial of Victor Frankenstein


The Trial of Victor Frankenstein Prologue Arctic Region, early December, last year International Territory Polar ice-caps melting Research vessels to investigate ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Trial of Victor Frankenstein

The Trial of Victor Frankenstein
Arctic Region, early December, last year
International Territory
  • Polar ice-caps melting
  • Research vessels to investigate viability of
    Northwest Passage
  • U.S. Icebreaker Healy enters Arctic circle

Arctic Region, mid December, last
yearInternational Territory
  • U.S. Healy meets ship carrying European
    researchers in North Sea, above Arctic Circle.
  • Both vessels proceed toward North Pole
  • Ships follow route laid by Capt. Robert Walton
    in 1797

Arctic Region, late December, last
yearInternational Territory
  • Travel is slower than expected

Arctic Region, late December, last
yearInternational Territory
Many strange and wondrous sights
Arctic Region, late December, last
yearInternational Territory
  • Indigenous people have constructed shrines to
  • Man of the Ice
  • Origin of Man of the Ice story unknown- fact?
    new religion? myth?

Arctic Region, end of December, last
yearInternational Territory
  • Ice impenetrable
  • Ships frozen
  • No Northwest Passage exists
  • Researchers follow overland route to find help

Arctic Region, end of December, last
yearInternational Territory
  • Three days after leaving ship, sled-dogs
  • No Polar Bears in sight, no prints in snow
  • Remains left uneaten
  • Local Guides afraid Man of the Ice was

Arctic Region, Early January, last
yearInternational Territory
  • Local guides abandon journey, leave researchers
    alone on ice
  • Snow-blind, hungry, wandering aimlessly

Arctic Region, Early January, last
yearInternational Territory
  • Researchers wander toward mirage
  • Discover Large Blocks of Ice
  • Not a natural occurrence

Arctic Region, Early January, last
yearInternational Territory
  • Researchers find House of Ice

Arctic Region, Early January, last
yearInternational Territory
Inside, house is empty, but recently inhabited
Arctic Region, Early January, last
yearInternational Territory
  • Inside, researchers find sleeping quarters with
    an Ice-Bed and fur blankets

Arctic Region, Early January, last
yearInternational Territory
  • Also inside, an Ice Sanctuary
  • Inside the Sanctuary, encased in a block of ice,
    a human body
  • The frozen human clutches a Journal in his hands

Arctic Region, Early January, last
yearInternational Territory
  • Three days later, research vessels break free
    from ice
  • Guided by an unknown light in the darkness,
    research vessels reach the House of Ice
  • Origin of guide-light unknown

Arctic Region, Early January, last
yearInternational Territory
Footprints of large human found near source of
Guide-Light Footprints vanish into distant ice
fields Man-of-the-Ice never found
Arctic Region, Mid January, last
yearInternational Territory
  • Human frozen in block of ice is brought aboard
    vessel thawed
  • Using techniques in Journal, researchers able to
    re-animate human
  • The person is Victor Frankenstein
  • Victor tells his story to shocked researchers

The Trial
Present DayRonald Reagan Federal BuildingU.S.
District Court, Santa Ana, CA
  • U.S. Attorney, in conjunction with Interpol, file
    joint criminal suit against Victor Frankenstein
  • Alleged crimes
  • 1) Crimes Against God Humanity
  • 2) Murder (Vicarious Liability)

Present DayU.S. District Court, Santa Ana, CA
  • Crimes Against God Humanity
  • The reproduction and creation of human beings is
    recognized as a sacred process in the Miracle of
    Life, and is best left unaltered by humankind,
  • the artificial creation of humans in a laboratory
    setting is prohibited
  • This statute was adopted globally and
    retroactively by all member countries of the
    United Nations. It is known as The Prometheus

Present DayU.S. District Court, Santa Ana, CA
  • Murder (Vicarious Liability)
  • The Intentional or Negligent Killing of another
  • It is alleged that Victor Frankenstein acted
    negligently, with gross disregard for
    consequences, and is vicariously liable (should
    share responsibility) for the deaths of the
    following persons
  • William Frankenstein a minor
  • Justine Moritz an employee of the Frankenstein
  • Henry Clerval a friend and acquaintance
  • Elizabeth Lavenza-Frankenstein Defendants

Present DayRonald Reagan Federal BuildingU.S.
District Court, Santa Ana, CA
  • Prosecution
  • The U.S. Attorney is eager to prosecute and make
    an example of Victor in this landmark case, in
    order to deter others who might follow Victors
  • Note The U.S. Attorney has dubbed this case
  • The Prometheus File

Present DayRonald Reagan Federal BuildingU.S.
District Court, Santa Ana, CA
  • Defense
  • His family fortunes long since depleted, Victor
    Frankenstein has asked the Court to appoint an
    attorney for his defense.
  • Victor now maintains that he is a champion of
    humanity, a leader in the quest for knowledge,
    and that a conscientious third- party committed
    the murders of his own volition.

Present DayRonald Reagan Federal BuildingU.S.
District Court, Santa Ana, CA
  • To conduct a fair and speedy trial, the U.S.
    Attorney and the United States District Court now
    request the assistance of this classroom for
    Prosecution and Defense.
  • There are three phases of involvement
  • I. Pre-Trial
  • II. Trial
  • III. Jury Deliberation
  • (note participation in Trial Phase is
    contingent upon completion of all Pre-Trial

Present DayRonald Reagan Federal BuildingU.S.
District Court, Santa Ana, CA
  • I. Pre-Trial Phase
  • 1. Discovery gather evidence for use in trial
  • 2. Pre-Trial Brief short statement of support
    for either prosecution or defense.
  • 3. Argument Formal written argument for use in

Present DayRonald Reagan Federal BuildingU.S.
District Court, Santa Ana, CA
  • I. Pre-Trial Phase
  • Discovery all students will gather evidence for
    both prosecution and defense for both counts
    alleged against Victor Frankenstein.
  • -all evidence must be found in novel itself or
    from assigned class work.
  • -you must gather evidence for both Prosecution
    and Defense, in order to anticipate your
    opponents best argument!

Present DayRonald Reagan Federal BuildingU.S.
District Court, Santa Ana, CA
  • I. Pre-Trial Phase
  • Pre-Trial Brief the Pre-Trial Brief is a short
    written statement, no longer than ½ page, stating
    whether you support either the Prosecution or the
    Defense, based upon the evidence.

Present DayRonald Reagan Federal BuildingU.S.
District Court, Santa Ana, CA
  • I. Pre-Trial Phase
  • Argument the Argument is a persuasive essay,
    two page minimum, stating your major points,
    supported by evidence, concluding that Victor
    Frankenstein should be found either
  • -Guilty of crimes alleged, or,
  • -Innocent and acquitted of accusations against
  • him.
  • Note it is crucial that facts be interpreted
    creatively for a convincing argument!
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