Title: Single Event Latchup (SEL)
1Single Event Latchup(SEL)
Single Event Latchup (SEL) is a potentially
destructive condition involving parasitic circuit
elements forming a silicon controlled rectifier
(SCR). In traditional SEL, the device current
may destroy the device if not current limited and
removed "in time." A "microlatch" is a subset of
SEL where the device current remains below the
maximum specified for the device. A removal of
power to the device is required in all
non-catastrophic SEL conditions in order to
recover device operations.
3Latchup Basics
From Harris
4Latchup BasicsEquivalent Circuit
5EPI Layer, Latchup, and Ion Range
6SEL - QL3025 0.35 ?m
BNL 02/98 S/N QL1 Run T2 VBIAS 5.0V,
3.3V Titanium _at_ 0 Deg LET 18.8 MeV-cm2/mg
7Chip Express Latchup Comparison
8SELTH Variability
S/N Lot No. D/C Threshold X-Sec Prolonged Latchup
Allowed? A1 U1P126 9646 52.9 1.5E-06 no A4 U1P0
61 9402 52.9 4.50E-06 no B1 U1P054 9851 52.9 3.4
E-07 no B2 U1P054 9851 43.2 2.0E-06 no B3 U1P0
54 9851 52.9 3.0E-06 yes B4 U1P054 9851 52.9 1.5
E-06 yes B5 U1P054 9851 gt 74.7 no
latchup - B6 U1P054 9851 gt 74.7 no
latchup - C1 U1P054 9844 52.9 3.0E-06 no C2 U1
P054 9844 43.2 no data _at_75 yes C3 U1P054 9844 74
.7 no data _at_75 no D1 U1P126 9704 43.2 6.7E-06 n
o D2 U1P126 9704 43.2 9.4E-06 no D3 U1P126 9704
43.2 no data _at_75 yes D4 U1P126 9704 lt 37.4 no
data _at_75 yes D5 U1P126 9704 lt 43.2 no data
_at_75 yes
SEL Summary for A1020B. A large set of parts
from multiple lots were tested, showing a wide
range of SEL LETTH and latchup currents. Some
latchups were destructive with either higher ICC
or functional failure.
9Distribution of Peak Latchup Currents for the
A1020B (MEC)
10Single Event LatchupIon Energy Dependence
11Latchup Summary
Device Type Pre-prod. RH1020 QL24X32B RT54SX16/3
2 A54SX32A QYH530 CX2041 CX3001 A54SX16 QL3025
Size/Voltage (nominal core) 1.0 ?m / 5.0 0.65 ?m
/ 5.0 0.8 ?m / 3.3 0.25 ?m / 2.5 0.8 ?m / 5.0 0.6
?m / 2.5 0.35 ?m / 3.3 0.35 ?m / 3.3 0.35 ?m /
3.3 0.35 ?m / 3.3
Comments Destructive One-Mask LPGA Destructi
Threshold (MeV-cm2/mg) gt 74 lt 18 gt 120 High
52 gt 37 Low gt 74 lt 11 gt 100
12Single Event Latchup
13Ex. SEL Detection and Clearing
Note that FPGA have high I/O count with diodes to
VCC and GND in most cases.
14SEL Test Results
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