Title: Boundary-element methods in biological science and engineering
1Boundary-element methods in biological science
and engineering
- Jaydeep P. Bardhan
- Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Northeastern University, Boston MA
2Four Points For Today
- Cellular and molecular biomedical problems also
need efficient simulation methods. - Fast BEM solvers represent an appealing approach
even at the molecular scale! - Challenge Persuading community to abandon
beloved ad hoc fast methods for systematic ones. - Strategy Systematic methods are more flexible as
we add new physics and address inverse problems.
3Point 1 Efficient solvers are needed not only
for macroscopic biomedical problems
10-5 m
100 m
10-1 m
10-9 m
10-2 m
Human body
Organs/ tissues
Human cells
Electrocardiography (ECG)
Tumor growth
Lowengrub et al. 09
4 but for microscopic ones as well!
10-5 m
100 m
10-1 m
10-9 m
10-2 m
Human body
Organs/ tissues
Human cells
Quantum mechanics
Biomolecule electrostatics and hydrodynamics
- Drug binding
- Protein folding
- Cell physiology
- Molecular design
5A central molecular-scale modeling problem water.
- Biology uses water to control molecular binding,
protein folding, etc. Binding example is simple
6Basic Continuum Electrostatic Theory
- 100-1000 times faster than MD
- Protein model
- Shape union of spheres (atoms)
- Point charges at atom centers
- Not very polarizable ? 2-4
- Water model no fixed charges
- Single water sphere of radius 1.4 Angstrom
- Highly polarizable ? 80
- In total mixed-dielectric Poisson
Linearized Poisson- Boltzmann equation
7A Boundary Integral Method For the Poisson
Biomolecule Problem
- Boundary conditions handled exactly
- Point charges are treated exactly
- Meshing emphasis can be placed directly on the
8Fast BEM Solvers are Essential
- Solve Axb approximately using Krylov-subspace
iterative methods such as GMRES -
- Compute dense matrix-vector product using O(N)
method (fast multipole tree code precorrected
FFT FFTSVD) - Improve iterative convergence with
preconditioning - For many problems, use diagonal entries!
Replace quadratic memory and cubic time
requirements with LINEAR requirements!
9Application-Specific Challenges
- Continuum-solvent dynamics
- Replace water molecules with dielectric
- Calculate forces at each time step and integrate
- Continuum post-processing of molecular dynamics
- Sample structures from explicit-water MD
- Compute average continuum energy from samples
- Electrostatic component analysis
- Compute each atoms interaction with every other
- Useful in drug design and protein engineering!
10Communitys Solution Fast Ad Hoc Models
- Up to 100X faster than solving Poisson
- Define effective (nonphysical) parameters
- Plug in to ad hoc (nonphysical) formula
11Generalized Born theory
- Can give blatantly unphysical results
- exhibits incorrect dependence on dielectric
constants - needs all manner of handwaving justifications
for improvements - is VERY, VERY popular.
12BIBEE A New, Rigorous Model of Continuum
Electrostatics for Proteins
Boundary Integral Based Electrostatics
- Idea Use preconditioner to approximate inverse
- No need to compute sparsified operator (saves
time and memory) - No need for Krylov solve
- Test of elementary charges in a 20-Angstrom
13BIBEE Introducing Different Variants
- The preconditioning approximation takes into
account the singular character of the
electric-field kernel - The Coulomb-field approximation ignores the
operator entirely
14BIBEE Natural, Rigorous Generalized Born
BIBEE approx. charge includes all contributions
Effective Born radius - the radius of a sphere
with the same solvation energy
Coulomb-field approximation corresponds exactly
to ignoring the integral operator.
Still equation the basis of totally nonphysical
Generalized Born (GB) models
Same approach taken by Borgis et al. in
variational CFA
15Complementary Regimes of Accuracy
- Small molecules reaction potential matrix and
eigendecomposition (not the integral operator) - Top right the electric fields induced by several
eigenvectors of L, at the dielectric boundary - Charge distributions that generate uniform
displacement fields are like low-order
multipoles CFA does well here and P does poorly - Small eigenvalues are associated with charge
distributions that generate rapidly varying
displacement fields these are approximated well
by P, not CFA
16Goal Make Fast Models More Rigorous
- Many advantages for chemists/biophysicists
- Enables systematic model improvement
- Prove approximation properties
- Leverage existing fast, scalable algorithms
- Can add better physics as we learn them
- Natural coupling to inverse problems
17We really want to approximate the dominant modes
of the integral operator.
- The integral operator has to be split into two
terms - BIBEE approximates Es eigenvalues
- P uses 0 (limit for sphere, prolate spheroid)
- CFA uses -1/2 (known extremal)
Sphere analytical
- Eigenvalues are real
- ? in -1/2,1/2)
- -1/2 is always an EV
- Left, right eigenvectors of -1/2 are constants
18Mathematical Rigor Enables Systematic
Snapshots from MD
BIBEE fluctuations track actual ones very closely
possible applications in uncertainty
Mean absolute error 4 !
- This effective parameter is expected to be
rigorously determined by approximating protein as
ellipsoid (OnufrievSigalov, 06)
BardhanKnepley, J. Chem. Phys. (in press)
19Goal Make Fast Models More Rigorous
- Many advantages for chemists/biophysicists
- Enables systematic model improvement
- Prove approximation properties
- Leverage existing fast, scalable algorithms
- Can add better physics as we learn them
- Natural coupling to inverse problems
20BIBEE/CFA Energy Is a Provable Upper Bound
- BIBEE/P is an effective lower bound, provable in
some cases but not all - Another variant (BIBEE/LB) is a provable LB but
too loose to be useful
Bardhan, Knepley, Anitescu (2009)
21The Reaction-Potential Matrix
- A weighted combination of charge distributions in
the solute molecule produces a weighted
combination of the individual responses - The canonical basis is the natural, atom-based
point of view - We can also use the eigenvector basis for
analysis! - In comparing models we dont just have to use the
total electrostatic solvation free energy
22Reaction-Potential Operator Eigenvectors Have
Physical Meaning
- Eigenvectors from distinct eigenvalues are
orthogonal - Eigenvectors correspond to charge distributions
that do not interact via solvent polarization
(this confuses chemists) - If an approximate method generates a solvation
matrix , its eigenvectors should line up
well with the actual eigenvectors, i.e.
i j
23BIBEE in Separable Geometries
- For half-spaces, spheres, ellipsoids, BIBEE
exactly reproduces actual eigenvectors. - Proof for spheres, ellipsoids use appropriate
harmonics - Question for future What about near separable
Bardhan and Knepley, 2011
24BIBEE Is An Accurate, Parameter-Free Model
Snapshots from MD
BIBEEs stronger diagonal appearance indicates
superior reproduction of the eigenvectors of the
All models look essentially the same here.
25Goal Make Fast Models More Rigorous
- Many advantages for chemists/biophysicists
- Enables systematic model improvement
- Prove approximation properties
- Leverage existing fast, scalable algorithms
- Can add better physics as we learn them
- Natural coupling to inverse problems
26Pre-corrected FFT Algorithm
- Potential calculation is a convolution.
- Convolutions are cheap in frequency space
- Greens function independent! (Laplace,
Helmholtz, Stokes, etc.)
- Project charges to grid
- Point-wise multiplication in frequency space
- Interpolate grid potentials
- Pre-correct so that local interactions are
Phillips and White (1997)
27Higher-order Protein BEM
A geometry representative of a protein
The barnase-barstar protein complex
Bardhan Altman et al., 2007 Altman Bardhan,
White, Tidor 2009
28Develop scalable protein simulations with leaders
in parallel computing FMM
- 760-node GPU cluster Degima
Parallel GPU FMM code
Cost of cluster US 420,000 Sustained 34.6
Tflops Performance/price 80 Mflops/
Application to proteins with PetFMM code
of Yokota, Cruz, Barba, Knepley, Hamada
29Scalable algorithms enable bigger science
Lysozyme 2K atom charges, 15K surface charges
1000 lysozyme molecules model of a concentrated
protein solution
- How do proteins work in the crowded environment
of the cell?
Yokota, Bardhan, et al. 2009
30Goal Make Fast Models More Rigorous
- Many advantages for chemists/biophysicists
- Enables systematic model improvement
- Prove approximation properties
- Leverage existing fast, scalable algorithms
- Can add better physics as we learn them
- Natural coupling to inverse problems
31We are still adding physics to our models.
Classical modeling one can assume the model is
All simulate same thing!
Circuit simulation Maxwell equations Solid
mechanics elasticity Airplane simulation
Bio-modeling All models are wrong, some are
Diverse set of flawed models. To avoid flaws,
use expert insight. New models are always
evolving! We have to connect multiple models
(uncertainty quantification).
These are just the models associated with the
molecular scale!!
--George Box
32Adding physics to the continuum model using
nonlocal dielectric theory
- KNOWN weaknesses of Poisson model
- Linear response assumption
- Caveat Nonlinear dielectrics ARE important for
some molecules! - Violates continuum-length-scale assumption
- Water molecules have finite size
- Water molecules form semi-structured networks
Test with all-atom molecular dynamics
Relatively small deviation!
yx denotes exactly linear response
Nina, Beglov, Roux 97
33Nonlocal Continuum ElectrostaticsLorentzian
Model and Promising Tests
- Nonlocal response
- Now
- Integrodifferential Poisson equation
Single parameter fit for ? gives much better
agreement with experiment!!
A. Hildebrandt et al. 2004
34Nonlocal Continuum ElectrostaticsReformulation
for Fast Simulations
- Integrodifferential equations in complex
geometries? - Result No progress on nonlocal model for DECADES
- Spherical ions, charges near planar half-spaces
nothing else. - Breakthrough in 2004 (Hildebrandt et al.)
- Define an auxiliary field the displacement
potential - Approximate the nonlocal boundary condition
- Double reciprocity leads to a boundary-integral
35Nonlocal Continuum Electrostatics Purely BIE
- Three surface variables, two types of Greens
functions, and a mixed first-second kind problem - The derivation uses double reciprocity theory,
which can be applied to nonlinear problems as
well! - Have derived exact solution for charges in a
Hildebrandt et al. 2005, 2007
36Just as fast, but now with better physics!
- Unoptimized code still allows a laptop to solve
10X larger problems than is possible on a cluster
with dense methods - Current work comparing to molecular dynamics
Bardhan and Hildebrandt, DAC 11
37Nonlocal Continuum Electrostatics Charge Burial
and the pKa Problem
- Understanding charge burial energetics is
important! - For protein folding, misfolding (Alzheimers),
etc. - For two molecules binding (drug-protein,
protein-protein, etc.) - For change in environment (pH, temperature,
concentration, etc.)
Ion or charged chemical group, alone in water
Ion or charged chemical group, buried in protein
DemchukWade, 1996
38Nonlocal Continuum Electrostatics Charge Burial
and the pKa Problem
- Nonlocal theory with realistic dielectric
constant predicts similar energies as (widely
successful) local theories with unrealistic
dielectric constants!
Bardhan, J. Chem. Phys. (in press)
39A Common Framework for Multiple Models
BIBEE provides a unifying, scalable approach to
testing and extending new physics.
GB-like fast nonlocal approximate model
Improved GB models
Fast GB-like nonlinear approximations
Explain Coulomb-field approx.
Full nonlinear PB via boundary-integrals
Coupling to fast, scalable algorithms
Advanced PB models (Bikerman, etc.)
Dynamics hybrid explicit/implicit, and fully
Popular quantum methods couple to exactly our
Poisson problem (polarizable continuum model)
40Goal Make Fast Models More Rigorous
- Many advantages for chemists/biophysicists
- Enables systematic model improvement
- Prove approximation properties
- Leverage existing fast, scalable algorithms
- Can add better physics as we learn them
- Natural coupling to inverse problems
41The Value of Systematic Approximations in Inverse
Problems Biomolecule Design
- The electrostatic contribution to binding is
- A total of three simulations is needed.
42Electrostatic Optimization of BiomoleculesApplic
ations in Analysis and Design
- E. coli chorismate mutase inhibitors
- Analyzed by Kangas and Tidor
- Suggested substitution experimentally verified
result is the tightest-binding inhibitor yet
known - Barnase/barstar protein complex
- Tight-binding complex
- Optimal charge distribution closely matches
wild-type charge distribution
43Challenge Optimization is SLOW.
10 min/simulation 2000 simulations
(protein) 2 CPU weeks!!
44A Novel Method The Reverse-Schur Approach
- For these PDE constraints, we really only need to
solve multiple systems simultaneously - The unconstrained problem is therefore
- Constraints can be handled using standard methods
(Lagrange multipliers, etc.)
45New Approach is Dozens to Hundreds of Times
Faster, but Formally Exact
Method scales comparably with normal
PDE-constrained approaches
Formally exact calculation
10 min/simulation 20 min/optimization (no
matter how many charges!)
Bardhan et al., 2004 Bardhan et al., 2005
Bardhan et al., 2007 Bardhan et al., 2009
46BIBEE as Inverse Problem Regularizer
- Regularization can be performed using
approximate penalty functions - No linear solve Accurate but 10-20X faster than
simulation!! - BIBEE/P captures small eigenvalues very
accurately ? identify number of directions to
47Application Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 and
PDE-constrained optimization is almost 200 times
faster for this small molecule
Anderson, et al. 2003 (not exactly the optimized
Bardhan et al., J. Chem. Theory Comput. (2009)
48Summary Pushing On All Dimensions
2. Add Realism But Preserve Speed
1. Fast, Scalable Numerical Methods
3. Solve Inverse Problems in Design
4. Unify Theories For New Science
49Four Points For Today
- Cellular and molecular biomedical problems also
need efficient simulation methods. - Fast BEM solvers represent an appealing approach
even at the molecular scale! - Challenge Persuading community to abandon
beloved ad hoc fast methods for systematic ones. - Strategy Systematic methods are more flexible as
we add new physics and address inverse problems.
50Collaborators and Acknowledgments
- Fast methods Michael Altman (Merck), Matt
Knepley (U. Chicago), Rio Yokota (King Abdullah
University of Science and Technology), Lorena
Barba (Boston U.), Tsuyoshi Hamada (Nagasaki U.) - Nonlocal continuum theory Andreas Hildebrandt
(Johannes Gutenberg U., Mainz), Peter Brune,
David Green (SUNY Stony Brook) - Fast optimization Michael Altman, Bruce Tidor
(MIT), Jacob White (MIT), Jung Hoon Lee (Merck),
Sven Leyffer (Argonne) , Steve Benson (Argonne),
David Green, Mala Radhakrishnan (Wellesley) - Approximation method Matt Knepley, Mihai
Anitescu (Argonne), Mala Radhakrishnan - Support from
- Department of Energy (DOE) Computational Science
Graduate Fellowship (CSGF) - Wilkinson Fellowship in Math and Computer Science
Division of Argonne National Lab - NIH Technology Development (EUREKA)
- Rush New Investigator Award