Title: Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata SPICE Macro Model
1Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata SPICE Macro Model
Electrical and Computer Engr. Department
Rui Tang, Fengming Zhang, Yong-Bin Kim
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,
Northeastern University
- Why QCA
- CMOS technology has reached physical limits
- Technology Goal
- The cell size of QCA is about
- several nanometers _at_ room temperature
- Alternative Nano technology
- Quantum Cellular Automata (QCA)
- New method of information transformation
- Why SPICE Model
- CAD tools are essential for real application
- QCADesigner is a good bottom-up design
QCA Cell and Two-Junction Realization
Majority Voter (MV) FABACBC
device cell
- 4 dots and 2 electrons
- Electrons tend to occupy antipodal dots
- (a) shows two-junction realization of the
quantum cellular automata - (b) shows a schematic diagram of the half-QCA
- AND/OR functions obtained by setting one input of
MV to - 0 for AND
- 1 for OR
The Schematic and Function of One-bit QCA
Graph Representation of QCA SPICE Model
- The electrostatic energy to move an electron from
one island i to another island j is given by - In a simple case, there is only one extra
electron in one pair of quantum dots. - Therefore, only two states of the transition
exist, one state is the extra electron trapped in
island i and the other state is island j holding
the extra electron. Therefore, the following
expression can be obtained - The tunnel rate is formulated based on the
orthodox theory and given by - The changes in energy when an electron tunnels
from node i to j or an electron tunnels from node
j to i are - Once we know the tunnel rate, we can deduce the
probabilities of the different states in the QCA
- Cin is the capacitance between the QCA cells
- Ci is the capacitance between the two pairs of
QCA dots - RT1 is the junction resistor
Simulation Results
The Traditional CMOS Circuits Design Process and
the Proposed QCA Circuits Design Flow
Truth Table of Full Adder
a b c Sum Cout
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 0
1 1 0 0 1
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
Conclusions and Future Research
Future Researches
- SPICE model for QCA cell is proposed
- Based on the orthodox theory and single electron
tunneling - First effort to develop SPICE macro modeling of
QCA cells - Based on experimental demonstrations of QCA cells
- The functions of full-adder and majority voter
are verified in SPICE
- Develop QCA Synthesis Methodology
- Timing Characterization Across QCA Modules
- Cell Placement/Routing for Room
- Temperature Operation
- Pipeline Design for High Performance